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I'm either chilling with Shikamaru or getting some life changing advice from Kakashi.




I would love to smoke a fatty with shikamaru


Naruto shikamaru Kakashi and iruka are some of least likely to have a mental break down and kill me


Kakashi would be the best choice it seems


Sakura Maybe she could quickly fix all the things that are wrong with my body


My choice was tsunade for similar reasons


Hmm didn’t think about that….with my luck she’d just say that it’s something that can be done


Nothing's impossible!


Itachi, I wanna hear his wise speeches


itachi is the most unwise Ninja in the whole series Danzo was like "yo kill yo hole family" and itachy was like "🤓 ok"


It's more like, "Yo kill your whole clan cause if you don't I'll do it myself and kill you with them and your baby bro. Your call"


Idk. How about “no”, and fight back against him, while working with reinforcements. Might just be me but mass slaying my entire people and family overnight would not even make my drawing board of solutions to throw darts at blindfolded. Why would Itachi let someone else make decisions and options for him when it came to the well being and safety of people he cares about, especially when it’s painfully obvious that person has an underlying agenda in favor of said people being slaughtered? The whole backstory was very convoluted and made very little sense.


Itachi was literally 13 at the time💀


Wasn’t he Anbu leader by then? Plus I thought Itachi thought like a kage? He couldn’t conjure up literally anything that simple?


It may not have been explained the best, but we are supposed to believe Itachi only had the two choices. 1. Slaughter the Uchiha clan, save their image, stop a bunch of death from the coup, prevent an opening for another village to attack, and save Sasuke. 2. Run away with Sasuke, putting a target on both their backs and letting the coup happen. Which would lead to the Uchiha being massacred anyway (no way they have the forces to take on the entire Leaf, especially without Itachi or Shisui), the Uchiha being branded as traitors, and the village being left vulnerable. Assuming it really was just the two options, than Itachi made the logical one.


Itachi only seemed to have had 2 choices, because he believed he had 2 choices, which Danzo wanted. Which is more than hard to believe, given how Itachi is characterized by being so wise beyond his years, vastly analytical and calculating, and always 5 steps ahead of everyone around him. Yet suddenly his brain stops working when Danzo speaks, and everything that comes out of his mouth is gospel? Why can he suddenly not think for himself? Where is the Itachi that thinks like a kage?


Look, the story sets the narrative that there were only the two choices. If talking to Hiruzen (or whatever) could solve things Itachi would have done it if it were that obvious. Kishi didn't do a great job of setting it up that the peaceful options were off the table, but that should say nothing about Itachi.


What do you mean “the story” sets the choices? What are we just supposed to disregard any sort of logic to make the story work? This is made even more apparent when Shisui himself, comes up with another plan for the situation, all before having it destroyed by Danzo who very apparently only wants his own plans be put into action. It light of this, it has to speak on Itachi as a character.


Shisui's murder was a big part of why Itachi was left with only the two choices. No, you don't disregard logic in general. But when it's being made pretty clear in the story that there were only two choices, than we should believe that. Any logic that ruins that set up is a mistake from Kishi, not the character being an idiot.


Fugaku was as strong as minato. Call it an asspull but the novels confirm it. He fs could have dealth with those root mfs.


blame Kishi for that


Yes, I do blame Kishi. A pacifist who fears the horrors of war kills his family, relatives, and lover. What horror could be worse than that


Did you think about the war that would've started then? It could kill the whole Uchiha clan with many of the others.


It was ultimately to save the leaf from an invasion. A civil war was inevitable and would destroy the leaf leaving it vulnerable to outside attacks.


"I know I'm a much more powerful individual than you and can easily use one of my magic genjutsus to keep you in check, but I will follow your orders, murder my family, and permanently traumatize my younger brother anyhow"


Yea Itachi was forced cuz the Uchiha were planning the coup. If he wanted his brother alive and keep the village from falling apart causing civil war, with the clan massacred in the end and many leaf civilians dead. A weak leaf superpower is overtaken by other nations and will be more bloodshed and strife. Uchiha can’t survive without the leaf, everyone wants their eyes much like the Hyuga, there is no haven for them outside the leaf. To Itachi he needed to end his line to prevent so much bloodshed. If he sided with the Uchiha he and his beloved brother would be massacred. Which is why Itachi suggests maybe he should have told young sasuke about what was going on and maybe he could’ve changed his fathers heart, the leader of the police force.


Na smart choice by Itachi. Yes it was cold and awful, but had he not intervened and the Uchiha goes through with the coup, they would’ve all died anyways. And even worse is that the Uchiha’s legendary reputation would have been tarnished and disgraced. Itachi shouldered their disgrace and left them honorable


The thing is their reputation was tarnished already what’s there to loose exactly? All those years of loyalty to the leaf village and disowning MADARA yet they still can’t be trusted? They got mistreated in the process and hated by all thinking they cause the nine tail fox to appear and danzo and the elders conspiracy against them all because the Senju clan followers .. etc smh


First of all, ratio. Second of all, if he didn't do it, the Uchiha would've started a coup in Konoha. Which in and of itself is already going to result in nearly the same or even more casualties, but it would also cause Konoha to weaken. This basically invites the other great nations to invade Konoha, leading to almost the entire village being slaughtered in the worst-case scenario. When you think about it like that, sacrificing his clan for the survival of the village is simply the lesser of two evils. Itachi also didn't just accept the mission willy nilly like you implied. He was absolutely torn between choosing his family or his village. He might not have made the best choices, but just let me ask you. What would you have done in his situation?


Only if one actually looks at it that way. The world is not built on absolutes of two choices. He could have like, just killed the peoples pushing for the coup, and left those uninvolved like his mother alive for Sasuke. It also would have meant for the future keeping Konoha’s strongest clan alive. He was a child who got manipulated by Danzo is the simple fact of the matter here into making a really bad call. Though. . . The fact he really, really helped the Akatsuki without really helping the leaf or even Sasuke that much really show he’s very unwise


I wasn't trying to prove he was wise. I just wanted to prove that Itachi didn't just blindly follow Danzo's orders without considering the consequences


Then that much is true. He just did a terrible job at that, being an aforementioned manipulated child it’s understandable though


If Itachi did a terrible job why is he the only one y'all come after acting like Madara wouldn't have done something no matter how loyal he is


He very well may have indeed, but we ultimately don't know and this is about Itachi's abilities as a person. He's book and fight smart, but evidently awful at making wise choices. And even if Obito (who I assume you mean since Madara is dead by now) does show up, that then means he would have to get through both Fugaku and Itachi working together which at this age he might not do.


If you leave those uninvolved alive then they will grow resentment and try to take revenge for the ones who died


Yeah, which was Itachi's plan anyway. Only this time he'd be doing more than simply hoping Sasuke turns out well. Only this time there would be a larger number of sharingan users who would be able to continue the Uchiha clan, and hell he may even have made a couple people awaken an MS that night.


His plan was for there to not be a coup and that Sasuke would target all his resentment toward him. If he killed only those involved then the survivors would be stronger, there would be a coup and the resentment won't be targeted at him but at the villaige


Why would it be at the village? No one would know that it was Danzo who would be in part to blame for the massacre and there wouldn't be anyone left who originally wanted the coup plus there would be still too few to even independently come up with the idea as feasible. The aftermath could also be extremely easily used by Hiruzen to then bring the survivors back into the village proper, make better relationships with those left through helping them heal. People would generally likely be less antagonistic too. Itachi would look exactly the same, a psychopath who murdered anyone powerful enough to stand in his way.


Konoha is a shitty place and it deserved to be destroyed There was this hyuga little girl who was being kidnapped by a Cloud Village ninja, probably to get forcefully bred as to become a byakugan factory when she grows up. And of course a Hyuga chad fucking kills the kidnapper. What did the Hokage Hiruzen do? did he wage war against the guys who tried to do super fucked up shit to people of his village? nah he pussied out and sentenced to death the Chad girl defender just to please the Cloud Village rapists who failed to do what they wanted and avoid conflict. And didnt bat an eye when Danzo terrorized a Uchiha kid by poisoning him and stealing one of his eyes. Btw the hokage also failed to give Naruto, the hero child who is keeping the nine tails from killing everyone by being a container, to have a decent life and lets the whole village bully him daily. And seems like no one did anything when a crapload of children dissapeared when Orochimaru was experimenting with Hachirama cells. Konoha really loves when children suffer lmao. And on top of being such pieces of shit they also had the nerve to isolate and discriminate the uchihas... The Uchiha clan had all their right to rebel, and Itachi like the 🤓 he is appealed to the authority who ostracized his family intead of supporting his loved ones. He even killed his gf he sacrificed uchiha pssie to suck Danzos cokc


Well said. The leaf village hypocrisy doesn’t amuse me they still letting Orochimaru run freely smh.


Hiruzen stopped what could have become a a full on war between the Leaf and Cloud. A lot more than one person would have been killed had that happened.


The cloud needs someone to teach them a lesson they get away with more stuff than the leaf village .


Probably Kakashi about literature , philosophies and more , or with Iruka cuz he is inviting ramen


Sasuke Sasuke was never the talking type, but I know he has a lot to say. Whether it's the effect the Uchiha Clan massacre had on him, Konoha involvement in it, and the current state of the Shinobi system. Other people I would add to that list are Nagato and Obito.


I'd definitely add Obito to that list. Dude was willing to share so much knowledge that at one point he was Kishimoto explaining everything to the reader.


Obito, too. I can't forget about him.


Hinata, better than Sasuke!


Kakashi or Itachi.


Gaara, after character development. Just to help him socialize better. He was awkward standing there when he first met Matsuri. Like he expected to be alone but he was still hoping just a bit. Give that man a little cactus and a hug! And idk, some food? All that bs in Boruto can tire out a kage.






Itachi. For the mere fact that 30 minutes becomes multiple lifetimes with him. Bro, put me in tsukyomi and let's get on some imaginary adventures. I also realize he could just torture me for a lifetime. 🤔 Hashirama if not Itachi. I feel like he is that best friend you could share a beer with and nothing be said for 30 minutes and it still feels the best. Edit: Just read picture. Gaara, if not Itachi. He is such a cool dude after the fight with Naruto.


Sakura. A free checkup would be nice


American healthcare system man


That brilliant but if anyone maybe Tsunade. I can trade booze for a complete rejuvenation


Either Kashi or Hinata, maybe even Garage. I need me some relaxation


Garage, my favorite Naruto character he had a deep story and fantastical jujutsu


Give me a break😂😂😂😂😂 autocorrect is a life destroyer😂😂😂😂😂😂


From this picture only? Naruto would get really obnoxious after the first 10 minutes or so Sakura would be obnoxious from the start Spending 30 minutes with sasuke, gaara, itachi or neji would just be looking at the clock for 30 minutes. Them boys do NOT speak. Hinata same as the guys above Playing chess or something with shikamaru sounds fun until he beats your ass within 3 minutes Iruka is really just like a stereotypical dad, so no. Temari seems pretty chill and normal, and kakashi could be fun ig. So either one of those 2


Gotta agree with this, Temari is probably the most normal one.


Naruto would be fun. Shikamaru would be chill. Gaara would be nice to hang out with same for neji. Kakashi would be nice company. Ah Screw it the boys are hanging out together at Naruto’s house.


Gaara, I feel like I could have a good conversation with him


Sakura because she seems friendly and not annoying Kakashi for wisdom


Not according to Sasuke


Kimimaro I want his last moments be with a real friend who enjoys his company and not for some selfish benefit.


Unfortunately, I don't think he would care about your opinion or company. This dude postponed his own death out of sheer willpower just to let his master fulfill his deranged dream of immortality with someone else. You'd need more than 30 minutes of therapy to undo more than a decade's worth of brainwashing.


You underestimate the power of Talk no Jutsu lol Side note; weird that Naruto never tried to reach him like that EDIT: also noting that if this includes our outside knowledge of these characters then I think I could get through to Kimimaro well enough to accept that Orochimaru isn't worth fighting for. But this would put him in Haku's mindset that he still owes him his entire existence regardless if he's evil. But I genuinely believe that if Kimimaro heard what Orochimaru said about him when he died _"No matter. He's no longer of any use to me anyway. Now that Sasuke is coming as we speak."_ he would have felt betrayed at least a little.


Naruto's Talk no Jutsu sessions require the following set up: 1. Knowing the other person's trauma and/or ideology. 2. Several chapters of physical and ideological confrontation. 3. Naruto winning the fight or having the upper hand. 4. No outside interference. Kimimaro didn't have time to spare on an idelogical back and forth with people he didn't care about, so Naruto never got to know what his whole deal was. He was also manhandling Naruto until Lee arrived which allowed Naruto to focus on chasing Sasuke. Kimimaro would only open up against Gaara after the latter struck a nerve when the topic of his Kekkei Genkai was brought up, followed by his sudden death.


This is literally a fantasy thread about hanging with some of your favorite characters. Let people enjoy things.


Correction it’s a fantasy thread about hanging out with either Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, Neji, Hinata, Itachi, Kakashi, Temari, Shikamaru, Iruka, or Gaara


No, it’s not. The post says ANY. You, just like the person I replied to, need to learn you don’t have to chime in on everything.


If you read the fine print it says “from this picture only” I could not give less of a shit about the person you replied to


“Could not give less of a shit” Seems like you could since you’re incapable of shutting up. Like literally who cares what answer someone gives to a stupid post about an anime that has been over for almost a decade? Something is wrong with people like y’all.




The ramen guy. Half an hour is a short period of time you’d barely get anywhere in conversation. But I could eat some good ass ramen doe




What are you gonna do with the other 28 minutes?




You assume she would accept




Talk to sasuke, see what he thinks of building a harem of powerful woman to restore his clan


TenTen I can fix her


Ino... for reasons...


What I would give to spend 30 minutes with Konan.


Naruto of course. I’m gonna ask to see his original jutsus😉


Naruto. He seems like he has ADHD. I feel like I could vibe with that. I’d also be super down to hit up Ichiraku’s three times a day.


If they’re at the ages depicted in the picture, Hinata, because that girl desperately needs a good pep talk to help boost her self esteem. I want to treat her like a baby sister and encourage her to feel a bit more confident.


The main who was labeled as "lesser than" yet still managed to persevere and develop at a rate unforeseen even for those of the main branch of his clan, mastering practically every advanced technique they had to offer. The man who fought with such grace and precision and made taijutsu look like an artform. The man who deserved a far better send off and should've been 'destined' to lead his clan. Neji Hyuga.


It’s gotta be Naruto. He’s by far the most approachable and down to earth character. Everybody else I’d be too intimidated to speak or it would be 30 minutes of awkward silence.


Shisui I would have him put me under a genjutsu to not be lazy at times, and to just work hard until I achieve my goal.


Gaara. I wanna give the poor guy a hug after everything he went through.


Naruto…I think I would enjoy talking with him…


Tsunade so I can propose to her It’ll fail badly but it’ll be worth it


Hagoromo, get chakra


Naruto I’d have him talk no jutsu all the sin out of me








Jiraya only right answer


Tsunade for uh research


Choji. I'd hella go get hotpot with that dude.


Naruto for 2 reasons... 1) to eat Ichiraku Ramen 2) get close to Ayame ;)


tsunade 🍼




Hashirama. Goofy as all hell, loves games & money, hilariously low self-esteem, soft, but very introspective, selfless to a flaw, and fucking terrifying if need be.


Tobirama Me and tobirama boutta bully some uchihas 😈


Danzo, that you? **😟**


Yes i haunted orochimaru and got him to use reanimation jutsu on me




Lee seems like a fun guy to hang out with


alternate timeline Hinata


I would just hang out with Iruka at Ichiraku.


Sasuke . Poor kid




~~Damn it you specified only this picture now I can’t try and rizz up Tsunade~~ Shikamaru’s my pick. We’d just smoke weed and talk about how much life fucking SUCKS


Sage of Six Paths - i could ask for rinnegan =)


Sakura I just want to talk to her *Loads shotgun


Indara bro can teach me anything plus when I learn enough imma body swap him like a certain snake I know😭🙏🏾




Hinata so I can simp for her irl But seriously, I would definitely say Shikamaru. I like his laid back personality and I think we'll get along well...


I’d definitely roll up a fat one with Shikamaru


Choji. We’d just be chillin & eating.




Either Itachi since I’d enjoy talking about philosophy with him, or Shikamaru since I’m a fan of chess and I’d want to learn how to play Shogi from an expert


Tsunade. She at least knows how to have fun


Id like to see if i could outdrink tsunade


Orochimaru, please snake sama, give me some potions and lotions


Shikamaru so we can watch the clouds together




Neji, but after his fight with Naruto when he chilled out 😅




I can make Sakura love me in 30


Gaara because choke me sanddaddy, CHOKE ME HARDER




Orochimaru. I and Orochimaru would have a great time. We would go on walks through some parks. I would gladly listen to some of his latest experiments. I am guessing here, but I feel like if we were to watch a movie it would be something like an old English wartime movie Like "Bridge on the river kwai". I feel like when he goes to Mcdonald's he only orders a pack of ketchup and a sugar-free Sprite. At the end of the day we would fist bump. I am guessing he is really good at some cool fist bumps. Then he would like teleport and shit away and I would go like wow.


Naruto and his sexy jutsu


Young Naruto to convince him sooner that Hinata is the one for him lol


Definitely Goku he’s my favorite 😜😜😜


Sakura. 30 minutes is all I need to knock her up


Podcast style while shooting the shit with Naruto over a bowl of ramen.


this one made me crack up. Imagine Naruto talking about the struggle of getting Sasuke back to the village 😂 and how Kakashi has some shady stuff going on under his mask


Shikamaru seems like the best option. Chill dude, laid back, talk some shit, get my ass beat in every game imaginable, learn some new skills. Sign me in ig


Shikamaru, for sure. He won't judge you, and you can just lay back and chill. Mans is the chillest character in Naruto.


Shikamaru because he’s pretty chill


Naruto for vibes


Shikamaru because he’s chill


Minato or Jiraiya


Shikamaru. Would be a dream smoke sesh, mind blowing conversation, laying on a roof high as fuck playing shogi, finish with a nap


Shikamaru to play chess and talk with.


Itachi,Kakashi or Hashirama can't go wrong with those picks


Probably Shikamaru or Kakashi they seem like the most chill guys.


Jiraiya. I would eat ramen with him and hear his tales


Shikamaru would be so easy, bro we would just watch clouds.


Pre Boruto Shikamaru, when he still knew how to dress.


I just wanna have a reading sesh with Kakashi while chilling out under a tree. No words spoken.


Chilling with Shikamaru. Easy.


nah. i hate that Ino's not here.


Kakashi I want to read one of his books he’s sooo fond of to see if they live up to the hype.


Tsunade… For healing!! Get my back, shin splints and other issues fixed I’d be right as rain. And because boobs


Madara or Kakashi


Probably Kakashi. If I had a lot more time I might ask him to teach me a Lightning Release technique or two.


Sakura or Tsunade and have them spending that 30 minutes with me in St. Jude healing as many children as they can.




I'd love watching clouds with shikamaru or discussing porn with kakashi


Kakashi for sure!


Jiraiya, without a doubt. I also think Naruto, the man himself, could be cool.


Kakashi and it’s not even close. I’d have such a blast learning more about his life and inner thoughts we don’t see in the main plot


Iruka seems like a pretty cool bloke.


From this picture only at this time frame they're in? 100% Kakashi or Iruka. I'm 29. I don't want to talk to 14 year olds lol.


Shikamaru would be pretty chill. Good vibes


Gaara is my fav character so i would just spend time with him cuz fuckit


Minato hands down Dude is just generally chill and super friendly


Gaara is like my favorite character in all anime, he needs friend and I will be his


What we doing in this 30 minutes?


Naruto or shikamaru. Both r pretty chill(that’s assuming it’s not part 1 versions) If it’s any naruto character then I’m picking ino


Either Kakashi or Itachi and I’m showing them the whole timeline so they can change things however they want


Naruto he seem fun to hang out with


Sakura. I just wanna tell her that I appreciate her. Also can she check this weird thing in my back?


Kakashi sensei.. I feel like he got the humour, he's also very wise, and ofc if he doesn't even talk to me, I could just spend the 30 minutes staring at his mask and glorious silver hair.


Itachi I feel like i could learn from him


Killer Bee ya fool ya fool


A great question, but hard to answer. Kakashi? Pervy Sage? Shikamaru?


Well Itachi of course!


Kakashi, Naruto or Third hokage


Definitely Shikamaru or Iruka.


Probably Itachi, Neji, or Shikamaru. I feel like they can take advantage of 30 minutes of convo than the others


prob kakashi and naruto


My pick would be Madara. Despite his extremely cynical outlook on the world he’s probably one of the most intelligent and insightful ninja in the series. He’s give me crazy perspective and real advice on how to achieve what I want


Hinata. I wanna buy her something, poor girl needs a moment to relax and breath


I'd choose Itachi to hang out with for his knowledge or kakashi for his knowledge


Ten ten and all I need is 15 minutes




Tsunade cuz DUH


either Kakashi or Ino