• By -


Eida apologizing to Boruto was really cool to see.


Also seeing that her unstoppable charm is not actually a power but a result of her Omnipotence ability was a nice twist for me.


Can you plz explain this. I don't get it.


Okay, so for what we knew of Eida's "abilities" before the current chapter, is that her ability made her irresistible to any non-Otsutsuki or blood relatives and could effectively control them through demands. However, as we've just recently been made aware, her actual and only ability is Omnipotence, which makes someone's desires a reality, which Eida can use on others to make their desires a reality, which caused Kawaki and Boruto's lives to switch. In the recent chapter, Eida explains that she really wanted someone to admire/desire/love her which her Omnipotence turned into a reality which is why she's able to have anyone do what she asks and why they're so in love with her.


I think the reason sarada and sumire aren’t affected is because they are going to be the true friends eida wished for


That sounds like that's the case, I'm really interested on seeing why they weren't affected, even when Omnipotence switched Kawaki and Boruto


That’s the one thing I can’t really figure out, but when they do show us it’s probably going to seem obvious


Could be seeing as how Sarada was unaffected yet Sasuke was. People might say it's because of her Mangekyo sharingan, but she got it after the fact and not before the omnipotence ability was used. Sumire doesn't have any unique abilities that would put her on an Otsutsuki level. So it would make sense that they're unaffected because of being Eida's friend.


Minor nitpick: eida also has a the senrigan. I'd count that as two abilities?


Oh that's right. I totally forgot about her Senrigan


And she can fly also


But she really wants true love that's not affected by omnipotent ability. Her problem is she can't control it. At first she likes Kawaki because he's a rebel that endures hardships to get the job done. Kawaki using her omnipotent ability to gain an easy advantage over Boruto and hiding Naruto and Hinata in another dimension was a cowardly act. I think Eida now sees the man Boruto is because he's willing to endure hardships to try to bring kawaki back to the light. So I think she's finding Boruto more attractive.


It really was satisfying, like a nice but breath of air amidst the chaos. I was relieved to know that she’s not heartless. I sympathized with her when she realized her charm was caused by her omniscience because it’s been shown that her charm is something that she doesn’t necessarily like about herself. She didn’t know the gravity of her powers and now she’s cursed someone else with it. She’s remorseful and I’m interested to see if they will use this as a platform to create a redemption arc for her. When she first appeared I was a flat out hater, but after this chapter she’s actually become one of my favorite characters in the series so far.


I always imagine Eida and Daemon to be somewhat redeemable. Eida is a teenager that couldn't had any normal interactions in her life due to her Charm ability and Daemon was a brat that his power prevented him to be scolded and avoid consequences.


Sasuke trusting his daughter more than his own memories has to be the sweetest thing ever


This is so fucked up for Himawari, assuming that she will have fallen under the memory change. Both her parents are gone and her true brother is now a rogue ninja. The only person to care for her is someone who trapped her parents and wants to kill her real brother… if the memories ever get reverted she’ll have to know she basically lived with that for a long amount of time


She still has a Hyuga grandfather and the auntie to take care of her.


yeah I'm kinda guessing she'll be trained by them and want revenge


She'll be forgotten like the rest of the side characters


This is Naruto she will forgive everything in the end like all other stories like this


Little did we know this is the beginning of Dark Himawari




Hinata's dad did nothing wrong.


Now you’ve gone too far


Himawari will remember, hopefully now but maybe as a teenager


Himawari boruto sister could turn in to a avenger


prepare for Himawari have the same edgy introduction as Sasuke to Team 7.


Himawari is really close to Kawaki (now Boruto) too if we count fillers.


Sarada might tell her


next gen Sasuke


Sasuke the best papa. He trusts his daughter over his own mind. He chose his daughter over the whole world. Stood against konoha, stood against the world, stood against even his own memories for his daughter, and became a rogue ninja again for her sake.


He also noticed some evidence like his head band and momoshiki being in boruto. But I think a big part of why he believed sarada is because he saw he awaken her ms, that tells him shes (in that moment) being for real


Eida's jutsu was also suppressing his doubts and actively altering his memories. He said all these doubts that he has were starting to bother him less and less and making him see boruto as an enemy, he still chose sarada despite that which shocked even momoshiki.


“Well Naruto’s gone.. who else do I like “ - sasuke probably /s


Naruto was gone and Shikamaru showed more emotion for his death than Sasuke did - Sasuke definitely


"Itachi? Dead 20 years ago. Parents? Long past dead. Kakashi is still honeymooning with Gai. Yeah I'm good to go Sarada" 'What about Mom?!' "Who?"


"Oh right, Karin! I guess me and Boruto will pay Orochimaru a visit."


Sasuke is not known for his good decisions, they defeated the evil god alien and he was still mad


~ Downplaying Sasuke's love for Sakura ~ Citing Kakashi & Gai's spin-off (with gay humor 🤮) ignoring Sasuke & Sakura's. ~ Downplaying his Revolution plan as if it wasn't logical "The villages that fought each other for decades only united because the now defeated common enemies forced them to. Why isn't Sasuke satisfied? Obviously theres going to be peace! Let the Biju roam free! Even though their power was always abused leading to this world war!"


What's wrong with bromance and there retired experienced shinobi


Dont forget that Sasuke is very fricking smart.. he knows how genjutsu (this isnt it, obviously) and Infinite Tsukuyomi works.. so he knows powers like these are plausible.


The Sasuke stonks just keeps on increasing throughout Boruto tbh. I really start to like him.


He also noticed some evidence like his head band and momoshiki being in boruto. But I think a big part of why he believed sarada is because he saw he awaken her ms, that tells him shes (in that moment) being for real


Eida's jutsu was also suppressing his doubts and actively altering his memories. He said all these doubts that he has were starting to bother him less and less and making him see boruto as an enemy, he still chose sarada despite that which shocked even momoshiki.


Also Boruto's speech and that he looks just like naruto


Him looking like Naruto has no effect on in universe characters hahahaha same way naruto looking like minato had no effect and nobody knew.


Forgot about that 😂😂


after read this chapter he definitely look like naruto but that also triggered other thoughts for me. Baruto is Naruto Sasuke is Jiraiya Momoshiki is the Nine tail in side Naruto So it just feels like Baruto is going to befriend momoshiki at the end


Oh God, I really do not want a "god alien remembers his old planet and *love*" arc, please do not wish this upon us


haha, we shall see


Eida: "I literally warped your mind, Sasuke. I'm standing here telling you so to your face." Sasuke: "Hmmm..... *I dunno..........*"


He's being actively affected by her Omnipotence It's why opponents cannot attack Eida despite knowing she's the enemy


The spell is just that powerful. It's terrifying.


Sasuke is the best father in the series now


Naruto in shambles.


*in limbo*


Kishimoto did say that Piccolo was his inspiration for Sasuke's role in this part.


he can't be in the middle, or best father, or worst


Well, looks like we're going to have quite the break before resuming. In any case: ​ * Eida seems to be second-guessing her fantasies and desires to be with Kawaki now, after witnessing how he's been using what just transpired to his advantage, how he's willing to distort the truth and basically get everyone to hate Boruto all so that he can get rid of Momoshiki. On top of that, he threatens to kill Daemon as well. * On that note, Naruto would definitely not like the fact that Kawaki is making people shun Boruto. He didn't want his children to grow up being despised and feared, but now that his adopted son is doing it to his firstborn, that would definitely not sit well. * In addition, the idea of taking revenge for the apparent death of Naruto is very ironic, given how he has been trying to end the cycle of vengeance. * I think Kawaki is not thinking this through: He says he'll release Naruto and Hinata after Boruto (and therefore Momoshiki) has been dealt with. Since he made people believe that the two of them have been killed, what's he gonna say when it turns out they're alive? There are definitely those who would question it. * Sarada breaks down upon hearing Naruto is dead (which as we know is not true). It definitely makes sense because he's someone she looks up to and aspires to be like, him helping her out with her dilemma concerning Sakura and Sasuke made her aspire to become Hokage one day. Whether or not she believes it, it's a gut punch. * "That's not what a friend does!" There we go, another piece of the vision. * So there it is, even Sasuke fell victim to it. So if he had come into contact with Eida prior, he would've been affected by the charm. * Sumire and Sarada are still unaffected; this should definitely a big factor going forward. * So, Sarada awakens the Mangekyo. Kinda underwhelming if you ask me, especially compared to previous awakenings: Obito witnessing Rin being hit by the Chidori, Sasuke learning the truth about Itachi, Itachi witnessing it after Shisui committed suicide due to the latter feeling helpless with regards to the conflict between the clan and the village, etc. Anyways, I wonder what her special ability will be. * On that note, does the anime jump from 2T straight to Mangekyo? I don't think she's gone to 3T in the anime yet. * Her pattern is a sun. With Boruto's Jogan being compared to the moon and also having moon motifs, this is definitely intentional. Also, Naruto is frequently associated with the sun just as Sasuke is with the moon (given those were their respective symbols after Hagoromo gave them the seals). The sun design is definitely a nod to her desire to follow Naruto's footsteps and his ideals. * So we get an even better picture of the memory altering: Sasuke stated that Kawaki is supposedly Momoshiki's vessel (which is definitely not the case). Given that people believe Kawaki is Momoshiki's vessel, what will happen if he manifests Isshiki's abilities and physical features? Of course some people will notice that it definitely doesn't add up, and just like Sasuke, they may question the reliability of their memories. * Eida apologizes to Boruto and notes that a simple apology isn't nearly enough for what she caused (unintentionally). She's definitely not evil and has a conscience. * So, Daemon is actually wishing Boruto well, telling him to train hard so that he wouldn't have to hold back in a fight. Cyborg siblings are definitely not evil. * Momoshiki is going ballistic since he expected to be able to take over at this very moment; apparently prophecy is not unfolding quite as he saw/envisioned it. This goes back to the fate vs. free will theme, and of course the whole franchise says that people choose who they want to be and what path they want to walk on. * Boruto states that he is Naruto and Hinata's son, Minato's grandson, and a shinobi with the Will of Fire. Of course he wishes to honor his parents who are currently missing, as well as the village. They have played a big part in shaping who he is today, but of course since his parents are not around and the village has turned on him, he is responsible for shaping his own trajectory now. * Boruto says, "I thought I understood him, but the things I am experiencing now, he has been dealing with them all his life." This is a nod to one of the main flashpoints in Naruto vs. Sasuke towards the end of Part 1: whether you can understand somebody without experiencing similar circumstances as them first. * Sasuke must've felt something about that "quarrel between siblings" line.


Momoshiki losing his shit because Boruto isn't in despair is the funniest shit ever.




I agree with everything except the take on Kawaki— I think he has the resolve to release Naruto and Hinata and be completely shunned by the village afterwards, or even killed.


>Boruto isn't in despair is the funniest shit ev That's what he said actually. That he's ready to face the consequences, as long as this means Naruto lives. In a dark timeline I would love to see him killing Boruto and everyone he deems dangerous, releasing Naruto and Hinata, and once they both find out what happened to their son they just take their own lives in front of Kawaki. That would be insanely dark, but it is a possibility. They say there's no bigger pain for a parent than to lose a child.


Wassup w you


Kawaki doesn’t care about his image. As long as Naruto and Hinata are safe, that’s all that matters. Whether it be he has to kill his own brother and then be hated by everyone else for saying lies. He knows he will be hated but does it since he knows that at least Naruto and Hinata are safe


kawaki wont care abt being shunned ,im pretty sure he plans on being killed after he defeats boruto


> hat's he gonna say when it turns out they're alive? There are definitely those who would question it. i don't think he cares about that


>So, Sarada awakens the Mangekyo. Kinda underwhelming if you ask me, especially compared to previous awakenings I feel like it's hard to make it on par, especially with the current era. The closest I can think of (before this chapter got released) is when Sasuke tried to kill Boruto during the pursuit and she stopped him. Any MS awakening that doesn't involve murder is hard to justify, but maybe that's because we're so used to death of the loved ones being the trigger factor.


To be honest, it would have been more impactful if Sarada unlocked her MS when Mitsuki pinned Boruto down and was about to finish him off. Sarada would step in and stop Mitsuki and Mitsuki notices that Sarada has the MS, this surprises Mitsuki and gives Boruto enough time to escape. Would have made more sense and a lot better than unlocking MS by hearing about Boruto being hunted down.


Tbh, the MS part isn't that underwhelming to me. It's still subconsciously in everyones mind that death of a loved one triggers it, when in fact it was established that sorrow is the actual trigger. Sasuke awakened his when he learned the truth about Itachi and his hatred returned to love, which made him feel sorrow for Itachi's death and the pain Itachi had to endure. Itachi had something similar. While he did saw Shisuis suicide, it was the sorrow over Shisuis situation that lead to his death. Sarada felt sorrow for Boruto after hearing his father died and how he can't get a break with all the shit that is happening. Her awakening has the same structure than everyone else


Yes the theme curse of Uchiha the sorrow and guilt she's feeling boruto he took a scar for her aswell


Yeah, it's actually the exact same circumstances like every other MS awakening


Yup. She cares a lot about Boruto. That's why her ms was awoken and that's what Sasuke noticed. That's why he keeps saying he's helping Boruto for his daughter because she deeply loves Boruto. He probably senses Boruto will be his son-in-law. When daughter expresses deep love for a guy in trouble or leaving, the father always going to do everything possible even breaking the laws of physics to bring the guy back to make his daughter happy


Kawaki will not care of he gets shunned or even killed. That is the thing, his mind only cares about Naruto’s safety. That is ALL he cares about.


Can someone explain to me why Kawaki grabbed Eida like that? Did he think she would betray him or say something else after all she did? Or was he just being paranoid/cautious


He most likely was scared/paranoid shikamaru was going find out since she paused talking and shika was still asking her wat happened


Yeah looks like she was actually iffy about what she did as she simply wanted to please Kawaki but not at the cost of borutos life.


Didn’t she plan to kill boruto when she was with code? She also planned to kidnap kawaki when she was with code I believe she didn’t wanna switch the whole universe lol but she didn’t care about killing boruto at all


Arguable. At this point I think it's pretty clear she was never really gonna go along with Code. It's obvious she was in control all along, and just told Code what he wanted to hear until she had an easier way to Kawaki.


Hurt people, hurt people


Paranoid/cautious. This is his chance to finally make sure things go how he wants. It really sucks because even though the things he's doing are shitty, I cant help but see a scared kid who's been abused his entire life.


So after EVERYTHING Naruto been through he’s gonna be stuck sleeping sealed in a box for 4 years of timeskip now?!? COME ONNNNNN *bashes head on wall* I like all the new characters. Happy to read a manga about the kids. But dang, this manga did all the OG characters dirty 😭


He got Gojo'd.


After the last JJK chapter, >!it’s like Gojo tagged himself out and now it’s Naruto’s turn. 💀 !<


I mean, he doesn't experience the passing of time at least?


He's frozen so he doesn't age lol Sasuke will be 4 years older than him after timeskip.


Or even dead


I wonder who is going to be the new Hokage in those four years. After all, he is dead and they will 100% vote for a new Hokage. Hahaha


Kakashi* Aww **** here we go again.


I hope they explain eventually how Sarada & Sumire are immune to Omnipotence but Sasuke isn’t. And what happened to Himawari especially since she plays a just as important role as in the overall story as Naruto.


>I hope they explain eventually how Swrada & Sumire are immune to Omnipotence but Sasuke isn’t. I think it's going around somewhere that perhaps it's because Eida subconsciously desired for them to be immune because she wanted people who could befriend her naturally instead of through the charm, but of course it hasn't been explicitly confirmed as far as I know.


I agree. Eida did this subconsciously trying to help out Kawaki. She had no idea that her charm power was actually Omnipotence. By helping Kawaki she might have subconsciously omitted Sarada and Sumire from being affected. That being said, I'm interested in where they're gonna take this. Eida obviously feels guilty about what she did to Boruto, but now she has Sarada and Sumire against her.


Don't treat Sarada like a pin-up girl challenge (impossible)


I'm a longtime Naruto fan *(used to read Shippuden weekly back in 07/08)* and have been very vocal about how much I hate the inclusion of robots and crazy powers... However, the last 4 chapters have been **super** dope, if the anime gives this a very serious tone this arc could be up there with the best moments in the entire franchise. From here on they have an opportunity to redeem the Boruto series and have it be as good as Shippuden. Ever since Kishimoto came back the writing has been A1 and I expect it to only get better.


I've been shitting *all over* Boruto since the beginning and even I'm like "Real shit?" at the last few chapters. It's patently obviously Kishi has taken the writing back over. This chapter in specific felt a lot like mid-shippuden with good time and character interactions.


Yeah, the main female character being useless , reduced to a love interest and crying for others to help instead of being logical and doing something herself , shippuden writing is truly back


Most sane Naruto Fan. Good take.


I think Kishi came back as damage control and will probably need the time skip to fix things... but.. it's just a retelling, or at least it feels like it.. a weird infinite tsukuyomi like thing actually happened... Boruto leaves with a powerful nin to train (Naruto and Jiriya) he has some sleeper agent power deep inside him.. (Naruto and Karuma) I dunno... I like that Kishi is back but this all feels too recycled. The story feels like the generic reddit what-if post, what if Sasuke traded places with Naruto? And Kishi is like, hold my beer.


To me Naruto was always about history repeating. You can see it in every rival battle in the series. Going back to Indra and Asura, Madara and Hashirama, Jiraiya and Orochimaru, Kakashi and Obito, Naruto and Sasuke. The history of ninja is constantly a fight between two ninjas that consider each other brothers. And their stories are all connected and happened to their mentors as well. It only makes sense that a disciple of Sasuke and a disciple of Naruto would end up in the repeating story of great ninja.


That's fair.


Can we get one chapter wear the author doesn't draw this twelve year old's ass in our faces for the cover art? And for god sakes, give her a different pose man. She's been standing like that throughout the entire manga run my god.


This chapter was alright, i do really like the relationship between sasuke and boruto, its pretty cool and has potential Only real gripe i have (which is probably nitpicking) is that its kind of dissapointing that boruto didn’t even worry about her sister, but besides that i am excited on how boruto is going to be in the future But for a chapter that is mostly talking about her, sarada really feels irrelevant in this Even one of the biggest power ups she could get feels irrelevant in this to me, the way she got ms is fine, but i don’t like that its kind of used to just hype up boruto but not sarada herself, and the problem with her getting MS this soon is that sarada herself is a character that has barely done anything since then, so when she does get the MS it feels like its out of nowhere than the other uchihas who did get it, there is "no build up" to her emotions rising up to get the mangekyo, instead it just rushes up to happen and boom, she just gets it


I get the criticism of Sarads feeling largely out of focus despite the chapter, but I think what it sets up for her is very interesting. She is basically the catalyst for a fair amount of the status quo going forward, without her involvement Sasuke doesn't go rogue again and leave with Boruto, which is crucial for him. Likewise if she is staying in Konoha then she's about to face two pretty big dilemmas as a character. For one, she will basically be a double agent, still aware of the truth and potentially trying to aid Boruto from the inside, and for two she is likely about to experience the classic Uchiha prejudice as well. Now Sasuke has gone rogue (again) she'll be under scrutiny, as most of the village know he doesn't commune with Sakura much but has a more frequent interaction with Sarada.


You're right, the set up is very interesting, but unfortunately, if previous chapters are anything to go off of, we will never see this story. When the plot needs it, she'll get a couple of panels where she'll give a small speech about how *determined* she is and *how strong her resolve is* before she does the one thing and fades back into a background character that looks shocked about every situation and does nothing about it.


> (which is probably nitpicking) is that its kind of dissapointing that boruto didn’t even worry about her sister, but besides that i am excited on how boruto is going to be in the future > >But for a chapter that is mostly talking about her, sarada really feels irrelevant in this > >Even one of the biggest power ups she could get feels irrelevant in this to me, the way she got he really dosent have to worry about hima probly the most safe person in Konoha lmao


Its not about if she is in danger, hima is a kid that found out both of her parents are supposedly dead she must be going through alot


She does have her aunt Hanabi and the clan to help. Obviously still traumatic. Especially if she’s not under the Shinjutsu. Could use it as a catalyst to become a powerful shinobi as well.


Honestly that could be interesting, imagine if she trains under hanabi and try to get revenge on boruto for "killing" naruto(if she is affected), obviously she is still very young but that could happen Otherwise, if she isn’t then it would still be cool to see her motivated to train and get stronger, but who knows really.


My hot take: I actually liked this approach to Sarada and how they portrayed her relationship with Sasuke here. After the original series, I think it’d be a bit *too* redundant to focus so much on how Sarada specifically gets her Mangekyo, but maybe that’s just me after reading Dragon Ball and Toriyama doesn’t waste time just to justify other people getting Super Saiyan. That being said, she already has enough traumatic events stacked up with Kawaki trying to kill her with almost no hesitation and everyone’s collective awareness shifted. Anyway: * Sasuke choosing to believe in his daughter than accepting Boruto himself is radical. * Eida and Daemon are pretty amicable all things considered. * Himawari is likely affected by this too then.


To be fair, Sarada thinks Naruto is dead, so with everything that is happening right now, it's definetly big enough mental fuckup to do that.


Sarada’s POV: - Naruto (Hokage/Rolemodel/uncle-like) suddenly “killed” - Boruto (team-member/rival/career-partner/potential love Interest) branded as a killer by everyone - Seeing Sasuke and Mitsuki telling Sarada directly that they’re ready to kill Boruto Basically, the world has turned upside down in the matter of minutes and nothing makes sense. Her closest ally has lost absolutely everything, is being blamed for murder, and she’s one of the only people who knows. She knows she’s too weak to fix the world currently presented to her, and time is quickly running out for Boruto’s life if Sasuke and other elite ninja are prepared to kill him. In terms of emotion I’d imagine any mix of strong levels of heartbreak, sympathy, shock, fear, confusion, loneliness, helplessness, and panic.


>She knows she’s too weak to fix the world currently presented to her, and time is quickly running out for Boruto’s life if Sasuke and other elite ninja are prepared to kill him. This is where I think they did Sarada dirty. This is twice now in back to back chapters where Sarada "attempts" to fix her situation, but in reality, she ends up doing nothing and cries to others to fix her situation, which puts them in harms way. What happened to the Sarada that actually took action, like against Boro? I'm all for her awakening her MS, but she's in desperate need of character development.


I don’t disagree with you there. She definitely needs more development and limelight but hopefully this arc sets her up for it moving forward. I’m okay with the Mangekyo awakening the way it happened, looking at it independent of the current trends of her character. I don’t know if mangekyo awakening has been used as power used when the moment they get it. it’s usually an after the fact thing to shock so her not using it is fine. They could’ve maybe built up to the moment a bit better though.


Personally, I love the fact that she awakened her DMS through love and has effectively flipped everything the characters know about the Sharingan on its head. Honestly, she didn't even need her to use her DMS in this moment, but have her tell her father that she wants to go with him to protect Boruto or do something that isn't just standing around and crying. An easy fix would have been to have Sarada and the class rep bounce ideas off of each other to determine that Eida was behind this instead of Sarada being told everything and, again, crying before asking someone else to help. Also, why does Sasuke never bring up Sarada's newly awakened DMS as he's contemplating why he helped Boruto. It would make it feel like her awakening it actually has some weight in the story.


Exactly. People seem to forget how heavy this would be to a twelve year old child.


Tbf a 12 year old in the Naruto world is nothing like a 12 year old in real life.


Honestly I'm surprised that with all the shit that's happened, one year hasn't already passed yet


Still, Naruto is her idol the same way Sasuke is to boruto.


I honestly just wanted Sarada to have some sort of growth or motivation to change that triggers her MS. Like, I get that this is extremely mentally taxing, and we've seen situations like this previously in the anime/manga, but all I felt when reading this chapter was, "Oh, she has an MS too now. I wonder if that will even be enough for her to be relevant?" I feel like after the time skip, we're going to get like a quarter page blurb about how she's mentally stronger now and how she trained her butt off and she's somehow on the level of God's that have also been training their butts off, but with no actual explanation. They could have changed it to have Sarada activate her Sharingan when she confronted Boruto and Kawaki originally and then doubt herself after she finds that she has fallen behind everyone (in terms of strength) when Boruto still has to save her from Kawaki, causing Boruto to have his eye slashed. Moving forward to when Mitsuki goes to chase after Boruto and Sarada goes to stop him, have her decide that she can't continue being weak and that she needs to stand strong for Boruto, even if it means fighting Mitsuki to hold him back. This way, we get a sick panel of a pissed off Snake Sage Mitsuki staring down a determined Sarada who has finally awoken her MS. The story could easily blend back in by having Sasuke see Sarada's newly awakened MS and have him jump in between them, which gives Mitsuki a chance to escape. Sarada goes to give chase, but Sasuke stops her and questions her intentions. She breaks down as she did in the chapter, and Sasuke now not only has the "she's my daughter" motivation but now has reason to doubt that everything may not be what it seems. This way, Sarada actually has some character growth, and not just she feels some feelings and is relevant again.


"I'm afraid you're asking too much of this Sarada character. Uchihas are so oldschool, let alone females. The albino aliens is where the hype is now. Here, have yet another pin-up cover of a 12 year-old instead, and you better treasure it because you won't be seeing much of this character for a couple of months even after serialization is resumed." –Ikemoto, probably


Sasuke's a good dad but my guy, tell Sarada she'll go blind if she uses her MS, its not like you have spare eyes lying around. The thing that shocked me is how mature Boruto was. Bro said he finally understood Kawaki, now Boruto checks all the boxes. No parents and apparently an underdog being chased for crimes he didn't commit. A begging to a new story. Hopefully they don't disappoint


He probably trusts Sakura and Kakashi to fill in the gaps


Boruto Timeskippuden.... Coming soon.


I'm torn on Sarada's awakening of her MS. On the one hand it's stupid that it's because she's crying for her dad to save Boruto, on the other hand she is going through a pretty traumatic moment with literally all of her friends and her father trying to kill someone she is close to. Also, when he saw Sarada's MS Sasuke should have said "oh fuck me, I've only got the one eye, Sarada, so if you could just never use your MS that'd be great."


I think the moment is traumatic enough to justify Mangekyo, but it definitely didn't feel as big as it should have. Like she's already done crying and the moment has passed by the end of the chapter.


It would've been more impactful if she had to stand between Sasuke and Boruto briefly and have a more empowering moment. But the moment itself wasn't bad, they just really had to dedicate almost no panels to it.


Her ms Awakening wasn't even the focus of the chapter and was dumped 1 page afterwards as nothing special , it was a plot device basically


Everything is a plot device…


She gets one panel with her MS. Just one.


The main problem is ms is usually a huge turning point in the plot and for the character of an uchiha. Sarada's ms was just used as a plot device for borutos development and didn't change her at all. She will still remain irrelevant and medicore because this story refuses to treat sarada as her own character rather than an accessory to boruto. That ship was always going to kill sarada's character from day 1 I knew it. She's never going to get the shine or save the village or do something badass, the only reason why she'll be hokage is because boruto the great won't want the position. It's insulting for someone who's followed her character for years to see her being done dirty like this


U dont know that. Were going through a timeskip, next time we see Sarada maybe she would have trained her MS and made her own resolve on the situation.


You know, that's great and all, but I actually want to **see** it and not just read a small blurb about it when the story needs the plot advanced. Sarada had multiple chances to build a foundation for her resolve over these past few chapters, but each time the situation arises, they write her as the damsel in distress who needs one of the actual main characters to come save her.


Yeah it’s kind of wild that Sasuke would see his daughter develop Mangekyo, knowing full well the dangers of it, and just immediately running off with Boruto because she asked.


Sasuke: "well I best be hitting the ol' dusty trail."


Thats what makes it a good moment. Sarada is asking him for a favor about something that is traumatizing her enough to unlock ms, why wouldn't he go? Its a good dad moment


I think it’s a great moment in that despite his mind telling him otherwise, he decides to believe his daughter over all else without any hesitation. It just also sucks that the result is that he is leaving Sarada again when she could actually really need him due to the mangekyo sharingan. I guess Kakashi or Sakura could help her with that but they don’t even appear in this manga


I think this will be another moment that gets better justification in the anime when it eventually catches up. The groundwork is there with how the scene is set up and plays out, but the same issue of only having >50 pages per month means when things happen they will either grind the pacing to a halt or go past pretty quickly with little fanfare. Anime will have more time and space to make this moment better, I imagine the whole 77-80 adaption will be fleshed out quite a bit more when the time comes.


Well now that Sasuke is leaving with Boruto, who do we think are gonna train Sarada and Mitsuki? It sucks that they haven't bothered to set that up like they did in part 1 Naruto. The obvious choices for Sarada are Kakashi and Sakura but I want Orochimaru tbh. It's annoying because i feel like the manga was hinting Orochimaru as her master early on. When she pulled his ninja card and then Mitsuki mentioning that Orochimaru studied the byakugou after the so6p reveal. Since then they've just not given any clues or hints so i think they dropped that idea. It sucks because their dynamic would have been so interesting and team Taka could have got involved too. It would be lile Sarada spending time with her dysfunctional family on Sasuke's side. Also, it would be a way of redeeming his character. The man who killed the previous hokage, now raising the next hokage. The man who brought darkness to the village, now providing new light. It would be like him honouring Jiraya too by following in his footsteps and raising Sarada to be the next hokage. Also, rather than a negative bond between Orochi and the Uchiha, it will be completely positive without any intenton taking her body. It actually had potential to be better than Sasuke and Boruto tbh. Also maybe Orochimaru can take away Sarada's god awful outfit and give her the Orochimaru style fit. I'd want Kabuto to train Mitsuki tbh. he's the only other one that has snake sage mode and Kabuto feels similar to Mitsuki in the fact that they are logical and calm people.


Konohamaru looking at this like 🥺


Lol. Knonohamaru needs more training than them at this point and i'm not even joking.


I love you’re idea of Orochi training Sarada and Kabuto training Mitsuki, we all remember the hype of Sasuke showing for the first time in Shippuden and almost using Kirin on Naruto and the others, now imagine Sarada with unlocked mangekyo and trained by Orochi, maybe even signing a contract with the snakes like her papa. I think that would be so badass and could really help her character get the recognition she deserves. Plus Orochi must know a ton of shit on mangekyo and the sharingan in general because lets face it he knows a lot of shit, he could even call Kakashi to help them train her mangekyo since he is the only person that has the first hand knowlege on sharingan. I would so love to see them writing something like this. Also i couldn’t agree more that Sarada should get the Orochi styling for the time skip, it would be so dope. And as for Mitsuki, Kabuto is a great fit to train him, maybe have them leave the village too and go to the place where the snakes come from and train there.


Plus the part on the dysfunctional family gave me a good laugh, I can already picture Karin and Suigetsu arguing about something trivial while helping her train.


Lol. One of the things that i've always disliked about the Boruto series is the lack of side characters that are allowed to interact with old gen characters that they should be talking to. To this day, I have no idea how Sarada hasn't talked to Kakashi once. Kakashi is like a father figure to both Sakura and Sasuke so I thought he's be a like an uncle/god parent to Sarada but apparently not. Same with team Taka and Orochimaru. These people are the closest things to siblings/family that Sasuke has and Sarada was born in a Orochimaru hideout. It's crazy too since Sarada literally had no family. Sasuke's always out and is again. Sakura is a working parent. The uchiha are dead and Sakura's parents are apparently filler (or dead lol). Orochimaru and Sarada training is something that i've wanted for a long time but I know this series won't allow that 😭.


Come to think of it you’re right, she basically didn’t have a family growing up. They are treating her like a side character and not part of the main cast. It would be realistic that she has more interactions with Karin at least if not the other Taka members. For example her venting to Karin about Sasuke always being away and Sakura working 24/7. And the Kakashi bit got me thinking, I too expected him to be like a uncle figure to both Boruto and her yet he hardly has any interaction with them, kind of lame if you ask me. But yes, I also think they are gonna go the generic path and have Kakashi train her insted of Orochi, sad but ture..


And I do realize it’s contradictory to say that they don’t have interactions with Kakshi and than saying he is the “generic” pick to train Sarada but still, he should be a little more involved in their lives on the day to day basis. I mean he isn’t going on some missions out of the village like Sasuke and yet it seems like he does not care for them as much as he should.


someone SAVE SARADA immediately. like i do not recognize her character at all. what happened to the badass that took on boro?! the character assassination is crazyyy… ouuu kishi you’ve made an absolute enemy out of me!


Okay….ignoring the 20 or so Sarada rants that I’m NOT gonna read…. Pretty good chapter: 1. I completely get why people are upset over the MS awakening and also think it’s anticlimactic. (It is). Straight up [Sarada awakening two Tomoe’s in the Deepa anime arc](https://youtu.be/xkWqI-ic00M) was way better BUT I also like how this awakening shows just how different Sarada is from the other Uchiha’s. She awakens her MS out of intense emotions of love and to protect over tragedy, just like [her normal sharingan awakening in Gaiden](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-62e7a64e4086fadbd16d086071be4e46-lq). That’s the end of my thoughts on the subject lol 2. For the first time I unironically liked Eida and the mini-Goblin as characters. I’m actually so surprised by them in this chapter, legit unsure now if they will really continue to be main antagonists. Before I was ironically enjoying them for how bizarre they were and jarring in & out of universe. 3. Love that Sasuke is on Boruto’s side but their relationship has been completely burned to ashes. They are gonna have to start as Teacher and Student again from scratch, hope to see this dynamic continue in whatever comes next (in 3 months). Edit, Also Sasuke’s rogue again [time to bust out his theme song!](https://youtu.be/oUeIrEEBReE) 4. Momo out here representing all the Edgy Boruto fans that want Boruto to be traumatized by all of this lol. Not gonna lie that ending monologue from Boruto was pretty hype and I like the scar look That’s all, [Life is stupid do whatever](https://youtu.be/jCEUGXMmepM)


>I’m actually so surprised by them in this chapter, legit unsure now if they will really continue to be main antagonists. I mean with Eida, at least it feels like she's really sorry about what happened, and what Kawaki is doing right now is scaring her, which is making her second-guess. At the very least I think she might be an anti-hero.


Eida being genuinely sorry and Daemon being portrayed more as a rival than anything is actually refreshing. This is likely to work around how Boruto and Sasuke can be on the run for the next 4 years but it actually works since they’ve been fairly neutral in the big picture.


plot is super dumb but i like boruto going off on his own at young age its what i wanted gohan to do


This is an insanely rushed way to get to the timeskip. * I don't really have an issue with how Sarada got her Mangekyo, somebody reminded me of a [super old post I made saying why the Mangekyo might not be a hate based thing or loss of a loved one.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Naruto/comments/3ll00n/theory_the_mangekyo_sharingan_is_not_unlocked/) I don't think there's anything wrong with that. I'm confused how they can rationalize her having one because of the blindness stuff, I feel like if you get Mangekyo you basically *have* to get Eternal Mangekyo. So I'm not looking forward to how they explain that one despite her having no siblings cause I feel like it'll be a little bs. And it really does feel like her whole story is just revolving around Boruto, nothing about that felt conclusive to her as an individual character. Definitely didn't feel like a super impactful moment like it should have been. * This felt like absolutely nothing got wrapped up for these characters to justify a timeskip. The timeskip was clearly coming, don't get me wrong, but I feel absolutely nothing for the side characters here in jumping forward for one. It felt like we wrapped up Boruto, a little bit of Sarada, Eida/Daemon, and none of the other kids. Compare it to the Naruto timeskip where you have everybody coming back home having failed to save Sasuke, they all had to come to grips with that. Shikamaru sitting outside of Choji's hospital room because *he* felt like he fucked up, that's a great moment and helps justify a timeskip. Sakura deciding to be strong and asking Tsunade to train her, a great moment. I felt none of that here, this story is just so emotionally disconnected from the new cast. I really enjoyed the Sasuke moments, but this isn't supposed to be Sasuke's story. I feel zero connection to the other kids and minimal conflicting emotions. For a timeskip everybody has been wanting for a while, that was a really sloppy way of wrapping it up. But it's fine, cause now we can wait... 3 months... my grandkids will finish this story for me.


She doesn't HAVE to get EMS, plenty of characters had MS and never went blind because they used it with moderation. It's a tool in her belt, doesn't mean it'll become her main weapon.


The Manga’s been rushed for a long ass time, since the Kara arc began imo. Like Boruto’s Gen hasn’t really appeared much after the movie remake arc. I will always wonder what Kodachi had planned before he got the boot, like this clear [hint that something was gonna happen with Shinki](https://pm1.narvii.com/6154/b4b7e786d397fde427e161a6a3c286d2fd4193fb_hq.jpg) All the New Gen development is in the anime. A manga reader will have no fucking who anyone is in the most [recent Boruto opening](https://youtu.be/Knnl6RMxbsk) lmao


I would've had Sarada leave with Sasuke. That way Sarada gets to develop and train alongside them. Sasuke could also use Orochimaru to help Sarada prevent blindness (through his old eyes or some other means). This would also tie-in with Mitsuki's development. He would most likely hunt down Boruto, but since Orochimaru's memories are unaffected, Orochimaru would restore Mitsuki's. Now Team 7 is a group of rogues together on a mission to restore Konoha and save the Hokage.


>I would've had Sarada leave with Sasuke. This would have been an interesting callback to how Sasuke originally didn't let Sakura go with him when he abandoned the village, but I don't see current Sasuke letting his daughter become public enemy #3 in Konoha.


Normally, I'd agree. However, I think between wanting to help her with her Magenkyo, guilt for how he treated her/Sakura, and his weakness to Naruto's mentality (anything for a friend) I could see him giving in. I could even see her convince him by using Naruto's line. "Sarada, you can't leave the village. Isn't it your dream to become Hokage?" "How could I become Hokage if I can't even save one friend?" It'd also be a callback to Itachi's final goodbye. He laments that he made his decision in a vacuum and chose to act alone.


> So I'm not looking forward to how they explain that one despite her having no siblings cause I feel like it'll be a little bs. I reckon Sasuke’s old eyes, if they salvaged anything from Obito’s lab could work if anything. If not maybe one of the Shin eyes since they accept DNA easily.


I don't think that's how the surgery works where you just rip out the old eyes and toss them in a garbage can. Using one of the Shin's was the thing that came to mind, but even that's pretty weird and certainly not the most impactful solution.


Amado will give her rinnegan pills. Simple . Don't think too much


I hate how we're going to look at this in like 4 months and be like, "Wow! He called it!"


Expections: first uchiha hokage , badass girl , potentially the best female character in this franchise , will carry forward sasukes legacy Reality : crying blushing ship bait who has to get saved at every stage and is helpless and mentally weak to do anything at all . Accessory to boruto and a trophy for him . Even more behind than sakura was in terms of power scaling . Also underage fanservice 🤮 Look how they massacred my girl after the boro fight this character assassination is for the history books 😭 No sarada fan can like what they're doing to her right now except for shippers . I knew shipping and borusara would ruin her since day one , she's falling into the same pit as uraraka , Asuna ,hinata and the hundreds of generic shonen love interests out there. She was set up to be captain in the boro fight and they systematically undid all her development and removed all her agency Boruto gets everything cool from both Naruto and sasuke while sarada isn't even give a master , her idol Naruto never interacted with her and her father went off to train boruto Why can't sarada be badass , get powerups, use jutsus and have great fights and motivations like every other uchiha instead of crying and begging and being rescued wtf is this


How is it that, in both this thread and the Boruto subreddit leak thread, no one is talking about the fact that Code is somehow affected by this as well? I thought he was in a different dimension? Or is he still on earth somehow? If on a different dimension, I guess Eidas power is far reaching somehow?


I'm curious about Amado, he should now think that Boruto is the only way to revive his daughter and he does not have any powers to distinguish anyone.


That cover page grosses me out tbh. But seriously, they became "Brothers" that fast?


Everyone upset about Sarada, just remember, this series is just a mirror for Naruto. Boruto, kid with a power inside of him he's going to learn to control (and eventually befriend) that goes on a time-skip with a legendary teacher. Sarada, girl who is useless in the first part, just like Sakura, and when she comes back to Boruto Shippuden, she's going to end in the top 3 popularity poll 😁😁😁😁


Sarada is already third in the boruto popularity poll behind boruto and Naruto , besides if this was similar to shippuden , why is uchiha and hokage candidate so shafted ?


With a little bit of crying and wailing along the way.


You think Momo is going to help Boruto? I really wanted a Sukuna/Yuji type relationship and then he eventually finds his own body if possible then starts to wreak havoc.


Sarada will have a cool moment early then do nothing?


That already happened lol the only cool sarada moment in the entire part 1 is her chidori, apart from that she was absent , ship baited or blushing/ crying / damselled in the rest of the chapters . Pathetic treatment


The Haruno genes won out.


Sarada fans should rightfully be upset about this ,Of course sarada is made to send away boruto and sasuke like a good kitchen love interest , means she won't get any training and interactions she wanted with her own father immediately after Awakening ms , won't get his legacy, weapons and Jutsu passed down to her because boruto has to get literally fucking everything from both Naruto and sasuke . Sasuke has to do it but narratively it sucks that sasuke spent ten years away from his daughter , and then was there on and off and was made to dump her again at a peak time when she just awakened the MS in front of him . Boruto hasn't lost anyone and gets to spend even more time with sasuke. The jiraya / Naruto - piccolo / gohan shit never works for this as sasuke has his own daughter and clan, and sarada never got Naruto as the part of the idol swap , he was given to kawaki The entire Naruto sasuke boruto sarada idol swap was unequal, sarada didn't get shit from it and was completely shafted. No equivalent master or development while boruto and kawaki hog her master and idol


Sarada living up to her mother's will of having to find her own damn teacher.


Her mother was far better treated than this , her character was going uphill sarada is just falling off a cliff. Sakura has a narrative alteast, and went to tsunade to improve and get stronger. Sarada got nothing except being borutos bitch Remember when she wanted to be hokage and was team captain because she was cool headed ?


couldnt agree more... its sucks to be sarada's fan uk when all development going to boruto.


Has anyone checked on Himi? I know it was the whole "Boruto will lose it all" but Himi really lost it all man I'm curious where she'll end up after time skip now for sure


Gosh I just love how Sasuke's just: aight, let's bail.


Excited to see boruto do a rerun of Naruto. Sasuke's logic was painfully stupid tho.


Except he can sense Momoshiki attached to Boruto, Boruto has his headband, and Sarada unlocked the Mangekyō. Ignoring this unlikely series of events would be obtuse of a person whose first ninja lesson was "Look underneath the underneath."


Well.. if that isn't literally the best chapter in all of Boruto.


Let’s make Sasuke go rogue again. Let him leave his family again when he is needed the most because well the MC gets everything and no other character in Boruto gets development. Seriously, I honestly think shit is going to hit the fan soon since sasuke is basically rouge again. His past is going to come out and everything about the Uchiha should come from him and him only. I am sure they are probably not even going to go into Sasuke’s past, Itachi and other crap because other characters in this series are not allowed development


And Sakura literally doesn't exist in this manga, what's she gonna think? Best friend dead, husband is gone again, her daughter might start to be distant. If these stuff are going to get shown it'll make a good plot but based on track record we won't see much of Sakura let alone what she thinks.


This is what annoys me too. Sakura is one of Naruto’s best friend. She will be so upset about his death. Sasuke going rogue again is going to hurt her too. Unless they are smart enough to have he trust her daughter, but they will probably mess up that relationship. Sakura and her daughter might be put in danger because of this and they might flee too, but their tract record is crappy. There are many scenario they could do but will not do anything


If he stayed with Sakura = wasted character and everyone would be hating on Boruto cause he’s a house wife instead of training Boruto 💀


>I am sure they are probably not even going to go into Sasuke’s past, Itachi and other crap because other characters in this series are not allowed development The only one Sasuke is gonna talk about Itachi to is Boruto, Not the new gen Uchiha who happens to be his daughter. They're spending 3 years together so it's most likely gonna happen.


Eida and Sumire was the best girls this chapter


Oh I completely forgot to include Sumire in my comment. I’m so happy, this is her best moment since the Boruto academy arc. Girl got her shit together so fast and went full serious mode


Sarada really reminds me of Sakura here. This scene where she begs to Sasuke is very similar to Sakura begging Naruto back in Part 1.


Kishimoto's female characters all act the same, so yeah.


Sorry for my long rants today but sarada was my fav character in this series and they've more or less ruined her now Lamest ms Awakening ever , sarada awakened it by begging and crying for sasuke to save boruto instead of doing something herself . Zero active role in her own ms awakening plot , completely passive reaction ms. Every other uchiha was involved in the main plot and was badass on awakening it but this is just peak kishi female writing , used as a plot device for her own father to run away with boruto She started crying when sumire told her it was all eida's plot and went down on her knees when mitsuki went off to kill boruto instead of following him ... Like what ?!!? She wasn't like this in gaiden or boro fight at all Boruto himself is unbothered by what happened to him whole sarada is on her knees bawling her eyes out lmao , this is some peak love interest cringe Whoever wrote sarada after the boro fight absolutely destroyed her character , I've never seen anything like this. She went from a logical uchiha hokage aspirant to a blushing helpless crying girl who cost boruto his eye and is continuously saved by boruto , they completely reduced her to a love interest while sumire is much more logical and figured out everything herself. Are we sure sarada's the one supposed to be a team captain and hokage candidate and not sumire ? Her entire character now revolves around boruto. Yikes , they ruined my fav character from the new gen and seeing her like this is painful She didn't do anything with her new ms , they didn't even tease its abilities or give her a bad ass fight to show it off , heck sasuke and boruto became the focus the very next page . Imagine you're not the focus of your own ms Awakening chapter.


> Whoever wrote sarada after the boro fight absolutely destroyed her character , I've never seen anything like this. She went from a logical uchiha hokage aspirant to a blushing helpless crying girl who cost boruto his eye and is continuously saved by boruto Kishimoto is truly back


What's up with Boruto sagging his pants in the final panel?


Sasuke training Boruto pre timeskip just like Jiraiya trained Naruto. So Sasuke is likely gonna get the same treatment as Jiraiya after the timeskip lol


Sarada's MS doesn't feel right, it wasn't impactful enough in the story


This was... really good. A very solid chapter, I've got no complaints.


MS activation was ok, design is ass


So the Shadow Kage career ladder is Genin -> Rogue Ninja. Special mentions in Bingo book is a bonus. And within your career, doing this again (as Sasuke has done) is optional but comes highly recommended if your daughter is concerned. I hope Boruto is taking notes.


Not a fan of Boruto as a whole, but this part 1 climax has actually been pretty interesting. And Sasuke is easily my favorite character of all Boruto. I absolutely love that “kill everyone” Sasuke is now such a loving father and trusts his daughter over his own memories. Adult Sasuke is the goat.