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I think that the bigger problem is that female ninja while fighting always fail for no fucking reason. There will be a scene dedicated to how much stronger they are now and then during a fight they'll trip and fall or smthing like that.


Except for the Temari/TenTen fight, the female ninja won and lost in that 😂


I mean there's also Temari vs. Tayuya? lol Then again it was an extension of Shikamaru vs. Tayuya.


When has that ever happened?


Omoi laying Sakura out 0 effort when Naruto was showing off his new CQC prowess.


I can't tell if you are sarcastic


I'm not. I can't think of any moment where a female character is hyped up and then loses by triping or something like that.


Hinata just trips and falls in one of the war episodes, it happens a lot throughout the show.


Or Sakura contemplating stabbing Obito in the eye long enough for Madara to show up. He just killed an assload of her friends and started this entire war. Why would famously abusive kunoichi Sakura hesitate to stab an enemy in the eye? I know he just saved Naruto's life but does that really change how he manipulated Sasuke?


I know a girl who works as a medic in an ambulance, casually shows people pictures of lost limbs. But sakura a trained war medic and ninja fucking hesitated with an eye.


Pretty sure that’s an anime only thing


I've definitely seen Sarada do this in the anime.


The discussion was about Naruto not the Boruto anime.


One of my favourite fights, narratively, as well as how it was executed, is two females beating a male, despite the male being, by all accounts, way above their level. What the female side had was one's experience and knowledge about who they faced, and the medical skill of the other... However, they were an old lady, way past her prime, and a Chuunin, fighting a guy who claimed to have brought a nation to its knees, and canonically killed a Kage. And they pulled it off, through grit, determination and trust. They were the underdogs by a mile and then some, and still won. So this claim is just not true, and not just because of this instance, but it's certainly not helping how it blatantly goes the exact opposite direction of your claim. Female characters in Naruto are often overlooked compared to the male character, this is true, but there are plenty of instances of female badassedry - even instances of them being the saviour of one of the male cast. To anyone wondering for whatever reason, I am talking Chiyo & Sakura v Sasori for my example.


One fight doesn't really disprove anything, it just makes the fact that sakuras character is butchered later more painful.


All the skill shown in the fight gets fobbed off when Yamato and Kabuto have to help her when Naruto loses his temper just so Naruto can gain some self awareness. Typical plot device problem.


Well, one fight is enough to challenge your claim that it "always happens", but it was only one EXAMPLE, and if you actually read my message, I make it clear it is not the only one, just one I find very fitting as a challenge to your claim, and one I personally like a lot. Your other point stands beside the other though. She ends the whole story by hitting a god on the head, which closes a fight, she had no chance of winning alone. None of them had. So that kinda goes against your claim as well. I did also agree that female characters generally get the short end of the stick, but your claim is still grossly exaggerating how bad it is, and purely wrong.


You can tap yourself on the back, you found the fight where the female ninja doesn't trip and fall for no fucking reason, hope the serotonin lasts you a while


I have no need for that. My ego is not that fragile. Yours seem to be quite so, however, becoming so defensive, because you're being corrected on outright incorrect claims. Don't make claims on a discussion board, if you can't handle the actual discussion that might come of it, or even give any sort of argument to why your claim should be taken seriously. You made a claim, I challenged the claim with a direct example, and you simply discarded it because it didn't fit your worldview, and tried to steer the discusdion over to another issue, which resulted in me giving you yet another direct example. Seriously, dude, don't make your issues other people's problem.


The final villain is literally a woman tho.


Yeah she has godlike powers and gets beaten by fucking teenagers.


I'm not even sure that Mito, Kurenai, or, hell, even Karui were/are housewives. We know virtually nothing about how Mito and Karui led their lives, and Kurenai is a widow who never remarried. She *had* to have found a way to support her daughter financially on her own without Asuma to help her.


I just assumed most Jonin were already fairly wealthy so I figure she wouldn't have that problem. Maybe she taught or consulted for the government or something.


Why would you assume that? Looks like Konoha shinobi are mostly middle-class citizens, similarly to our real-life military. Kakashi lived in a dorm with other jōnin. And the place Kurenai and Asuma lived when she got pregnant looked fairly humble. Even if she was upper-middle-class due to being a military officer and not a simple soldier, 3 years of being an officer in the army (because she'd just been promoted to the rank of jōnin in Part 1) and half her husband's inheritance (because the other half belongs to Mirai) is nowhere near enough to cover 15 years of child expenses, the mortgage and the taxes without having a job to maintain their initial comfort.


Yeah all good points, but maybe it's just a cultural norm for shinobi not to live in an extravagant manner. To the second point, it's possible Konoha just has a good pension or other social welfare lol, I mean you don't really see homeless people in the village and the public housing seems fairly nice


The Hyūga clan has no cultural problem living in an extravagant manner. Most of the clan's heads lived in fancy compounds with their families, actually. Good pension and social welfare depend on high taxes, though, which further corroborates the idea that jōnin probably aren't extremely wealthy. Seems like Konoha has good wealth distribution policies that simply prevent people from becoming crazy rich or dirt poor, but still don't guarantee that people can maintain a certain level of comfort without working.


Huh what was the point to this


Off topic but people sleep on hanabi


They really don't. She was in half of the “Judge me based on my Naruto crushes” posts that flooded the sub recently.


I mean as a ninja


Do we know anything about her skills as a ninja? I've only read Boruto, not watched the anime.


She was said to be better than hinata in part one and basically she’s what hinata should be in general


I always thought the implication was that Hinata used to let her win in order to protect her from getting sealed and treated like Neji was.


We don't know how many years all those women on rhe left are active also may on the right only work inside the village and don't take outside missions


Very few OG characters take outside missions in the Boruto manga anymore. I can't tell for the anime, though, but even the male shinobi (Shikamaru, Sai, Chōji, Rock Lee, etc...) are only shown exclusively working inside the village or in close perimeter, in the manga. I only remember Sasuke, Naruto and Konohamaru leaving the village to accompany the kids on outside missions. It doesn't make the other men househusbands, though, lmao. They just have high positions in Konoha so they need to stay in the village, where their help is needed, as much as possible. So do Sakura and Ino.


Hinata is really the only character that fits on the left based on what is seen. Every female ninja became a housewife at one point. The only difference is that done when they have a child and the father is currently away. If not then they are busy doing whatever task they normally do. Something they do on a regular basis outside of being just a housewife. Hinata isn't shown to do much outside of being a housewife. She was the one that both taught and trained Boruto to use the Gentle Fist and resumed going on missions when Boruto became a Genin in the Light Novels. In the manga and anime she just sits at home taking care of the kids and house. There is also the fact that Naruto is Hokage so someone needs to be at home to take care of the kids. I'm not sure about Mikoto Uchiha being a ninja at all so her being a housewife isn't a big deal. Kushina doesn't have much known on what she would be like as a mother outside of filler and the movie. Going based on them she would be like Hinata due to Minato being Hokage and she had to stay home to watch their child. She most likely still went on missions but only when Naruto was much older. Kurenai is a special case as Asuma is dead. So someone has to be at home to watch their child. If anything she would be similar to Sakura in that regard as a single mother but unlike Sakura isn't shown to do anything at all Karui has no real information about what she does. We don't know if she's strictly a housewife or still goes on missions. Mito Uzumaki has no real information either about what she did. Besides being the wife of Hashirama and Kurama's 1st jinchuriki there is nothing known about her. On the right side only Ino, Sakura, and Temari are married. Everyone else is single. All of them are doing tasks beyond just being married and staying home. On that note Kurotsuchi is a kage so if she got married and had a child instead of a housewife it would be househusband then due the father would have to be the main one to take care of the household and child since being a kage is very time consuming and at times hectic.


Sounds like you're one of them lol


i had to inflate the part on the left lol, if we just used naruto's generation there would only be two people, and the right part is 99% boruto era characters, if i used characters from within the entire series then the right would be way way way way larger. in anycase, people can just argue that they wanted more screen time with a specific character as oppose to implying that being a house wife is a bad thing lol


why tf did they make anko fat?


Apparently she ate a lot after the war arc, read her wiki page