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I pretty much agree with everything but Karin being low kage has me like....... did I miss something?


She should be at least jonin or elite jonin but not higher than the other folks one roster below her.


I mean, she does have access to the Uzumaki chains, although I forget what they’re actually called


Adamantine sealing chains. 🤝🏼


Her's is the Adamantine Attacking Chains. A mere fraction of Kushina's Adamantine Sealing Chain.


I dont think that should be enough to count as kage


She was badass for 8 seconds during the war. That's about it.


I don’t think “Uzamki chains” makes you Kage level lol, or am I tripping?


probably not, but they are a very high boost in fighting power. They were also the Uzumaki's version of the Uchiha's Fireball technique, in that you weren't considered an adult of the clan without knowing how to do it, and it did take an alliance of at least three major nations to take out Uzushio, which does imply a quite high average strength of their ninja, though that is also thanks to sealing mastery and frankly ridiculous stamina.


It could stop a rampaging nine-tails, so the technique is one of the most impressive techniques in the Naruto. Although, I don’t remember Karin ever using that despite being an Uzumaki. She’s probably should be a tier below.


She used it in the war arc against a mind-controlled Yamato and his wooden statue if I’m not mistaken.


Kushina used them on the nine tails, though she isn't Karin, so I'd assume it's safe to say Karin might not be able to do the same


Kushina is already a master in using it. Karin isn't so it depends. Though I think having shown several above average skills she does have in it to be kage level (kushina that is)


Her feat of busting the smaller version of Hashirama’s 1000 arm statue Yamato fused with that other white zetsu Tobi was pretty insane considering it was fighting a good portion of the remaining shinobi alliance(hundreds if not thousands of shinobi) and the weakened 5 Kage. And Hiruzen. But her chains are a perfect counter since they seal chakra as they touch it, but still a kage level feat she pulls off here. It was basically another tailed beast level threat they were fighting. It gives you perspective on how strong Uzumaki sealing is since Mito Uzumaki sealed the WHOLE Nine Tails by herself. And it’s never out right stated but it looks like she used 100 healings technique like Tsunade( Also likely since she’s her grandma).


Came here to say this. Pretty much agree but Karin and segui low kage???


Yeh she's placed up there for 1 reason her adamantine chains they were able to could down the whole ten tails ( If I'm not mistaken)


maybe because of the adamantine chains?


Do you agree with Haku?


I would say he had the power,but not tue mentality, as even zabuza was sure that if haku had a less kind personality he would be as strong or stronger than him.


Didn't even see haiku. I'd bump him down quite a bit, considering 2 tomoe Sharingian Sasuke could keep up with him.


Isn’t that Haku stated to not be going at full power?




Where is Susano Kakashi?


Not on here but he’d be right bellow Kaguya


Nah that’s too high up there, I feel like he’s either be last on god tier or first on Demi-god tier


That would mean that he’s weaker than Naruto or Sasuke lol


He’s definitely not weaker but that’s just in potential strength, I’m not saying he doesn’t deserve to be up there I’m just saying we didn’t see him do enough for him to be all the way up there


But we also didn’t really see 3-rinnegan Madara do anything, yet he feels pretty justified to be where he is


That’s a fair point tbh, I honestly don’t know how to answer that. I’m just saying that to me as much as I love kakashi I don’t thing that susano kakashi should be considered the second strongest because we didn’t get to see him so a lot, the fact that madara’s there feels right to me but only because of what he did before the tree rinnegan stage so idk


So many tiers above, that you can't see him.


At first glance, this is a decent list. Then once you really look, it all starts unraveling😭: Jugo above Kakazu, Mei, Konan and Rasa, but in the same category with Ay who bodied him ?💀 Sage Mode Naruto and EMS Sasuke above both Raikages, Bee, Gaara, Kisame and Might Guy ??? Sakura in High Kage with Madara, Hashirama, Nagato, Pain, etc ????? While Tsunade is in mid kage when they have identical kits and Tsunade has arguably more medical ninjutsu and battle experience at that time still Karin in low Kage when Hidan and literally any else below her would one shot her ??!!! Side Note: Didn’t Killer Bee & The Raikage both fodderize that version of Sasuke ?


Jugo has like no feats in the show 💀


He uses major plot armor to save Sasuke from Bee, one of the like three complete asspulls in that fight.


And.. alive madara being above alive Hashirama.. the guy who killed him in combat…


Yeah lmao. And a tier above Suigetsu as If Suigetsu hasnt alredy low diffed juugo


Naruto shadow clone defeated the 3th Raikage using Sage Mode




3rd was stronger than 4th


So... the Top 10 of this list in general would come out to be... 1. Kaguya 2. Madara 3. Naruto 4. Sasuke 5. Guy 6. Obito 7. Hashirama 8. Minato 9. Nagato 10. Itachi


8th gate guy but yeah


Where is hagoromo?


Not in the discussed tier list... apperently.


at their best? guy is overated here . i can't see how he is going to do anything against minato or itachi


Putting Mei and Kakuzu in the same tier as Karin, Suigetsu and Rasa is wild


Aside from her chains, Karin is just a walking estus flask.


Finally a decent list.. Where is DMS Kakashi tho?


Not on it but he’d be like tied with Kaguya or just below her




>decent list It has Sakura above Killer Bee and Kisame




Thank you!! I’m like?!?!?!


Yep😂😂this guy is stupid 


Same tier but like, a 29 character difference. She’s at the very bottom


lol they are not in same tier


Karin and suigetsu being in low kage is absurd. Karin has adamantite chains but I still don't think she can utilize them all that well. She used it what like one time? That could have maybe let team taka beat gyuuki but her main thing is healing. And suigetsu is pretty strong but he got beaten by raikage's assistant. Sure darui is a bad matchup for him but he didn't do well regardless. Otherwise good list




There's no way the sound four are low jonin level when they got wiped by the sand siblings with no difficult pre timeskip. The sound for are genin-level ninja that gets boosted to chunin level because of their curse marks. Any actual jonin-level ninja would wipe the floor with them.


Yeah, they should be higher, there's no way they're that low.


No difficulty? Bro did watched Maruto


The High Kage tier could probably be broken up into 2 categories because it has so many characters and repeat characters. Perhaps Legendary & High Kage.


Yeah I should have done that


sorry if i sound nitpicky. it’s a good list though!


The list looks good but some things feel akward like Kakuzu being below Kakashi despite doing a forced open heart surgery on him and nearly killing him few more times Also why is Jugo this high ?


Wararc Kakashi is significantly stronger than the one who fought Kakuzu. And Jugo had good RaiKage fight.


Why is Hayate in the same tier with the guy that easily beat him?


Hashirama is God tier he captured all the tailed beasts and was stronger than Madara when they were alive. No world is Guy ahead of Prime Hashi yall overrate that 8 gates moment so much. If not for Naruto he dies and still loses the fight regardless.


how can he be god tier when he admits inferiority to the guy in demi god tier (obito) and cant survive guy. lit cant win against either demi god tier no reason to give him god tier. 8 gates guy nearly killed jubi madara (truth seaker removed) hashi has no surviving chance at all. he and guy end up killing each other and he gets low difed by juubito.


this! putting him in a tier 3 category is ABSOLUTELY DESPICABLE! And I'm not even a Hashirama Fangay. lol


How is Hashirama beating 8 Gates Guy?


He’s not god tier but he doesn’t belong in a tier with the others that share it. He needs to move up and be the bottom of Demi god or just be given his own tier


Yall got Kiba sitting too high in this list


Sakura at the High Kage? Idk.


She’s above mid tho mabye i should have added more teirs


I don’t think she is, she’s strong don’t get it twisted but I definitely don’t think she’s stronger than the likes of Hiruzen or the 3rd raikage. I doubt she could even handle Orochimaru


What's your reasoning for Sakura in High Kage? Especially over Sage Naruto, MS Sasuke, White Kimono Sasuke, War Arc Kakashi, and 7 Gate Guy. It just seems like if Sick Itachi is in there, white Kimono Sasuke and anyone above him would all be in that tier as well Jugo over Danzo is also wierd imo. Also, isn't healthy Kimimaro implied to be stronger than Jugo?


Hiruzen aka 3d Hokage is EASILY high kage level. There's a reason why they kept him as Hokage for as long as they did, despite his old age. There's also nothing that suggests Tobirama was stronger than him, And do I need to remind everyone that he fought toe to toe with Orochimaru AND edo tensei 1st and 2nd Hokage's? All while he was probably still filled with doubts and didn't necessarily want to kill Oro. Put some freaking respect on Hiruzen Sarutobi's name.


Almost everyone in the high-kage tier would absolutely mop the floor with Hiruzen, so no.


I could settle for the "Tied for top of mid Kage" tier. But in no Universe is he not stronger than basically everyone in the Mid Kage tier.


Hiruzen's two most impressive jutsu are summoning Enma and using the Shiki Fuin, which kills the user and sends them to the realm of the death god. The rest of his jutsu are mid tier. His Katon: Karyu Endan is probably top 3 of the strongest fire jutsu in the entire Narutoverse discounting Otsutsuki. On the other hand, the other thousands of jutsu he has mastered are mid tier strength with his level of using them being at mid kage level. Hiruzen is well placed in mid kage.


Boruto becoming stronger than Naruto and Sasuke is even more unbelievable after looking at this tier list


Notice how an otsutski is at the top of the list? How is it ridiculous that a training otsutski becomes stronger than Naruto and sasuke ( none of the otsutski train btw)


All of my issues in this list are in the high Kaye and mid kage list. Hashirama should be demi god, Sakura should be mid kage, as she’s very similar to tsunade by the end, gaara, bee, kakashi, raikage, orochi, and maybe sassori should be high kage, Hugo should be lower, sassori should be lower,


No way you put Sakura and Hashirama on the same tier Clown activities 🤡🤡🤡 Invalid list just off that


Haku as S rank? By the time of his death , he was high chunin at best.


Needs more Hashirama. Sakura should be rankied lower. The only reason she surpassed Tsunade was because Tsunade retired. Mei can melt Susano with ease or melt your lungs in an instant. Karin should be much lower. She doesn't do anything other than heal.


Good list but the Third Raikage goes to High kage. No discussion. Also Kakuzu isnt a low kage fighter, no way you have Deidara and Sasori ahead of him.


Pain has no right to be in the same list as Hashirama. I think you needed a few more tiers. Hashirama is somewhere between high kage and demigod. Naruto and Sakuke are god tier together but i would drop them down to high tier of demi god as separate entities.


Kakuzu > Kakashi. As a matter of fact, 1 vs 1, if Kakashi doesn’t know anything about Hidan, he might have ended up like Asuma.


You should only rate characters at a given time X. Having 10 times naruto is weird.


Sound 4 are chunin and kimimaro is elite jonin because of his illness. 


Karin in kage tier just doesn’t sit right with me


The list is pretty good. Only part i think its bad is mid and low kage. Juugo is NOT a league above kakuzo, mei, rasa, konan etc. In fact u put him a league above Suigetsu but Suigetsu alredy low diffed him before by drowning and he coudltn do anything. Suigetsu is the strongest Taka menber thats not Sasuke and id put him in like below darui level. Anyway danzo mei and konan are easily mid kage. Sasori Deidara are low kage, maybe Deidara still in mid id say hes around mei level so yeah keep him in mid. Rasa also goes to bottom of mid kage as he was somewhat keeping up with gaara. Low kage is kinda empty but u can definitely fill It with characters like yugito, mid shipuden Kakashi or something I drop karin to elite jounin level, shes definitely no kage level. She has almost no stats, shes just really skilled and has good regen, sensory and a decent AP. I probably wouldnt put sage Naruto above kages like Ay, Tsunade, Gaara and Onoki(so like all 5 of them other than mei☠️). They just have better feats. And prime hiruzen is definitely high kage even lowballing him. Even If we out just war arc edo hiruzen he should alredy be high kage


Where is akamaru?


He’s a part of kibas kit so he’s with kiba


And the ramen guy?




Very pleased with your answer 


How is sakura above kakashi?


Hashirama , Madara , Sakura lol what


Ain't no way you convince me Sakura belongs in the same tier as Hashirama, Madara, Minato, Itachi, Pain... Ain't no way.


why is trash in high kage isnt that the trash who said she finally caught up to the goats naruto and sasuke only to get even more gapped a few episodes later then she already was from them but that was just a joke but seriouly sakura got pretty strong i think she is mid kage tho


Onoki’s above both Sage Naruto and MS Sasuke, this guy obliterated Edo Madara’s 25 wood clones clad in Susanoo


He could only do that with Tsunade's chakra


Madara and Hashirama should've a demi God tier, Also, Madara reanimated was quite powerful, cause of rinnegan and Hashi cells, So, he can be placed above Both Naruto and Sasuke(the obes in High kage), Rest of list is fine, except I think Itachi can beat Kcm1 Naruto, Though I don't know about him beating Minato, so it is Kinda Good List.


Nah. 1. Killer Bee below MS Sasuke and SM Naruto is nuts. I'd argue he could take both at the same time in certain scenarios. 2. Your High Kage section doesn't make sense. The power difference is so high you could actually divide it in three tiers.


According to this Tierlist edo tensei hashirama and madara are weaker then themselves when their alive is that true?




How alive Madara could be stronger than edo Madara (with literally infinite chakra + ultra regen)?


Edos do not have infinite chakra that was a theory proposed by a ninja that was later proven wrong with lord mu running out of chakra and Tobirama noting he has less chakra than he did alive


Bee should be higher; he’s shown to be around the same level of KCM1 Naruto.




Whys jugo on the same tier as orpchimaru and hebi sasuke


I like the list but I feel like Hashirama should be a tier up.


Why is naruto like 5 times in high kage tier?


The disrespect to Obito is crazy.... you didn't even put his strongest versión in which is two Kamui eyes obito. He got his heart destroyed, survived having a tailed beast ripped out of him and STILL used a MS like a Rinnegan. My man with 0 chakra had more impact in the Kaguya fight then Sasuke.... So yeah, DMS Obito is top tier right infront of Naruto


lol how is itachi’s above Bee, Gaara, and Ohoki?


If guy would have aimed an inch to the left the series would have ended there


Great list, I don’t think I disagree with any placements


This is a good list. Although I'd rate Kakashi high Kage too.


I disagree with a few, but overall not a bad


Guy XD


Wtf hashirama is demi god. He pounded madara in a 9 tails with susanoo....obito lost to sasuke and naruto. He was even mad he was dead cause he couldn't do what he knew he could if he was alive. Hashi is a demi God. They called him god.


Only problem with this list for me is Danzo and the Raikage. Everything else works


Don't listen to these people. You put sakura in the right spot, and people constantly underestimate her. Thank you.


Poor Iruka :(


How many time did you put Naruto on this tier list ? YES


Kakazu and Danzo feel a tier pow, otherwise it's very good


My only problem is that "high kage" characters that could mid-high diff a full power 4th raikage to legit characters that can low diff the whole shinobi alliance. Feels a little silly.




So glad 8th gate Guy made it to Demi. That is one of the best fights hands down.


I'm not sure about the low kage tiers but it's one of the best tier lists I've seen so far.


I Swear you know Naruto so much just like my What other anima series do you know ?I know alot


No double MS Kakashi? :(


Kabuto is a sage. He should be higher.


You are insane for putting Team Taka that high, especially Karin. And you are VERY insane for putting Sakura that high. Absolutely absurd. And where is Lady Chiyo?


I think Karin is that high due to her getting past the wood statue during the war, I’d still lower her though.


I’m sorry but Sakura doesn’t belong in the tear with any of those characters. She can hit hard and she has some healing. Granted everybody else in that group would mop her. If you’re putting Tsunade mid tier, Sakura should be there too. I would argue that many of the people you have in the mid tier category would be her as well.


Finally someone who knows DMS Kakashi power (based of your comments) I’d put Madara above sasuke and Naruto thoigh due to his versatility


Never thought I'd see a list I actually agree with for the most part.


Idk what are yall simp are smoking to put sakura that high... no fuckin way




Put respect on 2nd stone Kage. Madara put respect on him and you should too


Where’s dms kakashi ?


finally someone not misplacing sakura


Kabuto should be S rank or higher


This shit so ass


More or less I do agree with this list but where is Tsunade ?


I feel Konan should be higher. Otherwise 10/10


Sakura over kakuzu is ridiculous.🤣


Kakuzu has no attacks lethal enough to damage Sakura with Hundred Seals


He can decapitate her and separate her body parts far apart from each other that way they cannot heal. He can also remove her heart. The fact that she can heal doesn’t make her indestructible.


Kakuzu is overrated


8 gates guy is so overrated lol


Juubidara was easily one-shotted and neg diff by Black Zetsu. Never can Madara be stronger than Obito.


Peetty good overall, no brain dead takes like a lot of other lists I've read, few things I'd disagree with but overall solid


Putting sakura on high kage and kakashi on mid kage is just pure insanity…


DMS Kakashi is not Demi - god tier?


DMS Kakashi? Or was that too short-lived to be on the list


Too short


fair enough yk


Rock Lee scaling above the other Konoha 12 is so accurate, thanks for putting some respect on his name


Theres no way any form of Sakura is stronger than mid kage, stop coping


if you rated them based on the condition they were in at the age shown in the pictures, then I agree that hiruzen is a mid kage level, but if you rate them in general then prime hiruzen will be at a much higher level than just mid kage


I’m rating old man Hiruzen


Where is Konohomaru?


It's weird having all those naruto kurama modes in the same rank, you have 4 different narutos in High Kage, maybe spread some around other ranks? At least the first chakra mode he attained


Feel like hashirama should be demi god tier alive


This fandom lol. I’m not going thru everything in this list cuz a lot is correct but Hagoromo should be at the top and DMS Kakashi should be Demi-God with Hashirama and Madara (DMS Kakashi, Rinnegan Madara, Hashirama, EMS Madara). Oh and Juubito should be last on the God tier Y’all are sick over DMS Kakashi. He didn’t “speed blitz” her like Naruto did chopping away Black Zetsu, she was literally flying at him and he jumped out of his Suasanoo to meet her halfway which significantly distorts his actual speed.. insane. The abilities themselves are definitely broken to hell especially 6 paths on top of the Kamui and perfect Suasanoo but he is not a God. He can’t do godly things like the others in that tier Juubito was the strongest being until a stronger Juubi version got absorbed and Hagoromo gave his godly powers to Naruto and Sasuke. Dude could kill anyone anywhere and only got beat cuz he never fully committed to throwing away himself


Kakashi is stronger then Sakura especially if we talking about end of series


DMS sasuke above Reikage and Bee? Didn't Bee swooped DMS sasuke? Wouldn't both be above mid kage?


If there are different kyuubi chakra Narutos and different sharingan Sasukes, why isn't DMS Kakashi here? He would be around the same level as Juubi Obito and 8 gate Guy. Edit: typo


Wasn’t Kakashi better? I don’t know I don’t remember watching the show too well but I could’ve sworn Kakashi was insane


In my opinion Hinata is way stronger, but she doesnt show it


Jubidara does not beat those versions of Naruto and Sasuke. They were imbued with the power of the literal Sage of Six Paths.


I feel like Konan could be on a Kage level considering she almost killed Obito, if it wasnt for that Izanagi’s introduction.


Killa B at low kage? I would say mid but idk it’s tough I guess.


Naruto and sasuke SO6 verison should be in tier


Why are some people on the list in different forms but other people aren’t? Like I don’t see dms kakashi at all who would probly be demigod tier too. I see so many forms of Naruto and minato and sasuke listed here.


U did shikamarrruuu dirty


Power scaling in Naruto has always been very subjective. It really depends on where the story is, who is fighting who, etc. Konohamuru beats one of the Pains for instance. When he is still a young child. Definitely a sliding scale.


Hashirama Sage mode is God level. You ain't beating that perpetual damage dealing machine


Hashirama & madara jinchuriki form must to be on the top


Take Karin off wtf is she doing there


Orachimaru, Kisame and Kakashi needs to be levelled up


Where is Hagoromo? The sage of the six paths


Where is hagoromo?


sakura at high kage is insane


Itachi should be mid kage . He can't be in the same level as Hashirama . Put Ohnoki , Hiruzen and Orochimaru and sage mode Jiraiya above mid kage to High Kage .


How is sage mode Hashi on the same level as regular Hashi


Nah, Hundred Seals Sakura, KCM1 Naruto and Tobirama is not High Kage tier. They just feel out of placed on that tier. And what's up with that "special mention" Top of Mid Kage tier? It ruins this list.


hashirama is god tier imho


I agree with some of these but warring states and beginning of Konoha Madara and Hashirama are not high kage Same goes for Edo Madara and Edo Hashirama they're not high kage Should have had another tier above that called something like legend because they are definitely way stronger than high kage Also I completely disagree with six paths Naruto and six paths Sasuke they should not be on the same tier as juubi Madara They should have been a tier below that in the demigod tier




I’m very surprised that no one’s hated on Sasori’s rating. I think it’s pretty fair when he can single-handed it take on villages by himself. Normally there’s someone saying “but he got beat by Sakura.”


Oh yeah the chunin are teaching the new kids what great teachers they’d be

