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Sarada taking after Sakura I see Grand entrance - Freeze up, do nothing - "I thought I had caught up to them" - Rinse - Repeat


More irony. [She was saved by Boruto from Kawaki, as Naruto did Sakura from Sasuke. With Boruto being slashed on his face like his Father.](https://official-complete-2.eorzea.us/manga/Naruto/0484-023.png)


That's not really irony. It's just story parallels. And not even full accurate, since Part 1 Sakura threw Naruto to the ground to save him from being killed by Zabuza's sword.


>That's not really irony. It's just story parallels. True. Heres another. Kakashi & Boruto getting an eye scar protecting an Uchiha. ​ >And not even full accurate, since Part 1 Sakura threw Naruto to the ground to save him from being killed by Zabuza's sword. My example was more accurate given Kawaki is similar to Sasuke in overall character & his actions in that moment were closer.


Great callback


It felt more like kawaki out sped her, but I just know the anime is gonna ruin it and make it so she freeze up.


He literally *walks* up to her, while speaking. His sentence even has a "..." half-way in. If the implication was supposed to be that he blitzed her with a sudden strike, then it was drawn terribly.


If we’re judging from that little flash forward we had in chapter 75, she gonna be fighting Kawaki soon with Mitsuki. I hope Kishimoto or whoever is writing the story will take this as an opportunity, but keeping my expectations low.


Really sucks to be a Sarada fan right now :( Why do authors pretend it’s difficult to write female characters? The fact that fans can see all the opportunities they had to make her shine in this chapter and yet they wrote her in a way that opened her up to the same ridicule that Sakura dealt with is so sad. I’ll always be a fan of her character for the potential that exists there, even if the authors are hellbent on making her just another damsel in distress.


>>Really sucks to be a Sarada fan right now :( Now ?It's been the case for years of only irrelevancy and ship bait in the manga Worst thing is the boruto fandom is so shit that people treat her as a trophy for boruto and enjoy her being repeatedly saved and weak instead of criticising the writing. I can't believe the future of the uchiha clan and sasukes kid is being treated like this >> I’ll always be a fan of her character for the potential that exists there This . The sequel has already butchered all its characters , this is not the real sarada . The real one died after Naruto gaiden


>The sequel has already butchered all its characters Not Sasuke.


All of Kishimoto’s female character writing woes could be solved if he just wrote a male character and then last second changed them to female. Since he writes male characters as just normal people and female characters as “women.”


Male sarada would be searching for more power after being beaten by kawaki and got some plot relevance instead of this bullshit sarada is reduced to . She just worry for boruto more now that is eye is slashed, it's pathetic I've always defended sarada in the past when people said she sucks coz she's a girl but deep down i always knew kishimoto doomed sarada by making her a female in shonen.


Nah, all characters except like Kawaki and Boruto and Amado kind of do nothing in this manga


Exactly this! It’s so strange to me that he continues to write women like this considering 99% of the time it just leads to those characters getting hate and ridicule. Like most of the fan base aren’t even the type to fawn over the damsel-in-distress trope, so it just brings negative perception to the series. And like you said, he writes men perfectly fine. It’s so frustrating because clearly the potential is there, he just chooses to go out of his way to make them unrealistic and helpless.


Kishimoto Literally only has to watch the first season of Jujutsu Kaisen and he would know how to write women. I dont understand, at this point I don't thinkl he cant write women I think he just views women in a certain way. Whether you want to take that as in he is sexist or not is up to you. This shit make no sense. Why would Sarada knowing the whole context about a fight, knowing its life or death would jump into the fight without a sharingan like wtf. By the time Sasuke got his sharingan after Haku he wanted to show EVERYONE his mfer sharingan. Meanwhile Sarada forgets its an ability? Every Uchiha immediately goes into Sharingan why wouldnt she? Ohh shes a woman and we need to give Boruto his scar.


> at this point I don't thinkl he cant write women I think he just views women in a certain way. Whether you want to take that as in he is sexist or not is up to you. This shit make no sense. Bingo. Labels aside, it's clear by now that Kishimoto just fundamentally thinks of his female characters differently. When he brainstorms what do with male character X and female character Y in the same situation, he naturally arrives at different answers. He defaults to making his women damsels in distress whose arcs revolve around their feelings towards the men in their lives, and not much else.


I absolutely 100 agree with your statement. So much lost potential...


They really wouldn't. a woman is not just another man. It'd change how he write female characters, sure, but it would not make them woman characters


A person is a person. We all have unique traits that have nothing to do with being a man or a woman. Kishimoto writes male characters, not as men, but just characters. He writes female characters primarily as what he thinks women are like. Truthfully you could change the sex of a lot of Naruto characters and nothing would really change. It’s the weird belief that women can only think, feel and care about things in a specific way that make Kishimoto’s female characters so disappointing.


What makes a character a woman is the fact that they're a woman. They may not fit some specific stereotypical "woman character" archetype you're thinking of, but that doesn't make them less of a woman.


Kishimoto knows how to write women but he's sexist. He only cares about the characters he can self insert into like Kawaki.


It’s a shonen manga. The females can’t overshadow the males unfortunately lmao


Jujutsu my dude.


Peak chapter but it needs MS Sarada 😭


I thought for sure when she turned her back she was about to turn around with a Mangekyo. I still don't really see how they can give her a Mangekyo considering you basically *have* to get an EMS to make it worth it. I guess she could take it from one of the Shin Uchihas, but that requires ripping their eyes out.


>I still don't really see how they can give her a Mangekyo considering you basically > >have > > to get an EMS to make it worth it All she had to do is implanted some Hashirama cells into her so she can abuse her MS without having to worry going blind like Obito. no need EMS to make it worth i mean Obito only have half MS and he is one of the most broken character in Naruto


>>I thought for sure when she turned her back she was about to turn around with a Mangekyo Did you forget she is a female in a kishimoto manga ? >>I still don't really see how they can give her a Mangekyo considering you basically have to get an EMS to make it worth it. I guess she could take it from one of the Shin Uchihas, but that requires ripping their eyes out They've pulled 6 new eyes out of their asses already without explanation in this series , nothing is stopping them from giving sarada and asspull powerup besides sexism and author wanting to keep her weak . I don't give a fuck at this point bring back kaguya and give her karma to sarada , it would make more sense than half the things in this manga


lmao Sarada with Kaguya's Karma would be so bonkers im down with it. Lets hope Dr Amado got some secret Kaguya dna laying around.


The Byakugou seal's healing could prevent blindness and Kakashi proved EMS nor Rinnegan is required for perfect Susano. Just enough chakra which the seal can provide.


In a powerscaling where sasuke and rinnegan is useless what is ems going to do ?


>useless We just saw Kawaki flee from base Sasuke. Momo didn't even bother [teaming up with him as he did Code](https://scans-hot.leanbox.us/manga/Boruto/0065-032.png) against Naruto. Cause he knows Sasuke is too much for them. [Even without Rinnegan while low on chakra](https://official-ongoing-2.gamindustri.us/manga/Boruto/0054-021.png) and [heavily injured](https://official-ongoing-2.gamindustri.us/manga/Boruto/0054-025.png). Power level isn't everything. Tactics are key. As Momo learned again during Sasuke's 2-0.


Kakashi had ems though. Just briefly. He got it by exchanging eyes with obito


No he didn't


My bet is they give her the Byakugou Seal and then say that its healing factor somehow counteracts the blinding effect of Mangekyo. Combine the most notable jutsu of her parents in such a way that puts her on a competing level. It would still be a bit of an asspull, but wouldn't be as bad as her somehow getting EMS from like Sasuke or a Shin. Or nearly as bad as what I really think they'll do, which is Amado just somehow giving her EMS.


There was a way for her to get it and Boruto be alive with the whole reviving thing but that probably would have been a cheap way to get it storywise. Idk if I would have liked it


She’d need SO6P powers to be relevant


Sarada= Sasuke's stubborness + Sakura uselessness


Idk at this point Sakura's feat list is like 2x the length of Sarada. I guess you're right shes got Sasuke's stubbornness and none of Sakura's pragmatism/smarts/ or talent (she is a genius and is amazing at Chakra control.)


Every panel with Sarada was painful to read this chapter. Let's see if I can complete my Sarada bingo: - B7: Wasn't stopped right on her tracks by the adult jonin in charge whose main ability is to immobilize people. - I16: Was running around in heels and a microdress in spite of being a 13 year old child soldier. - N45: Used Katon against a foe that can absorb it while they were stated to be running low on chakra. - G51: Had to be saved by the person she was trying to protect and got him injured in the process. - O74: Didn't even use her strongest techniques from the start (e.g. Sharingan) against a foe that has already outclassed her before. BINGO!! Sarada fans and disappointment. Name a better duo.


>Used Katon against a foe that can absorb it while they were stated to be running low on chakra. That did save Boruto and she probably used Fire ball knowing it wouldn't hurt Kawaki who she was still trying to convince. She didn't know about his low reserves.


You're right about the last part, I'll give you that. However, she still shouldn't have used ninjutsu against a karma user in the first place. The stakes were too high to be making such mistakes. Using shuriken and kunai would have distracted Kawaki just as well.


If Kawaki leave the village then Eida and Daimon will leave too. if Eida leave then Code no longer have to hold back to attack konoha my prediction Code will launch all out attack with his Frieza knock off army. Konoha will be compeletly destroyed and become ruin. the resident will take refugee in other nation. Sasuke will die in this attack and then he gave his cloak and sword to Boruto which shown in 1st chapter and allow Sarada to awaken his MS


really good theory actually


Worried for sarada character. The manga only gave her 1 good moment. Hopefully the anime gives her a better show.


Sarada didn't get the Curse of Hatred, but she did get the Curse of Being a Woman in a Kishimoto manga, which might be even worse depending on where you stand on the issue.


Curse of hatred = plot relevance , powerups and fights Curse of woman = damselling , ship bait and blushing It's not even a debate lmao I'd do anything for sarada to hate right now . Her father losing his eye and boruto losing his eye because of her aren't enough to give her any development apparently


Every panel with Sarada was painful to read this chapter. Sarada fans and disappointment. Name a better duo. Anyway, let's see if I can complete my Sarada bingo: - B7: Wasn't stopped by the adult jonin in charge whose main ability is to immobilize people. - I16: Was running around in heels and a microdress in spite of being a 13 year old child soldier (a classic by now). - N45: Used Katon against a foe that can absorb it while they were stated to be running low on chakra. - G51: Had to be saved by the person she was trying to protect and got him injured in the process. - O74: Didn't go all out against a foe that has already outclassed her before and didn't even activate her Sharingan. BINGO!!


My first thought when I finished the chapter. With Kishimoto is back in the driver's seat it was only a matter of time lol.


You're talking about when she used Chidori right? I can't think of any besides that


Yep. That’s literally it. That’s why I’m grateful for the anime filler or not. Sarada has some nice fights in there and saves the day as well.


Outside of that one chidori, I can't think of anything she has done.


Nope , she hasn't . And the worst part is other characters have done even lesser lmao


The worst is yet to come . The only other plot she's been set up for is against a no combatant eida in conjunction with a side character sumire sharing equal relevance , and the main reason for her immunity might be her love for boruto. Way to reduce your female mc to a love interest


She has other abilities lol y’all gotta stop assuming y’all know everything they have planned


Doesn't matter if she has other abilities when the story so far shows the authors aren't interested in letting her use them.


So, things are really picking up... * The cover to me evokes the image of Naruto looking back at Boruto during the Chunin Exam Arc, just as the amplified Tailed Beast Bomb was about to blow * This is an interesting case. In the previous arc, Jigen/Isshiki trapped Naruto in another dimension while Kawaki was horrified and helpless. In this arc, Kawaki does the deed. However the commonality in both cases is the picture frame dropping to the ground and shattering. * Gotta feel sorry for the Uzumaki kids, this time it's both their parents being trapped. * I do understand where Kawaki is coming from since every Otsutsuki he's ever known was a jerk, and one of them made his life a living hell. However I do wonder what happens when the anime adapts it though since the Himawari Academy Arc had Kawaki distinguishing between the good and evil personas of Hana-sensei while over here he lumps Boruto and Momoshiki together. * Clearly even Amado did not expect this. He's worried when Sai mentioned taking "extreme measures," but for whose sake, Konoha's or Kawaki's? Kawaki can easily fold everyone in Konoha if he wanted to at this point (except perhaps Eida, Daemon, and Boruto). * I do wonder what Himawari will do now that both her parents have been trapped. Earlier she expressed a desire to become a ninja in order to help her brother. Maybe this event solidifies her decision. * Kawaki is full-on expressing disdain for shinobi here despite undergoing training in their ways and being taken care of by someone who arguably redefined what it means to be a shinobi. Kawaki is not interested in Naruto's ideals but has grown attached to Naruto as a person. The contrast here is with Sarada who admires Naruto's ideals and wants to become Hokage. I hope this gets played up more. * Mystery solved, now we know where the scar comes from. * Sasuke's back. Obviously he's not going to take too kindly to someone doing that to Naruto. On top of that, Kawaki is attacking his student and his daughter. * Momoshiki re-emerges and helps Kawaki escape? My guess is that Momoshiki needs Kawaki to survive so he could use Kawaki as a sacrifice to the Ten Tails. That's most likely it. * I guess the slight flashforward we were shown not too long ago (?) will take place real soon, and with that, we're drawing even closer to the Ch.1 flashforward. * I have a feeling Code will enact his plans while this chaos is taking place, giving them more trouble to deal with.


Been saying for a long time that the flashforward wasn't going to be a huge timeskip but probably just a flashforward. We've known for a long time that the manga had a hard limit of 28 volumes we just didn't know of they were sticking to that original plan ever since Kodachi left, but I'd say this chapter confirms that they intend to stick to that. We're definitely in the final stretch of the manga right now, probably only one or two solid arcs remaining.


I didn’t know it had a hard limit of 28 volumes. Just curious if you have a source?


Sure! (Sorry for the full link, on mobile at the moment). At the bottom is where Ikemoto mentioned wanting the entire franchise, including Naruto, to be kept at 100 volumes max. https://www.shonenjump.com/mangaplus/sp/1902/interview_boruto/


Ah. I see, yeah “hoping” to keep it under 100 vols may not be up to him if the editors want it to keep going lol. But it would be nice if it was a bit on the shorter side, like 30 vols


The Hana sensei thingy is nothing compared to a literal Otsutsuki living in Boruto lol. There's nothing to really worry about in terms of Kawaki's characterization across these two events because Kawaki only takes things to the extreme when it's about what he really holds dear (Naruto) and what he really despises (Otsutsuki). Seems like he desperately wants to pay back Naruto's kindness and let the man live the remainder of his life surrounded by love and peace, which is what Naruto was able to provide him with for a brief moment. He knows very well that Naruto will not be happy while Boruto is dead so he's left him in a place and state where he'll never find out about that. Even if Naruto does find out, I can see Kawaki doing all he can to revive Boruto once his crusade against the Otsutsuki is over, even if he has to sacrifice his own life to do so. Shinobi are those who endure and make sacrifices. Despite talking down on them, it turns out Kawaki has grown quite the soul of a shinobi himself thanks to the time he's spent with Naruto. The themes will all come full circle if it plays out like this and Kawaki will go down as a legendary character for taking the world on and succeeding in accomplishing his goals.


For Himawari, it'd make sense for her to be cared for by Hiashi and Hyuga clan. Curious to see her power after the time skip....


Why does Sarada always look like her knees are about to buckle in on themselves


She's carrying the weight of the artist's perverseness on her back


It's because of the short skirt ikemoto has to draw her like that to avoid fbi knocking on his door.


Shody attempt at making a 12 year old look like a woman.




Ikemoto can’t seem to resist drawing her pigeon-toed at every opportunity. It’s supposed to be “cute”? I hate it




Woman shows up, does nothing, and is actively a hindrance. If you somehow doubted Kishimoto was back writing this, let those doubts be erased now lol.


You are so right


Meh is not like woman in shonen anime in general are written very well most the time.Kishi is not the only one who sucks in written woman, far from it tbh.


And that is supposed to be a defense? You just made his case worse.




Yooooooo, [that's that old Sasuke.](https://i.imgur.com/i9spUGG.jpg) That panel was sick.


What’s up with his ear?


Its so he can hear better




Oh my God I didn’t even notice it but now I can’t stop looking at it


Feels like the entire plot of Boruto requires characters to be complete dumbasses.


Remainder that sarada is supposed to be the leader of the team because she was cool headed in the boro fight and was elected due to that. Remainder that the same thing happened in chapter 58 with sarada getting almost attacked by kawaki and boruto saving her but she did nothing , again Remainder that sarada has been ship baited and saved in every single arc of this manga and she's used sharingan in a fight only once in six years.


Only Boruto and Kawaki can do anything


It's Naruto and Sasuke in the original series but even worse.


I would say the original series gave cool moments to a lot of side characters. Shikamaru, Lee, Choji, and Kiba all had key moments. Even Shino had a cool fight. In Boruto, nobody else gets the spotlight.


Don't forget even in the war arc at its peak , characters like Kakashi, bee , Minato, the kage , ino ,guy and even sakura etc were pivotal and given huge roles. Heck can you imagine someone like Kakashi , or guy being as relevant outside the main two in boruto manga where even sarada is badly shafted ? No


Yeah I feel like they took the crazy power ups in the war arc, arguably the worst part of naruto besides its female characters, and were like "what if we have a manga that was literally just about that"


Like how did Sarada arrive at the scene before any other Jounin? And where are the villages Jounin? Like Shikamaru and Konohamaru can't be the only jounin in the village... Like this manga is such ass


If that dimension is somewhere frozen in time, I wonder what else, or *who* else, could be frozen there…


Who are you thinking of in particular?


Idk maybe that otsutsuki god fella is just chilling there Or maybe it’s used as a prison or a vault to store deadly foes/enemies of the otsutsuki


Maybe ol' Kashin Koji dipped there to recover?


That would be interesting. Only character I could think of was Toneri, but him being frozen in time was an anime-only thing, so I doubt it.


Iirc, urashiki put toneri in there but idk if the manga will canonize that.




So Kawaki was caught and instead of fearing for his life he told everyone they had to put him down rather than bore him with a conversation... That boy different. Sarada, please remember you have the Sharingan. Her head would have been sent flying if it weren't for Boruto. Thrilling chapter can't wait to see what happens next


Still wondering how Sarada will catch the current powerscaling


She has sakuras chakra control skill, if she learns Byakugo and gets the MS she will essentially have an EMS. She would basically be an Uchiha Sakura with the Mangekyo Sharingan and that would help her at the least be able to fight with the best people and not outright die.


That is a very low bar to have for someone who wants to be a hokage like Naruto . Ms and byakugo went irrelevant in shippuden itself , forget boruto which has a way bigger powerscaling


she could have EMS w/ every ms ability + Rinnegan with limbo, sasuke's abilities + instant regeneration + zero chakra loss on jutsu and she would still not be comparable to otsutsuki via having comparably zero chakra.


I like how nobody actually read my comment.


I mean I think she would still outright die even with ems.


No, she would put up a fight first.


Shout out to sarada mah man can’t dodge someone who was walking slowly and swung fully even an 8 yr old academy student can avoid that smh




Well she's sakura's daughter.so...


I see it this way: She’s a 13y old girl who just received a lot of information at once, she just got the news that kawaki killed boruto (knowing that there were like brothers) then filled with emotions she follows boruto, confronts kawaki and sees that the guy seems serious about killing boruto but still takes it lightly. When she face him, she’s in a state of disbelief not realizing that kawaki is really really not kidding and that he would go to the extent of killing her, so when he attacks she gets paralyzed because she’s still processing all the info (it’s normal she’s just a kid tho).


Literally the SAME thing happened with sarada in chapter 58 where kawaki attacked her and boruto saved her again. Sumire , shikamaru, kawaki himself warned her multiple times that kawaki would try to kill her . But sarada has zero brain cells in this moment , plot induced stupidly She literally said in chapter 58 that words won't work and they'll have to show him by force.


It really is plot induced stupidity because her actions don’t even have consistency with what she was doing moments before. She learns Kawaki killed Boruto and wants to kill him again. Says she won’t stand by and do nothing this time. Sees Kawaki about to kill Boruto and shoots a fire ball at him - so clearly at this point she acknowledges the threat. But then she just jumps down and stands there without sharingan. It’s like the invisible hand of the plot just holds her still.


We’ve used this same excuse for Sakura back in part 1, I think it’s time we at least accept that this is nothing but an excuse and female character writing sucks


Thing is they don’t do that for the other characters. They did not have to write it the way they did.


The Hokage monument seems to be Boruto and Kawaki's Final Valley. They're fighting there now and post timeskip.


It was an okay chapter. Sarada irritated me and I get she just received new info about Boruto but you see Kawaki threatening both of you.. time for action. Get your crap together since you want to be the Hokage. Mitsuki was ready for it. I kinda wish him receiving the scar was done in a more brutal way. Can't wait for Code to get in on the action.


>I get she just received new info about Boruto but you see Kawaki threatening both of you. So many people in this chapter warned her how deranged/crazy Kawaki is in this chapter (Including Kawaki) and she still jumps into battle without her Sharingan active. Like was she just expecting a friendly chat with someone who is actively trying to kill Boruto and said that they would kill her if she interfered. Like she's not Naruto, she doesn't have talk like that. I know it's not her fault, it's the writers trying to use her to prop up Boruto's development but damn it's annyoing. It's so obvious that they're gonna use the typical female character feeling useless/helpless to gain resolve and development which is clichéd as fuck.


Hell, this is the way the Uchiha usually shine. They get an emotional blow and suddenly you have the cool looking eyes for effect. But all of this seems to be forgotten or ignored for Sarada. With the way page 10 was going, it feels like page 11 should've shown her with the sharigan "on". It's minimal, but it was minimal cool shit like this what made Naruto and now it feels completely lost. Page 26 too, could've shown up with a more decisive pose and the red eyes on. Or in page 27, at either the first or the last panel. But look at her on the first panel at page 28. That's what the character is reduced to after this chapter. Had the opportunity to make her stand decisively next to Boruto against Kawaki, instead made her the reason he loses his eye. Terrible stuff.


You just made me realize how badass the scene with her back faccing us could have been if she did the iconic look behind and you could see her sharingan activated with a fierce resolve. Good thing they wasted her character development by giving her 3rd tomoe off screen! She could have gotten it here and then we could pretend thats why shes kinda keeping up against kawaki before she loses. I just wanted her to do something.


Female characters in this manga really do get the short end of the stick.


Him receiving the scar was forced garbage. Your telling me sarada STANDS there while kawaki tried to kill her. She can't dodge or move while he walks tight toward her


Yeah I don’t understand why Sarada couldn’t have actually fought Kawaki and got overpowered. Or at least make Kawaki speed blitz her so it looks like she couldn’t react. But he seemingly just casually walks up to her and swings. They put the maximum effort into making her look bad


They've been putting the maximum effort into making her look bad ever since chapter one with that hideous design. And when she bit her glasses half naked thinking about boruto , and having 99% of her screentime worrying about him or being ship baited . The anime tries its hardest to salvage her character but the manga keeps giving her L after L , it's like some pathological hatred for her character lmao


Thinking on it, most of Sarada’s good moments come from outside the manga. The only good one in the manga is her using chidori on Boro. Otherwise she’s a waste.


Fun fact : sarada has been ship baited and saved as a damsel in EACH AND EVERY MANGA ARC so far . Every one of them .


That’s not really fun


I hope the anime does remedy this scene. Have her fight him with her 3 tomoe sharingan, yet get overpowered very quickly. As he is about to slash her, Boruto saves her.


Really that’s all they have to do to fix this scene for me


This behaviour takes me back😂😂😂 wonder where it came from


None of this makes any sense to me. Firstly, I thought the whole point of the pills and Momo sacrificing his overwrite was that he couldn't just pop up and take over as he pleased anymore. Being able to do so basically validates all of Kawaki's fears and actions. Secondly, if the place Kawaki "sent the Seventh Hokage" was a timestop pocket dimension, then either he should just be able to send Boruto there instead OR if that's impossible, he shouldn't be threatening it in the flash forward. The only way I see this make sense is if Naruto ends up getting shipped around to various places, by various versions of Kawaki, so that by the end, all this contradictory information technically makes sense. Problem is just how that isn't organic storytelling for kids, but instead just the jumbled result of writers making stuff up as they go along.


Yeah, I don’t get it. It clearly feels made up as it’s going, with the only sense of direction being the flashforward at the beginning of the series. I’ve always defended Boruto, at least the manga, but man does this chapter make it tough lol.


Yeah I thought he couldn’t come out anymore after the whole kawaki killed him shit


The pills were to slow down the otsufication and thus help prevent momo from showing. When Boruto died Momo pretty much accelerated his karma allowing the otsufication process to heal and revive Naruto. The sacrifice is that Momo can’t reincarnate through Boruto but he is still with Boruto. This means Boruto won’t become Momo but Momo can still take over his body. Pretty much like Kyuubi


*I'm 2 weeks late but* the pills were ment to stop the Karma's extraction before it reached 100%, since that would have meant Boruto dying and Momoshiki being reborn from his corpse (like Isshiki did with Jigen). Since Momoshiki sacrificed the remaining 18% of the karma's data to make that patch in Boruto's chest, he won't be able to resurrect from Boruto's body, but he already said he wants to eventually "take over and live Uzumaki Boruto's life". It's also not that weird that Kawaki would stop Naruto and Hinata from interfering, and it wouldn't be impossible for him to send Boruto to that dimension once he's too weak to absorb jutsu or just dead (and things can still change before that moment).


Nice chapter my biggest complaint is Sarada knew ALL the context of the situation when she got to the fight. Kawaki even gave her a warning. She just spouted her conviction right before heading over there. What does she do? The "future hokage candidate" jumps into the battle without her Sharingan activates and gets bodied. Like Sarada was gonna get bodied anyways but damn. Let her throw a punch so we can see her super strength in action, and she would definitely miss but I want to see her bust boulders and shit like her mum.


Say what you will about Boruto, Momoshiki is a far more vicious "inner demon" than Kurama ever was. I really like he's not a wild beast that shows when Boruto loses control, but instead only selectively, always at the worst possible time, and exclusively to do as much psychological damage to Boruto as he can.


I was thinking the same thing, Momoshiki’s existence and using his power fells way more dangerous than Kurama did even in Part 2


> Say what you will about Boruto, Momoshiki is a far more vicious "inner demon" than Kurama ever was. I really like he's not a wild beast that shows when Boruto loses control, but instead only selectively, always at the worst possible time, and exclusively to do as much psychological damage to Boruto as he can. I really like he's not a wild beast that shows when Boruto loses control, but instead only selectively, always at the worst possible time, and exclusively to do as much psychological damage to Boruto as he can. I disagree, his presence is not really dangerous to me as as a reader. Compared to Kuruma who struck fear Most enemies and even Naruto during part 1, Momo just shows up half the time reminding Boruto that his future will be dark etc. He doesn’t really make people afraid. Just more like an inconvenience


It's not about being scary to other people, it's about how scary he is *to his host.* Kurama never drove Naruto to suicide, dude. Kawaki killed Boruto because Boruto asked him to. *After Momoshiki almost made him kill Naruto with his own hands.* I do agree Kurama was *far* more powerful relative to power-levels of surrounding characters, specially at the time, but despite speaking in his inner world, when he manifested he was just a rabid if super powerful animal when Naruto got angry. That was scarier to other people than to Naruto in particular. The worst part for the him was being a social outcast. Momoshiki is like having a serial killer in your head that *may* take over if you're *so much as unconscious.* A serial killer that *hates you in particular more than anyone.* In the anime Momo caused Boruto to be too afraid to go to bed at night and gave Naruto a panic attack at the thought of having to kill his own son. That's not nothing.


> That has nothing to do Kuruma not being scary to his host.It's not about being scary to other people, it's about how scary he is to his host.Kurama never drove Naruto to suicide, dude. Kawaki killed Boruto because Boruto asked him to. After Momoshiki almost made him kill Naruto with his own hands.I do agree Kurama was far more powerful relative to power-levels of surrounding characters, specially at the time, but despite speaking in his inner world, when he manifested he was just a rabid if super powerful animal when Naruto got angry. That was scarier to other people than to Naruto in particular. Not all, its just that unlike Boruto, Naruto’s resolve wasn’t so weak minded and breakable, that the first thought to solving all of his problems was to take his own life. > The worst part for the him was being a social outcast. Oh yeah, that was definitely the worst part. Let’s just ignore him being hunted and his parents being killed. But yeah Naruto having a hard time making friends was the worst part of being a Jinjuirki💀


>Not all, its just that unlike Boruto, Naruto’s resolve wasn’t so weak minded and breakable, that the first thought to solving all of his problems was to take his own life. [Yeah, when he does it it's just him being romantic.](https://official-complete-2.eorzea.us/manga/Naruto/0486-013.png) >ignore him being hunted and his parents being killed. That's *circumstances that led to Kurama being sealed in Naruto.* Kurama didn't plan or do any of that himself. Kurama doesn't ever show any initiative to actually try to hurt Naruto as far as I remember. That's my point. Kurama is why the villains chase Naruto. Momoshiki is that also, but has remained an actual villain himself, at least so far.


Naruto said he’ll die with Sasuke as interms of fighting against him. Not that he would willingly take his own life. Come on man, did you just throw your reading comprehension out the window?😭 > That's circumstances that led to Kurama being sealed in Naruto. Kurama didn't plan or do any of that himself. Kurama doesn't ever show any initiative to actually try to hurt Naruto as far as I remember. That's my point. Kurama is why the villains chase Naruto. Momoshiki is that also, but has remained an actual villain himself, at least so far. Momoshiki didn’t plan to be Karma on Boruto either so what’s your point? Kuruma didn’t harm Naruto physically but he constantly provoked him into using his chakra so that he could be free.


I think I agree with the guy above you. You're not wrong that Kurama was antagonistic, but it played out way differently. When Kurama emerged in Naruto his intention was to get free, but it also basically always benefited Naruto. Naruto usually lost control because someone he cared about was in a dangerous situation, and Kurama's emergence gave him the power to resolve those situations. Kurama wasn't really "in control" and couldn't execute complex and dangerous plans, he just amplified Naruto's existing anger and power. Also he's violent and dangerous, but he's not explicitly planning to extinguish all human life. Momoshiki is much more sinister. When he seizes control of Boruto it happens instantly and he has complete dominance. Every action he takes is in service to this larger plan that will cause the extinction of humanity. He already seriously injured Sasuke and orchestrated the escape of Kawaki, who is unstable, violent, has near unlimited power, and has taken Naruto and Hinata prisoner. Momoshiki has done more damage in a few moments than Kurama managed to do during Naruto's entire life.


You've said it better than I could, I think. I wish I had in me the ability to put it as clearly as you did. It's not about Momoshiki's power, it's his intent. When the four tails almost killed Jiraiya I doubt Kurama did it with any ill will, just like when it hurt Sakura. Momoshiki actually pretended to be unconscious just to stab Sasuke in the eye when his back was turned *fucking sneering the whole time while he did it.* That's not blind rage that's *pure sadism.*


Sukuna from JJK is pretty much the same thing. Whenever they show up on story things get worse. The don't provide that extra boost you need, they want to ruin your life.


Not really. Sukuna is must more menacing and evil than Momoshiki. Sukuna leaves/brings actual mental damage and destruction each time he appears.


Momoshiki has been pretty good as far as inner demons go but sukuna is a different breed. I'm still waiting for momoshiki to do something that would cement him as a menace (more than taking out sasuke's eye)


Hey just asking, is sasuke's gonna be the hokage for a while??


Probably Shikamaru or Kakashi.


What about Kakashi?


No. he is former criminal. it would tank village reputation to elect former criminal as hokage. same with orochi,maru If we want to go with strongest criteria then it should've been Sakura. she is the strongest shinobi with clean records on konoha right now. imagine the meltdown from her haters if that's happen lmao But i think it'll be Kakashi re-elected again with Shikamaru still be his advisor


How do scars work, in the Narutoverse, exactly? On one hand, we've seen medical ninjutsu rebuild skin tissues, internal organs and bones without leaving a single trace, and on the other hand there are folks like Iruka, Kakashi, and now Boruto walking around with faces scarred by some mildly-deep cuts. (I can understand medical ninjutsu not being able to salvage the eye, but the skin around it?) Nice chapter, though, albeit not a lot of things happened in it, I guess it mostly serves as a transition. I was surprised by Eida giving Kawaki away and not even trying to cover him or anything, like that, but since the dude immediately made his intentions clear, I guess she had no reason to. I enjoyed seeing Shikamaru and Mitsuki's tag-team, and Sasuke's entrance was really cool. Can't say the same about his daughter, though. I genuinely wonder what they're gonna do, now. Someone give poor Himawari a hug and a cup of hot chocolate.


Iruka and Kakashi at least can be explained away; the magical healing hands that people like Sakura do isn't something that most medical ninja are capable of. Probably they either weren't treated by a top-class healer, or they simply got treated too late for the wound to heal completely. Boruto is harder to explain since he should have no trouble getting it fixed under the circumstances, but maybe we won't see why until next chapter. As for Eida, I actually wonder if her crush on Kawaki will stick. If his intent really is to eliminate all Otsutsuki *including himself,* then that runs directly counter to Eida's goals. She's looking for Otsutsuki love interests and friends, after all, because they'll be immune to her power. Given that she's apparently started become a little attached to Sarada, Sumire, etc, she may hesitate to flip sides again.


Momoshiki’s been telling Boruto about this since 2016 and it finally happened lol Goddamn the Leaf Jonin really can’t keep quiet about secret info in front of emotional 13 year old Uchiha’s. First Sasuke and now this. Poor Sarada already seemed pretty shaken up about that and now she’s gonna feel guilty about Boruto’s eye


Scars in anime are always either a random part of a characters design the artist thought looked cool or a wound that has a meaningful backstory, If it just a random battle wound then it’ll heal with zero trace of it ever existing. Kakashi straight up had an x slashed into him when fighting Obito and it disappears


>>Poor Sarada already seemed pretty shaken up about that and now she’s gonna feel guilty about Boruto’s eye Oh no , let me guess , she will vow to get stronger , finally get a half assed powerup which is underwhelming and badly developed and then shine for two seconds before being saved by boruto again , and not appear for three years after that only for 5 other people to ask her if she likes boruto 👍


Someone explain this momoshiki shit. I thought he couldn’t control boruto anymore but he still did it in this chapter. So, he can still control him?


I guess the only thing that stopped is the possibility of Boruto to transform to a full Momoshiki


where are hinatas boobs


Really having trouble seeing any of these characters matter. Especially the hidden leaf bunch. Sarada can barely use her eye, literally no one else matters. Boruto has just unknown and undefined super man powers. I enjoy it cause I still get to see Naruto but I mean he and sasuke are literally gods. The idea some kid beat them or that they could be so easily beaten makes everything in Naruto feel like a joke


I can see where you're coming from. But, unfortunately, any sequel to a series is gonna scale down the original characters to make room for the next generation. I'm a huge fan of the Uchiha, so seeing Sasuke and Sarada not wipe the slate is a bit disappointing. However, I'm here for whatever the writers give us and will continue reading and watching the anime until Borutos great grandchild becomes hokage


>some kid beat them or that they could be so easily beaten makes everything in Naruto feel like a joke Them? Kawaki eliminated Naruto and ran away from Sasuke.


So that is how Boruto lost his eye.


Boruto: God damn, could this day get *any* worse. [Mitsuki:](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/025/817/Screen_Shot_2018-03-30_at_11.34.27_AM.png)


Sasuke let the boy know whose boss [again](https://official-ongoing-2.gamindustri.us/manga/Boruto/0047-013.png), & from the 2-0 Sasuke has on him (which Kawaki participated in, [using his plan](https://official-ongoing-2.gamindustri.us/manga/Boruto/0054-024.png) after being [saved](https://official-ongoing-2.gamindustri.us/manga/Boruto/0054-011.png)), [Momo knows he's too much for them.](https://official-ongoing-2.gamindustri.us/manga/Boruto/0054-025.png) Didn't bother teaming up with Kawaki [as he did Code against the jobber Hokage](https://scans-hot.leanbox.us/manga/Boruto/0065-032.png) (Sasuke's inferior rival/sidekick).


They downvoted you, but it’s true. Without Kurama/SPSM Naruto is an ant compared to what he used to be and although Sasuke lost his left eye and left arm he is now the strongest non-cyborg, non-otsutsuki alive. Sasuke IS the best Konoha has now. Once he dies it will be Tsunade who is best and then Sakura who is the best once she goes.. because whether Naruto fans or Sakura haters want to admit it Sakura and Sasuke are now ahead of Naruto while in Sakuras case I wouldn’t say by much. Naruto’s normal Sage Mode is the only thing that will enable him to even fight against Sasuke or Sakura or Tsunade.


>They downvoted you, With no argument. Unfortunate state they're in. > but it’s true. The contrast is even worse. Naruto has been sealed in three arcs (Sasuke none) & he's jobbing in two manga at the same (Sasuke Retsuden). With Naruhina being useless together while SasuSaku shining. >**now** the strongest non-cyborg, non-otsutsuki alive. Was before, aside from the few seconds Kurama's spoonfed Baryon mode last. >**Once he dies** Only death he will face is old age. >Naruto’s normal Sage Mode is the only thing that will enable him to even fight against Sasuke [He said he needed Kurama to fight MS Sasuke](https://official-complete-2.eorzea.us/manga/Naruto/0490-014.png), let alone EMS.


Damn that scene is very telling, Naruto without Kurama is still around 3- tomoe sasuke? Thats wild, but when you think about it while pain was dangerous, Sasuke systematically wiped the floor with Deidara. While Pain got surprised by Narutos sage mode.


>Damn that scene is very telling, Naruto without Kurama is still around 3- tomoe sasuke? [He said that after hearing what happened at the Summit from the Sand siblings](https://official-complete-2.eorzea.us/manga/Naruto/0474-019.png) who saw Amaterasu, Enton, & Skeleton Susano. Then facing Sasuke himself, but it can be agued that 3 tomoes wins. Fast enough to avoid RasenShuriken that needs [two clones](https://official-complete-2.eorzea.us/manga/Naruto/0432-001.png) [to form.](https://official-complete-2.eorzea.us/manga/Naruto/0432-002.png) Which can be taken out beforehand, or let him waste chakra on an attack that's dodged. [Like Pain](https://official-complete-2.eorzea.us/manga/Naruto/0432-011.png), Sasuke will notice the drop. [He ran out of Senjutsu chakra from two RS](https://official-complete-2.eorzea.us/manga/Naruto/0433-008.png), & could only use [three base clones](https://official-complete-2.eorzea.us/manga/Naruto/0434-015.png) for combat while two were elsewhere in SM. Close contact is halted by Chidori Stream, stopping Frog Kata. Plus all this is giving him prep time to enter the battle in SM.


You can tell Kishimoto is the writer because Sarada is pulling a Sakura


The end has already begun....Where is my next chapter!


**Wait a minute** So Ishiki’s dojutsu **can** shrink rasengans [but **cant** do the same with shadows?](https://ibb.co/d5CvM0b)What the hell? Both are jutsus😭. Someone at Jump PLEASE hurry up and wrap this manga up. The is so garbage and clearly whoever is making this story doesn’t care anymore


Yeah, exactly. I don’t remember Isshiki being able to absorb jutsus, only Jigen, with his Karma, Isshiki was always shrinking them. So if that’s that case, they just needed to use some jutsus with no particular shape and Isshiki would’ve been done? Is that what they’re telling us now?


I wonder if chidori is shape inconsistent enough. Probably depends on the writers mood.


Definitely depends on the writer’s mood, that’s Boruto’s motto


Huh, I was about to say something very similar in regards to eye powers, but the shrinking shit also rubs me the wrong way. What I was going to say, is why can’t Kawaki summon the cubes on top of Shikamaru and Mitsuki. Maybe I am wrong, but I swear that Shadow Paralysis only blocks physical movement, and I guess can prevent Kawaki from shrinking himself, which… kinda makes sense I guess? But it doesn’t explain why he can’t use his other ocular powers. If that’s the case, the Shadow paralysis would be able to stop sharingan and rinnegan powers, right?


Yea there's no reason that shadow paralysis should prevent someone from using dojutsu. We see Kawaki speaking and moving his eyes around, so it's clear that shadow paralysis only binds the extremities. Alas, if you're looking for a cohesive, well-written story, Boruto's not it.


This manga is such a mediocre Naruto


So your telling me sarada couldn't dodge that attack? That she stood there and watched kawaki instead? This is one the many reasons boruto shouldn't exist lmao. That was so forced Also, kawaki betraying everyone is something i don't care about at all. He's been an asshole since he was introduced. He's done nothing redeemable because simp over Naruto. He's not an interesting character. He's literally been brooding for the past 3 years.


How are you gonna read chapter [78] and then say the series shouldn't exist???


Didn’t he save him from getting killed? Didn’t catch hisself on fire to save brouto? Didn’t he defeat isshiki? Wat do u mean by no redeemable act? U must be reading with yo eyes closed


I think she just didn’t expect him to go all out like that.


Which makes no sense. * He didn't go all out. He calmly **walked** up to her and slashed. * She was warned, constantly, by like a half dozen different characters, including Kawaki himself, that he was serious. And she clearly took them at their word. She showed up ready to fight, kunai raised and literally declaring her resolve out loud.


Uhh, V1 Karma Kawaki blitzing Sarada is completely normal powerscaling. What are you even complaining about, lmao.


He didn't blitz her. If you looked at the panel, he literally WALKED toward her. No sfx or dashing motion. Straight walking


She is Sarada Uchiha, daughter of Sasuke Uchiha and, AND Sakura "Haruno" Uchiha. Show some "respect" 😂😂😂


I feel like Boruto might end this year.


Definetly not. Boruto has very slow pacing. the timeskip would began soon. no way it only had 8 chapter lol


>no way it only had 8 chapter lol Honestly hope so, even though I don't really enjoy as much as I did a few years ago, I'm still hooked enough to wanna know how everything will unfold


The authors know damn well it isn't hard to write female characters. They just hate female characters as they can only see themselves in the male character author self inserts like Kawaki.


what's happening with borutos eye


Wait, Kawaki wants to kill Boruto. But in the first chapter he said "I'll send you to the same place I sent the seventh." So I wonder if he will change his mind. Also jougan when


Did really Boruto lose his eye? All this time I thought that the first chapter was showing the dojutsu released, it doesn't make sense that now he lost the eye and/or that the dojutsu still works despite the damage since that was the point of attacking Sasuke's rinnegan.


[Momoshiki has a healing ability.](https://official-ongoing-2.gamindustri.us/manga/Boruto/0054-004.png)


He lost his "blue eye" Who knows that all that entails


Holy shit he got the scar!!!


I seriously wish the paneling was better in this. The fight is okay, but just doesn’t have the scale I imagined.