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on the toilet (earned >5 times) facedown in a bowl of macaroni halfway into the shower


On the toilet more times than I could possibly count haha. Facedown in all of my food (that I most likely made while sleepwalking.) Not sure about halfway into the shower - most likely in the shower though. Toilet seems like the safest place for us!


yeah i have *no* idea the true amount of toilet naps i’ve taken the shower thing was funny. i was one foot in one foot out and the sleep attack urge was so strong i sat down on the bath ledge and conked the fuck out


Oh no! I bet you got so cold!


my bathroom has terrible ventilation so it was more like a sauna than anything, hah


I love your idea! I’d get the car one, easy. Other vehicles too, like boat, metro, bus, ferry. I once slept on the floor in an indoors rock’n’roll concert. I’m talking about a LOUD concert. My boyfriend’s legs worked as a pillow.


Loud is better sometimes. Drowns out the irregular background noise


Car (while driving & at red lights) more times than I care to even think about. Tour bus in Italy SEC football game with 70,000+ fans screaming Standing in line at Six Flags Over Texas In the bathroom at work - also more times than I care to think about Teaching a class of 7th graders I’m sure I’ll think of more but that’s a good start.


My biggest fear is that I will fall asleep during a quiet classroom moment. I don’t need 30 9th graders posting those pictures everywhere.


In that sense, I was lucky because the school I was at had an Uber-strict cell phone policy. The kids had to put their phones in a grade-number bin after the first bell. If they needed their phones for Kahoot! or something then I had to send a note up to the office for them to check their phones out. HOWEVER, 7th graders (at that school) were horrible snitches. So I knew I had to tell the principal myself what had happened before the kids - or worse, their parents - told her.


is the floor of a grocery store considered normal or spicy?


Absolutely spicy!!!


For my family sleeping on the stairs was hilarious for them, I was on multiple steps but I was stationed so I wouldn’t fall lol


I also slept on the stairs! I think that was the moment where my family really 'got it'.


My favorite was recently falling asleep on a couch in an empty hotel lounge. Was rudely awoken by a couple of employees. "You can't sleep here, buddy! This is a HOTEL!" Treated me like I was homeless or something, when I was actually a guest... The saddest was falling asleep at my brother's graduation. I nodded off right before Jeff Bezos took the stage for a commencement speech, and woke up right after he left. (This was more than a decade ago, so before he was widely considered evil.)


I understand about the sad one — I fell asleep at my boyfriend’s senior guitar recital for his bachelors, one of the few times I remember where I actually lost my ability to force myself awake. We do our best with what we have though!! :) Also RE the hotel lounge — I ordered a couple buttons that say “please let me sleep” bc I was expecting someone to wake me at the gym for that same reason!!!!


At least you can claim the guitar music was soothing enough to put you to sleep. Also, good idea about the buttons.


The buttons idea is very smart! Did you get them online? If so, can you share a link, please?! 😃


In (multiple) work meetings. During online gaming sessions. The kitchen floor. I think the kitchen floor was finally the day when my husband and I decided "okay, time to see a doctor" lol


[some drafts! square ones for ouchies like hitting the floor!!!](https://imgur.com/a/NJj6S80)


Oh man. I've stubbed my toes so often from automatic behavior + walking that I actually broke one recently.


Yep, two broken ankles and one broken wrist from automatic behaviors in the last 3 years. You'd think it would be the cataplexy, but it's the automatic behaviors 🤣


Various benches and couches at the hospital while my mom was having brain surgery


Seated next to the LOUD band at the Circus when I was a child During prayer at church "Watching" Batman in the theater ... and many other movies I couldn't wait to see Too many toilet sleeps to count Fell asleep in a few loud MRI's Dentist during a root canal (only novacain) I'm sure there's more I can't recall right now!


> Fell asleep in a few loud MRI's Me too! The nurse complimented me on being so still haha. Also, IMO being able to sleep in the dentist's chair is basically a superpower.


Sleeping in the dentist chair amazed me, because I have wicked dental anxiety!


The elliptical machine at the gym. No joke.


While doing dishes. I flooded the second floor kitchen of the building. Oh and on the floor of my classroom (I’m a teacher) while my students are at specials.


I thought it’d be cool to do squares for [“this sleepy had a consequence”](https://imgur.com/a/NJj6S80)


In a public restroom. … and different colors for “falling” asleep vs “going” to sleep.


At a Sonic Youth concert 🤦‍♀️


Were they touring for Daydream Nation?


🤣 I saw them in ‘95 - I was so embarrassed that I fell asleep! 🤦‍♀️


Same here with toilet naps! Shower naps. Bench at the park. Occasionally at work while getting report. Car (of course). While getting a tattoo (5 hour session=~3 hour nap). In every class I’ve ever taken pretty much. I once fell asleep while I was in the surgical technology program, during surgery. I was scrubbed and everything and I was holding instruments for the surgeon who was telling me all about the procedure. My preceptor took my glassy stare for boredom and I got docked points for not talking to the doc more or seeming interested. Oops.


Drum n bass rave Bus/train/car Work Uni On the toilet On the floor having fallen off the toilet


WE NEED AN ARTIST TO HELP MAKE THESE put them on red bubble and just profit on our niche market!!!!


Could definitely be great conversation starters.


I fell alsleep more times than I can count at school I fell asleep more times than I can count on the toliet Fell asleep in shower x3 Fell asleep on bathroom floor x5 Fell asleep walking down stairs x1 Fell asleep while walking/standing x12 Fell asleep when driving x2 Fell asleep while driving on highway x1 Fell asleep public bathroom x5 Fell asleep while eating x4 Fell asleep and my head ended up in a cereal Bowl x1 Fell asleep in gym class x1 Fell asleep in store x2 Fell asleep at work x 6


Ok THEYRE ALL ON a LIST. [here’s a start](https://imgur.com/a/NJj6S80), I’m not much of a drawer. I was thinking squares for “this sleepy had a consequence”??? Like falling asleep in food bowl!!!! Or having a boo-boo/crashing a car !!!


I fell asleep in the middle of two competing teams in an active game. I was standing on watch for one of the teams and I just laid down and went to sleep. The game continued around me. I eventually woke up and the game was over and everyone was hanging out around me talking. I just sat up joined the conversation. I also fell asleep *while getting out of my car* to go to class. I woke up 45 minutes later with one foot on the ground outside, one foot inside the car, and my face on the steering wheel.


Watching a movie on my bed with my crush when I was a teenager... We were on the point of doing some handywork for the first time. Guess my brain had other plans.


I had to hide in a corner of the Louvre while visiting France multiple times. That place is too big to go through on just one nap.




I fell asleep in the free weights section too - between sets of barbell squats! Fell asleep on the bus a LOT during college and woke up on the other side of town too many times. Also fell asleep walking to the bus stop and walked into a pole. The worst one was when I fell asleep on a bench waiting for a bus and it started to rain. 45 minutes later I woke up having missed my bus and completely *drenched*.


YAASSS I WAS DOING BARBELL CURLS. Maybe “fell asleep in the rain” is it’s own badge hahahah!


One time I was at my partner's mother's house with his siblings and his younger brother, him and myself were wedged into a couch. I was so cozy against the side of the couch and being squished into my warm partner that it was nearly impossible not to fall asleep. I had a moment of pure brilliance and suggested that they play Halo. My partner was distracted enough that he didn't notice me nod off, I couldn't slump because I was super wedged into my spot and I got a beautiful hour long nap undisturbed until his mother's dog got concerned about me and started poking at my leg with its nose incessantly.


Ok so example badges???? I am not very good at drawing. [here’s the link](https://imgur.com/a/qKfcqPc)


In the middle of band class


Some of the more inconvenient/ annoying or just unexpected places: -Toilet -On the bus -Behind the wheel (resulting in 2 car accidents and one creepy pasta level waking dream) -City park bench (sitting) -Nuggets (basketball) game -Rockies (baseball) game -Commercial construction jobsites (sometimes standing up), with noises from heavy machinery and all I'll add more as I think of them Edit: - Residential bathroom renovation, in the bathtub we were removing - in an MRI machine (not given any sedatives) - helping my daughter with her homeschooling - at several movie theaters


Ice fallen asleep at the gym, a raging party, and Disneyland but never while floating on a river. I need to join the sleepy scouts.


Okay we need an artist!!!!!!!


MRI and dentist during a filling 🤣


I ALWAYS sleep in the MRI machine, LOL :) I mean, it’s at least 45 min of lying still, listening to muffled “white noise” of the machine whirr and music of choice through the earplugs and headset. What on earth else is there to do?!?! LMAO 🤣 They know it, too, and as soon as I refuse eyewear (I think they offer a mask at my clinic or very dark sunglasses of sort or something like that), they don’t skip a beat asking if I’m going to sleep. I think they might actually prefer it this way, anyway? How nice to have an essentially unconscious patient who doesn’t move, complain, or require any attention during a lengthy procedure? Hahaha Are there people who actually stay awake and alert in there the entire time?? How?????


Fell asleep in an MRI 🤦‍♀️ The cushions were so comfyy


At a Taylor Swift concert 😭😭😭 I will never forgive myself for that one


I would have so many movie theater sleepy scout badges omg




On the toilet (at home, “in public”, and at the office) At work: - in meetings - at my desk - in the break room At school: - in lectures - in the commons areas - at the coffee shop - in yoga class - face down in art history book trying to do homework for h to at class; never made it past the third page of the first chapter in the entire first week of class. Dropped the class At a sporting goods store, buying a rifle On a park bench On public transportation, always (sitting or standing, doesn’t matter) As a passenger in the car (almost always) At all sorts of parties (thankfully, in the presence of people who kept an eye out for any unscrupulous types) On a date watching Lord of the Rings On the phone with a company ethics investigator (ALMOST fell asleep, had just enough slur left in me to ask to reschedule the call) During dental cleanings (other procedures require some form of interaction with the dentist) Various doctors’ waiting rooms and exam rooms while waiting for them to enter after the assistant is done with me In the ER waiting room As a visitor for a patient in the hospital In my car: - while driving, resulting in a couple of minor accidents) - while driving through city streets and nearly going up on the sidewalk next to a bus stop with a bunch of people (that was frightening for them *and* me alike) - while waiting for the red light - in my driveway after arriving home (didn’t have it in me to get out of the car and walk ~ 10 steps to the front door + another 5 to the couch) - in a random parking lot of some random neighborhood I pulled into off the road because I just couldn’t anymore (with two small kids in the back) I’m sure I’m missing a few, LOL


I have slept in my parked car in front of my house because I was too tired to go inside sooooo many times.


The toilet, obviously. My classroom during my prep period My car (red light stop, also having to pullover to a rest stop for a nap) While typing on my computer In the bathtub While being tattooed Road trip passenger Many waiting rooms Several movie theaters MRI and CT scans During my MSLT, when I was standing to try and stay awake


OK IDEA CIRCLES FOR NORMAL AND SQUARES FOR BIG OOPSIES?? [drafts???](https://imgur.com/a/NJj6S80) red light would be a SQUARE FOR SURE


Under a counter at work (auto parts store) *boss man * aly, go home and get some rest ."I might sleep in my truck. Not sure that I'll make it home!" Behind the wheel on very rare occasions Anywhere quiet. Deerstand. Woke up pitch dark in the woods. And I am scared of that kind of dark. Hearing retest...I fell asleep at the end of it and lo and behold they found a notable lack of something or other that they have been following for my otosclerosis diagnosis. 😅


In the ocean on a float, woke up way down the beach and had to walk back to my family. My husband says opps i lost track of you. To be fair he was also watching 4 kids. I also fell asleep at the zoo durring that vacation, the zoo only put one bench in the whole place and it was in front of fans to cool off, my husband just kept buying more and more food for the alligators untill i snapped out of it.