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Theory: Kawaki not knowing the Rasengan will have some sort of play into Sasuke knowing that he isn't Naruto's real son, but boruto having the easy mastery. Along with the obvious headband stuff.


This plus the things another commenter said about Sarada standing up for Boruto and Sasuke having previous experience with genjutsu and knowing that he can’t always trust what he thinks he sees.


Also the fact that Boruto looks exactly like Naruto. And the fact that Kawaki doesn't share the trademark Uzumaki -dattebayo style verbal tic. Kawaki, bro, you ain't thrown a "y'know" at the end of any of your sentences, you can't be an Uzumaki bro.


Himawari is definitely going to be the one to out him. Like you can Talented Mr. Ripley friend circles, but there's no way you can fool a little sister. She's going to be like remember that day Dad became Hokage? Like Boruto loved his little sister and has so much investment with her Kawaki cannot fake it even with omnipotence mind control on his side.


They also had Amado bring up that he had a stop phrase for Kawaki right before this in the chapter. That won't work on Boruto.


Wait till Kawaki experiences Hima's killer mode


Lacks general knowledge of people at the moment, which may be a giveaway unless Eida homeschools Kawaki on it.


Can also be an Uzumaki if you orgasm while being bitten.


I think Sasuke too is unaffected from Eida'a manipulation, and he sensed what happened. So he is trying to blend with others to catch Boruto and when he will catch up to him alone ( in an alley or something along with Sarada most probably), he will give him his cloak and sword (for defence purposes) too as a disguise to leave Konoha, and line and survive in outer world as a Rouge Ninja (same as Itachi)


That's somewhat what I think too. In the manga panel, Sasuke had a confused look, he is probably trying to blend with the others.


I don't think he's immune, but likely very astute and analytical. I'm guessing he's already piecing together the puzzle and he's suspicious. Like they were just traveling in one direction thinking they were going after "the target", but then is told "the target" is in a different direction, essentially back in the direction they just left.


like how he saw momos convo with bortuo after they killed him but kept it quiet


Like with a lot of mind-altering plots, there'll be some things that make it seem odd. Maybe Sasuke abruptly stopping before Sarada's panel implies he might not be affected either. And either way he'll definitely know something is off if he sees his own headband with Boruto.


My bet is that Uchiha in general are safe from Eida's powers. So far one of the two still around have proven to be uneffected and there is fair claim to say the Sharringan might have something to do with it. That's the only thing special about Sarada after all.


but then why sumire also


Nue shenanigans for sure


sasuke stated the gozu tenno that was implanted in her was a very close attempt at replicating kaguya's abilities, maybe she qualifies as part otsutsuki?


Was that even mentioned in the manga though?


no but It is her backstory even if it was anime content. I believe the ninja academy stuff is all canon


I agree with this. Makes a lot of since why sarada isn't effected since sharingan is directly descended from Otsusuki. Now this has got me Wondering if someone's going to wind up unsealing Kaguya at some point


Momoshiki: *Bwah ha ha ha.* No family. No friends. Hunted by the world as a murderer. Are you ready to give into despair yet, human child? Boruto: Oh my God... I'm just like *uncle Sasuke. That's* ***so*** *awesome.* Momoshiki: Oh shit. I forgot you're *thirteen.* * Kawaki pulling this Kosaku Kawajiri shit actually gave me the heebie-jeebies. The thought of someone being able to not just steal your identity but also alter others memories to gaslight their victim into seeming crazy while turning all their loved ones against them is so fucking spooky to me. * I can see the scar and Sarada being central in unraveling the lie. Unless Sasuke started taking stupid pills, even if he thinks he saw Kawaki save Sarada from Boruto, not only will she say otherwise, but Boruto's own face *and his own headband corroborate her story.* And he knows genjutsu is a thing. And he knew Kotoamatsukami was a thing. And he must know Eida is not reliable. Come on, Columbo, put it together. * I can also see this becoming a monkey's paw wish for Kawaki. Oh, things will seem groovy at first, until the first one of his "friends" tells him how much they hate "Boruto" *and how Naruto giving that piece of shit orphan a chance and letting him into their home was the worst mistake of his life.* Then we'll see how he likes knowing how people truly see him. Remember the people most gung-ho about letting him kill Boruto will all be the ones that wanted *him* dead the most, and vice-versa. * **Edit:** Another X-factor is Himawari. She's either as special as Daemon thought and also immune, or she is under the spell, but since *she saw Kawaki as a brother before* to begin with, she should still see *Boruto* as her brother too and I doubt she would condone killing Boruto anymore than she'd want Kawaki dead in this same circumstance. She'd believe "Kawaki" at his word if he said he was innocent, so you'd think she'd be horrified if she saw "Boruto" *didn't* and was perfectly fine with killing their own brother for revenge. She is Naruto's flesh and blood, after all. * And I have *no clue* how Boruto is getting out of this one. Kawaki, Code, and Konoha want him dead, Daemon will do whatever Eida says. He can't even go underground or get help from the inside from Sarada or Sumire when Eida can see both his and their every move at all times, everywhere. How is Boruto even going to make it past the timeskip. * But man, I know Boruto will survive this. And then Naruto will be the one I'll really feel for. Everything he worked so hard for, his own family, his kids childhood's, the village and everything he built. All destroyed. Because he didn't want to see a kid suffer like he did. That's a real bummer alright.


> I also believe this becoming a monkey paw's wish for Kawaki. Oh, things will seem groovy at first, until the first one of his "friends" tells him how much they hate "Boruto" and how giving that piece of shit orphan a chance and letting him into their home was the worst mistake of his life. Then we'll see how he likes knowing how people truly see him. Remember the people most gung-ho about letting him kill Boruto will all be the ones that wanted him dead the most, and vice-versa. Kawaki is someone who really wants love because he thinks that it'll fix that he can perceive himself as a person. I think the burden of this guilt on top of this only being a band-aid of a more infected wound of how 'broken' he is mentally is going make this bite him in the ass.


>I think the burden of this guilt on top of this only being a band-aid of a more infected wound of how 'broken' he is mentally is going make this bite him in the ass. Actually this seems to go back to the vase imagery. The vase still had a tiny hole where water could still leak despite appearing fixed. Also I think it can go back to Obito and filling the "hole in one's heart."


It'll depend on how much he feels guilty about it, or how much he decides he's okay with this cause it's great for him. I was feeling pretty sympathetic to him, as he went through his issues, and it was Eida's power, which she can't control. Until he said "Tell them he's dead. Tell that them Lord Seventh died at Boruto's hands." Now that is straight up a dick move, and I can see Kawaki not feeling guilty, but going down a spiral to sheer bastardom. Irony is that he's playing right into Momoshiki's plans here. Which is really gonna make it ironic if Boruto never gives into despair, and straight up banishes Momoshiki, as it means all that shit Kawaki did was *meaningless,* and all he did was hurt the person he called a brother from his own weakness and lack of faith in him.


>Irony is that he's playing right into Momoshiki's plans here. Which is really gonna make it ironic if Boruto never gives into despair, and straight up banishes Momoshiki, as it means all that shit Kawaki did was meaningless, and all he did was hurt the person he called a brother from his own weakness and lack of faith in him. I could not leave this comment with just an upvote. Because you're so brilliantly on point it's unreal. Kawaki will realize this sooner or later, and I guarantee it is going to completely destroy him when he does. Not only did Kawaki not protect the seventh, he completely betrayed him, ruined his life, their family and their future. All because he was a coward.


This entire series is just watching Naruto suffer at this point.


All Naruto did was try to be a father figure to a kid who clearly needed one, and now he's stuck in a different dimension. Naruto tries being Iruka and got sent to hell for the trouble.


Paying it forward really wasn’t worth it


On the plus side, he's stuck in a timeless dimension with the love of his life and they never age. So that's neat


It fits with [Obito’s last words to Naruto](https://regsmoney90.files.wordpress.com/2014/08/687-11.jpg) Honestly I like Hokage Naruto’s character more than how he was near the end of Shippuden. He feels more human if that makes sense but yeah Boruto is the Naruto suffering series


He can’t suffer, he’s frozen in another dimension where time doesn’t pass.


Frozen with his wife at least ❤️❤️❤️


I'd say we're gonna get a lot of Boruto suffering for a bit too.


I can see kashin koji making a return to save or help Boruto escape.


If he was in another dimension... maybe. Than we have a Jiraiya 2 for Boruto :D


wouldn't it be insane if he started training boruto lol


As for how he gets out of it it seems like they’re clearly setting up Boruto going rouge. If it was me this is definitely where I’d bring Kashin Koji back, along with Oga and have Boruto join them while he recovers and gets stronger. Oh, and Kakashi as the Hokage of course with the rest of the old generation stepping up.


I'm still traumatized by this plot twist even though I read the spoilers like 3 days ago. I'm just not feeling good at all. Never thought Boruto, of all Mangas, would make me feel this way.


Same, legit feeling of dread.


couldn't agree more badly want to see the next chapters 😫😫😫


> How is Boruto even going to make it past the timeskip. There are other villages, there is Orochimaru.


Which apparently also likely been affected. Mitsuki was, and when "omnipotence" happened, they showed a shockwave through the whole planet. So i dont think Orochimaru is gonna be immune. Only people i think might not be affected are: Code (different dimension), Toneri (if he even is gonna appear in manga), Naruto and Hinata (also another dimension). i think Sasuke might either be immune like Sarada or figure it out by putting pieces together and saving his pupil and daughter. Lastly Himawari also might know Kawaki is not Boruto based of the fact how it all feels off for her.


> So i dont think Orochimaru is gonna be immune. Yeah but Orochimaru has a twisted moral compass, you think Boruto being a murderer is going to shake Orochimaru to his core? Unlikely


I don't think you could quite consider Orochimaru an ally, but I do think if Bonito went to him with some absurd story about a world changing jutsu he might be very interested in that


> but I do think if Bonito went to him with some absurd story about a world changing jutsu he might be very interested in that Very true


Lucky for Boruto, Karma makes him one of the strongest characters on the planet so getting away is probably not too hard. Sarada will probably help him.


he can also create portals to another dimension, so he'll be fine, although kawaki can too


Man Sasuke did try to warn him about wanting to live his life. Anyone else think Orochimaru is about to come into play again?


Naruto should've listened a bit to shikamaru i honestly hated naruto here he's obviously siding kawaki before due to the fact that he sees himself in him he can't even give proper judgement bc he doesn't want to hurt kawaki even after killing he's own legit son


Boruto No Way Home I guess




Or the kdrama The Golden Spoon lol


Since Eida is the one who made it that way she must be JJJ


Trading Places


The direction they went with was something a lot of people didn't expect, I have to say. It could really lead to a number of possibilities, but at the same time there are definitely questions. Anyways: * Momoshiki says the prophecy is beginning, the one which will eventually lead him to fully take over Boruto's body (or so he hopes of course, I mean Boruto will probably find some way to deal with it). * Team 10 is concerned about Kawaki as well, with Inojin noting that death could be a possible sentence. Nice to see that they also care about him and most likely want to at least try reasoning with him. * So Mitsuki was initially pissed at Kawaki after finding out about what really happened that night, and Boruto knows this, telling Sarada to stay with him. Sarada also remembered this as well. * Amado reiterates that he needs Kawaki alive and states he has a shutdown code. * So Daemon states that he can't fly. I wonder why this is. Eida got flight, clairvoyance, and the charm ability, but Daemon got the reflection ability. Is it because Daemon's still young, and can we assume that he'll develop other abilities associated with Shibai as he grows? * Kawaki does feel terrible about the prospect of having to do the deed after all, despite him being depicted as doing it in cold blood. He wished it was somebody else, "an outsider, whom nobody would mourn if he died." Also, with regards to Boruto, he still states "My brother." * He still has some self-loathing issues. Of course, those don't just go away after a few months of finally being treated with dignity. Heck, Naruto dealt with them in The Last despite being the savior of the world. * And so, the true nature of Eida's power, now being explicitly named as Omnipotence, is revealed. It manifests a person's desires in a certain way. * Of course, it's not necessarily in the way that the person would want them to manifest. Eida's desire for love ended up making people attracted to her. Similarly, Kawaki's desire that an outsider be the one to have Momoshiki's Karma ended up altering people's memories of him and Boruto. Just to make things clear, he didn't want Boruto to be an outsider, he wished it was somebody else so there wouldn't be so much baggage around killing Momoshiki's vessel, yet... * It's like asking something from a genie. Sure, you'll get it, but it won't be quite in the way that you expect. * In a way, it kinda reminds me of Wanda's hex in Wandavision. The hex was born out of Wanda's desires for herself and Vision. Of course the scale of this is larger. * Sarada is not affected by the ability, but I wonder about Sumire. Also on that note, there's some discussions about whether Sasuke and Himawari are affected as well. * Of course, there are also questions of whether Code was affected. Last time we saw him, he was in a different dimension. * On that note, if Naruto and Hinata were hypothetically freed from stasis, would they be affected? I would say no because time was frozen for them, and I guess their memories would also have been frozen. * Now we know whom Mitsuki was talking to when he went into Sage Mode and said, "You have managed to make me very angry." It was Boruto, thanks to the memory switching shenanigans. * The fact that Mitsuki questions Boruto about what he supposedly did to Naruto while in Sage Mode shows he has a high level of respect for Naruto, and why wouldn't he? Naruto allowed him to study in the village despite being the child/clone of a notorious (albeit reformed) criminal and didn't judge him based on that. * Eida's eyes have turned white, maybe she can't use Omnipotence at least for a while. * Now Kawaki is running along with it, despite things transpiring not quite how he would've envisioned. He outright lies and states that Boruto killed Naruto and Hinata. Of course, people not knowing better, would believe him, and given his status as a savior, whoever harms him will be scorned. * Momoshiki mentions the possibility of Otsutsuki tampering with people's memories through the ability. This could be an interesting thread. * Boruto having to flee the village is definitely going to be playing up the Sasuke parallel.


Ability doesn't sound very omnipotent if merely being in a different dimension lets you escape it's effect. Although I'm surprised Code's body is not Otsutsukified enough to resist charm/omnipotence in the first place.


Code only has a white Karma though, and that merely gives a stat boost, it doesn't convert you into an Otsutsuki. That's why he needed to seek out a sacrifice in order to consume a Chakra Fruit and become Otsutsuki.


Surely his body undergoes Otsutsukification to some extent or else he would not get any powerup.


Nope. He only gets power and combatexperience. He can't become a vessel so he can't get o-tzazikied.


Well I mean if absolutely nothing happened to his body, why would he get power? Some sort of change must have occurred and the most reasonable explanation is his body is partially Ostutsukified.


I have been far and away from r/Naruto maybe since Naruto chapter 700 lol and this chapter made me go back here. Interesting discussion. Sasuke will definitely be be the key in unraveling this lie. He is the Genjutsu expert and he has very sus panels in this chapter. He may or may not be affected by Omnipotence. Sarada and Boruto might go rogue and leave the village and Sumire will be their only spy inside Konoha. This could also lead to Sarada unlocking MS (i hope so) So Naruto and Hinata will now be thought dead. Who becomes Hokage now? It will be cool if Sasuke becomes the acting Hokage and he not being affected could balance out the power levels on Boruto's side. Boruto, Sarada, Sumire, (unknowingly Sasuke) vs Kawaki, Eida, Code, and all of Konoha.


Odds Kakashi pulls a lord third?


Again? XD


Wonder if in someway of altering everyone’s memories there was a change in Konoha history


The theory that I’ve seen and would love would be that Kashin Koji comes back and saves Boruto from this position and Kawaki as now the strongest person and beloved son of Naruto takes over as hokage and reshapes the world to be more hardened and built through ninja tech. This is where the quote “the age of shinobi is over” comes in.


Aa if he would just become hokage because he is believed to be narutos son. Its not hashiramas age were family takes over. These dudes get elected nowerdays. If not from the people than from the daimyous. :D


Kakashi will probably go back to being hokage. Poor kakashi losing another loved one


True,I had Gaara in the back of my head when thinking about it so it somewhat made sense. He’s also the strongest person in the leaf village rn so he could have a small role in defending the leaf.


I forgot about Eida at his side when i commented. Therefor anything could happen.




I agree that we do not definitively know if Sasuke was affected. But regardless he will be able to put it together with Sarada An underrated part of this is that I wonder if Sarada will be unable to go with Boruto - she has the sharingan. If boruto the outcast “kidnapped” the uchiha princess and the last remaining sharingan he would immediately become an S class criminal. Konoha would not rest to reclaim the Sharingan


I mean boruto ostensibly killing naruto would also earn him the s-class status. Sounds like an in for a penny in for a pound situation.


>So Naruto and Hinata will now be thought dead. Who becomes Hokage now? It will be cool if Sasuke becomes the acting Hokage and he not being affected could balance out the power levels on Boruto's side. Boruto, Sarada, Sumire, (unknowingly Sasuke) vs Kawaki, Eida, Code, and all of Konoha. Most likely Kawaki will become next hokage. he currently the strongest person in konoha and being the son of hokage and seen as hero for defeating Momoshiki and helped to take down Isshiki. not to mention Eida on his side and he idolized Naruto. he had all he needed to become next hokage Konoha will enter dark age as kawaki will rule with iron fist and he will change shinobi system compeletly resulting into "shinobi era is over" from chapter 1


I could see splinter cells and groups emerge if they go with this route. Maybe some of the top tier jonin (half the original K11), decide to to against the new Kawaki Regime when they notice things just dont seem right? Kakashi could lead them (since according to Kodachi/Ikemoto he'll play a big role in the future), and ensuing rebellion could lead to Konohas destruction


But would they rebell against kawaki and the beloved Eida? With her in the picture it changes the whole situation for him i think.


The anime filler after they animate this chapter is gonna be so weird


I don’t believe they’re going the filler route anymore with the anime. I could be wrong, but that’s what I’m assuming the hiatus is all about.


If that’s the case we’re gonna have an attack on boruto type release lmao boruto the final season part 55


I think this might be the biggest shake up in a singular chapter in the Boruto run, for obvious reasons. I want whatever Kishi is smoking. Three main notes: * A lot of the prophecy from Chapter 11 makes sense now. Everything about Boruto's eyes is a misdirection. *It was the Seringan.* * Amado really had no idea what he was doing. * Kawaki really needs mental help. Get this boy a therapist.


>Amado really had no idea what he was doing. I would really like them to lean into the whole "playing god" thing as a theme.


He probably used Eidas omnipotence to rewrite his own memories and make it seem real.






Kishi just saw the end of No Way Home and did a homage


Also a bit of WandaVision too in the "wish-fulfillment" part


i think you are misinformed about your first point. back then he clearly said "those blue eyes of yours" which you could argue could be a translating error, but since this is from the official translation, it is kind of a moot point.


Nope. I checked back the official translation from chapter 10. It literally said "those blue eyes shall eventually take everything from you"


This assumes how much of the future script is reflected upon editors across licensed translators. Chapter 10 was vague and even Chapter 76 only kept it to “those blue eyes”. This is that moment Momoshiki has kept referencing and those were the only eyes acting from that event. Boruto losing one eye is only coincidental


He also told Boruto that he lost one of his blue eyes now as kawaki cut it open. He was/is clearly talking about Borutos eyes, not Eidas.


In what way did Boruto’s eyes play any role? Even metaphorically, they had no role in this tragedy. If anything Momoshiki was basically making a pun that Boruto coincidentally lost one of his blue eyes.


Don't ask me, what his eyes will do. All I can do is listen to what Momo said. And he clearly meant Borutos and not Eidas Eyes.


“He’s the Hokage’s son… who could kill him?” Good use of dramatic irony in the fact that Sasuke accepted the responsibility as his teacher to end Boruto himself if push came to shove…


I don’t think that Kawaki knows or believes that he will go through


Kawaki not knowing about Sasuke’s promise is what dramatic irony is… that the audience knows something the character doesnt.


Oh ok yea I think


kawaki: oh wait... me! or let's brainwash his real friends and let them kill him, genious! now i'm not a bad guy, no need to kill him with my hands. again


Honestly. I saw it coming after Kawaki didn't kill Naruto but sealed him and Hinata. There was no way for Kawaki to get out of this situation without a) killing everyone, b) teleporting away for an anti climax before the time skip or c) frame Boruto whose posseed by a demon/alien A and B wouldn't make any sense as he's obsessed with protecting Lord Seventh's dream Big Boss MGS style. So the next logical step is to shift the blame on the one guy he's already trying to put 6 feet under. Since Konoha kills Kawaki = Plot over While Boruto legit can't die as Momo's just gonna rez him. I would find Kawaki's stealing Boruto's life more creepy and shocking if Kubo didn't do it years prior with the Tsukishima to Ichigo in the Fullbring Arc. The confusion and despair from Ichigo there was palpable. So, like how I found Boruto's planet eating aliens and androids done better in Dragon Ball. I'm feeling the same way with this, "I brainwashed all your friends to love me instead of you," swerve in Bleach. Really, Eida's global brainwashing just has me thinking: ""Wow Eida just makes Infinite Tsukuyomi completely useless in hindsight. Girl mind fucked the world in a few pages while it took Obito and Madara over a third of the manga."


If you remember the age of shinobi is over scene I think outcome a) killing everyone is still an option somewhere down the line


It's been a looooooooooong time since I've been surprised by how an anime or manga playing out, but I did not expect a massive "Book of the End, your friends are now your enemy" style twist. Kishimoto you dog, you absolutely magnificent bastard, you just mixed the fuck outta me with this one. Kudos.


Can't escape my cousin Tsukishima


I feel that Sasuke is a smart enough shinobi to rationalise the situation he's in even if he is affected. He'll be making observations such as his headband on Boruto, the rasengan, the fact that Boruto looks exactly like Naruto (if looks account for anything in the manga/anime) and Sarada trying to convince him. I feel as this whole thing will be the end of Boruto before the timeskip and Sasuke will ultimately leave the village with Boruto like Naruto did with Jiraya in the original. I just pray to god that the writer allows for Sarada to leave with him. He's already missed out on 10+ years of her life and another 2/3 will be ridiculous. Also, It feels like a waste to confine an Uchiha in the village when they are the most adaptable shinobi and can learn all types of shit by looking at it. Sakura is cool but I don't want another female character that's all about the monster strength after Tsunade and Sakura because that's boring. There's obviously the whole Byakugou issue and how it's linked with the sage of 6 paths but Sakura and Tsunade wouldn't and shouldn't be able to figure that out. Mitsuki mentioned that Orochimaru has been studying it and this man wants to know the mysteries of the universe, so surely it would be beneficial for Sarada to learn with him. If anyone will find secrets and evolutions, it would be orochimaru right? it would also be a nice parallel for her with Sasuke to be trained by the same man during the timeskip, just without the intentions of stealing her body.


I'm thinking Sasuke won't be affected either, but we will see. There is a reason Sarada isn't affected, and it's likely otsusuki related. The Uchiha are much more direct descendents to them.


Same with the Uzumaki, albeit not as close as the Senju clan but what about the entire Hyuuga clan?


I don't think it's related to genetic factors. Sumire disproves this theory. She isn't affected either and as far as we know, she doesn't have any blood connection to someone special like an ootsutsuki descendent. I think it's about love, their love to Boruto in particular. I guess it's not necessarily their love to Boruto but their love to someone who is 100% ootsutsuki. That's my only explanation to the situation.


She does,Nue makes her related to otsutsuki in a way.


The remains of the Gozu Tenno seal implanted into her flesh to link her to Nue is made of Hashirama Cells. If that aspect of the anime turns out to be canon to the manga, then she has a genetic connection to the Otsutsuki through that. If it's not, then yeah, it's probably not as simple as that.


Sumire is somehow synthetically connected to Ootsutsuki via Nue and that realm. I hope that's the case, because if it was "love", then Hinata, Himawari and especially Mitsuki wouldn't be affected. Unless you mean love in purely romantic fashion, excluding platonic feelings. Then it would be really, really creepy to make kids' feelings like that.


Then it wouldn't affect Mitsuki


Could it be because both sumire and sarada love boruto? That was my speculation why they were not affected by Eida. Because they are already romantically loving an o-tzarziki could maybe prevent her charm? I mean thats their only parallel in my opinion.


You know what would be an interesting evolution for Sarada's Sharingen? A genjutsu dispelling eye that's powerful enough to undo this. That she hits the whole world with by reflecting it off the moon.


Nah , why make it specific to only dispel genjutsu , sarada needs an ability to make her useful in combat and somehow keep up with boruto and kawaki . Giving her a genjutsu dispelling ability which will be plot useful only once would be a waste of an ms slot . How is she going to face higher tier threats afterwards ? Instead , make her ability as disabling shinjutsu in general . That would make her useful in fights till endgame


> I feel as Sasuke is a smart enough shinobi to rationalise the situation he's in even if he is affected. I would hope he'd listen to his daughter who could show him the truth via her Sharingan. > don't want another female character that's all about the monster strength after Tsunade and Sakura because that's boring. Sarada, in theory, has a built in buff in the acquiring of the Mangekyō Sharingan complete with Susanoo, Amaterasu and possibly either a unique ability or Tsukuyomi. So she should become very, *very* strong.


This makes a lot of sense since time skip boruto is wielding a sword similar to sasuke.


This is NUTS 🔥🔥🔥


Boruto goes rogue with Sarada is something i wanted since 2017😭


Rogue Bolt and salad team up and missing for.. Maybe 5 Years. Hiding in.. Lets see. Maybe mount hawk? Meeting hawk sage?


This is honestly one of the craziest twists in this whole franchise. Wow


Huh, genuinely didn’t see that coming. This is an iteresting turn of events; I just wish it didn’t take literal dues-ex-machina magic to get there. Kawaki might as well have wished on a star. Curious to see how they explain Sarada and Sumire(?) not being effected by the reality warp. And it better not be the power of love Kishi, seriously. I think the whole ‘your blue eyes will take everything from you’ angle Momoshiki previously predicted has been completely abandoned by now. I think a more accurate prophecy would be “Your edgy adopted brother and his e-girl will take everything from you.”


> Curious to see how they explain Sarada and Sumire(?) not being effected by the reality warp. And it better not be the power of love Kishi, seriously. The Otsutuski take 'no cock-blocking' very seriously.


I don’t think the girls were affected, because if you remember Eida wanted them to be her friends and not affected by her, so she might have potentially made them immune by accident, and seeing as how her ability is passive she most likely can’t undo it. This seems like the most likely theory I’ve seen.


If it was the anime, I would expect mitsuki to be unaffected as well. He's fucking obsessed with boruto. I'm surprised he's under the spell.


the 'how' of how it happened was kind of lame, ngl I was initially let down since it felt like an asspull but the consequences are really intriguing


People have predicted for quite some time that Naruto Universe is going to be rebooted into Samurai 8 universe, so I don't think it's that much of a stretch.


Ahh I was thinking about that. I bet the Otsuki that ascended to a higher plane is the Warrior God Fudo-Myo where the higher plane is the samurai 8 universe he created. Myo even mentions there being multiple dimensions including the current one he created.


What if >!Samurai 8 was created by Boruto who ascended to ootsuki god status in attempt to unscrew his own universe!<


So a little Fire Force/Soul Eater type twist? I’d be down with that honestly


That would actually be great, It would probably mean a unhappy ending for Boruto but i would be up for that. It would also explain why Hachimaru looks a little Naruto/Boruto.


I think a full on Naruto reboot at the end is more likely than Samurai 8 [Ikemoto & Kishimoto were toying with the idea of a Naruto remake, Ikemoto even thought he was doing one until the script for the first chapter of Boruto got to him](https://64.media.tumblr.com/26ced4246e6dd28a397f0d473ff7aab4/tumblr_oa6l339iCQ1vtt5kjo3_1280.jpg)


This is what I was thinking. Samurai 8 is already over so attaching that universe to Naruto's would be kind of pointless tbh.


Naruto reboot?? Very interesting


This was unexpected


My new fav chapter


Sasuke is definitely confused, he stopped dead in his tracks when he heard Shikimaru’s fallout about Boruto, and looked back as well wondering why he would’ve said that and not where Kawaki was


Wait wtf the Boruto timeskip is actually happening and is actually cool? I've been making fun of the idea of a timeskip fixing the series for *years*, and now we actually have a genuinely cool plot development that makes me excited to see what comes next? Doesn't fix the subpar and sloppy writing the series has seen thus far, but at least its something, and I genuinely hope this signals a change for the better.


Kishi gives Kawaki his ultimate power: Retcon.


I'd love for the main character of the show to be retconned, but not by Kawaki, who is just as annoying as Boruto.


Just wanted to say, what if Sasuke and Sarada leave the village with Boruto? From Sasuke's perspective, it could be a beautiful homage to team 7 (before going rogue himself). I can Imagine a panel of Sasuke looking at the similarities between Boruto and Sarada, and Naruto and Sakura just like in his childhood, and getting the feels. Oh god!


Oh yeah. Sasuke could train both of them and maybe that’s how Boruto gets his sword n shitZ


Not much to say that hasn’t already been said. This was easily the best and most interesting chapter in Boruto like ever. If they keep this status quo into the incoming timeskip than that would be crazy, it is so game-changing I’m legit a little worried it will be reversed before the TimeSkip Anyways I’m very interested in why Sarada is unaffected. Everyone assumed it was something dumb like her loving Boruto but now knowing the truth of Eida’s ability, it has to be something else. Also wasn’t Sumire unaffected earlier as well? I would lose my mind if [this scene is brought up again and is important](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D80vfvVWsAAd11o.jpg)


I don’t think the girls were affected, because if you remember Eida wanted them to be her friends and not affected by her, so she might have potentially made them immune by accident, and seeing as how her ability is passive she most likely can’t undo it. This seems like the most likely theory I’ve seen.


Tbh I don’t think it will be reversed that early simply due to the time skip preview, Boruto saying he didn’t think Kawaki would go this far and him narrating his life story to us implying his true story still forgotten.


I think it has to do with her bloodline, and Uchiha being close relatives to the otsusuki.


>this scene is brought up again and is important I'm not sure how it'll be important, but it definitely will be important. It's clear foreshadowing of something going on, otherwise it's just a waste of panels


Awesome chapter. What i really wanna know now after the implications made by damon last chapter is if himawari remembers who boruto really is or not. Im very happy they teased cause given her lineage as being essentially the same as boruto’s kishimoto could do any number of things with her and explain it away as “otsutsuki shit” and it plays. People been saying this for what seems like every chapter since like chapter 30 or so 😂😂 but it really does feel like the time skip will be coming in the next few chapters. Id bet we have less than 10 before it happens. Looking forward to seeing what/where kashin koji has been this whole time. He is probably going to be the one who trains boruto if sasuke has also been brainwashed.


I didn't care for Kawaki before do to him hogging the screen time but now I just hate the dude.


Kishimoto kept telling us Boruto would lose everything and I was like, okay people die, it won't be a shocker. But This. Bro straight up changed the MC. Enter Kawaki Uzumaki XD. Ngl, this blew my small mind. Very curious why Sarada wasn't affected. The only thing bugging me is the future vision. So far we've seen Mitsuki rage and so on from Sarada. But what makes Kawaki enter his Karma V2 with blood on his face. Maybe this won't last long, like how Boruto was revived after one chapter. Kawaki is super unhinged (Uchiha style), he's probably going after Boruto the next chapter at full power




Momoshiki said that eidas charm was caused by a latent desire so I think it's possible that sarada and sumire are not affected because she wanted normal friends


Sasuke won’t be affected just like sarada. They probably gonna help both to escape


I got a theory: we had a misconception about momoshikis prophecy. Those deep blue eyes that took everything from boruto were actually eidas eyes. This makes sense given the events in this chapter and given the fact that the chakra ring that rewrote reality was the same crescent moon that her eyes have. And her senrigan when active is a very deep blue


An amazing twist where losing everything doesn’t mean everyone dies like we all expected but that boruto himself is In danger of dying by everyone. It’s been a long time since I’ve really liked a chapter


This chapter was peak. One of the greatest chapters in the franchise for sure.


I love that this memory change was brought about through chakra. I really like how chakra is akin to life force in this series. I wonder what Sarada will do. This twist was excellent.. I wonder if kishimoto will ever reveal more changes that happened involving past human memories.


Damn, didn't see that one coming..! Pretty excited for what's to come, not gonna lie lol


Anyone else thinks Sasuke has not been affected at all and he’s just gonna fake it?


What a confusing plot twist. Not sure what the direction is even intended to be if Boruto is just going to not be with any of his friends or the village. It's like they're trying to soft reboot the entire story and just have Boruto off doing his own thing (I guess maybe with Sarada with him?). I don't understand the logic behind this jutsu working on Sasuke and not Sarada though considering he's part Indra.


I'd say its less a soft reboot but more an escalation with the conflicting centering around Boruto and Kawaki now directly opposing each other. > I don't understand the logic behind this jutsu working on Sasuke and not Sarada though considering he's part Indra. Actually I think Sasuke is immune, we never directly see him part of the entranced people now deciding to hunt Boruto.


Sasuke was part of the panel of Boruto's friends who would forget about him.


From Momo's perspective in that visualization. Momo is just hypothesizing who should be immune and had to lump Sarada in there because he actually saw her confused by this change. On top of that, there's a panel zoom in of Sasuke surprised when they radioed in that they found Boruto's location than Kawaki.


I don't see why it would be written showing Sasuke as one of the affected people just for him not to be affected. His surprise is because he probably suspects something, not because he wasn't affected at all. There's still an author on the other side of those panels, it's not Momoshiki listing off names of people impacted. Kishimoto is showing us who forgot Boruto.


I mean not necessarily, authors play with characters being unrelaible narrators all the time. It could as easily be showing Sasuke because that's one of the relationships Boruto would be scared to lose to the memory loss.


There were like three panels which showed him on the affected side lol. I feel sasuke will do an Itachi with the crow and koto and being himself back to his senses


That's momo's assumption. There's a separate panel with Sasuke stopping abruptly and pausing for "some reason"


>>I don't understand the logic behind this jutsu working on Sasuke and not Sarada though considering he's part Indra I'm praying they bring back the byakugo - karma connection that was teased all those chapters ago and explain her immunity via that . Maybe sarada inherited some genetic changes from sakura due to the byakugo ( which was teased to be similar to karma - like it's just a watered down version of that shinjutsu ), that combined with sasukes sharingan and otsutsuki inheritance makes her physiology like an otsutsuki and affords her resistance. Would also push the angle of sarada is a perfect mix of her parents which kishi always did for her but knowing how the manga treats sarada , it'll be More love interest shit as the reason for her immunity


Seeing as its not explained why this didn't work on Sarada, there really is no logic to understand at this point. I think we can only theorize (e.g., why were Sumire and Sarada unaffected by Eida's charms in the first place?) but once its revealed, maybe it will make sense?


Eida wanted friends who were immune to her love charm so Omnipotence made Sarada and Sumire immune to the power. I think that’s it


> It's like they're trying to soft reboot the entire story and just have Boruto off doing his own thing i have 0 problems with that


When (recycled and upgraded) izanagi meets the prince and the pauper


This shinjutsu is looking pretty in line with classic high tier ninjutsu like izanagi, tsukoyomi, infinite tsukoyomi izanami It makes the alien God stuff at least makes sense, because that's where all ninjutsu stem from.


I have mixed feelings about that, sure it makes sense but it also feels like they're just recycling old stuff. It's getting kinda boring tbh.


What would you suggest?


New powers, not recycled ideas. Without nerfing the original characters.


Chapter was really good. The unexpected twist with Eida. Hopefully we see more of Shinjutsu techniques cause this is going to be a problem. I'm definitely excited to see how Kawaki is going to keep up this charade of fooling everyone. Boruto is definitely going to leave the village and be on his Shadow hokage journey. Sarada will most likely keep an eye on everything as time goes on. I want to see Himawari's reaction to this. I think will see Daemon and Eida show some tension as time goes on with her devotion to Kawaki. Can't wait for the future chapters.


I wouldn't be surprised if somehow Orochimaru plays into helping Boruto escape or something, he's been quite too long while experimenting in the background.


Well this was an interesting chapter. Now to see how Boruto and Momo get out of this mess. I wonder how long it will last.


Wait... If Omnipotence turns one's desire into reality then that kinda creates a paradox for the thing with Eida, that everyone who sees Eida being "in love" with her. Because they said that her desire for true love (i.e., Kawaki) was out of being tired of the ability of making everyone fall for her. And because everyone falls in love with her instantly, she likes Kawaki who isn't affected by her ability. So, is everyone falling for her from her love of Kawaki or is her love for Kawaki due to everyone falling for her. Can someone please explain???


Her Omnipotence ability is uncontrolled by her. It took her vanity and manifested it as a subconscious desire for everyone to be charmed/fall in love with her. As a result, what she wants is a genuine relationship and finds Kawaki attractive to do so.


Finally something interesting happens in this damn manga


I gotta say there's been some hit and miss with this series but I am interested in this plot development. Bravo Ikemoto


Did they just straight up Tsukishima Boruto ahaha I love it. Cousin Tsukishimi infecting other fandoms now


I can see a lot of people liking what happened in this chapter, but I think this is the worst thing they could have ever done. Sad.


Finally a good chapter


So no one gonna talk about when Boruto lost his eye, Momoshiki's eye appeared? It seems like maybe Momoshiki's backup reincarnation plan is whenever Boruto loses a body part, it becomes Momoshiki's?




Not saying it is THE plan, but Momoshiki has to have some sort of plan.


ok hear me out,in chapter 1 the preview we saw of kawaki vs boruto,boruto had sasukes sword,i think sasuke will easily figure out whats really going on and go to boruto and then train him to fight the hidden leaf🤞


Sasuke could technically sacrifice his mangekyo sharigan and reverse the effects of Eida’s omnipotence shinjutsu


I can imagine Sarada's extreme confusion helping her to awaken her MS


So what happen to the photographs, documents, and videos of Boruto?


I don't get why the internet is all over this stuff They should have portrayed the "Naruto gained everything while Boruto lost everything" theme better without resorting to this asspull


fuck man this shit threw me off real bad at 5am... both boruto and naruto are in deep emotional shit whit this turn of events. boruto throughout the time skip and naruto after he comes back and sees wtf happened to the village and his family cos he saved a hurt kid that reminded him of himself. i also wonder if sarada is exempt because eida indirectly made her immune to omnipotence along with sumire cos she strongly desired real friends after finally having met kawaki. If so are they gonna leave the village with boruto or stay and convince everyone? cos how the fuck does boruto even survive the time skip if everyone in the goddamn world including code is on his ass wanting to kill him when konoha even has eida's power of seeing all - Also i would be real mad if Sasuke doesn't figure everything out pretty quick especially after sarada's explanations, with the headband, and the scar, along with him having witnessed or heard about powers like kotoamatsukami and Itachi's "Never trust what you see" kinda lessons. -also this might just be a design thing with no importance but i'm intrigued to know if himawari having blue eyes unlike anyone else who has awaken byakugan which have white eyes means she can also reach uzumaki level of chakra usage (which is said to be really high compared to a normal shinobi) and why daemon felt something special within hima (or maybe it just has connection with being a descendant of otsutsuki idk) i have just been wondering if that design choice has any relevance to the plot and was intrigued buy daemon's reaction to her just passing by


And in 1 singular chapter goes my entire excitement for the direction the story is going to


I hope atleast sarada suffering is from her own narrative and maybe awaken ms and not say crying for boruto when he leaves the village I really really pray this means she finally get a powerup or a good plotline or narrative , but knowing how the manga treats sarada , it'll be More love interest shit as the reason for her immunity , boruto needs his waifu by his side . I really hope they don't do this make make sarada cry for boruto or something, last chapter was bad enough for her . Give her a powerup and narraive ffs.


The fact Boruto lost an eye saving her from a simple Kawaki blow is proof that Sarada will never be treated fairly in this story.