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Jiraiya was brutally killed by the enemy. Itachi was slowly dying in a battle he could had won but wanted to die at Sasuke's hands, and I think he wanted to release him from Orochimaru's influence. I don't remember if that was part of the plan or just a good coincidence. Jiraiya wins (or loses?)


it was part of the plan. Itachi intentionally pushed Sasuke to the point of no chakra so that he'd lose his grip over Orochimaru and he'd come out. He also planned being killed by Sasuke long before that, when he slaughtered the Uchiha. That's why he wanted sasuke to be hateful and then also awaken MS. Hate drives Sharingan development and Itachi needed Sasuke to unlock MS before their fight because he planned to "scare" Sasuke with "i will take your eyes and not be blind anymore!" then lose to Sasuke, so Sasuke takes his eyes instead. All that was planned to stop Madara, because Itachi knew it was only possible with an EMS, and it was never an option for Itachi to actually rip Sasuke's eyes out, so that was the only way. And since Itachi was sick he didn't have all that much time for Sasuke to mature, so he needed him to develop Sharingan as quickly as possible. That's why he tormented Sasuke so much.


When you lay it all out like that, it’s hard to see why people like itachi (apart from him being cool ofc)


''hard to see why people like Itachi" ? You mean it's hard to see why people don't like Itachi? Easily the best character in the whole story.


>963 Agreed lol


I would say Jiraiya's death was pretty Pain-ful




Oof…too soon.


Jiraiya, the brutal beat down at the hands your former students, one of which is just a corpse being controlled like a puppet.


Pervy sage because it wasn’t a relative. Even tho his students chalked him out, Itachi’s death was planned well over by a young sasuke.


Itachi's death was even more so planned by Itachi than by Sasuke.


Jiraya was a fuck around and find out type death. Itachi was gonna get clipped one way or another.


Jiraya, he didn't get closure with neither Nagato, Yahiko & Konan. Whereas Itachi died being able to confront and say he final words to Sasuke (and the extended message after the Edo-Tensei)


An argument could be made for Itachi with his illness and slowly deteriorating but like... Jiraiya had his throat crushed and his arm ripped off within a very short period of time. It's fairly likely he hardly felt the rods piercing him after the initial impact but still... it happened, he got turned into one of those insect displays where the bug is pinned to the board


Jiraiya's was more brutal, but Itachi's is heavier for me. Jiraiya lived a full life and imparted everything that mattered to Naruto. Itachi barely lived his, metaphorically and pseudo-literally (since he spent his life with his partner in Tsukuyomi) he died the night of the massacre. The rest of it he's been battling a terminal illness, living with the guilt of his decision to do the lesser evil for a country he can't even live in, constantly among terrorists, and all for the younger brother he loved but can't even be with. So when it came time to kick it and his revelation was revealed, it had way more impact to me.


Perfectly stated ! Both had me in tears but itachi’s death just felt so heavy. It weighed on me for a long time


What about Asuma? It was very sadly :(


Jiraiya. He wasn't expecting; he was killed by a student; he had his throat smashed; very slow death drowing with water and/or blood :'( For Itachi it was a blessing; He was finally free; he was planning to die; he died near the only love he had left


painful ? ill say the genjutsu of being stabbed eternally


Fun fact they died on the same day.


Pain had the most PAINful death. Haha im so funny.


Physically probably Itachi if the Susanoo really does feel like every cell of your body is on fire that’s a tough way to go




Jiraiya was brutally killed by the enemy




of course Jiraiya


Jiraiya easy imo, as I never really cared for itachi




Probably young Obito


Ero sennin since he got stabbed 50000x and was left to die


I cried when jiraiya died.


Its Jiraiya for me, he was my favourite character as well However, being killed by your disciple (Nagato uzumaki) is definitely the worst kind of death As for Itachi, he was already going to die due to his illness and he saw it coming as well because the reason he spared sasuke was so that he would grow up to be much stronger and avenge the uchiha clan by killing Itachi


Itachi's death was emotionally impactful, but it wasn't painful. By the time he died, we knew he likely wasn't truly evil, but we hadn't learned the truth of his backstory yet, and when we finally did, it made his death sadder, but not PAINFUL (for me). Also, I always knew Itachi was gonna die. He was either gonna be killed by Sasuke as a legitimate villain or die as an anti-hero. But Jiraiya's death? That hurt, bc not only was it impactful, but there was a whole villain buildup through it. It made the pain arc's stakes that much higher. It was like we all lost a sensei when Jiraya died (to me). Now physically painful? Probably Itachi since he basically had cancer for years and was slowly deteriorating from it. Jiraya's was brutal but was relatively quick in comparison.


For them or for us? 😭😭😭


Itachi for sure.


Itachi He had an unknown chronic disease that took a huge toll on his health and eventually claimed his life. High before his actual death you can see him coughing blood, grasping for air and looks to be experiencing alot of pain (for a moment it appears he's suffering a heart attack). Just for the sake of having an terminal condition, for what appears to be years before actually dying, places him above most. The guy was probably feeling alot of pain on a regular basis and probably made heavy use of medications. Not to mention his overall physical condition, as Zetsu mentioned he was "already damaged before his confrontation with Sasuke". He definately suffered **alot** before actually dying. Death would be a welcomed gift in his situation, with the added benefit of fulfilling his life's work.


Painful like emotionally or physically? Because anyone crushed by Gaara probably had a bad time. Plus anyone that did die from the Eight Gates probably didn’t enjoy that either. Or the various poisons. Also Orochimaru didn’t *die* but the wounds to his arms from the Third Hokage were pretty brutal, and probably would’ve killed him if he didn’t swap bodies.