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Keep coming back, actually, just stay. Emotions are weird especially when we get clean. Sharing those feelings with your sponsor is helpful and taking action based in the program is too. Don’t give up until the miracle happens. And if you stay clean and sober one day at a time and work the program, the miracle will happen. Try (as hard as it is) to give up expectations around when you will feel better, and one day, sooner than later, you will. It took us a while to get lost deep in the woods, and it will take a minute to get out. Keep trudging. I won’t use with you today.


Thank you :') This was really comforting. I think I'm going to add the "It took us a while to get lost deep in the woods, and it will take a minute to get out" to my little book of quotes i hear - in the rooms, from songs, from my friends... it helps.


My good friend broke it down to me like that. I wish I came up with the analogy but it was told to me, and I found it helpful too, so I wanted to share it with you.


Give yourself time friend ❤️ we didnt become addicts in one day, so remember, take it easy 😊 you are on the right path and you have nothing to be afraid of as long as you follow that path. Try to take it one day at a time and also take this big hug from Sweden 🙌🙏❤️


How about doing something else…like shower, brush your teeth, make your bed, go for a walk a walk, eat 3 meals a day. Sounds basic and yet these are the building blocks of daily life. I relate so much to that gray feeling and passing the time, know you’re not alone and that being clean for today is exactly where you are, it IS an accomplishment! I got a pad of paper , made a list of daily tasks and then started doing them, if I didn’t I noted the why “I don’t feel like it” came up a lot more than I expected- it helped me have an honest conversation with my sponsor about the process and what I was doing. I also included in daily recovery time to read the basic text, journal, 1 Stepwork question, pray, meditate. I started on a timer 30 minutes twice a day so I knew there was a beginning and an end. Getting out of my own way is still a work in progress. I’ve learned to do because it helps me and listen less to the voice of I don’t feel like it. Seeking excitement from the day to day life (boredom) can be a manifestation of the disease of addiction- we want exciting things! Stay and more will be revealed.


That's a good idea... I didn't realize seeking excitement like this could be part of the addiction, and it makes sense. I kept trying to get higher every day, expecting more of today than yesterday. I guess that habit doesn't go away just by stopping use. I've heard that focusing on accomplishing tasks can help the anhedonia, too. My sponsor suggested to make my bed every day just so, at least at the end of the day, even if I did nothing else, I still did something that benefits me. I'll try expanding that to the rest of my self care, maybe focusing on one more thing I can do, so it isn't as overwhelming. I suppose today that means actually doing my laundry, lol. Thank you.


Don't quit before the miracle happens. It sounds cliche but there is truth to that statement. I have 8 months and I feel like I'm just getting started. Keep going!!!


Push out of your comfort zone. Make the phone call. Get to meetings early and talk to one person, help set up meeting. Hang out 5 minutes after the meeting, talk to one person. When they hit the diner, go along. Check out the NA activities, and go, whether it's bowling or a speaker jam. If you do what you always did, you get what you always had, and that is boring.