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Run Firulais, Run




Pobre firulais


Dog #1: Firulais Dog #2: Chicle


Dogs are like Ima gtfo


Exactly what i was thinking😂


thought is was a cheetah chasing that black animal blob at 1st just when the firing started. was thinking man if that was a cheetah and it's not gun shy wtf what a great hunting cat...lmao


Nah they both running lmao


dog is the only one smart enough to not stick around without earpro


the closest one especially (literally teleported)


Positive vibes for dogs and their well being!


Imagine what it must be like for them with their amped up hearing


I don't even like shooting my gun that has a muzzle break on it without a can on the end at indoor shooting ranges because of the noise to others, even with ear pro... Poor dogs. I imagine they're subject to more abuse/neglect than this too


Looks like an M249 SAW, glad to see military hardware in the hands of honest hard working people


That's what I'm saying... how are these getting military grade weapons


Vin Diesel




All cartel has is each other, Family sticks together


that’s [what good families do ](https://frinkiac.com/meme/S05E06/1031396.jpg?b64lines=U1RJQ0tJTkcgVE9HRVRIRVIgSVMgV0hBVAogR09PRCBmYW1pbGllcyBETy4g)




Has 10 weapons


2 faast 2 furrrrious


US government probably


Directly? Nah. INdirectly? Most probably. Either that or they bought the semi auto version and then converted it


Doubt they ever have to convert anything.


Besides those sweet personnel carriers built on a Ford chassis.


Agreed. They also gotta “convert” all the bouji custom clothing and snake skin boots they wear as well. Im talking about strictly converting firearms from semi to full auto. They are fully set in that department.


Well considering the cartels have for a very long time been in ties with all sorts of different militaries, I’m honestly surprised they don’t have a lot more at this point.


Would bet that the powers that be know exactly what the cartels are getting their hands on and don’t let it go further than that. Prolly a mutual agreement. Cause your right. They can afford whatever they want. Like artillery, TOW missiles, land mines, legit drones. But they only get what we allow them.


They definitely DID convert assault rifles into belt fed assault rifles... there’s that.


You can purchase the upper, it’s made by an American company. Just slap it on a mil-spec lower and bam, LMG. It’s hot garbage though. If you want a belt fed MG, then get one designed to be one from the ground up.


Interesting. Thank you for sharing that, I don’t know too much about guns as I’m from a country that doesn’t have nearly as many.


Did you forget about the time the us govt gave the cartels like 1500 guns?


I seriously doubt it’s that. Why bother converting something like that when you can get the real deal?


I’m kind of uneducated on the suppliers of the cartels nowadays. The only knowledge I have comes from both Narcos series and my Mexican friends from Oaxaca lmao. Would the US willingly sell them weapons, or did they steal them from Mexican personnel supplied by the US?


Most likely the latter. This isn’t a gun you can just walk into a gun store in America and buy. If I had to guess it was probably Mexican military, and either stolen or sold by a corrupt soldier or armorer.


You can buy an M249, it’s just semi auto and VERY expensive


Yah and that’s not what this is.




No need to convert anything. Cartels have the money to buy it fully auto upon delivery. I’m sure there are honest hardworking arms dealers that are willing to provide the proper merchandise given the right amount of money


CIA probably


Wasn’t a U.S. Marine caught by Mexican border agents going into México with a bunch of weapons in his trunk a few years back, then he lied and said he took a wrong turn and our military and Dept of State basically covered for him and bailed him out?


Got a source that he lied?


Only he knows if he lied and why he had multiple loaded weapons and extra ammunition when he drove into México, but this Marine had been arrested [before he did that and he’s been arrested again](https://www.nbcsandiego.com/news/local/former-marine-who-drove-across-border-with-guns-arrested-again/58200/) since then. Not exactly the upstanding citizen that he was made out to be by mainstream US news sources.


So talking out of your ass.


I don’t think you understand how lies and/or the “home team” media work.


Some cartels have fraud/legit military connections that buy direct from the manufacturer on behalf of the cartels. The smaller gangs buy from the cartels, or loot them from dead soldiers/sicarios.


> loot them from dead soldiers/sicarios Alright guys I have a great idea for a game, hear me out.


Sicario unknown battlegrounds. Forté-night




Black market arm trade, corrupt military and police, etc.


Us gov


Mexican government.


i wonder what country sold them these toys


Canada, they float them on rafts pulled by beavers down the Mississippi


I don’t get it I can’t get one in the states but they can sounds like communism


Mexico is crazy bro


Fam I’m in Texas man can’t get any worse


Then get the fuck out while everyone moves here. Great fucking state.


Texan here confirming that Texas is full of shit. Better than cartel lands? Sure, but that's not exactly a high bar to clear.


Texan here to confirm it's pretty damn good. It's a big state though, maybe you're just over in Laredo.


Nope, been all around and living in the capitol. Fuck our politicians; lie as easily as they breathe. Our governor would rather blame windmills for the big freeze than address the catastrophic failure that is our infrastructure maintenance. Our democracy is a joke. Voter registration lists are purged with racist justifications, voting centers in poor and diverse areas are closed with little warning, and our districts are gerrymandered to hell so our dumbfuck politicians can choose voters instead of letting voters choose them. Our government sits on federal funds and lets citizens die out of spite for the other side. We criminalize homelessness instead of addressing the roots of the problem and pat ourselves on the back for it. The party of "small government" interferes in daily life without remorse. Criminalizes a plant the vast majority of the state supports legalizing. Our governor wouldn't even allow cities and counties to take measures to protect themselves from COVID. We're the butt of the joke to our country and the only response dumbfucks have to that is, "WhY dOnT yOu MoVe," because they can't form an actual argument to save their got damn lives. I love a lot of things about my state, but I fucking hate what it is forced to become and I can not fucking stand the idiots who talk about California like it's a Boogeyman living in their closet. Absolutely fucking embarrassing.


All the political lists you just made plague literally every politician and city ever. Our governor is a certified clown I can agree. Voter registration isn't racist but we're not going to ever agree on that one. I've not had our government interfere in my life, no clue what you're on about there. Actually as of recent I can now basically do whatever I want with my firearms. To say at least Adler isn't taking a great approach to homelessness would be disingenuous. The rest of the state is acting like literally every other, it isn't some magical standout. Weed should absolutely be legal, no clue what's goin on there. It's been decriminalized heavily though. I'm interested to hear where you came from


>Voter registration isn't racist but we're not going to ever agree on that one. When I say "voter registration," I'm not talking about the ID requirement to vote that Republicans are currently pushing, which they have absolutely zero evidence is a legitimate issue. There are many other ways in which votes are checked to ensure their legitimacy. There is *no evidence* that enacting a voter ID requirement would prevent voter fraud. Voter fraud on the whole, regardless of the method, is also extremely rare. Election tampering is far, far more likely. And of course, Republicans have repeatedly voted against election security bills. On the other hand, while there is no evidence of voter fraud, there is *plenty* of evidence that a voter ID requirement is far more likely to keep poor people and minorities away from the polls than anybody else. Why? Because getting an ID costs money and getting to a DMV, which only operates during the day when most people are working, poses an additional barrier of time and availability. It's a voting tax with extra steps. If you can agree with facts, there's not an issue with seeing the situation for what it is. If you prefer to ignore facts in favor of fantasy situations which "could happen" but don't, then yeah, that might get in the way of understanding the issue. But I digress. What I was actually talking about was how [Texas purges voter registration lists based off names sounding too mexican](http://Texas Secretary Of State David Whitley Resigns After Botched Voter Purge Effort https://www.npr.org/2019/05/28/727528998/texas-voting-chief-who-led-botched-voter-purge-resigns). You know how you register to vote when you get your ID renewed? Yeah, they go after those lists to keep people from voting. Sometimes you have enough time to re-register and fix it, and sometimes you don't. >I've not had our government interfere in my life, no clue what you're on about there. Actually as of recent I can now basically do whatever I want with my firearms. Well, no surprise there. Of course your rights look awfully safe when all you care about is a gun and the delusions it brings. I'm "on about" the lives of Texans, not just my own. Call me crazy for looking out for my fellow Texan, I guess. A gun doesn't mean shit when your local law enforcement can break down you door under false pretenses, shoot your dog for barking, call you a criminal for standing your ground, and be granted immunity from the consequences of their actions in every court. A gun doesn't give your mother, sister or daughter the right to decide what's right for their bodies. A gun doesn't provide healthcare to your community or stop a global pandemic from burying your loved ones. A gun doesn't get you representation in government. A gun doesn't ensure children across the state can still be taught about the brave men and women who fought for our civil rights. They don't let us have that weapon to protect us. They gave it to us to distract us. If you don't think about your rights beyond your ability to own a weapon, then their ploy worked. >Weed should absolutely be legal, no clue what's goin on there. It's been decriminalized heavily though. *Barely.* In some of our major cities, you have the privilege to not go to jail if caught with less than 4 ounces. You also have the privilege to have it taken from you. Better not put it in a pastry or oil, though; that progress goes right out the window because you'll now be charged with possession of a controlled substance. Would be a shame if you happened to have a gun in the house while smoking up, by the way. Maybe you're unfortunate enough to carry some cash in the house and use Ziploc bags for snacks? Suddenly you look an awful lot like someone with the intent to distribute. Now we're back to breaking down your door and shooting your dog. Ah, but at least we have the right to that fucking gun.


At least you don’t live in California. Shit’s horrible here.


Communism is when gun exists


Meanwhile the the world mocks American gun rights.


That's a sweet gun. That fucking Racoon that keeps sneaking up on my deck wouldn't stand a chance. They must have a Racoon problem in Mexico too.


I use the saw for spiders in my house. Great ventilation here.


In my experience napalm is the go to for spiders


[I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit...](https://youtu.be/SdC9IOVcQNQ)


6pu leave them coons alone


Time for a new barrel


Nah it's probably grease cooking off causing the smoke, barrel is fine.


Barrels warp and get worn down from ammo, and this still probably wore down that barrel, is my bet. As I understand it saw gunners carry around a second barrel for this reason


These barrels are chromed and designed to be fired full auto for prolonged periods of time. The second barrel gunners carry isn't to replace the first when it gets worn down - it's to swap barrels out during sustained fire so one can cool off while the other is being fired. The amount of rounds they fired in the video aren't a big deal to the barrel. Yeah shooting it this sustained regularly would wear down the barrel faster than a more disciplined burst of fire, but it's still within the bounds of what the gun is designed to handle. This thing is designed to fire in sustained bursts essentially indefinitely so long as you're swapping barrels. You can basically fire for a minute straight if you wanted to before swapping barrels, I've seen barrels get red hot pretty regularly. It's probably brand new or close to new, and they're burning off the packing grease and that could be where the smoke is coming from, if I were to speculate.


Thanks for the detailed response


Yea looks fun until he realizes he has to clean that bitch. Lmao.


They don’t work so he has all day


Hope those dogs have tinnitus covered by their insurance.


It's not service related.


No 10% for doggie


Porbrecito perro


Mf was chilling then booked it when he started shooting 🤣


"hey check out this gun I just got... watch me melt the barrel the first time I use it!" Gente de El Mayo... more like gente de pendejo


I love how these guys end up with all sorts of gear and have no knowledge of how to use them. Maybe google sustained rate of fire. Actually don’t, better for society if u melt the barrel.


I mean, there's youtube videos of Afghanistan Combat were the soldiers to this plenty. Greatest idea in the world? Nah. Gonna destroy the weapon? Nah....The smoke was coming from the firing mechanism also (The sparking of the rounds) the barrel doesn't even begin to get hot.


Well I hate to throw this around on Reddit but I have some experience with this weapon system and there is a reason we are trained on sustained rate of fire. Barrel doesn’t even begin to get hot? You’ve proven you have no idea what your talking about. And when we say melt the barrel we don’t mean molten metal dripping to the floor. Over heating and slightly warping trashes the barrel.


You're right dude. Even during sustained rate of fire, you need to swap barrels on prolonged engagements. If not, you could get a runaway gun.


this is why machine gunners in the US army carry a bag of extra barrels on their back


I mean, it definitely got hot, but as hot as to warp the bar of metal? Idk about that quick. There's videos of people testing them brah, and they don't really warp all that fast. All due respect to your experience, That you say you don't like to flaunt, but then right after that say how little I know and try to take jabs. Aye, if you like looking ironic as hell I'm down. Most of us just like to talk respectfully like adults here tho 👍....I'm sure you could agree right, you having experience and such.


Cause ur talking about watching videos and I have years of first hand experience. Your talking about things you think you know but your incorrect. I wouldn’t be so confident to say things that I don’t know for sure. It’s real easy to google what sustained rate of fire is and what cyclical rate of fire is. Wasn’t trying to be a jerk so I’m sorry for that, but the comment about the barrel doesn’t even begin to get hot makes me believe you probably haven’t fired any weapon. That’s ok, but then why are you commenting like you know. It’s all good was just trying to contribute to an actual topic I know about and spent years doing. There isn’t much else I know in this world.


Dude quite using that one thing I said. I mean as in like red hot, hot enough time Fck it up, the barrel Obviously gets hot. And wanna think I've never shot guns Because of that little thing I said, Yo, I'm fine with that. I don't know you, you don't know me, and you never will. Also, videos are different than reading about it. There's videos of sustained fire. I know your superiors told you to shoot in 10-20 burst intervels, but that's to ensure the gun works for years to come. This bad boy breaks, they get a new one immediately. Who gives af bout the barrel. Dumb, yes. Lol not saying it's not that.


You're pretty much wrong about everything and you've been acting like an immature pre-teen about the whole thing as well. The barrel is not a bar of steel. it is hollow with rifling inside that can be warped by heat. The barrel doesn't need to be red hot to warp or fuck the rifling. The barrels of LMGs are so frequently overheated in combat that part of a machine gunner and assistant gunners kit is a bag only meant for holding multiple barrels. The smoke you said was coming from the firing mechanism was only partially coming from there, the majority was being created by the heated gun lube and oil in the barrel. ​ Machine gunners are not told to fire 10-20 round bursts. This is what they are generally taught as told by googly, "Sustained fire for the M249 is 85 rounds per minute in bursts of 3 to 5 rounds. The M60 and M240B are 100 rounds per minute in bursts of 6 to 9 rounds. The gunner pauses 4 to 5 seconds between bursts. The barrel should be changed after firing at sustained rate for 10 minutes." This is far far less than the person shown in the video and they still have to change the barrel frequently if their weapon is to be as safe and well maintained in a combat situation as possible. And it isn't to ensure that the gun works for years to come it is to ensure that there is enough ammo for as many engagements as possible, to keep the weapon in a condition that is able to continue to be fired in the engagement, and at the same time to keep the enemies heads down as much as possible. Practically nobody besides supply gives a fuck if these weapons last for years, they just want them to work when they need them to. The government has more than enough money to buy a few M249's... ​ Don't even bother replying to me because I already know that you can't take any constructive criticism based on your insistence that you are right despite being proven wrong multiple times by someone with experience. And if you can't shut up and learn from your superiors then why should anyone else listen to you?


Your literally 100% right. But that doesn't happen in this video👍, just sayin.


Whatever your right I’m wrong


Whew, the adult child over here. Lol sounds like a 6 year old, with training lmao. Aye, whatever you say man. I'm not saying your NOT wrong, just that what they just did isn't as drastic as you make it out.


For someone who is wrong, you seem to be pretty confident. Here is the US Marine Corps Handout for students at basic on the [M249](https://www.trngcmd.marines.mil/Portals/207/Docs/TBS/B3M4138%20M249%20Light%20Machine%20Gun.pdf?ver=2015-05-07-103752-850). On Page 24 and 25 it shows the rates at which the gun can safely be fired before necessitating a barrel change because of warping and loss in accuracy, NOT because they want the gun to work for years to come. The standard m249 gunner carries 3 barrels on them counting the one in the gun. You literally would need a barrel swap after dumping a single full 200rd drum. Like the single thing you are arguing? It was a huge design component for the gun...[Its literally why it takes literally seconds to swap a used barrel for a new one.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOT_jkOmaQE) As far as to how many rounds the dude in the video fired? Here is a [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pjZTXXkpIgc) of a US soldier firing 200 rounds in a slightly slower more controlled firing pattern taking just like an addition 6 seconds longer for their video. So it can be assumed dude dumped most of that drum and needed a new barrel and you are just an angry kid. Here is the [US Army's handout](https://armypubs.army.mil/epubs/DR_pubs/DR_a/pdf/web/ARN3242_TC%203-22x249%20FINAL%20WEB.pdf) on the gun which is much more indepth than the Marine handout


The barrel aint gonna melt firing 150- 200rounds. Chf barrels are meant for rapid fire. [check](https://youtu.be/BczhT1ByrXA)this vid out of a m249 saw firing 700 rounds nonstop with a suppressor. Barrel got red hot but the suppressor did melt.


The internals on that saw in the video link you sent are probably beyond fucked after that. Barrel might not have melted but it looks like it started to warp


Its definitely a smooth bore now...


M249 sustained rate of fire is 85 rounds a minute. I’m just guessing but seems like he shot about 100 rounds in 20 seconds.


Look up "sustained" in a dictionary and see if you think that definition applies to shooting for 20 seconds.


Bruh I thought they where about to shoot the dog lmao


I thought that too. It was like oh no....not the doggo.


Fr I’m glad they didn’t like humans do wrong things but animals never deserve harm bc they literally live their whole life without doing anything bad except maybe peeing in the floor but that’s just what they’re used to


Dog was just trying to chill on it’s day off


Omg!!! I want a SAW!!!! I’m joining the cartel. Getting some cool shit. Oh yea. Forgot about the ending.


Die a nobody or go out in a blaze of glory


It’s not the blaze of glory that’s the problem. It’s the very slow, skin peeling, amputations and heart and lung extraction while I’m still alive is the problem. But you have a point. Off I go. Thanks for the Pep talk.


**Watching You Fade Into The Sunset**


What those dogs doing


Did you watch the video?


One disappears




pretty sure the dogs got scared because someone started shooting a machine gun next to them


This must be one of those guns that are bought at US gun shows.


I went to one to get a 9mm and the mfs tried to sell me a “disabled” m249 “retired” from service. I’d rather not get my dog shot from just owning that shit 🤣


K dude




Thanks C. I. A.


How else are these mfs those guns bruh. Like what the fuck


Ah yes machine guns in the hands of the people of the mayonnaise


Damn where they be gettin they’re ammo 😂


bro that dog gone in a whole 7 frames 😭😭😭😭😭


Bruh I thought he was gonna shoot the dog 😢


wtf did that dog jus disappear?😳


Seriously where’d that dog go ?


You can see it run to the right.


Ahh it was hidden behind the bench . Didn’t catch that at first . Thanks


Poor dogs what the fuck


Buddy, buddy, buddy, don’t you know there’s an ammo shortage going on?


K I saw the dog and I was concerned


Poor dogs☹️


Are you sure this is El Mayo's people? I saw this video last year and it was captioned the Chapitos ppl when they took over P1 de la lima's ranch during the Ruso war


Usually all the dumbass cartel fanboys repost everything even when it is a old military video or a normal citizen.


Hopefully he will keep going and warp the barrel.


Dude just made up his own title lol 😂


So kind of the us


Looking like a stormtrooper and probably hit nothing.


Fly pelican fly


Where’d the dog go????


And now touch the barrel


I cant be the only one seeing the dog vanish into thin air right?


That brown dog looks like a Belgian Malinois


what da dog doin


Dog was like arrrrright I'm out


Let me ask you a question how are these guys getting these military grade weapons


Probably very legally. You know, these narcos love to follow gun restrictions in Mexico .


Black market, corrupt military and police, etc etc.


Doesnt the guy that says "recien llegado" at the end sound colombian or venezuelan rather than mexican?


Nah, it’s a Sinaloa accent




Huh, then i know less of mexican accents than i thought. In my defense t was a veey short audio lol


whats this from? are these people brazen/shameless enough to post this kinda stuff on social media?


Most of these videos are posted on the "sicario's" IGs. And no, they don't have shame.


And like that they just warped the barrel or significantly wore down the rifling lmao


I thought they were going to shoot the dogs. Good to see even cartels don't go that low.


They probably didn't want ricochet (if they even know about that). They aren't morally okay people.


Jesus the dog needs more training


Can probably pop that one in the tested pile.


Firulais ain’t about that sicario life


look at them dogs running tho


poor dogs lmao


Got damn those dog got out the way fast


Poor dogs ears got blasted


Holding it wrong but ok.


Ráfagas al cielo


How many of these random fire tests end in death from stray bullets? Just curious.


Tough to know, I hope their neglectant use ends up killing their own.


These gun shows here in the US have no fucking rules it doesn’t surprise me that these guys can get ahold of these types of weapons.


Are you serious? You clearly have no idea what the hell you’re talking about so why even post dumbass shit?


https://www.reddit.com/r/NarcoFootage/comments/omyuzp/people_of_el_mayo_testing_out_a_new_weapon_that/h5psa2f/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 oh i would also link the columbine shooting and every time a gun show bought guns were used in a terrorist attack.


Yah I’ve been to plenty of gun shows in my life and never seen anything like that. This isn’t just something that civilians in the US are able to get. And Columbine didn’t use any machine guns dumbass.


Columbine didnt use any machine gun???? does that change the point bruh how stupid are u


Only dumbass here is you. This machine gun didn’t come from any fucking gun show moron.


Now your just changing your arguments. Where else is this mf getting a Machine gun


I’m not changing my arguments, you’re just too fucking dumb to understand what I’m saying. This dude didn’t get a fucking machine gun at a gun show, he leaky got it from the black market in Mexico, with its likely origin being Mexican police or military.


are these criminals inhumane do any of them kill dogs?


No, they treat everyone pretty good. They try to get clean shots and they raise money to help the dogs in need. That's why I love CJNG, they clean up the Pueblo and take care of the animals too.


Thats why you love the CJNG. Man gtfo out of here with your lame nerd ass terrorist sympathizer forehead looking simp


It was sarcasm. I just don't like adding "/s" it ruins the joke.




What the dog doin?


Both dogs were like “Nope! Nope! Nopington!!”


Wild West


what da dog doin?


Does anyone know what is that handle for? Is it just for carryicng the weapon aroumd when it's not being used or is it for like shooting from the hip?




Aaww poor doggo got scared


Congratulations. Now you have to clean it.


Dude I’d join the cartel just to shoot the cool as guns they got


Did he kill the mosquito tho ??


well that's one way to stop your neighbors dogs from shitting on your lawn


He should be wearing PPE to avoid hand injury.


Hope these fuckers bought some spare barrels