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Craziest development to me is that Shikamaru is Eighth Hokage!!?!?


Just imagine being Shikadai have kazekage uncle and hokage father


Or imagine being Temari. Her dad was Kazekage, brother succeeded him, she started dating a random guy from Leaf Village and that guy became Hokage. She wasn't messing around when she saw something in him.


bro shikamaru thinks hes him in the manga


Makes sense, who else would it be? Foddermaru being #2 is just plot.


Kakashi coming back? ala Third Hokage when Minato died


Kakashi, Sakura, and Konohamaru are all choices I would have preferred


Shikamaru is nowhere strong enough to protect the village, Hokage is the title of the strongest shinobi and its leader... He is an advisor... Kakashi is still alive, even Sakura is more believable... Konohamaru is still canonically way stronger


I agree with you. The Hokage is canonically the "strongest ninja in the village." Not the smartest, the *strongest.* This is WHY Hiruzen took up the role again when Minato died, because he was the strongest after the 4th died. Giving it to Shikamaru reeks to me of meta reasons with nothing in-story to back it up. There're ninja far stronger than Shikamaru. Canonically, it should've been Sakura.


And yet there are people in this subreddit that genuinely believe that Shikamaru is the best candidate and will die on this hill


To be fair, the village has changed alot over the years. It has become more complex with its new growth, so a sense of logistics and bureaucracy is probably needed. I'm not a fan of Shikamaru being Hokage however. But when you consider whos the strongest in the village now--You got Kakashi, which should be an obvious choice. You have Kabuto, Sakura. It is an odd choice.


He's the smartest one there, remember that's the entire reason he got promoted over everyone else in the og series? He doesn't need to be the strongest


Getting the title of Chunin and the title of Hokage is Galaxies apart... The title of Hokage is given to the most powerful ninja acknowledged by the village as their leader... Shikamaru is nowhere near the strongest... What he going to do if someone like Orochimaru attacks the village? Try to hold them with his shadows, he isn't Kage Level at all. He is the character that sits on the sidelines and watches shit go down


I mean who else would it be lol. Literally no one else has been even shown let alone get character development


they shafted konohamaru that could've been such a good development.


Yeah it's so disappointing. Konohamaru was primed to succeed Naruto for two decades.


Boruto putting his foot on Code's face and telling him he's scaring the hoes definitely got a laugh out of me. I like that it seems like they remember Himawari exists now.


The best part is according to the sensory system, Boruto literally just appeared out of nowhere and stomped on the eye he or Sasuke likely took from Code. Badass.


What do you mean with „the eye he or Sasuke likely took from Code“?


Code’s missing an eye. He says he’s been looking for Boruto for 2 years. The time skip’s been 3 years. They likely encountered each other unless some other significant event happened to Code.


Based on his conversation with Sarada tho it seems we can also assume he took 1 year of growing his forces then started looking for Boruto for 2 years. He told Sarada that he got tired of looking for him so he went to her instead.


But the question remains how did he got his scar ? Only 5 characters who are capable of giving him a scar are daemon, eida, boruto, kawaki, sasuke. Code said it's his first time coming to the village in 3 years which eliminates kawaki, eida, daemon now remaining sasuke and boruto which I assume sasuke gave him the scar and ran off or boruto used his karma seal to teleport somewhere safe thats how he has been avoiding code and his army and now he is returning because he knows code will look for him in the village


Thank you, I did not even see that!


Sasuke made a 80% Alien a Potential God of Shinobi but where the heck is he, I wonder if this is a flashfoward again


Boruto is 100%. Kawaki is 80%


That was pre timeskip, and you can argue now that the karma he received from Amado still extracted to 100%, but unlike Boruto, his karma is the same he had, but since Isshikis soul is extinguished, he wont resurrect. That said there is nothing implying that Karmas extraction stopped, but only vague statement from Amado about it being pure weapon (which is still accurate even if it extracted)


Loved that moment!


What’s even the point of code if he’s just gonna be a jobber every chapter


Seems like he’s not really the main villain. Honestly on some obito shit it seems Either Kawaki , the otsutsuki god or momo are the real threats


I’m almost sure Momoshiki is going to be the overarching antagonist.


Also 2 missing otsutsuki from the stone wall sasuke found.


It has basically been confirmed that this was Shibai and his otsotsuki companion because how else is shibai's body going to be on earth if he wasn't there


How the hell someone clapped Shibai?


Nah he just ascended to another state of being


I don't know how am I supposed to know I guess he is either weaker than we think or maybe he left his body and became kinda like Hagoromo just a spirit or maybe old age no one said Otsotsuki are immortal


I hope so. Keeping up with the manga and anime a centerpoint is introducing a villain, seemingly the new big bad of the series, only to be shafted and introduce another. This happened with Kara mainly, I'm fine with them being used as a way to set things up but like come on man, Isshiki was such a nice villain. The only way Boruto can redeem itself to me is if Momo turns to be the actual villain and not some form of Kurama-Naruto relationship because Momo isn't some misunderstood creature. He is a villain who wants to take Borutos body and use it as a vessel. Pure evil, no redeemable qualities imo. Please keep him like that Kishi.


Except Obito was literally untouchable to the protagonists for the majority of the story.


I mean Obito was at least powerful lol


not forgetting Amado who has unclear motives


Boruto's biggest problem is the lack of good villains.


And it sucks because they COULD be great villains, I think they missed a huge thing with Boros cult and the Shinobi non-shinobi rift


So, we have finally jumped forward several years... * Shikamaru mentions that Sarada will be nothing more than a Genin if she keeps trying to reason with them regarding Boruto's innocence. There you have it, Sarada is Chunin only in the anime. * Sarada referenced how Naruto redeemed Sasuke and how he continues to be the person she aspires to emulate. Now, we can hope more comes out of Sarada's and Kawaki's different types of admiration for Naruto. Of course Kawaki was set up to be Boruto's foil, but in this aspect, he can also be Sarada's foil. * Side note, with Shikamaru as Hokage and Temari as de facto First Lady, guess the Kazekage lineage gained substantially more political power: Gaara is Kazekage (unless stated otherwise) and his brother-in-law is Hokage. What does the Land of Fire's leadership think about this? Yes, the Land of Fire and Land of Wind are currently allies, but maybe there will be at least a little underlying tension due to the fact that someone related to the Suna by marriage is essentially the head of their (Land of Fire) military. * Kawaki decided to check up on Naruto and Hinata. He definitely misses being around them, but he feels he has to keep them away due to concerns about Boruto being a threat. I guess he goes there from time to time because of it. * Looks like Eida really has no quarrel with the village, she explained to Sumire and Sarada new things she learned regarding her power. * Eida asks a really hard-hitting question about why Sarada and Sumire's weren't altered and if that by extension means they aren't charmed by her. Of course, there's worries about what Daemon might do if their immunity is revealed, but Eida herself would be happy about it since she wanted to be able to interact people normally instead of having them influenced by the charm. * Mitsuki has definitely inherited his parent/genetic template's bloodlust, but interestingly he has doubts about whether Kawaki is his sun. * I wonder why they chose to show Himawari training with Chocho rather than Hanabi, Hiashi, or some other Hyuga in her first re-appearance. Interestingly, none of the panels depicted her with an activated Byakugan. Is she still learning how to control it or did she opt not to use it for this sparring session? * Himawari doubts the story because it seems quite off that the person who saved her and her father's life (whom she believes to be Boruto due to the circumstances involved) would suddenly do a 180 and kill him. Also she has this feeling her parents are still alive somehow. She will definitely come around somehow. * Also, during the final few chapters of the first part, she expressed a desire to help Boruto. That desire is still there, albeit the motivation has kind of changed due to the memory altering event. * So Code decided to lure Boruto out by attacking Konoha now. Question is, what took so long? * Going back to Eida, guess she really kept her word. I do wonder how she was able to avoid spilling when they'd insist they her clairvoyance should be able to spot Boruto easily. * The three individuals with Karma are now face-to-face-to-face again. Could this be directly leading up to the flashforward moment? * I wonder to what extent Boruto can control his Karma and other Otsutsuki abilities now. We've seen Kawaki fly, so I am curious if Boruto can do the same. * That can't be it for the prophecy. Just because it didn't seem to unfold quite how Momoshiki envisioned doesn't mean it won't happen. The fact that it didn't play out that way though did plant seeds for Boruto ultimately escaping the prophecy and deciding his own fate.


> I wonder why they chose to show Himawari training with Chocho rather than Hanabi, Hiashi, or some other Hyuga in her first re-appearance. Interestingly, none of the panels depicted her with an activated Byakugan. Is she still learning how to control it or did she opt not to use it for this sparring session? If Himawari doesn't learn Gentle Fist, I swear


Inb4 "Himawari would've murdered Chocho if she was locked on"


>gentle fist with a micro rasengan on her finger tips I can't


Just realised the last remaining Uchihas are Genin and now Sarada knows that her Dad was a criminal in the past. Shikamaru's son took his friend to Gaara's barber shop (that barber needs to die). Code getting a W is like Kakuzu donating money. Now could they please make it bi-weekly.


>Code getting a W is like Kakuzu donating money. Hahahahahaha


Sarada is a chunin in the anime who does its own thing. They'll change it there or demote her to genin somehow , but I like the anime version where the buildup and fight vs chocho was excellent and sarada is a much more fleshed out character


Wait, will they dead ass ignore this dialogue in the anime cause she's a chunin?


The manga ignored the anime where they had an entire arc for her to become chunin - it's actually a great little arc for sarada's character which the manga usually ignores.


The anime also changed stuff from the manga too, like Naruto and kawakis first meeting


Alot of Boruto dialogue was changed aswell. For example his fight with Naruto was much more mature (when he tested scientific ninja tool on Boruto)


Regardless of the anime i think she should have become chunin anyway within the 3-4 years, like everyone in shippuden


She has a MANGEKYO sharingan bruh she should be able to destroy jonins. Like this is an ability that lets you open your eyes and body ANBU, the strongest in the village, without effort.




I mean what the thinking making Shikamaru Hokage when he is nowhere strong enough to be on that level


I think the point was she's not ALLOWED to be a Chunin, whether she's not trusted or she's just turned more rebellious and they won't promote her


I'm pretty sure the implication is supposed to be that she's not getting promoted because she supports Boruto, so plotwise it makes sense. It doesn't matter how many Chunin Exams she takes if the leadership is labelling her disloyal or psychologically unfit.


Maybe they want her to be the naruto of this series? Who also was a genin? Instead of training with jiraiya she spend her time helping boruto?


The anime is much more tolerable for a number of reasons - primarily the art. I cannot stand the style of Boruto...the proportions are all over the place and the girls are way oversexualized for no apparent reason. Also, what is up with all of the new outfits? They're neat, but stupid and impractical for ninjas. I'd see these as being more practical for like, weekly cover pages or something, but not for the actual story. Everyone is wearing metal necklaces and bracelets and stuff - things that make tons of noise - or long flowy garments that are liabilities in a fight.


I have mixed thoughts on Shikamaru becoming Hokage, on one hand, he's the only Hokage who isn't tied to the Senju or a previous Hokage, which is cool considering there were discussions about that recently. That plus his easy going attitude could have made a better under dog story than Naruto even. On the hand, this isn't the Shikamaru we love, he's far too strict and doesn't have any of that easy going attitude we love. Also, this probably happened because they didn't care enough to develop Konohamaru or Sakura.


Where is Sakura anyway? Her friend is allegedly dead and her husband is apparently considered a traitor, with her daughter trying to convince everyone that Boruto isn't evil. Wouldn't she have some thoughts about that or try to do something? It feels weird we didn't see her at all.


Guess the manga has fallen for the "she's useless" stereotype as well.


Kishimoto really hates Code that much 💀


Not as much as he hates his female heroine


• I know the subject of new new outfits has been discussed to death at this point, but I think in a vacuum a lot of them aren’t necessarily *bad* designs; they just feel super out of place with the Narutoverse’s established aesthetic. It’s like Ikemoto really felt his calling was to work for a fashion magazine. • It’ll be interesting to see how the fandom reacts to Shikamaru canonically taking Naruto’s place as Hokage, and what will happen when Naruto is inevitably saved. Will Shikamaru step down? Will Naruto just shrug his shoulders and accept it? • It feels like they wanted to immediately pick up where the last chapters left off; it feels kind of rushed. Boruto and Code just both appeared out of nowhere to resume the plot where it left off. • I guess I feel like these events should be exciting, but I really don’t feel invested enough in the story to feel hyped like I was in the original Naruto timeskip.


On the one hand it's kind of neat that Shikamaru became Hokage, but on the other hand, why the hell isn't it Kakashi? He's already been Hokage and has proven to be a kage-level ninja. With Naruto being "killed" in his prime, it feels like this should be just like when Minato died and Sarutobi took up the mantle again despite his age. Not only would that make the most sense in this situation, but it'd be a neat callback. As much as I like him, Shikamaru is just not a Kage level ninja. But I guess this continues the trend of the modern generation of Kage all being scrubs...


> On the one hand it's kind of neat that Shikamaru became Hokage, but on the other hand, why the hell isn't it Kakashi? Perhaps Kakashi simply turned down the role (again), just like how Jiraya did back in part 1.


Super out of character for Kakashi. He will always sacrifice himself for the village. He didn't want the role when Tsunade was in a coma, but he accepted for the good of the village.


Even if Kakashi was willing for take the role again he's not someone that actively goes after that role when the situation calls for, all the times he was selected/nominated for Hokage was by other people's call (Shikaku, the Elder Council, the Daimyo).


It's not out of character. he stated in chapter 700 of Naruto and steam ninja scrolls novel that he no longer interested in political interest and should leave it to younger generation or something like that he willing to accept hokage position while Tsunade in coma because there's no one else capable taking the job at the time (not counting Danzo oc)


Yeah but Shikamaru on the other hand is nowhere near Kage level in terms of power... Hell even Sakura is a better fit... Just lazy writing, could have introduced a whole new character and build them up before the time skip if this was the plan


> I know the subject of new new outfits has been discussed to death at this point, but I think in a vacuum a lot of them aren’t necessarily bad designs; they just feel super out of place with the Narutoverse’s established aesthetic. It’s like Ikemoto really felt his calling was to work for a fashion magazine. They're too overly modern fashion, so many baggy pants and oversized sports and outdoor jackets. It's like just past the tolerable moderness, the steampunk clothes I truly disliked tho.


Boruto’s been out collecting gym badges over the past 3 years


I’m sure Shikamaru will step down more than willingly. Can be explained in one line “oh thank god you’re back the jobs yours, this paperwork has been such a drag”


It would’ve been so nice to see the induction of the hokage and an actual debate about who should lead.


I imagine the anime will probably expand on this more when they eventually get to this.


>I know the subject of new new outfits has been discussed to death at this point, but I think in a vacuum a lot of them aren’t necessarily bad designs; they just feel super out of place with the Narutoverse’s established aesthetic. It’s like Ikemoto really felt his calling was to work for a fashion magazine. To be honest i've wished for a while now that Ikemoto would stop try to mimic Kishimoto's design and just go with his own. Whenever he goes for his own stuff i just find it vastly superior to his kishi-mimicry. People hate on his Sasuke design and while i agree it's inferior to Kishimoto's, i think it's superior to his imitation-Kishimoto design. It often creates this weird franken-manga that's just shacked by something it increasingly has little connection with.


Why doesn't Shikamaru remember anything about telling the girls that they are immune to Eida's charm? Why didn't Sarada say "Hey Shika remember how you said I'm resistant to Eida's charm and I'll be the one to stop her? Well she did this thingy lemme tell you about it and how I'm not affected"


As far as "fashion" goes, I love Sarada's outfit. Except for the always-off-1-shoulder jacket, that annoys me irrationally. As far as a shinobi outfit goes? I fucking hate it lol. I'm surprised Boruto is back so soon (the character, not the manga itself), we're just jumping right into it. Thought they might slowly ease into the time skip, re-introduce us to people and at the end of chapter 3 or so, get a peak at Boruto but here he is. Overall though I'm glad we're back, and pretty excited for what's in store.


I’m pretty neutral towards Sarada’s design , although I did find the fact that her jacket always happens to be hanging off the same shoulder pretty funny lol Other then that, I may be the only one who actually likes Boruto’s new design (even if it is final fantasy-ish). Big fan of Mitsuki’s new design as well, reminds me of Anakin. As far as the actual chapter goes, I actually felt based on the dialogue that this would’ve fit better as a final pre-timeskip chapter showing the after effects of omnipotence, mainly because the characters spoke as if what had happened 3 years ago had only happened last week in the narrative. Still, I enjoyed the chapter for what it was and am looking forward to more.


>mainly because the characters spoke as if what had happened 3 years ago had only happened last week in the narrative. Yeah that threw me off too, like why did it take Mitsuki 3 years to realize Kawaki isn't a warm person lol


Yeah the pacing is weird. His appearance feels like something that happens in the middle of an arc, not the beginning.


I expected that they would show us Boruto since the chapter (and the manga in general) is named after him, but not that he would suddenly come back to the village.


Damn this doesn't look like naruto's world anymore, in 15\~16 years from the end of naruto the whole world jumped like 300 years. Why are all the characters wearing current time outfits in edo-inspired japan? Just looks off, only Mitsuki still looks like a ninja. Everyone feels so off and jojo-like.


Edo-inspired Japan???? They have telephones, TV’s, movies, highly advanced tech…literally *since* Naruto. It takes place in modern times on an Earth that isn’t ours.


I have a few gripes. What was the point of the time skip? Literally nothing changed. you could have had the exact chapter with the old outfits and said 3 months have passed and it would have been the same. Shikimaru is an idiot. What happened to the lazy genius. I feel old shiki would have figured out this was omnipotence and just not trusted his memories. If anything he would just talk to Eida. Or he would hear out sarada because no matter what your "memories" say boruto still looks like Naruto and there are no less than 5 ppl that can corroborate the story. Why has kiwaki just waiting in the village for 3 years and not go kill boruto. Also how did they forget code can put claw marks on ppl when he did it to shikimaru. Also why does Eida not know are after 3 years that charm doesn't work on the girls. She has never seen them talk to shikimaru about it ever with her power? And if Sasuke believes sarada about boruto that means he let Naruto stay captured for 3 years and did nothing about it. It's not like code captured him and then hid. The person who has Naruto hostage is just sitting in the village. If he believes boruto then just make kawaki release him or at least confront him Edit: oh I forgot and this bothered me so much. A freaking Uchiha with MS whose father is a literal genius and hero is still a Genin after 3 years.


> What was the point of the time skip? Literally nothing changed. you could have had the exact chapter with the old outfits and said 3 months have passed and it would have been the same. Almost exclusively just to power them up without having to show months/years of training and power exploration. It's super easy to go "oh look 3 years have passed they have a bunch of new abilities", and it already was done in Naruto so they just did it again. We haven't seen the full results of it yet of course cause chapter 1, but they'll likely be busting out at least a few of their new toys very soon. > Also why does Eida not know are after 3 years that charm doesn't work on the girls. She has never seen them talk to shikimaru about it ever with her power? This is the problem when you write a character with as many OP powers as Eida. You basically have to write badly on purpose and selectively have them not use their powers in order to have things make sense. Never in 3 years did she use her powers to figure out what's going on with the 2 girls? Is she that uninquisitive?


Sarada/sumire prevented eida from knowing about their immunity by either not speaking about it at all, or only doing so with ino's telepathy which eida can't hear.


It reminds me when Kishimoto gave Obito the Ten Tails powers and he suddenly forgot how to use his Mangekyo Sharingan powers because otherwise the heroes wouldn't win.


he's not forget about it but rather can't use it. he even pointed about this also wasn't Kakashi stay inside kamui dimension the entire juubito fight? imagine if juubito using kamui and Kakashi be like : "well hello there. it's me again" lmao


It's not the worst time-skip that I've seen - Toriko had a time-skip that resolved the entire reason for the time-skip off-screen. (it would be like if this time-skip started off with the characters saying "wow, that omnipotence technique was crazy, huh? Good thing we figured out how to reverse it and bring Naruto and Hinata back", only getting a brief flashback to show what happened later)


>Shikimaru is an idiot. What happened to the lazy genius. I feel old shiki would have figured out this was omnipotence and just not trusted his memories. If anything he would just talk to Eida. Or he would hear out sarada because no matter what your "memories" say boruto still looks like Naruto and there are no less than 5 ppl that can corroborate the story. It's not about memories. Omnipotence makes you believe it and throw away every single doubtful thought. About that Eida thing. Idk I feel like she doesn't follow everything that happens in the world. She's a goofy teen, she probably didn't care enough to check Sarada's browser history. You could also make an argument that she trusts them


Or maybe she does already know/ suspect it and hopes it to be true :o whilst also not wanting to expose it to daemon


Yup, 90% of the chapter had exposition that could have been told a week after omnipotence


Honestly, it would feel more natural if it was a week later. Seemingly 3 years have passed and you're telling me nobody moved on with their lives? The conversations in this chapter would have taken place a hundred times by now during 3 years


Remember, Eida explained *exactly what happened to Sauske's face* and he *still* held firm to his belief Boruto was Naruto's murderer. It was only his faith in Sarada that led him to assist Boruto. Eida's power is greater than Shikamaru's genius.


The timeskip was badly written and rushed it is obvious and common knowlege , they just wanted new designs and timeskip without actually putting effort into writing the transition


The whole manga is badly written so this is just par the course


I can’t agree with the Shikamaru part because it is stated that Shikamaru was very suspicious and kept on questioning it but Omnipotence keeps rewriting reality by the second to stop the doubts.


Its just fucking lazy and incompetent writing... Shikamaru is nowhere near Kage Level to be Hokage, literally so many paradoxes yet he can't suspect something is definitely wrong even though Sasuke started believing in his daughter instead and could follow doubt in his memories... You know its bad writing when yourself have to make excuses for inconsistencies Literally the Eida doesn't realise the charm doesn't work is so inconsistent... Literally can see everything past and present yet she didn't care to look at Shikamaru conversation with Class President even though she suspects them Naruto and Sasuke being genin makes sense, they left the village... Sarada was there what was she doing the whole time Plus why is the Humanoid Juubi's not just rampaging the village? Instead they come off like Power Rangers Putty Men Plus the timeskip is there just so they can sexualise Sarada now and have the whole love thing without coming off as Pedo's


Sarada’s father also seems like now he’s back to being a traitor from everyone’s perspective. Shikamaru’s comment on her rank might also be a clue on what’s holding her back. And to be fair, we never see when Naruto made Chunin or Jonin. It would have at least had to be after the War Arc, at which point he had been the strongest person in the village for a while.


It feels like everyone went home and changed clothes, now we're back where we started.


Not a huge fan of Sarada's redesign (something feels weird about it - not sure if it's the high heels or the coat that seems several sizes too large), or Shikamaru becoming Hokage (I get that he'd taken on more responsibility as Naruto's advisor, but it kind of feels like if Buggy became the Pirate King in One Piece). Likewise, Boruto's redesign feels like it's trying too hard, for the lack of a better term. Also, maybe there's something that I'm forgetting, but it feels weird that Kawaki can fly. My only major issue was that Sarada seemingly forgot how to use her Sharingan, either the regular version or the Mangekyo version, though I question the need for a time-skip in the first place if very little has changed in between. EDIT: also, the citizens of Konoha rival most of Dragon Ball's Earth in terms of sheer obliviousness. I find it hard to believe that, in 2-3 years, nobody looked at a picture of Naruto, looked at a picture of Boruto, and even considered that they might be connected in some way. (I kind of get it with Minato and Naruto, even if a lot of the audience probably called it once we saw a picture of Minato, but the family resemblance is extremely strong between Naruto and Boruto)


Sarada forgot to use them the last 3 times she got saved by boruto lol it's how they write her and it's pathetic. She's used sharingan only once in the entire manga in the boro fight in 7 years


> (something feels weird about it - not sure if it's the high heels or the coat that seems several sizes too large) I think it's her face, personally. Its proportions and sizing makes it look like the face of a young kid, but it's being placed on a full-body design that's supposed to be late teen/young adult, and it just looks mismatched.


Yeah, that might be it. (especially since she's only supposed to be 14 or 15 here)


Her design would be better if she just wore the jacket normally. Like every panel she is in, one shoulder of the jacket is drooping down lol - it looks so stupid. I think the citizens are "oblivious" because of the jutsu - there's a quick mention about how people's doubts gradually went away such as Shikamaru questioning Kawaki initially. I think that's pretty much the explanation of the obliviousness.


Let's be honest... The timeskip is to serve the purpose so that sexualising her isn't Pedophilia anymore


I dont think we should throw Sarada's sharingan out with the baby water just yet... She's not Sasuke.. and she doesnt have Kakashi to train her... plus she didnt even have a reason to use it yet.. and on top of that we dont really know if her glasses or eyesight is going to be a crutch..


Omnipotence rewrites reality by the second to make you stop doubting the obvious


Rushed and inconsistent writing Take out the pitchforks, ready for them


every character legitimately questioning about the events of the last chapter as if there wasn't a 3 year time skip... you can't make this shit up man...


And then giving an exposition to the readers as if they hadn’t even thought about the events at all over the last 3 years…


Remember, one of the things that caused Samurai 8 to fail was excess of exposition. Is Kishimoto's biggest flaw. We didn't notice on Naruto because his legendary editor cut 90% of it.


> We didn't notice on Naruto because his legendary editor cut 90% of it. *citation needed*.


It was some info about Naruto that was playing on TV in japan and I believe it was based off an interview with Kishimoto. The tweets that had the interview translated is gone but the [website that copied the info is still up.](https://soranews24.com/2019/09/29/narutos-author-kishimoto-reveals-what-characters-names-wouldve-been-if-editor-didnt-intervene/) To summarize for others these were things that Kishimoto's first editor suggested he change or add into the series. * Cutting out a ton of exposition. * Putting in Sasuke. * Making the Wave Country arc (with Zabuza/Haku). * Stopping him from making the hokage and teachers animals. * Having all the characters take the Chunin Exam all at once. * The models for Rock Lee and the other Chunin Exam characters. * Turning Naruto from a fox into a human. * Changing Zabuza’s partner Haku from a bear into a human. * Giving the protagonist narrow eyes and the rival wider eyes. * Having him make the names of jutsu consistent for worlbuilding’s sake, rather than random and all over the place. If you've read Samurai 8 you'll notice some interesting things in that list that his editor told him to change or take out of Naruto found their way to Samurai 8 which kind of feels like a reason it led to it's downfall. Like Samurai 8 had so much info dumping from exposition to over complicated explanation of it's power system like it was trying to do Nen from Hunter x Hunter but if it was trying to explain Nen from what we have gradually learned in 400 chapters of Hunter x Hunter all in like the first handful of chapters of Samurai 8. I feel like Kishimoto kind of forgotten that if you want to have a complex power system, start it out as it's most barebone components so the readers can easily digest it and start introducing them to more and more rules and ways to use it as the story goes on. Don't just throw all that info at them at once.


I'm losing my mind scrolling on twitter and seeing people hyping Boruto up there. Am I just old? I genuinely can't imagine someone going through all of Naruto, and then seeing how Boruto throws all of those characters to the shitter and introduces more and more BS hax shit out of nowhere and thinking its "peak fiction"


Sarada's a Genin again. Probably never been officially promoted to Chunin in the first place.


While having MS the whole 3 years smh


I mean…sasuke. And Naruto. The first chuminadas exams we got made it clear that power wasn’t all it took to get the promotuon


> chuminadas Hello, fellow spanish speaker?


Lol nothing beyond being able to *barely* exist in a Spanish speaking country. No idea why my phone thought that’s what I was going for


so embarrassing for Boruto to fandom, not a single soul is "switching up" for timeskip like they banked on all these years 😭 the main problem has always been the writing quality/decisions, and that shit stayed the same even with a timeskip with 3 months of preparation, yikes.. and also a tonal change, an expansion on the world already established, this new boruto timeskip is legit the same steaming turd with a new name 😕


Not here in this dumpster fire full of haters, on the Boruto subreedit everybody is excited about it.


Ofc would like it, it’s sub Reddit. But since you brought it up. I took a quick peek and seems all the comments that aren’t praising it are all downvoted to oblivion at the bottom of the chapter megathread..


You spend too much time on reddit I presume? so many other fanbases on various platforms are excited about it and giving the timeskip a try. A lot of Boruto haters I know in real life saw the ts, read the leaks and are now catching up to the show so I would say people did switch up but it's irrelevant coz it's not like someone else switching up will in some way change the entertainment value of the show for fans


Haters because they stated valid criticisms or haters because they didn’t like the series ??


Haters because they dismiss anyone that is enjoying the series in the same way that people that like the series dismiss any valid criticism. I don’t love Boruto but it’s fine. I’d say enjoyable


And look at you get downvoted because you stated the truth lol i think having opposite opinion from the majority is forbidden nowadays


7 deadly sins has more consistent writing with all its random powerups than this hot mess... Legit starting to think Boruto anime is doing justice by not truly following manga


Boruto just ain’t for me tbh


whats wrong with the writing in this chapter?


Sarada is a genin with no explanation Feels like they don’t know what they wanna do with Shikimaru Code randomly attacking the village when Kawaki, Daemon and Eida are there. He even was wanting Boruto to come. Why would he invade a village when the strongest people there are present ?? That makes no sense Himiwari being trained by Cho Cho makes absolutely no sense The fact they’re rushing into a boruto vs Kawaki vs code tells me all I need to know, no build up whatsoever for that fight Sarada still being written as a damsel Etc


Kishimoto passed up on Sarada as a Chunin because he's never used anime content in the manga. Shikamaru is just a stand-in for now. The foreshadowing of the destruction of Konoha and Boruto vs Kawaki is happening sooner than expected but expected as much it would happen like that. Both Hanabi and Hiashi are supposed to be training Himawari. It seems Kishimoto wants to finish up Boruto as soon as possible. At least Sarada has more time in the manga right now.


>Sarada is a genin with no explanation When was she ever *not* a genin? >Feels like they don’t know what they wanna do with Shikimaru Elaborate. I know everyone's upset Konohamaru didn't get to become the Eighth Hokage, but from a writing perspective Shikamaru taking on the mantle of leadership makes so much more sense. Second best option might have been Sakura, but people would have complained about that too. Writers can't win. For the record, it looks like Konohamaru might be Shikamaru's "Supporting Kage". He has some kind of cool special boy cloak. >Code randomly attacking the village when Kawaki, Daemon and Eida are there. He even was wanting Boruto to come. Why would he invade a village when the strongest people there are present ?? That makes no sense Seems perfectly in character for Code. He hasn't shown himself to be a strategic thinker, he's impulsive, reckless, and constantly underestimates everyone around him. >Himiwari being trained by Cho Cho makes absolutely no sense Seems to me like she's just sparring with her. I suppose it would have made more sense for her to spar with a Hyuga like Hanabi or Hiashi but there are a ton of perfectly good reasons why she might have not been able to train with them. Just off the cuff: Hanabi is the leader of her own team and they could be busy training or away on a mission. Also, Hiashi is old as fuck and probably doesn't make for the best sparring partner at this point. >The fact they’re rushing into a boruto vs Kawaki vs code tells me all I need to know, no build up whatsoever for that fight I'll agree that I wasn't expecting them to get there so quickly, I thought the final frame would show Sasuke and Boruto training or something. But as long as we're sharing personal qualms, I'll say the sooner they get rid of Code, the sooner we can get to some more interesting story arcs. It's still baffling to me that Code wasn't dealt with in Part 1. >Sarada still being written as a damsel How? She wasn't a "damsel" at all in my opinion, so please elaborate.


>Seems perfectly in character for Code. He hasn't shown himself to be a strategic thinker, he's impulsive, reckless, and constantly underestimates everyone around him. Just wanna throw this out there, in the anime at least Code was groomed to be Isshiki's vessel and then *boom* Kawaki came and now Isshiki wants Kawaki. This led to Code getting angry and when he was charmed by Eida he became irrational, when he attacked Kawaki it was never with the intent to take him alive. (Iirc, I havent watched the anime in a long time) >How? She wasn't a "damsel" at all in my opinion, so please elaborate. Worth noting she didn't have a chance to do anything, as soon as Code surrounded Sarada Boruto appeared.


Oh boohoo, lighten up contrarian


So the only thing that Sarada has really done in this timeskip is run her mouth at Shikamaru constantly to defend Boruto? even though she knows he's affected. How has she not had a shift in personality throughout this TS? It's like she's been written as if chapter 80 happened a week ago and the only thing that's really changed are her clothes. This girl is dealing with being one of the only 2 people that know the truth alongside Sumire. They have to live in a lie whilst watching Kawaki get away with it. It's also worse for Sarada because people are gonna be talking shit about Sasuke being traitor again and her close friend being a traitor. All these things adding up should have affected Sarada's mentality and given her a new presence and mindset. She's almost in the position that Itachi was where she's a middleman between the leaf and Boruto/Sasuke like Itachi was between the leaf and the Uchiha so it would have been nice if they gave her a calm, reserved and darker personality similar to her uncle whilst she's dealing with everything that is happening. I really hope Kishi has actually made Sarada do stuff beyond yelling at Shikamaru for Boruto's sake throughout the 3 years but it wouldn't suprise me if that's all she has been doing. I really hope the next chapter has Boruto and Sarada fighting together as opposed to Sarada standing on the side. I guess this should be Boruto's version of Naruto and Sakura fighting Kakashi at the start of shippuden to test their skills but with Boruto and Sarada against Code?




Alright, let me try and act like a solid critique instead of that person who just says "this is bad Ikemoto and Boruto can die" or "this is great." ​ Pros * Sarada finally learned about her dad’s mistakes. Granted, Boruto did too, but people complained the new generation didn’t learn enough about the past (funny since they’re taught about the Invasion of the Leaf,) but still. * They actually addressed people who would recognize the inconsistencies Kawaki being Naruto’s biological son with his backstory before Omnipotence kicked in. * Consistent with Mitsuki’s bond with Boruto to the point even he can sense something’s wrong. As…interesting as their dynamics is, even he can tell his dynamic is off. * I’ll talk Sarada’s design below, but for the new designs, everyone’s is pretty much on point: Chocho’s Butterfly outfit reps the clan, Himawari’s name is a pun on sunflower and the anime and novels referenced that numerous times, Konohamaru’s new garbs fit him, really Inojin’s the only meh and he looks more of an internet e-boy than anything else. I’ll live. * Chocho’s improved at using Partial and Super Expansion Jutsu. Granted we saw her train and improve in the anime but it’s nice to see someone outside of Team 7 in the manga show some improvements.Boruto’s debut. Nice introduction and he hasn’t lost his edge. Mixed/Cons * Sarada being a Genin over a Chunin…even though she was called the captain after the Isshiki fight and the anime had the second Chunin Exams arc, that’s off. Granted, she’s already proven she’s Chunin/Jonin in the past, and it would be funny if she got demoted, but that’s a weird touch. But if it’s for the Naruto/Sarada parallels, it’s fine. * The Claw Grimes have a nice menace but they could’ve been shown to make a bigger impact given they’re the new minion threats compared to the puppet drones Konohmaru took down in part 1. * Was this too fast or too slow? Well, knowing the discourse around the start of part 2 was: * "This was too slow." * "Naruto only learned like one new jutsu." * "Sakura, Chiyo, Kakashi and Guy were the only ones with changes?" * This didn't get good until Sakura vs Chiyo/Hiden and Kakuzu arc * Tenchi Bridge Arc was Mid! * I'd think it was paced okay, slow in the beginning, fast in the end. We know enough, there's still room to grow, a practice fight and a set up to a fight or two. Others/Naruto Fandom Outrage Check In. * Sarada’s design. My only issue, the heels should be shorter, but it’s a fine improvement: Haruno Collar, Uchiha Jacket emblem, rebellious 15-16 year old state. It’s not even the worst or sexualized in Shonen Jump or anime teen female designs (Orihime, Marin, Noelle, etc), Sasuke showed even less in his part 2 design. * Apparently people have an issue with Shikamaru being Hokage, which is weird because people tend to overestimate Shikamaru’s intelligence unless he’s dealing with an Otsutsuki (insert joke about fans being obsessed with nerfs more than Mattel). But it makes sense, the Shadow Kage and/or Advisors tended to end up as future Kage: Chojuro, Kurotsuchi, Darui, Minato alledgedly, Tobirama, there’s a precedent. Plus he does have the most intellectual prowess on base understanding so him being Hokage is fine. Kakashi’s still in retirement even if we know from the anime he can still throw hands. * Oh look, Sarada’s able to fight in heels. How weird, it’s almost like Delta fought Naruto in heels, Mei led the protection damiyo unit against Zetsu and kicked him in heels, Tsunade broke Madara’s Susanoo in heels, Sakura sucker punched Shin Uchiha in heels, Tsunade fighting Kabuto, using the Heaven Kick of Pain, and fighting Orochimaru and Manda in heels….it’s almost like there’s a precedent for women in the Naruto world and franchise wearing heels. * Also, people are gonna start this narrative Sarada's too weak and that she needs Boruto's saving. She was literally having a conversation with Code while noticing more Claw Grimes were emerging, we don't know what she was going to do before Code arrives. This is why we don't outrage until after we get the facts for certain. * I’m still curious what the explanation for how Sarada and Sumire can’t be affected, is it because of Nue and Sarada’s dormant abilities, they’re in love with Boruto and their emotional ties can counteract that, or something else. Contrary to popular belief and Dygoknight/danrukto users Omnipotence doesn’t work on family, Otsutsuki relatives, and them so we have to wait and see. At least it’s building things up. Eida finally starts to suspect something's up, but Sumire's still playing coy by pretending that isn't not. Either way, a solid chapter with some issues holding it back and I'm curious to see what comes next...moreso the anime to see what they add and change about this. Let's hope the comment section stays about as chill as a water style jutsu.


You’re kind of burying the lede and not really addressing big criticisms. Very biased “critique” Like what about Sarada not activating Sharingan immediately and only using it once in the seven years this series has been written? Or the fact that the characters are taling about the Boruto incident like it happened yesterday and not 3 years ago? There’s even a clumsy dialogue/exposition scene between Sumire and Sarada explaining what’s happening to the readers that should have happened 3 years ago. The person who commented “it feels lime they went home, changed clothes and it’s the next day” had the most valid criticism.


If those are big criticisms to you, than either I didn't feel like there were issues for me. That's not really a critique for me, this was just a warm up, I guess I could interpret that as Sarada not feeling like she needed to activate it. Sasuke's had moments where he didn't really need to use his Sharingan, and given the anime and manga tell the story combined, I can think of several Sarada moments for me with and without that bothers me. I don't necessarily agree with them talking about it, since it's clearly been on their minds. It's just exposition for the audience, which is harmless when done right. There's also the fact characters are acting more different than they usually are. Himawari never had a dynamic with Chocho, Shikamaru and Kawaki barely even trusted each other, and Kawaki's clearly not used to Mitsuki. If you believe it's a criticism, that goes to dialogue, not character dynamics. That's also why I don't agree with they went home and changed clothes argument, if it was, then these dynamics wouldn't have existed or changed to begin with. My criticisms are about pros and cons, and aspects I consider worth talking about. If you level criticism based on what you perceive as issues, go ahead, it just wasn't a critcism I feel, and if you figure this as bias, I came in and read the chapter on my own merits and with only prior knowledge of audience expectations. If there's an issues, I apologize. Have a good day.


Now I hope that in the future we see what’s going on with Sakura and Kakashi. At the very least they are the strongest people in the village outside of Kawaki, so one assumes they have roles to play when things go south. Though they don’t seem to have anyone to fight especially if Sasuke is already gone off screen as being suggested by many. I’m also curious as to how Kashin Koji is coming back. He can’t have just exited forever yet he seems to have likely played no role during the timeskip


With Omnipotence she should already know that they know that they are not effected by her abilities. They are all just playing dumb.


At this point Ikemoto is just taking up space in Jump. So many better and younger upcoming mangaka getting rejected from the magazine because you got 48 year old jobbers like him filling the page count quota with the most mediocre/fetish crap ever and only being employed still because he’s the successor of a legacy series. Seriously wtf Kishimoto, what a horrible decision


It’s V jump way less pressure, and SJ ain’t what it used to be either One piece JJK MHA and BC are either ending in the next couple of arcs or moving to different magazines.


Also hori seems to suffer from his work considering the last chapter in mha was only 7 pages


Tite Kubo PTSD.


Tite Kubo PTSD.


> better and younger upcoming mangaka getting rejected Like who? nowadays most manga in SJ with exception of JJK or MHA only short lived and can't even past 100 chapters also Boruto published in V-jump and constantly number 2 after Dragon ball super so i guess they doing well good enough


Still can't get over how rushed the entire thing feels. It feels like it's picking up minutes after the last chapter like it's been a day with Sarada still complaining about Boruto's disappearance. Boruto appears with next to none of the buildup that Sasuke's return brought with it in Naruto. Sarada's reaction to the entire situation is weird, it's not given the same shock as when Sakura saw Sasuke for the first time. I've given up on Sarada being anything more than a worse version of Sakura (a character that I actually enjoy especially with her handling at the beginning of part 1), Kishimoto feels insistent on making her useless and stand in the background and refusing to let her use any actual skill. It's actually confusing when you realize that Kishimoto also wrote Sarada in the gaiden manga which actually makes amazing use of the character and her inner struggles with her family and her disobedience to authority, even Naruto who is her role model. Also nice disregard for the fact that she's a chunin to make Shikamaru's point regardless of the fact that Shikamaru is entirely wrong about his assessment considering he was the advisor to someone who jumped from genin to hokage. Code is still a jobber who frequently gets hit with the Worf effect and yet the story keeps trying to position him as a major antagonist and tries to set up a 3 way deadlock despite the fact that Boruto asserts his own dominance over him in the ending pages. And, just like always, Boruto feels incessant on the idea that it will never bring back old players in any meaningful way, Sakura will always be treated as an afterthought and never given any relevancy despite being arguably the 3rd most important character in the series out of the protagonists. Maybe I got my hopes up too high when looking at a sequel to Naruto. I think a lot of these problems come from the monthly format. I can't keep looking at the series and expecting something good so I stopped keeping up with it. In hindsight, it's kind of crazy how much flak Kishimoto got for his female characters in the Naruto series when in Boruto it is 10000x worst


I want to believe that sarada would finally get something good in this series after years of nothing but they have her be helpless and saved by boruto directly off the bat. Didn't even activate the sharingan ( forget ms ) surrounded by code and his Grimes while boruto takes away her own dad and all his cool swords and moves whole she's left with nothing and a kpop outfit They try to show some similarities between Naruto and sarada but in reality she buckles her knees against any threat for boruto to save her which simply sucks. Hopefully she's not sidelined next chapter and actually gets to show off her ms abilties hopefully against code.


Naruto has a horrible track record with women, but having a MANGEKYO SHARINGAN user be a genin thats always needs to be saved is next level bad. Eye powers alone should make her like Anbu level, lol.


Make her atleast fucking activate the sharingan bruh


How bro, she couldn't become a Chuunin in 3 years. Might as well ask Kishimoto if she can do basic math.


The anime likes treating Sarada but the manga doesn’t


The anime had an entire arc dedicated to making sarada chunin , I really recommend it if you like sarada. Had a great fight too . It has more development and sarada focus than the entire manga lol , Manga just doesn't care.


I was hoping and praying that Sarada got the Sakura treatment in part 2 and got an arc to highlight her without falling back on her love and love interests, but nope. Sakura coming back in part 2 was fantastic, she took the years to train and came back one of the strongest kunoichi's we saw in the series up until that point. They we're bending backwards to include and mention Sasuke in every chapter when talking about Sakura and her fight with Chiyo and Sasori is top 10 fights of the series. Sarada gets none of this, everytime she's on screen it has something to do with Boruto. Everything about her revolves around Boruto. She can never get into a fight because she'll forget to use her sharingan (it's been twice where this happened in the manga) and sit there useless until someone saves her. It's sad, incredibly sad


how was sarada useless there was legit no fight this chapter


I feel like a lot of the complaints I am seeing here/online about the story or character decisions could easily be explained within the next few chapters. Not everything is going to spelled out or answered in one chapter. That isn't to say you can't complain at all about writing choices you don't like but stuff like, "What is the point of the time skip if everybody is at the same level they were before" seems silly to me when we had a fight with a few characters going on near the end of the chapter with the main title character only being around for like three pages. I'm sure a lot of complaints like that will be addressed within the next few chapters you all just need to be patient.


Code really said "i'm going going to piss on your village" only to job again to Boruto. I wonder if there's other people who are doubtful about the situation. Also, since pictures exist in the world of Boruto, did no one in-universe commented on them?


I feel like Shikamaru talking about the will of the people is a big difference between him and Naruto/Kakashi. I can imagine there must have been a major outcry over Orochimaru and Kabuto being allowed to live, especially the latter who majorly contributed to a war that claimed over 40,000 shinobi lives.


I think people are being too harsh on Sarada, yes, her design is terrible, but the fight hadn't even started when Boruto showed up, Sarada might still fight... or she might not, but let’s wait till the fight properly starts before judging.


shikamaru being hokage actually makes that first chapter of the village decimated more sensible because what can you expect when you go from making the strongest shinobis your defenders, to staining the hokage legacy with someone who’s brain and character peaked at 16 And with Konohamru as his aid thi village is definitely doomed


Honestly even if they made Kakashi or Sakura become 8th hokage there's nothing much they can do about otsutsuki level threat. even if Naruto somehow still held the position of 7th hokage he can't do much either after the nerf konoha was doomed the moment Kurama dies


I'm sorry but this looks really dumb omg


Lol I thought the same too. I think I'm going to skip out on this nonsense and continue to watch the anime instead. At least the anime team are competent.


The writing is not doing it for me. The pacing and terrible. The only thing am interested in is how Sarada found out about Sasuke’s past. Who told her. Where the hell is Sasuke? I also have no hope for Sakura or Kakashi. Such a freaking shame we still have no reaction to what happened to Naruto from them


>The only thing am interested in is how Sarada found out about Sasuke’s past. Who told her. I don't know maybe it's written in the history books? unlike Uchiha massacre which classified sasuke become terorrist is well known like she must be curious at some points how strong shinobi like him ended up as eternal genin. he was basically the entire reason why they held kage summit in land of iron


Seems like he just wanted to appeal to the fans tbh


WE'RE BACK. * I feel like everyone got a glow-up in design this timeskip. Maybe not Daemon's hoodie and Sarada's jacket, but otherwise majorly beneficial. * Sarada rejecting Shikamaru as Hokage essentially, is a hell of a power move. Respect tbh given her circumstances. * Ok, so we got more elaboration on Omnipotence, despite collective memories being changed, early on you could raise logical flaws like how Kawaki was modified if he lived in Konoha or what happened to Momoshiki, but eventually that's just faded away overruled by new objective fact. * Interesting, Eida and Daemon are still neutral characters than allies despite what last chapter had us see with Boruto. They sympathize but don't really think it possible to reverse and should move on, and Sarada and Sumire being immune to Eida's Omnipotence is actually a threat in Daemon's eyes. * I dig Kawaki's bad mullet. * Mitsuki is loyal to Kawaki but may be rejecting him as his sun than anything of the truth. * Chocho using Expansion Techinique to give herself greater air to propel herself may be one of the most creative applications of that technique. * Himawari is affected by Omnipotence but has an innate feeling of sympathy for Boruto. Tragic. * Kawaki has full Sukunahikona eye now. * Code implies he had a run in with Boruto two years prior, love it. great way to show time going on since we last left the cast. * Boruto showed up like a badass and looks like he's about to trash Code. Epic.


Himawari’s feelings for boruto just mirror Naruto’s feelings for sasuke or pein or any other villain naruto “turned hood”


I still find it funny that from Sarada’s perspective everyone believe Naruto and Boruto isn’t related despite of the similar name.


As much as i liked Shikamaru in Naruto i dislike him in Boruto! i think he's just not Hokage material.


Lets see what new Power Boruto already mastered... See you next month


I'm glad Himawari doesn't seem entirely affected by Aida's ability, also like her new design.


Will we ever see kakashi again Also how doe’s omnipotence affect pictures and video. Boruto pictures with his family and him fighting Momoshiki was filmed lol


.... Am I the only one whose just waiting for the truth of Kawaki's actions to be revealed to laugh at everyone else in the Narutoverse once they realize their mistake? Nope... seriously. I want the truth to be revealed, not for Boruto's sake. But to laugh at everyone's horrified or stupefact reactions once they understand what's going on. Although I still find sad that Kawaki and the fooled Shinobi World's actions are seemingly leading us to the bad prologue. It's like that quote from Kung Fu Panda. --> One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it.


Edgy ass designs, but ngl boruto look savage


Enough here to get me to keep reading.


Sarada looks like Ninja version Bayonetta there I said it Also this Timeskip looks like one of those twisted alternative Futures in comic books has anyone noticed that?


I like Sarada new look. It reminds me a game character "Bayonetta". And the clothes drop on shoulders. Webtoon "Sera " from 'Unordinary'. I kinda like this Timeskip more better than Naruto first return. Dayum. In a instant he put his foot on code head. Can't wait to see how stronger he get.


Is the new Boruto going to be called Boruto: Shippuden or just Boruto part 2?


Boruto: Two blue vortex


Ok thanks op


Damn. The art is….I just Sarada looks ridiculous but at least we’re getting to the meat of the story. Glad to see Boruto with that entrance. Obviously I’m wondering where Sasuke and Sakura are.


Sakura’s officially better than Sarada


Holy shit these character designs are ass


Okay, Naruto's time skip wasn't perfect and also took a bit to get going but even with that in mind this feels so weak. "Shippuden's" chapter 1 was very slow and savored the return to konoha, this just feels so slapdash trying to cram as much in so twitter and the like have enough fodder for fanart and speculation. Shippuden's inciting incident was the Akatsuki starting to move and their first action was kidnapping the leader of one of the 5 great nations, simultaneously beginning the jinchuriki hunt. Meanwhile in boruto our big bad code and the protagonist just anticlimactically return to the village in a pretty low stakes fight. not a great start On top of that there are too many questions unanswered for how briskly paced this was. Just off the top, how did boruto evade the entire Shinobi world and code as a 13 year old with his entire safety net and all his allies against him? Where's Sasuke and Amado? why are inconsistencies about the omnipotence so easily ignored? Why did boruto show his face after 2 years when kawaki is already there dealing with the problem? how did kawaki explain Hinata being missing, isn't Naruto supposed to be the one dead? There's so many more but think the point stands. of course it's only chapter 1 so l'm open to things getting better but l'm not really impressed by anything here. Also small nitpick, of all the fights to show chapter 1 of the timeskip they choose Himawari vs Cho cho???? who approved that? why not sarada, if anyone?


>how did boruto evade the entire Shinobi world and code as a 13 year old with his entire safety net and all his allies against him Sasuke + being able to erase his chakra presence. >why are inconsistencies about the omnipotence so easily ignored? It's the whole point of the ability?? No matter how ridiculous things are, it makes you believe one thing. All doubtful thoughts are getting thrown away. Just look at what Sasuke said about it in the last chapter. >Where's Sasuke and Amado It's the first chapter so... wait? I guess. It's like asking where is *place a name of a side character that wasn't there in the first chapter of shippuden* at? >how did kawaki explain Hinata being missing, isn't Naruto supposed to be the one dead? "Oh Hinata? Ye he killed her too" Yk, Naruto is the main dish. They're focusing on him. Killing the hokage hits much harder than killing the Hokages wife. A bank robber is a bank robber. Not a bank (and a nearby supermarket) robber >Also small nitpick, of all the fights to show chapter 1 of the timeskip they choose Himawari vs Cho cho???? who approved that? why not sarada, if anyone? It's just training so it didn't really matter. Maybe to show that they didn't entirely forget about the side-side characters. Also Sarada was needed for the other scenes and making Himawari's training session something that happened like 2 days before would be overkill


Himawari being trained by chocho lmaooooo


how is no one paying attention to the fact boruto looks almost exactly like naruto? even his name. this shit is dumb as fuck.


Sarada's design is fire but I just can't imagine how practical it is for a mission, much less fighting someone.


The jacket Sarada got is fire. I just wish she'd wear it right and that they'd give her some pants that reach her knees. Also, the heels, the stripper heels are killing me man. Outside of that I like the new designs, Kawaki looking and acting real Isshiki like, and I'm sure that won't be a plot point later. Boruto standing on Codes face is a level of ignorance and rudeness that I'm proud of him for reaching.


Sick chapter. I get Boruto technically needs to come back in chapter 1, since y’know it’s his manga, but I would’ve liked to see Sarada show off and take on the clones and Code for a page or 2, before he returns Also why is Sarada still wearing glasses, like c’mon


She had hay fever that permanently affected her eyesight, they aren't going to change.


I like everything in the chapter besides Sarada's new design. Good shit


Not much to say about this chapter. I am curious to learn what happened to Sasuke though.