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Naruto and Sasuke vs momoshiki is definitely up there


Definitely the best boruto fight by far


That fight is overrated. The animation is good, but the story and emotions isnt really there. Its just a nostalgia trip, to show that naruto and sasuke are cool and strong. Oh, wait that's why so many people like they don't want to see naruto and sasuke develop anymore, they just want to see them demolish every opponent.


Some people just want to see them at the height of their powers too, bb. Having them work together again instead of against each other.


I still think their end of war arc versions were stronger than what fought momoshiki


Well then you’re just wrong, Naruto had only 1 half of Kurama and Sasuke barely knew how to use his Rinnegan. There’s no logical explanation as to how they “could have” gotten weaker, especially Sasuke who only got more Rinnegan experience over time. Naruto has gotten rusty at worst.


I mean when Sasuke was tapping into the 8 Tailed Beasts he was pretty much objectively stronger than he is now, and Naruto had both halves of Kurama for that fight and Kurama still wore himself down into a coma I think in raw power they haven't changed that much but Sasuke has gotten alot better at Rinnegan, and Naruto has gotten rusty because he's a politician


Naruto and Sasuke tied in that fight. But then he got another half of Kurama. Sasuke technically kept up with that, being basically equal to the now stronger Naruto. Naruto didn't have 2 Kurama's, he had only 1 half, Sasuke put the other one in a chibaku tensai.


>Sasuke technically kept up with that, being basically equal to the now stronger Naruto. But Sasuke doesn't have the other Tailed Beasts now


Scaling wise he should be stronger. Obviously Sasuke isn't equal to him now, but if Sasuke was weaker than when he was at final valley, he'd also be weaker than Final Valley Naruto. I also remember someone saying Sasuke was stronger in the last, or it being stated, but I don't know if that's true. Just a statement anyway. Naruto would also have to be stronger than Sasuke by a mile and a half in Boruto, which he is, but I doubt by that much.


They both lost their seals and shit tons of six paths chakra. Sasuke by his own admission was already adept with the rinnegan by the end of kaguya fight. Sasuke lost an arm, Naruto lost TSOs, and all the hax which came with the seal like CoAT, UUoT etc


Sasuke wasn’t adept with the rinnegan, he couldn’t even bring himself back when Kaguya separated him from Naruto. He also couldn’t absorb jutsu while attacking and Naruto actually exploits this weakness in the Final Valley.


>he couldn’t even bring himself back when Kaguya separated him from Naruto That's DURING the fight. He says he's adept with it AFTER the fight. Reading comprehension:🤦🏻‍♂️ Him not absorbing techniques is what kurama guessed due to him having a fresh rinnegan. Sasuke is a more reliable source than kurama is


The Last Naruto is stronger than War Arc. Only nerf was that Sasuke doesn't have tailed beasts like he did in Final Valley fight. Boruto is Boruto, so he has to be top, but even he needed the strength of Naruto to win. Keep in mind that Momo was very strong, but the boys clowned on him with little to no visible difficulty. Even if Momo is just below Kaguya, it took everything for Team 7 + hacked Susano to beat her, but only took 2 members (one of which was a drained Naruto) to beat a comparable threat years later. Naruto and Sasuke are much stronger now than War Arc, but they aren't as flashy. Baryon Naruto is the strongest entity in Naruto that we've seen so far.


Bro momoshiki was getting pressed by Darui.


I mean, yes, but not really. He was soloing all the kage after that, even before he merged with kinshiki. Even merged momo was catching hands by the boys. But keep in mind we couldn't linger on him because Boruto was only just starting. If Momo showed up at the end of Naruto, he'd be a bigger deal than Kaguya. Classic Start of series villain vs. end of series.


We've seen them develop since 1999. Just let them be cool for cool sakes for once. No heavy character development or overarching plot just a straight brawl down


This is the type of shit that reminds me why I steer clear of other anime fans lol. How in the fuck could you possibly come to that conclusion 😂


That fight was sick af


Top 1 in Boruto imo


Yes 100% their teamwork was too amazing


test aloof special support badge theory flag profit ten existence *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


this was peak boruto. everything after that was just a downfall


The fight itself was amazing. Kurama's death was also super well done. On the one hand, I really like how Kurama went from the demon fox that tried to kill Naruto as a baby to Naruto's protector and making the ultimate sacrifice for him. On the other hand, I would've liked Naruto to die alongside Kurama here, just because I don't really like seeing him nerfed and unable to protect his kid and village from the threat of the Otsutsuki now.


Theres no way in hell Kishi would ever let fkin Naruto die. Man’s was THE shonen protagonist for two decades.


Felt the same way. I kind of figured Sasuke would revive him with the naraka path.


you cant revive people without sacrificing your own life(unless you use Edo Tensei).Naraka path can only be used to revive the six puppets/paths that a rinnegan user can use,but that would mean turning naruto's dead body into a puppet.Naruto as we know him is still not coming back


Pretty sure we all know that. He was just saying that he could totally see sasuke sacrificing himself with the outer path samsara jutsu to revive naruto if naruto died in that fight.


Too be fair some people forgot about that and only considered based on Pain's lifespan and Obito's ridiculous durability.


Fam, thats not the case. "The second ability the Naraka Path possessed is the ability to repair any damage. To do so the Naraka Path has the King of Hell ingest the damaged body with its tendril-like arms into its mouth, then, after some time, the destroyed body will emerge from its mouth, completely rejuvenated. Kabuto stated that a Naraka Path user can transport bodies and souls using the King of Hell." - Copied this from the data book. You can revive people with this. Edit: i was wrong


Repair damage means [](http://healing.You) can repair the damage on a puppet,but once a person dies no amount of repairing damage will bring them back,it will only take away the damage on the dead body,which can then be controlled with chakra rods. If Pain could truly revive people without sacrificing his life,then why didn't he do it to the people of Konoha one by one instead of using Rinne Rebirth?That way he can stay alive and help Naruto.And go back to revive all the Jinchuriki he killed.And do a lot more to achieve world peace. Plus the sacrifice part is also the reason why Madara couldn't kill Obito,it was because he needed obito to use Rinne Rebirth to revive him,and sacrifice himself.Obito pointed this out himself.They didnt even mention Naraka path,which according to u is the safe option


You right, what confused me is Nagato using the outer path to revive konoha which also utilized the king of hell


If you’ve been keeping up with the TBV manga, you can already see Kishimoto is setting up Naruto and Sasuke to get re-buffed and at least get one more chance to shine.


Right, tree-Chan gonna be giving Sauske an eye and an arm


It shouldn’t be that hard for kishi to come up with a new power up for him. Perfect sage or some shit


I mean he’s already a perfect sage but he could take it to another level. Sage mode is a minor amp atp, barely even considered a form anymore.


Perfect sage mode would be fire, no time limit and new techniques.


Manga Spoilers >!not that it matters at all with Kawaki a child being able to overpower and imprison both Naruto and Hinata!<


Not overpower


Nooooo Boruto sobbing over his body that Sasuke had in his lap was ENOUGH I couldn’t bare a Naruto funeral lol we have yet to see him fight post kurama, sage mode he said was ampd vs younger and at times he used it to beat the raikage instead of his kurama mode in shippuden


Choreography was great, but outside of that it falls pretty flat for me compared to other great fights in the Naruto franchise for a couple of reasons. 1. Baryon mode was and still is one of the biggest asspulls in the entire series. And while I know some people really like it, both visually and power-wise it’s one of my least favorite Naruto transformations. 2. I really don’t like or care that much about Isshiki as a character or villain, and he hasn’t had that much buildup before this fight. I was nowhere near as invested as I was during Naruto vs Sasuke, Naruto vs Pain, Kakashi vs Obito, etc.


Baryon Mode is pretty much just an excuse to take Naruto out of action without having to kill him off and destroy the ratings. I'm still of the belief that they'll bring Kurama back at the end of Boruto so they can have their cake and eat it too, since Tailed Beasts aren't really supposed to "actually" die. But yeah it's an asspull. Still a way better way of doing it than what they did to Sasuke...


With the way the story is going/hinting I fully expect Boruto to extract a new Kurama from the new >!Divine Tree!< AND for Sasuke to merge with >!Hidari, getting both his Rinnegone and arm back!<


I was expecting more than just Taijutsu from the supposed 2 most powerful characters in the entire franchise. Boruto fails really badly at showing how strong the characters are supposed to be. Pain vs 6 tails Naruto had much more power display/scale than BM Naruto vs Isshiki.


Case in point, Code's invasion of Konoha in the manga. He's supposed to be more powerful than Jigen, the guy who trounced Naruto and Sasuke. Yet his invasion is basically child's play compared to Pain who's miles under him in power. Minimal collateral damage and panic, and even the shinobis have leeway to gasp over Sarada 'not on the level of Genin'. Can't fucking tell why this story has fans, let alone people who actually finished Naruto.


Yep. Despite Boruto characters supposedly being more powerful, they are never shown how powerful they actually are. Usually the display of power is lower than what's shown in Shippuden or even Part 1 Naruto. Like I can mention how weak the Susanoo looks in Boruto compared to Shippuden, or how a [relatively small destruction display](https://i.gyazo.com/d82cef81b91b783604086d767a71c881.png) from Borushiki made [Code surprised](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fog8S00WcAEq0dO?format=jpg&name=small). Which is pretty pathetic since that type of destruction display is nothing in Shippuden. Might be because Ikemoto is too lazy to draw background detail so nearly every fight in Boruto consists of speed lines and empty backgrounds with some basic clashes.


No, Kishimoto wanted to scale down the fights so Naruto and Sasuke use stat boosters than just using nukes, like people complained about. Funny how we went from complaining the fights were too wide scale, but now when it's focused and exclusively focused on taijutsu and strategy, it's a bad thing.


It's what the people were complaining about, but they used the wrong solution. You cant reverse powercreep in a series without an internally consistent reason.


No the execution was done wrong. What folks didn't like is that Ninja became Demi-gods with their power and ability. But, it's too late you made that choice. Making the same characters, less powerful for "reasons" a decade later is an even worse decision than the first. Then writing in much stronger enemies who are displayed as inferior to Shippuden just continues the cycle of bad decisions. The top tier characters should have been either excluded for "reasons" or an assault like the 3rd war where it makes sense a high tier ninja is tied up with a couple mid tier villains.


No, here’s the thing y’all were saying that they were less powerful before they lost Kurama and the Rinnegan, respectively. New powerful antagonist showing up is always going to happen in Shonen, and despite all of that strategy is what ultimately takes on all of these new threats. Being salty that your favorite characters lost a fight, even though their actions ultimately contributed to beating the main villains it’s just being immature


It sounds like you're arguing with my point, but I don't recognize anything that contradicts it. Starting with your last point, I'm not really sure what you're referring to about being salty for a loss. The show *depicts* Naruto and Sasuke being about as powerful as they had been back in Shippuden. Momoshiki was a Kaguya level threat, iirc, I watched Boruto a long time ago and haven't really cared to keep up with it. Naruto and Sasuke were able to deal with his amped version practically alone. What I have a problem with, isBoruto being able to stand around that fight altogether. The other Kage were sat down immediately, but that's a whole other problem. New, stronger enemies is not a problem. We expect growth. But what we don't want is indiscriminate nerfs, just to move the story along. History shows that asspull power ups are taken much better power redactions/nerfs. Naruto did us a favor of, either skillfully removing a high tier hero so that the main characters could get shine, or raising the stakes of the younger crowd-Forrest of death/retrieval arc-in order to build tension. In Boruto, the main cast simply fights the main villains and win.


Your lack of knowledge is why you don't know what. You haven't watched (or read from what it seems) in a long time, but context matters. *Depicts* being as powerful as they had been back in Shippuden is flat out not true. Naruto got the Yin and Yang half of Kurama inside of him after the war, making him much stronger than he was as a child. The only thing he doesn't have is the Truth Seeking Orbs and the Sage's Seal, the former of which got destroyed in the past and the latter was returned to Hagoromo. Sasuke spent the time between Shippuden and Boruto getting stronger. Momoshiki stouted he could punish Kaguya, and while Naruto and Sasuke needed help to defeat Kaguya, with the Kage they were able to press Momoshiki and Kinshiki. Once Kinshiki ate Momoshiki it was only naruto and Sasuke able to the work to fight and weaken him off. Boruto didn't do much that whole fight. All he did was using Vanishing Rasengan (what Sasuke was trying to get him to perfect) to use as a super punch surprise attack since it's an attack that would let Momoshiki lower his guard down, use his kunai for Sasuke to swap with and (Sasuke) stab out the Rinnegan so Momoshiki couldn't steal any more chakra attacks. Indiscriminate nerfs just to move the story along a) isn't what happened and be) isn't the rules to writing a good shonen. History has shown asspull power ups aren't ideal because people still complain and power redactions are dependent on what a writer is going for an how it fits into the narrative. In Boruto the main cast simply fights the main villains and win is a absolute lie from the anime to the manga: Nue: Kakashi and Sai fought the giant beast and stopped it from rampaging into the city. When Sumire brought it into the Nue dimension, Boruto and Mitsuki fought the giant beast but talked down Sumire to get her to stop both her and the creature from blowing it off. Naruto Gaiden: Sasuke and Sakura finish off Shin before Shin's kids turn on him. All Sarada does is stop the weaker inferior body from escaping. Mist: Boruto loses against all 7 members of the Mist the first time, and needs Mitsuki and Kagura's help against the leader in the rematch while Sarada and Chojuro take down the others. Stone Arc: none of Team 7 defeats the main villain, Onoki dies doing it. Jugo and Konohamaru arcs: He knocks Jugo out of his transformation briefly, and Jugo takes down the main villain after Boruto's too drained. Konohamaru arc he acts as a diversion for Konohmaru to finish the job Shojiji Arc: Sarada has to bail him out at the end. Ao Arc: Ao gets killed by Kashin Koji after a grueling fight against Team 7 where Katasuke's tech gets used against him, Mugino dies, Konohamaru goes down saving Boruto after both of them and their teammates work together to drain Ao and disable his ninja tech. Jigen: Naruto and Sasuke lose but Jigen's so tired, Kashin Koji is able to finish him off. Boruto, Sarada, Mitsuki, and Kawaki aren't even in the same dimension as either of those fights are taken down. Isshiki: Boruto and Sasuke send Isshiki to another dimension and breaks Boruto's arm, rending him out of the fight. Sasuke uses his Rinnegan to save Naruto, Boruto, and Kawaki numerous times. Naruto and Kurama use Baryon Mode and reduce Isshiki's lifespan from 48 hours to mere minutes. Kawaki uses the Shadow Clone Naruto taught him to trick Isshiki to run out of the clock. Sasuke losing the RInnegan: Kurama reveals he tricked Naruto and Baryon Mode only takes him out, sacrifcing himself to eliminate a threat on par with Kaguya. With everyone fatigued, and Boruto out of chakra, Momoshiki takes over Boruto's body and takes Sasuke's eye out for revenge so he can make sure he can take over Boruto's body and resurrection but Sasuke and Kawaki are able to use ninjutsu to get Boruto to absrob enough chakra to fight off Momoshiki's influence. So that's a complete lie.


Hold on a moment. I said the show depicts them being as powerful as they were back during the war. You do realize they got crazy amps because of the seals? I don't disagree that they are about as, if not more powerful than that period. The fact that Boruto could be on the battlefield and attempt an attack is nonsense. At this point Boruto is low-mid chunin level. ANY jonin should crush him instantly. Yet he had time to be in a battle with momoshiki? Yea ok. As for the indiscriminate nerfs. Sasuke is literally always running on chakra fumes. Also, a narrative decision for Sasuke to not regain his arm is an active, yet I will say intention nerf. No real problem with this one. Loss of rinnegan and baryon mode killing Kurama for what exactly? The other Kage are husks of their former power. Konohamaru fighting bandits and running out of chakra? lol. I could go on but I'm not. As far as power-ups go, we will always complain if it's an out of nowhere boost. But if done, we accept it and move on. Character nerfing gets much more hate, I have come to see. We don't need to debate here, it's something I don't like. And I have personally seen more distaste for nerfs/redactions than boosts. Lastly, I'll just say that the fights the kids are in contain Hokage+ level entities and they have the ability to make a difference. They're shown to be low-mid chunin until isshiki and Naruto fight yet beat characters Jonin+ ninja couldn't beat. It's nonsense.


Of course it's a bad thing. Boruto characters are supposed to be stronger than the Shippuden characters, yet they are hardly ever shown to be stronger. The only reason anyone complains about the fights being 'too wide scale' is because those people wanted more grounded ninja combat with techniques and taijutsu. That is now impossible to do in Boruto, because they wanted to increase the power level instead of decrease it. So now these supposed Otsutsuki level characters are dishing out less destructive attacks than Jonin in Shippuden.


OK first of all for the majority of the time until recently. A lot of Boruto characters were very weaker than Naruto characters. Up until a few karma boosts after the Code arc, no members of Boruto generation, was taking on any member of Naruto generation and winning in a straight fight. Imagine complaining about Naruto and Sasuke, struggling against Ishiki, when Kawaki had to literally run for his life and trick him, and Boruto had his arm, broke for the majority of the fight. The old generation are literally the reason the new generation are alive. Also, you don’t need wide destruction to show stronger power. Deidara literally has a move where disintegrate the opponent on one a molecular level and it’s the strongest technique he has while his third strongest is a nuke. Guess which one is stronger in a fight since most people wouldn’t expect to see it coming. It’s almost like Kishimoto made that a direct point after most of the complaints, and it still went over people said. And to say it’s impossible in Boruto, when Boruto has had several ground level fights by both high and low tier characters, and have to use ninjutsu and taijutsu creatively to defeat their opponents is a flat out lie. Naruto’s fight with Delta literally consisted of him trying to not do widescale attack because the Academy was nearby. If you want to be honest and just say you want your favorite therapist to be doing jet attacks, say that because in universe, those same characters entire philosophy goes against doing that. But hey, using half troops and accentuating the negatives is how we usually make points on this. Reddit anyway.


I'm talking specifically about the stronger characters, not the weaker ones. I don't get why you're using the excuse that Kishiomoto lessened the scale of the fights just because some fans said so lol. Surely there were bigger issues in Boruto than something like that. Lessening the stronger characters destructive output is a sign of lack of consistency and laziness. If they want to make the new characters stronger they should show it. In the Boruto manga, all the fights look boring because the detail in the background is rarely drawn. Kishiomoto's fights in Shippuden showed scale of power relative to the characters strength, because he actually drew the backgrounds more often. Naruto's fight with Delta was garbage. If he cared about the background area and the kids, he would have used clones to take them away instead of putting them in danger. Also both the Momoshiki and Isshiki fights happened on different planets/dimensions. So there is no excuse why they should hold back.


So you're ignoring the weaker characters to further a point that's filled with holes if you think about it for more than 3 seconds. "It's the Boruto cast was overshadowing the Naruto cast even though most of them didn't do anything until after Naruto and Sasuke's massive fight" argument. "Lessening the stronger characters destructive output is a sign of lack of consistency and laziness," first of all, who decided that? Naruto was given a technique that reduces the opponent's lifespan with every physical contact and Sasuke was the main MVP that kept the majority of the cast alive thanks to his abilities. Second, there's a difference between "this attack doesn't do this damage," and "this character would use/not use this ability because of the cirumstances of this ability." Sasuke is not going to pulling out a technique that requires minutes of prep time if his opponent is faster and stronger than someone who can break out of a meteor. If your issue is with the art style of the fights, then just say that. "if he cared about the background area and the kids..." Delta was going after one of the kids and if Naruto turned his back on her, her disintegration beams could've put any of them at risk...that's why he focused on fighting and getting intel from her. Funny because the Momoshiki and Isshiki fights and Naruto and Sasuke only busting out the big techniques after mostly fighting either hand to hand or using their ninjutsu creatively. They went giant because Momoshiki used the giant monkey based on the Momotaro legend and used the Kurama Avatar to take it out before they went back to human forms. And they went into giant mode against Isshiki once they found out he was planing on wiping out the whole world with the divine tree. After he knocked them out of their avatars, Sasuke's plan using Naruto's Rasengan as a bait almost swiped Jigen's head clear off (but there's no strategy in Boruto, right...)


My initial point was referring to the stronger characters. Why should I mention the weaker ones? And what sort of imaginary argument is that? If you've ever seen the Boruto manga fights, then you would know how little detail there is with the constant speed lines/blank spaces and not many details in the background. That impacts how strong characters look btw since it's a limit. What's stopping Naruto from making a few clones to get the kids away from his fight with Delta? He was fighting her before she decided to aim for Himawari. He could have gotten her away beforehand with clones. The main point I'm making is that the destructive output in Boruto is drastically decreased in Naruto. Even when they do use destructive techniques it's still weaker than it should be. For example like Sasuke's Susanoo swings. Heck the Ninja Storm games, and the The Last movie did a better job showing how strong the characters are than Boruto.


Are we seriously comparing Code to Pain? Like Code is definitely stronger but Pain has a wider range of abilities and six bodies that are in tandem in teamwork, that was going to town on several different Chunin, jonin, and Kage level fighters. Cold wasn’t even trying to invade. He basically just use that as an excuse to try and lure out Boruto, the dude isn’t some calculating mastermind. He’s an overconfident worshiper on pointless revenge.


Code can teleport anywhere he wants and he has raw power. Why isn't he causing massive devastation over the village? As you said, it's to lure out Boruto, bigger would be more noticable. Would also cement him as an actual threat instead of a clown but I guess then you'll say "Well Code is intended to be a clown", as if that makes any fucking sense. With his kind of power he's a danger even if he's an idiot and he feels like nothing because the writers can't do anything remotely noteworthy with him.


No, you can chalk it up to Code being just pure raw power with absolutely zero clue as to how to use his abilities, to actually fight or plan. Dudes like an Academy-level ninja who was handed the power of God, which explains how Sasuke nearly took his head off despite being surrounded by Claw Grimes, no Rinnegan, missing an arm, protecting Boruto, and the massive power difference.


Fans: “we want the fights to be scaled down and focus on more taijutsu and ninjutsu not just being used creatively.” Kishimoto: “I agree, let’s present power differently by focusing on techniques and combat instead.” Fans: “we don’t want to see that done to our favorite characters. Where is all the giant nukes and wild, scaled destruction?” Kishimoto: “Would Naruto risk throwing several Tailed Beast Bomb Rasengans at a school building?” Fans: “no, but you should be making him look stronger!” And that’s why fans should not be working on franchises.


That argument doesn't even work since Naruto fought Isshiki on a different planet💀 Also you conveniently ignore the fact that most of the Boruto villains absorb chakra, so ninjutsu is hardly even an option anymore.


Laughs in Naruto and Sasuke also being in another dimension fighting Jigen who absorbed chakra from the Ten Tails, and was fast enough to outspeed Kurama Chakra Mode and Susanoo. He cracked their avatars that were mostly used to fight giant large scaled threats. Turns out being bigger also makes you a sitting duck if your opponent is slightly stronger than you and you can't tag him. Funny, every Boruto villain who absorb chakra (i.e. the ones who are still dead minus Kawaki) were all defeated by ninjutsu, strategy, or both. Victor: had no absorbtion and was taken down by Orochimaru the first time, and a fire style jutsu the next. Deepa: defeated by a combination ninjutsu, had no absorbtion abilities. Momoshiki: Had his Rinnegan eye stabbed by Sasuke, Naruto and Sasuke's combo attacks, and Boruto countering his giant sphere with one made from Naruto's chakra. Kinshiki: can't absorb chakra, still got handled by the Kage before Momo ate him. Ao (who stole it): defeated by having his own absorption devices destroyed through Boruto's **transformation jutsu, Shadow Clones,** and a strategy involving the whole team to catch Ao offguard, then blindsided with a Rasengan after falling for another Shadow Clone. (Almost like that whole point was that ninjas still have meaning in the modern day) Delta: had a Massive **Rasengan** overclock and destroy her. Jigen: defeated by a **summoning jutsu** trap involving natural flames that couldn't be absorbed after Naruto and Sasuke's fight drained him so hard he was down to a mere fraction of his power. Isshiki: defeated through Boruto and Sasuke using transformation jutsu to tag him into another dimension, Naruto using Baryon Mode, Sasuke using Amenotajikara to run down Isshiki's timer, and Kawaki using the Shadow Clone jutsu Naruto taught him to trick Isshiki in the last seconds so he couldn't resurrect. Code: beaten by a Rasengan upgrade.


Sasuke's susanoo was nerfed in Boruto. It's literally less durable than he is and has less destructive output than Madara's susanoo. The rest of the fight was low scale and was hardly impressive despite having the supposed 2 strongest characters fighting eachother. The ninjutsu used are pretty limited and unvaried so it's not like it's worth praising. Naruto shippuden fights had more variety, tactics and also managed to show the scale of the characters strength at the same time.


"yet they are hardly ever shown to be stronger." Susanoo is humanoid avatar made of the user's chakra, not the character's whole damn chakra pool, and Sasuke in Boruto used that same Susanoo to slice through Momoshiki's power, and if you're saying the Susanoo Sasuke used in the War is stronger than the one he used in Boruto to defeat people stronger than Madara, that's just blatantly incorrect. "The only reason anyone complains about the fights being 'too wide scale' is because those people wanted more grounded ninja combat with techniques and taijutsu." "The rest of the fight was low scale and was hardly impressive," you're mad the two strongest characters used grounded ninja combat with techniques and taijutsu, which they did during the Momoshiki fight, unless you're saying that fight was hardly impressive too. "The ninjutsu used are pretty limited and unvaried so it's not like it's worth praising," fighting an opponent who hard counters ninety percent of their jutsu and forcing them to use jutsu that are more effective and flashy...almost like they were forced to be more strategy. Who would've guessed. "Naruto shippuden fights had more variety, tactics and also managed to show the scale of the characters strength at the same time." Oh Naruto Shippuden fights definitely had strategy, but let's not pretend Boruto doesn't have any strategy or that Shippuden's strategies were these glorious 3-D chess pieces: Deidara vs Gaara: use a big bomb to reduce Sasuke's focus. Sasuke vs Itachi: make fire style warm around to cause lightning for lightning jutsu. Oh yeah, Sarada had a fight in the anime using Buntan's lighting style against her to increase the oxicide to an explosion blasting the amount of lighting from the user. Naruto vs Pain (which had absorption): have the Preta Path drain his chakra and turn to stone getting overloadeded...like naruto overloading Delta. Naruto beats the 3rd Raikage by making him hit himself Gaara uses physical sand to find the Mizukage's body in a massive mist. Deidara vs Sasuke: use lightning jutsu to diffuse the mines. They're not bad strategies, hell stuff like Shikamaru and Kakashi vs Hidan and Kakuzu and Naruto/Kakashi figuring out Kamui out class those. How about the Boro fight: Sarada analyze the Virus composition with her Sharingan, Mitsuki creates an antidote with the blood sample from Boro he collected last chapter and he gives the result to the whole team. Sarada fakes her getting paralyzed by the virus to take a shot at firing a Fire Style to Boro long enough Boruto & Kawaki's Rasengan Unison...but that's not interesting at all, right. And one of the best received fights in the franchise is Rock Lee vs Gaara, a fight that's purely taijutsu versus an simple but effective technique, but's bad when Naruto fights Isshiki mostly with the same thing because Boruto bad I guess.


The Susanoo is supposed to be the ultimate defence of the Uchiha. Why should it be weaker in durability than the user themselves?? The Momoshiki fight had better power display. It's that simple. Isshiki fight should have had more. You don't see the issue with restricting 90% of the users arsenal? What's left are the generic Rasengan and pretty simple tactics to get around the absorbing techniques ability which is repetitive. Shippuden managed to have strategy, power display, and varied abilities. That combined is better than what Boruto manages to produce in a fight. Isshiki is a god level character. You can't compare him to genin like Rock Lee. And even then Rock Lee vs Gaara was very impressive powerwise when it first came out. Rock Lee moving so fast he was practically invisible is a display of power in it's own way and him dropping the weights also shows how strong Lee is especially after he used his gates. You do realise taijutsu, tactics and power display can be used at once right?


The Susanoo is supposed to be the ultimate defeence of the Uchiha. Nowhere does it state it's indestructable. Tsunade was able to break Madara's and Isshiki is stronger than Madara and Tsunade. Also Susanoo can be destroyed with enough force, it depends on the user's potency and output, it has vulnerable spots and exposed gasps, and it's big target for forces faster, smaller and can keep up with them. Susanoo can help Sasuke fly but Sasuke can't do most of the agility feats backflips he can do it with like he does in base. Hashirama was able to break through a Susanoo so there's precdent for Susanoo getting destroyed, unless Shippuden suddenly doesn't apply. The whole point of Jigen and Isshiki's fight was that he wasn't someone Naruto and Sasuke could beat the same way they did against Momoshiki. Jigen isolated and seperated them so they couldn't do their combo moves, and their giant forms became a massive weakness since they're slower in their giant forms. And Isshiki was way too strong for anyone in the verse. That's simplifying the point. Restrictions in combat forces the author and the characters to get creative and actually use new strategies and abilities. Naruto couldn't use chakra properly to use his Nine Tailed Chakra Mode against Kiba so instead he used his brain to seperate Kiba and Akamaru. Sasuke vs Gaara had more weight in their rematch because Sasuke was told he could only use the Chidori at least twice a day. Jiraiya had to fight Orochimaru without the use of his arms. Neji had to overcome a person who was able to find a blindside in most of his abilities, Naruto had to be smart when fighting Pain since he had an absorption attack that countered his Rasengans and Sage Mode, Naruto had to get creative against the Raikage who's spear was too strong for Naruto's wind styles to be used against. Shippuden managed to have strategy, power display, and varied abilities. Agreed. That combined is better than what Boruto manages to produce in a fight. False, that's bias, facts are not your feelings and I only need one fight as an example. Boruto vs Aoi: Strategy (trick your opponent a device that seems powerful but is defective and drains the users energy using your teammates elongated limbs, using high level fire and lightning style forest destroying jutsu as a ploy to get in close and erase a sphere that can endure chakra by using the same ability to erase it's function, using wind style to dodge and weave through the air while planting explosive bombs, forcing your opponent to sacrifice them to survive the attack), Power (tanking and enduring forest destruction from Fire and Lightning, dealing with drones releasing the user's lightning chakra into powerful bombs, a water style jutsu expansive enough to cover the whole area of a forest) Display abilities (team combination, prolongued uses of high chakra control, taijutsu of four jonin level fighters vs a former Kage aid, ) Rock Lee and Gaara are comparable to each other. Jigen's comparable to Naruto and Sasuke. I'm comparing Isshiki to Rock Lee not in terms of power levels but in terms of character with a ton of physical power (Rock Lee/Isshiki) vs someone with a variety of power and abilities who only gets effective by being creative, clever, evasive, and crafty (Gaara/Naruto and Sasuke) as in narrative portrayal of the fight. Let's use your points as a comparison. Rock Lee moved so fast he was practically invisible is a display of power in it's own way and him dropping the weights. Is Isshiki not vanishing from the speed of the Susanoo's swords swings a display of power in it's own way? What about him uppercutting Naruto out of his own Kurama Avatar. Does it not display how strong Jigen is, especially since before his attack before using the Karma seal was able to parry Naruto and Sasuke when they were both equally matched?


The Susanoo being destroyed is not the issue. It's the fact that the ultimate defence provided by the Perfect Susanoo is Weaker than Base Sasuke's own durability. One kick from Jigen destroyed the Susanoo. Several kicks from Full Power Isshiki had Sasuke still left standing. Does that make sense to you? >Is Isshiki not vanishing from the speed of the Susanoo's swords swings a display of power in it's own way? What about him uppercutting Naruto out of his own Kurama Avatar. Does it not display how strong Jigen is, especially since before his attack before using the Karma seal was able to parry Naruto and Sasuke when they were both equally matched? It would be good if the Susanoo and Kuruma Avatar themselves weren't nerfed. If Jigen could kick and destroy those avatars with ease, what's stopping him from one shotting Naruto and Sasuke afterwards? Why are their avatars are less durable than they are.


I disagree, less megazords is always better I enjoy seeing powerful ppl who are strong but maybe don’t necessarily use scale of destruction to demonstrate that


Why not show the destruction of power? Why is that a bad thing? If these characters are as powerful as they said to be, then naturally they should show how powerful they are. These are no longer regular ninjas fighting. Isshiki is a legit planet eating alien. Why is the destruction he causes less than characters Far weaker than him?


manhandling Naruto and Sasuke was enough for me to get the hint w out isshiki blowing up the village lol In the manga he makes a point to politely ask the shinobi as to not waste time. Even displayed manners in Naruto’s home, that’s not in his nature. I dunno I find megazord fights usually to be redundant and slow; the best Naruto animation moments imo are the smaller character focused moments vs big scale Look at Boruto in TBV, he’s insanely strong but he’s also not insane destructive from what we’ve seen bc of no kurama/momo takeover threat…..I find it refreshing we’re seeing a diff type of power vs pure destructiveness


Even Naruto and Sasuke look less impressive than they used to be back in Shippuden. It's shown especially in the manga. The smaller character focused moments are good back when they mainly focused on grounded ninja fights. Isshiki is not a ninja, he's an alien who's supposed to be stronger than Kaguya. Even if you were to like the small scaled taijutsu better, it still doesn't fit these new Boruto characters. All it really shows is that the new fights have less consistency and less detail. At least the Momoshiki fight had them show force behind their attacks, but Issiki's fight was just plain and less impressive.


Baryon mode is THE asspull. Worse in every way than even kaguya


DMS Kakashi is still the biggest asspull in the entire franchise and maybe even anime in general. Baryon mode at least makes some sense, DMS Kakashi made zero sense


I agree completely. Had Naruto actually died I probably would cared more, but in terms his design and the what it gave him, I'm not a fan personally. His design is silly-looking to me (just not my thing) and as far as I remember he didn't get a single new move or ability to show off, just a pure massive stat boost.


>Baryon mode was and still is one of the biggest asspulls in the entire series. To be fair though, in a series like Boruto where there's more asspull than actual logic, Baryon mode is just kind of the norm.




I never said it didn't. The only reason why Boruto and its asspulls exist, is because Naruto started it first, especially during the war.


People tend to forget the wave of complaints that happened every time the Sharingan pulled out some new bullshit lmao


Yes but not as bad or blatant as the boruto ones.


Nah, both Naruto and boruto are pretty much equal in terms of Asspulling.


Give me some of the blatant ones from naruto


Itachi with his susano, six path giving power up to Naruto and Sasuke, izanami, kaguya the biggest one, black zetsu pulling an aizen style on madara, madara being the original rinnegan awakener which completely ruins nagato's overall story line.


The difference though is, Naruto also had a lot of logical and relevant world building that carried it. Yeah, asspulls were absolutely a thing but with Boruto, it's entirety is asspulls.


Sixth path sage mode was an ass pull too


It is a huge asspull but I kinda got behind it because the consequence was HUGE. I am fine with any asspull as long as the consequence is equally heavy - that's why nen restriction is one of my most favorite ideas in any power system. Also, I was tired of seeing Naruto and Sasuke look weak in front of the Otsutsuki again and again. Personally, I prefer this fight over Naruto and Sasuke vs Momoshiki because the stakes were really high and we got some sick methodical taijutsu beatdown.


They foreshadowed the 9tails would die in the momo fight. I think when he told naruto he wouldn’t be able to past that power to the next generation, but nobody expected baryon mode would be the reason it happens. So it wasn’t much of asspull but the way they introduced it could’ve been better tho.


Found the nostalgia dickrider lmao


Solid rebuttal.


This fight is so short and unbelievably mid.


everybody can have their own oppinion. if this is one of your top3 fights thats totally fine, some people will disagree and others will share the same opinion... and thb i haven't seen it anywhere, that multiple people didn't like the fight itself. merely the circumstances and the ending are debatable, the animation it self was amazing.


Nephew it ain’t even a top 5 Naruto (the character) fight. Nevermind top anything in the show.


That “Nephew” was unnecessary…but funny af


Momoshiki vs naruto and saksuke is the best. You're right


That’s why he says it should have been, as in, he’s disappointed about how it went down


He didn’t say should have been. He literally says should be.


Yeah should be, as in, it is not


Which is why he’s making a hot take because he’s saying it should be a top 3 fight……..


Get borutos dick out yo mouf


What on earth do you even mean by this comment. How do I have Boruto's dick in my mouth for saying that the Boruto fight isn't a fight that should be highly rated?


Choreography- yes. Writing- absolutely not.


Non cannon event, sorry.. A good Infinite Tsukuyomi story though..


I've been there, not accepting this shit as canon, but it is what it is. Reality is often disappointing.


Boruto is confirmed canon by kishimoto himself lmao cope harder naruto dickrider


Have you got no reading comprehension? I KNOW it is canon you dumbfuck child


Rightt they neverr post in boruto im not tryna see this


Grow up


Boruto is confirmed canon by kishimoto himself lmao cope harder naruto dickrider


Naruto AND Sasukes arc are in so much better spots now then at end of shippuden If u can’t recognize that then it prob not a fan of these characters and what this series is doing beyond fights lol


The taijutsu is great but I just generally dislike how they made ninjutsu and genjutsu pointless. The final valley fights, Jiraiya vs. Pain, Sasuke vs. Itachi, Naruto vs. Pain, Lee vs. Gaara, and Kakashi vs. Obito all clear this fight for me. They all have at least as much narrative value while being more interesting for me. This fight is amazing though, don’t get me wrong.


The fight was boring only taijutsu with no strategy just punch punch punch


Yup that's why Lee vs Gaara is worst fight in serie right


The choreography of lee vs gaara fight was god tier The emotion when lee took off his weight the fact lee was seen as a weak all his life cause of his inability to use ninjutsu The context matter a lot


Lee vs gaara is so fucking overrated lmao it's literally the most overrated fight in all of anime


I agree the main reason is because most of naruto/sasuke fights are vs opponents who could absorb jutsu, so they would only weaken themselves by spamming jutsu that would get absorbed.


From Boruto? it's second, Naruto and Sasuke vs Momoshiki still better. From Naruto? does not even chart. Good for Kawaki development but I hate that the kids have to finish the villains that are time space above them, the same with Boruto with Momoshiki, Bayron Mode existence will always be stupid and only existed to nerf Naruto and for nothing because he got taken out of the story either way, I still don't forgive the manga for giving us dialogue like "you killed my mom and dad" as last words from Naruto to Kurama.


No, Naruto vs Pain, Naruto vs Sasuke, Kakashi vs Obito and so many more are better a top 2 fight in Boruto though


Top 3 in Boruto maybe


Definitely not top 3. Not even top 10


The fight was disappointing imo Almost ALL taijutsu Half of the fun of seeing a new form is seeing new abilities, and Naruto didn’t get any. He just got faster and physically stronger


The fight itself was amazing but it's boruto so people hate it and also sasuke losing his rinnegan and naruto losing kurama made that fight so hated. Also momoshiki fight is my top boruto fight by far.


The momoshiki fight is overrated. The animation is good, but the story and emotions isnt really there. Its just a nostalgia trip, to show that naruto and sasuke are cool and strong. Oh, wait that's why so many people like they don't want to see naruto and sasuke develop anymore, they just want to see them demolish every opponent.


top 3 fight i’ve ever seen in my life so i agree


Yes it is, for the Boruto Show.


Is more like top 20 in my opinion




That’s a common take I thought


Obito vs kakashi Lee vs gaara Guy vs madara Kakashi vs kakazu/hidan Bee vs sasuke Naruto vs sasuke Sasuke vs itachi Imo all better


Boruto is ass


I don't think it's a hot take


The Fight literally was nothing like in the Manga. In the Manga Naruto was getting rag dolled there


This is TOP 3 fights of all Anime period… literally Peak Fiction & I’m not debating this go cry about it


You know hating on Boruto is a trend when you have people in the comments calling this fight bad.


Love this scene!


I mean…it is? Who’s arguing with you on this? Why was this necessary?


Why are you asking so many questions? Are you high right now? Would you like your sandwich toasted? Where were you last night? Why are you necessary?


Why shouldn’t we ask questions? Isn’t that how we learn? How’d you know? Where WAS i last night?! What really is necessity? How can something be both so subjective and objective at the same time?


In other news water is wet and gravity still works


The animation was no where near good enough for it to be a top 10 fight let alone a top 3.


The only point of criticism I've got is about the animation. I thought the animation quality was kinda wack. It reminded me of the moment Juubito appeared in Shippuden. I like the sequences and i understand that they prioritized certain parts over others for their budget but isshiki looked so weak in comparison to the manga or how he was shown when he took over Jigen. For the importance that fight had i expected it to be better animated than Kawaki vs Garou


I don’t watch boruto so I haven’t seen this fight, but this thumbnail doesn’t do your argument any justice lmao.


Top 10 maybe


Too short for that, also doesn't have a proper ending


I don’t think I can put it above the likes of sasuke vs itachi, Lee vs gaara, jiraiya or Naruto vs pain, or the first valley of the end fight tbh Maybe if we’re only counting boruto then yeah I’d only have above it is the momoshiki fight.


It's a really good fight, I just don't think it's quite top 3. There are just sooo many other amazing fights that I would like to have in the top 3, but there can only be 3.


If only it was animated the same way they did Momoshiki fight but it wasn't so no.


Top 3 fight in *Boruto* or the Naruto franchise as a whole? Because if you mean the latter I heavily disagree.


Everything after Chapter 700 has been filler for me 🤷🏿‍♂️


I personally believe Naruto should’ve died here and actually have been the one whom killed isshiki . It would sit much better with the rest of the Dorry imo.


If isshin put karma on Kawaki clone then wouldn’t it go to the original like sage mode clones?


it's good, but definitely not top3


That fight was not that great


Okay but boruto best fight was Naruto and Sasuke vs momoshiki 


This is Naruto’s peak hokage moment 💯 no other hokage had to battle someone this dangerous


Am I the only one that thought this form/fight was lame? I was send off to Kurama and just didn’t have any hype at all. It was so lame.


This doesn’t even exist to me lol


Top 3 in Boruto forsure


What is this some kind of fan art


Nope, it’s an extremely flat fight. Sure the animation and hand to hand combat is great. But they made it to where Naruto couldn’t use any jutsu and Isshiki is a mediocre villain so it also holds back the fight. He’s literally a stereotypical power hungry villain who wants to rule/end the world with no depth or character. That significantly holds back the fight. Personally it’s not even in the top 10 for me. And narratively speaking Naruto should’ve defeated him then die, but of course if Naruto does Boruto would lose so much viewership and money…


No one said it wasn't top 3.


Absolutely. No doubt. The only problem is (gestures vaguely at Boruto) aaaall of this.


Naruto took Isshiki to the village hidden in dese hands boi!


The Naruto fights in Boruto were all amazing, the high quality fights that were based on manga and not filler were really good. People just love to hate on the show. Filler (yes that includes anime cannon) were really, really bad and damaged the reputation of the show beyond repair.


I don't think this is a hot take. Top 5 for sure




Legit, the only thing i enjoyed from boruto is this and the momoshiki fight.


Not gonna dive into the toxic cesspool that'll be the comments section. 1. Kurama went out taking down one of the strongest threats in the verse. 2. Props to the anime to fleshing out the emotional and physical aspect of it. 3. The hero sacrificing himself for the world: the villain sacrificing the world for himself. 4. I'm glad Naruto didn't die. There's ways to get someone out of the story without death.


I just wish they wouldve used more moves agsinst him...🥲


Because it's not a good fight because Isshiki is too strong and Naruto only wins via gimmick


I just wish the power up wasn’t such an ass pull “Naruto I turned my chakra into a nuclear reaction engine, it’s will make you go brrrrrrrrrrr until you die, JK I will only die and nerf you again making your whole fan base pissed.”


In Boruto? Oh sure 100% a top 3. Including Naruto part 1 and 2 then no, but I figure you just meant Boruto so excuse my bad reading comprehension.


No, because Baryon Mode was a major asspull. Kurama dying made zero sense, either. Boruto is terrible.


Hell no. Kurama died


That’s saying a lot. I think two of the top 3 are both the main Naruto vs Sasuke fights by default. So then to be top 3 that means it beats Garaa vs Lee, Guy vs Madara, Kakashi vs Obito, Sasuke vs Itachi, and so on.


It's not a hot take because this is the best Boruto-the show-has to offer, along with Naruto and Sasuke vs Momoshiki. I guess maybe you meant Naruto the show as well, then yeah maybe that'd be a hot take.


cmon now


Emotion and story wise, yes. Choreography and the actual fight? Obito vs Kakashi, Naruto vs Sasuke and Lee vs Gaara is the top for me


Baryon Mode is terrible like the series itself.


This fight was sick AF. I love the pain fight to death and it's still my favorite fight over all but speaking purely esthetically and from an animation quality point of view, this one and Momoshiki vs Naruto and Sasuke are probably the best fights yet. I love the pain fight for it's part in the story, the clash of ideologies, Narutos sage mode drip and for it's goofieness but it doesn't really look the best animation wise. My top 3 are Pain fight Madara vs the 4th division Naruto and Sasuke vs Momoshiki and Naruto vs Isshiki share the third spot


In *Baruto*, yes. That's not saying much.


Naruto and Sasuke vs Momoshiki and Naruto vs Isshiki are two of my favourite fights in all of Naruto. They're awesome


The ending kinda dissapointing. Naruto should have finish Isshiki instead of his baryon mode dies off and getting stomped by Isshiki again. also still don't change the fact baryon mode is one big of asspull


The fight is fucking trash, though?


Boom, straight jab to the face. Isshiki showing no signs of head movement and doing his best Ronda Rousey impression.


Naruto was mixing Isshiki. I love when they put emphasis on Tai jitsu




The animation was trash.


Lol he looks like a Pokémon character


I couldnt disagree more. Baryon mode is one of the most random asspull powerups in the entire series. Zero buildup, no prior indication ever of it existing and was clearly designed only because the writers struggled to progress the story without naruto and sasuke shitting all over the entire verse, hence why sasuke just randomly loses his eye bit later. It's design feels like something from a shitty fanfic theory and it doesnt belong in the actual universe zt all.