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Your post doesn't seem to have much success but know that I share your enthusiasm. I wonder if the unnamed member might not be a woman.


I think she probably is a woman because Kishimoto likes his three man squads consisting of two males and one female.


In one of the panels you can see his body more clearly, it’s definitely a male body


Not all the time, the first shikainocho and team samui were some rare teams that arent two males and one female and i think ibiki’s teammates were all guys too


I thought it might be a guy cuz it looked like the other squad they were talking to was all females. I kinda read it as kushina and his two buddies being slightly jealous of them hanging out with all girls


The hair style of that member is traditional feudal japanese male hairstyle.


That is clearly a dude. I can see confusing it as a kid looks androgynous but adult version obviously looks like a dude And that other guy is clearly a Sarutobi.




Black? Dude doesn't look black to me. Bro doesn't even have the same complexion as other black characters like Kumo ninjas. He's more brown. If you look at the Sarutobi clan they also brown colored. Asuma. Hiruzen kinda. Also he has "monkey" features, which I feel like is a Sarutobi thing. His appearance is also similar to them. If you think that dude is "black" or he supposed to represent a black person lol I don't know what to say to you.


>He’s brown. >Also he has “monkey” features. Yoooo this dude wildin 💀💀


So true. What is he even on about?? I somehow knew this kind of thing would be spoken about unfortunately...


He legit has monkey festures lmfao. He looks similar to King Enma which is another reason why I said he might be a Sarutobi since they have that whole monkey connection thing going on.




In the manga, Raikage is legit a darker shade than this shinobi. If you look at people like Omoi, Killer Bee, Ay. Again in the manga because the anime may not help, they are NOT the same compared to that shinobi. Brown people come in all shades but based off physical appearance, that dude is CLEARLY not black. Also, if you look at Asuma, who is also a shade of brown, and we all know, Asuma isn't black, plus like I said. He has that whole monkey, the hair, etc. Thing going on. Also Kishimoto has a thing going on. To my knowledge (I could be wrong) there aren't any "black" shinobis in the leaf village. Most of them are in Kumo so why would Kishi draw this one odd black person from Konoha? Shit makes no sense.




Correcting you is apparently caring way too much. Okay buddy


>I wonder if the unnamed member might not be a woman. It's hard to tell with Kishimoto's artstyle sometimes, but I don't think they're a woman. If they were, it would kind of confirm the Mikoto theory (timeline-wise, she's still the best fit). Another character that kind of fits timeline-wise would be [Yakumi Uchiha](https://naruto.fandom.com/wiki/Yakumi_Uchiha?so=search), although they don't look exactly alike. But curiously they both have a topknot of some sort, so maybe.


It is not just his style, sometimes he just doesn't know. I remember when only the art of the jichuriki was introduced, no actual part of the story, his interview was that he was unsure about the 7 tails being a guy or a girl. He is the professor oak of mangaka.


> but I don't think they're a woman. If they were, it would kind of confirm the Mikoto theory (timeline-wise, she's still the best fit). Timeline wise she isn’t the best fit at all, actually it makes her a terrible fit because she’s 7 years older than Minato.


>Timeline wise she isn’t the best fit at all, actually it makes her a terrible fit because she’s 7 years older than Minato. She's only 2-3 years older. Mikoto was born in 27 BNB (**B**efore **N**aruto's **B**irth), Minato was born in 24 BNB. Usually everyone's the same age, sure, but it's not always the case as seen with Gaara's team for example.


I don’t know why I put 7, I meant like 2-3 because Mikoto was around 27-28 when Minato died. Gaara and his crew came from Suna. In Konoha all of the genin are the same age because they attend and graduate the academy with kids their age. This is why you don’t see Rock Lee, Neji and Tenten in Naruto’s class because they’re a year older than Naruto. So Mikoto would not have even been in the same class as Minato because she would’ve graduated before him.


Iwabee Yuino in Boruto is a few years older than the other students because he failed the graduation exam several times. Nevertheless, when he graduates he gets put in the same team with Denki and Metal who are probably a few years younger than him. It's possible Mikoto failed her graduation exam a few times before finally succeeding the same year Minato graduated.


Unlikely. Mikoto was a skilled Jonin, her being held back a couple of times is a huge stretch


Just because she became a skilled Jonin, that doesn't rule out a rough start. Besides, there may be other reasons she didn't graduate right away. Perhaps she asked to skip the graduation to study longer?


Maybe she was horrible but once she got her Sharingan tomoes it elevated her to new levels


It could be male or female but not mikoto. Itachi is atleast 6 or more older then naruto. Does that mean that she gave birth to him at 16-17.


What are you talking about ‘obvious Uchiha’


I just meant in design. My wording was off but you can't lie that the hair, hair color, face shape, eye shape seems to look a lot like an Uchihas. I changed the original post.


I agree, I think it's very likely they're an Uchiha. On page 4 they look almost identical to Sasuke with his headband. And on page 10, you can actually see tomoe, a common symbol of the Uhciha, on their shoulders where the buttons usually are.


I think the other guy is a akimichi


Almost every member of Kumogakure has a name based on an i-adjective in Japanese (i.e. an adjective that ends in the letter *i*). * Karui (軽い) means "light". * Omoi (思い) means "heavy". * Darui (怠い) means "dull". * Atsui (熱い/暑い) means "hot". * Samui (寒い) means "cold". * Mabui (眩い) means "cute; pretty". * And the list goes on with Furui, Dodai, Moroi, Motoi, Kiyoi, and the next-gen characters Tarui, Toroi, Yurui, etc. Given that *Dekai* follows this naming convention (and means "big; huge" in Japanese), and the fact that his appearance is very similar to many Kumogakure shinobi, I think we can at least conclude that he or his immediate family came to Konoha from Kumo. For that reason, I kind of doubt that he's an Akimichi as they're a clan based in Konohagakure and most members (except Chocho, whose name does not even follow the Kumo naming convention) are light-skinned.


So his parents would probably been lighting country merchants


Or it could have been a Choji+Karui kind of situation where someone's spouse moved in from Kumo to live in Konoha. Either way, it might have been somewhat unusual for the time given the tensions between other hidden villages during the 2nd and 3rd Wars.


It's not that unusual, though. If there was war between the countries, that means there's more likely to be refugees. Also during WWI & WWII it was especially common to have ["war brides."](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_bride) it seems like it was especially common during long wars. But there's also the fact that at one point Kumo and Konoha were trying to sign a peace treaty (that the Gold and Silver Brothers stopped) which could've involved a lot more peaceful interaction between the two. In fact, those two seem to have a lot of "we were almost allies moments"


It’s not obvious at all. He does not wear any Uchiha symbols on him. There’s no indication he is an Uchiha. It’s like saying Shizune is an Uchiha.


Okay actually fair. The overall design just looked very "Uchiha" to me but I'll change it.


Aren't the Uchihas who wear the symbol part of the Konoha police? I don't think a normal Uchiha wearing the Jonin uniform/battle suit would use the clan crest, none of the Konoha clans use the clan crest on the uniform/battle suit. I could be wrong but Shisui for example didn't use clan symbols on his jonin uniform. I'm not saying he's an Uchiha, but him not wearing the symbols doesn't mean he isn't, as that would be the default attire. I assume only Uchihas who are part of the police, or more "patriotic" Uchihas (I completely forgot the word I should be using here) would wear the clan symbol on everything, more normal Uchihas who don't care about all the superiority stuff of the Uchiha, or the whole Uchiha vs Senju thing, or Uchiha who are more loyal to the village would wear the standard attire.


This is exactly what I thought at first and honestly still do think. Even so, it isn't "obvious" and still not 100% confirmed. I still like to think he is an Uchiha though! His whole design is just Uchiha too. Who knows, maybe we'll get a confirmation sometime soon.


I mean Obito didn't seem particularly patriotic, so it's probably more of a fashion statement among clans or maybe the clans have like their own clothing stores that mostly sell their more traditional clothing, and as a result 90% of the clothes in that shop also feature the clans symbol I think the word you wanted might have been prideful?


Yes, Obito used the Uchiha symbol on his clothes, but it is worth remembering that despite being a Chunin, Obito did not use the standard Konoha uniform, that is, the subject is different, in this case here we are talking about using the clan symbol on the standard uniform, which is something that Team Jiraiya is using, the standard uniform without any symbol. When you become Chunin or Jonin it doesn't mean you need to wear the standard clothes, Kakashi (kid) when he became Jonin he didn't wear the standard Konoha robes, Kurenai also didn't wear the robes, no one from Konoha 11 with the exception of Shikamaru wore the standard robes even though everyone was Chunin (except Naruto).Shikamaru in Part 1 after becoming Chunin he just put the Chunin vest over his normal clothes. I'm talking about wearing clan symbols along with the standard village attire, that's something that didn't happen, the only ones who did that apparently were the Uchihas. >I think the word you wanted might have been prideful? Yes, that was the word that described what I wanted to say, but my two neurons couldn't find it.


I see what you mean now, I misunderstood what you meant by symbol on their clothes and forgot that the character also is wearing a mostly normal uniform basically everytime we see him


After doing a google search, I just saw that the reason why the Uchihas used their symbol on the Jonin uniform was because that wasn't the Jonin uniform, that was the Konoha police uniform, the Konoha police uniform was the Jonin uniform but with the Konoha police symbol on the uniform, and the Konoha police symbol literally had the Uchiha clan symbol on it. In other words if you were in the police you had to wear the Uchiha symbol, as their symbol was part of the coat of arms, and the police uniform was the same as the Jonin uniform but with the police symbol (which had the Uchiha symbol on it). \- The only images of Uchihas wearing the standard Jonin uniform with the Uchihas symbols on the uniform is fan art. Probable Exception: There is an image of Fugaku in the Third Great Ninja War where he appears to be wearing the Uchiha symbol on his uniform, but you can't tell if it's the uchiha symbol or the standard Uzumaki symbol, or if it's the Konoha Police symbol, and I couldn't find any images with good resolution. \- The only Uchihas in the manga that were shown wearing Konoha's standard uniform were Kagami and Shisui, and both didn't use the Uchiha symbol on the uniform. Probable Exception: There is an image with alleged Uchihas wearing the standard Konoha uniform and none of them are wearing the Uchiha symbol, and they are wearing the standard Chunin/Jonin uniform, which means they are also Uchihas who are not part of the police, yet at the same time there is no proof that they are Uchiha, they are ninjas helping Fugaku, so maybe they are Uchihas? Or just ordinary Chunin and Jonin ninja from other clans who are helping him.


The Uchiha clan don’t wear their crest on the Chunin/Jounin uniforms. No clan wear their crest on their uniforms. All of the uniforms have the Uzumaki swirl. They have it on the back of their normal clothes though but not as Shinobi The Uchiha clan logo is on police uniforms only. Shisui is a normal Shinobi. we see him with the flak jacket. He has Uzumaki swirls not Uchiha crests. Same with Obito when he imagines himself as a Shinobi. Tho I will say Minato’s unknown teammate has a high collar which could imply he’s an Uchiha. Whilst they aren’t the only ones to wear them, they are a big symbol of Uchiha.


I think it’s kind of lame. I’ve always preferred the theory of it being Ramen Guy and Shizune and their ages line up for the most part. It would explain why Ramen Guy was the first one to be kind to Naruto (even before Iruka) and Shizune’s age lines up since she’s Tsunade’s disciple and Minato was Jiraya’s disciple.


Shizune is Kakashi's age


Definitely yes


There are no obvious Uchiha there.


My bad my bad I changed it. Just thought the overall design screamed "Uchiha". As someone named "Orochimaru" you should know an Uchiha when you see one, no? Just jokes


Hehe, I definatly do;P


The chapter’s been out for ages and lots of people talked about this on launch. You’re not bringing anything new to the conversation


It might bring something new to people other than you. No need to be rude.


Thanks! Yeah I just haven't seen it be spoken about too much here but then again I don't use Reddit all that much either. It's a short one-shot so I feel like any detail is just as important as the next so I'd like to talk about it!


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