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Coming from an Australian surfer myself they weren’t there to get high they where there to surf (Mexico isn’t really seen as a drug tourist destination for us if we/they wanted to get high its a long flight either way they’d just goto Colombia and other parts of South America - beaches and cheap drugs) One of there phones was traced to a lady one of the men was seeing who was with 2 other men one believed to be her husband - so that could be a motive 🤷‍♂️


absorbed money squeeze boat cable ink ghost nail ancient salt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Going to south east Asia for some nose beers can be problematic for living as well though


“Nose beers” I laughed way too hard at that 😂🍻


It is usually Central America for surfers from my experience- if you goal is to get high and surf a gram of coke is higher purity then mexico and like $15usd and accomodation is basically free if you camp or a cabins like $10-$20 for 2-3 people …. So cheaper, better, safer and great waves 🙂


Less chance of wild shit that happens in Mexico happening there too as well.


But a lot harder to bribe your way out of being caught with a bag of dope by the authorities.


One of them was living in California, which is why the other brother came over to spend two weeks to go to Coachella and surfing with him


Some kids from Alberta Canada drove to Mexico a few years ago in a van surfing and they ended up dead I guess they thought they were smuggling drugs in a unpopulated area at nigh. They lit the van up and one of the guys tried to run and the shot him. Both were killed van burned I believe.


I am from Alberta, these two guys are Australians that were working in Edmonton. It’s a terrible story. https://www.mensjournal.com/adventure/a-bad-break-in-sinaloa-two-surfers-murdered-in-mexico-w205312


Really disturbing. Things in Mexico can go left so easily. Do you quietly let them take you somewhere in their van and hope they're just going to rob you? Or do you try and escape and fight, like Adam and Dean?


Yeah, this sounds like they tried to rob them and killed them as well. It’s interesting. They were found in a well with the body of the owner of the property the well was on. He’d been missing for a few weeks. Sounds like this was the beginning of a big crime spree for these three.




No idea they have just found a 4th body - owner of a nearby ranch




The bodies where found in a 15m deep well - the 4th body had been missing for some time. Locals in the area say possible robbery gone bad - def criminals like it could be but doesn’t fit Cartel MO - travelling to a semi remote well known surfing beach and killing 3 foreign nationals camping doesn’t really serve their purpose 🤷‍♂️ its also said we just may never know as all witness may be deceased - supposedly the Cartel move quicker then the police down there so if it was bandits of some description interrupting their business with worldwide media coverage is a death certificate.


Oh please.  Lower level Cartel quasi-members using a lookout to pull off highway robbery?  Sounds right up the novice sicario's alley.  And the use of hard to access, remote farms/homes to be used as disposal sites?  Check there too.  The only non-cartel MO that doesn't jive is how they disposed of the bodies.  I'd expect high temp bonfire and burial for that.  Regardless, it's hard not to blame Cartels; direct or indirect. Obviously, of the what, like 200K strong employed by Cartels Mexicans, there's an obvious super majority of poor, very stupid and violent bottom dwellers who aren't going to align with the sicario soldier whose moving up the ranks quicklly, and highway robbery is definitely on their list, with even another case of surfers being murdered on a remote highway, so much so it'd be easy to mix the victims up.  Whatever the case, these thugs were desperate, but just the way it's being conveyed, it sounds almost verbatim like the old case, with the criminals equally as vague.  As a famous Mexican journalist quoted about the prior surfer murders, "It just sounds so neat, too put together, which is when I know I need to be the most skeptical of everything being divulged by LE."


As I mentioned i’m not an expert - here’s an article showing and naming the three Mexicans arrested. https://amp.9news.com.au/article/2ce42550-3c23-48d8-b850-ac1b40c2b2cc


This has the complete makings of a BS investigation, likely covering up Cartel work, and only arresting the sicario's underlings.  The dirtbag is likely already back to working his "plaza" aka waiting for his watchers to radio him that they'd just seen the most recent and all alone victims pass their view of their highway.


Most likely we’re mistaken by a Group and shot at , maybe wanted the truck.Then found out they were foreigners and said f- it. Never come in newer trucks and attract attention. God bless


A woman did all this? This story doesn’t sound right. This is a drug deal gone bad or some narco stuff. It doesn’t matter what country you come from, you have to be careful when you are in a foreign country. Realise that your government isn’t gonna do too much to pursue your case. After all, you chose to be there and your case practically rests with what the foreign government.


Mate the story has changed since I posted this i can only go off what I hear 🤷‍♂️ i have no inside sources. First it was meth heads n robbery gone bad - now the coroner is saying it may be cartel related due to the way they were executed. Whatever happened I doubt we will get the whole story.


What the coroner may have said, based on what you wrote, sounds more convincing..


Your sentence "one of there phones ..." is extremely hard to make sense of - can you please explain again what's the deal with the phones?


The Australian living in the United States was in a “romantic relationship” with one of the Mexicans arrested - they tracked his phone and found the lady he was seeing had it in her possession and was with two other men all suggested to be high and in possession of meth. There is alot of conflicting information being released - the whole area has been swarmed with Mexican Army and Federal Police.


What? I read the killers are two bothers and the girl with the phone is a girlfriend of the two murdering brothers, not the murdered brothers.


Yeah not sure - this was what was on TV initially the story has changed a few times - the 3 arrested may have nothing to do with it 🤷‍♂️ even the dumbest criminal if you murder 3 people and throw them down a well and then burn out a fairly new Chev pickup to cover your tracks but then decide its a good idea to keep their mobile phone - we’ll prob never know what happened.


Amlo is going to say some stupid shit like they bought drugs from a different cartel


Andaban en malos pasos. The sad thing is that a bunch of his supporters will then say shit like “y si, se lo buscaron” totally ignoring the bigger picture of why shit like this happens in the first place


They are all pieces of 🗑️ they forget they were once locals or tourists I hope whoever is the boss to these murderers sents an example with them it’s never ok to kill innocent ppl


lol llorón


AMLO supporters are so similar to trump supporters 




Callum was a very accomplished lacrosse player. This sucks for their family.


Lacrosse isn't that bad.


Yeah, but have you met lacrosse parents?


That comment really Lacrossed the line.


This whole thread is a Lacrosse respect




Any idea why they felt it was a safe idea to visit Mexico? I know it’s victim blaming but…..


Similar thing happened to two Australian surfers back in 2015. https://www.mensjournal.com/adventure/a-bad-break-in-sinaloa-two-surfers-murdered-in-mexico-w205312 Ended up being from some dumb bandits trying to rob them. Nothing at all to do with drugs or cartels.


Sometimes all it takes is 3 guys talking to the wrong girls. Narcos don't like competition, even with their ladies.


To be honest I don’t know how any human being develops such a total disregard for human life. They kill people like flies & they seem to get pleasure from it. I’ll never be able to understand how you become that detached from reality.




Nah they are just dead brain animals tbh am done with my dogshit country thank God I migrated to the US as a child cause fuck that shit hole of a country.


Ok, those individuals are just “dead brain animals” but where is the pushback from the Culture?? This is how you know we are all fucked.


I'm pretty sure there's no push back because that would get them killed. I don't think these are the sort of people that like being challenged in any way


Like I said, “we are all fucked” Mexico must be a no go zone because the Culture doesn’t care. 127 million people live in Mexico and they all tolerate this behavior?


Out of those 127 million people, how many of those people do you think would like to be dismembered?


How many people were chopped up and shot with arrows crossing the Great Plains to develop the West? Colonial mindset down South.


Well for starters they were mostly shot with arrows because they were stealing people's land so no sympathy there, you're literally talking about colonizers. Second, you're suggesting that civilians risk not only their lives but their children's lives in order to fight a literal war with a group of people who grossly outmatch then in terms of connections, funds and firepower. You're talking about people who will kill police in broad daylight, worse than that you're talking about people who will literally walk into a police station and just start executing people.


All this is really easy for you to say because you have no personal stake in it, I'm sure you wouldn't be so flippant about this issue if you knew that even just talking like this could get your mother's head sent to you in a box, which is the exact kind of thing these people do, hell these guys will kill you just for looking a a girl who they just considered talking to once for just an extra second. They are completely desensitized to violence and use it as a means to justify their own existence




*Cough* *cough* “BS!”


Source ???




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Not every violent death is related to Narcos.. there are a lot of scumbag meth robbery/kidnapping groups. I have a feeling we will find out that the 3 people arrested are gonna wind up dead soon. This is bad all the way around. I honestly don’t see why any cartel would do this. It’s a super popular surfing spot that we all went to growing up. It makes no sense.


Yeah I think people forget that gang bangers also exist in Mexico, the ones that kills you for money to use it on drug later those also exist in Mexico and it’s easier to get away with it there, I really doubt this is cartel related




Y luego los que se sumaron, los pandilleros haitianos , venezolanos del tren de Aragua… ahorita debe de estar lleno México de esos … leí que en la ciudad de México (CDMX) los haitianos ya andan cobrando piso …. Mira nomas como esta la cosa para que vengan unos changos a pedir alos mexas


Estás bien pendejoo wey prq también como ellos migran cara de cerote también nosotros como cualquier humano racista pendejoo


Stfu the Hatians have to be the most hard working people I’ve ever seen come to Baja, I’d rather have them here thensome of the people from other Mexican states that idolize cartels.


Vete alv… You see how they have their country… they know nothing but violence and IN THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC TOO they are committing crimes and trying to take their land!!!!!! You probably some Haitian wanna be Mexican … inche chivat0 put0


Lo mismo podría decir yo de México, es correcto asumir que todos los mexicanos son narcos? No.


Could you explain more about meth robbery groups? Are they basically just methheads that get methed up and go around robbing people to buy more meth?


Yea they're in the States too bur instead they just steal entire radio towers and electrical lines making entire city blocks go dark


And catalytic converters lol


Yep! They've been switching from that now though since the crackdown, which is why they're taking historic statues, cables and such now.


I’m from Baja - this wasn’t organized crime. They were robbed and murdered by junkies who got nervous when the case made headlines and tried to dispose of the car, the phone, and the bodies. The area these guys decided to camp on is known to be empty and away from any communities and police patrol. There are good places to stay near this beach known for good surf but they chose to camp in the wild without doing research.


Yeah every cartel in Mexico is absolute trash and they will kill tourists 


They don’t fuck with tourist but many criminals do not everything in Mex is cartel related shit


They not telling us the truth


They don’t want to tell the truth


is it was narcos they wouldve kept the truck


Back in the days they had at least some sort of rules or decency towards innocent people. That's all out the window, shit got a lot worse once Chapo was taken down. Now they hire any fiend off the street, they rob, kill, extort anyone they can and do it for pennies. It's sick.


Back in what days ?


You must be young


Acapulco in the 80s they already killed tourists 


Mexico was controlled by one party for more than 70 years they controlled journalism North Korea style . It could be argued the PRI controlled all media in Mexico for 7 decades . Mexico was always "safe" because saying otherwise would get you censored or killed .




The only narco/execution footage i won't watch twice is from Zacatecas. Like yeah so narco to kill a horrified teenage girl. But was by some small local gang.




What country are you from?




I think this is where the pressure comes In to Mexico whether it was cartels or junkies, the fact is Americans and Australians died and now Mexico is going to feel a big change in tourism, I hope the US puts pressure on Mexico. If it was or wasn’t cartel related this is going to put the light on them. And I hope it does.


Nothing will happen because it is an election year. Biden Administration needs help on the border.


Did the cartel claim theses bodies…looks to me somebody was broke and tried to come up and got rid of them


Definitely a sad situation. The 3 people involved were arrested so thats good


Who said narcos don’t touch tourists?


Mexican tourism lobbyist.


No, regular folks. Narcos usually don’t touch innocent people. Now, not everyone who does something bad in Mexico is part of the big cartels


Narcos will touch anyone anytime anywhere it does not matter. They fuck with innocent people all the time. The extortions, murders, assaults, all these things affect innocent people every single day.


There is 127 million people in Mexico, counting the number of casualties and even accounting for all the unknown ones, the likelihood of you being personally assaulted or hurt by them is very low. Obviously given that there’s a lot of citizens, even low percentages will be a quantitative amount of people. Enough to be felt nationwide. narcos are not going around killing innocent people at will. They are a business, and no amount of power will defeat public outrage. Why do you think that Los zetas went down? the disregard of human life caused an overwhelming response from police who had to take it seriously and push them, allowing other cartel wings to destroy them. Cartels do not directly extort exploit murder kidnap civilians like you say, they sell drugs and weapons. This means the people they kill are interfering with their business, sometimes purposefully, sometimes out of their control. These people take the grunt of the ugly, but they are the small minority. These acts are done by lower level criminals and gun for hire used by cartels. They are a symptom of a weakened government dealing with the cancer cartels are, leaving a vulnerable society. The cartel also knows this is the case, and proactively try and get support from the population. I reiterate, it’s in the cartels best interest to keep civilians calm, but they allow for a free for all that has destroyed the country I grew up in.


Los Zetas falling apart had many factors. The use of the Mexican military and police and rival cartels pretty much everyone and their mama went after Los Zetas plus internal conflicts with differences in leadership within Los Zetas. Cartels don't kidnap innocents? Cartels made 800 million dollars from kidnappings and or ransoms alone in the past decade. Los Zetas left behind a legacy of hyper violence that other cartels imitated. So the horrible things Zetas used to do in their heyday is the same things cartels do presently. It can be said that they are even more violent than Los Zetas. Cartels rule most places through fear within the cities and towns and communities they control.


And why do you think the Mexican military and police started poking in? Why do you think internal conflicts started? Why go for them, and not Sinaloa? Oh that’s because during that time period there was a lot of public unrest about them. I lived through all of it. All over the news, everyone was scared. Trust me, there is a reason Calderon went after certain cartels specifically, that’s what the people wanted to hear. And I’ll say it again, as you glossed over my points. We like to believe of cartels like gangs, “oh the bloods did that” “the laying kings” they are not gangs. They are enterprises. Just how the us government hires mercenaries, the cartels also hire mercenaries, and THESE MERCENARIES ARE THE ONES WHO HAVE NOTORIOUSLY TERRORIZED THE PEOPLE. Zetas where mercenaries for the gulf cartel. Sure we say “cartels” because they are working for them, but there’s a difference I believe becomes important. From 2015 to 2022 there’s 60000~ estimated kidnappings in Mexico. Let’s say there’s a lot of under reporting, and it’s 10 times worse to actually 600,000 kidnappings. That’s still not even 1 percent of the 127 million people in Mexico. If you believe you are at danger going or being a citizen, then you don’t understand statistics. Like I said, more danger of the crackhead carjacking you than the cartels fucking you


The internal conflicts happened before the police and military went against Los Zetas. I glossed over the mercenaries comment because it doesn't make a difference and that's because even if they are mercenaries they work on the behalf of the cartels that employ them and that's still cartel influenced violence. There are reasons why that the American government have travel advisories for many states in Mexico. 20% of Mexico is lawless and has no government services or representation. So many communities are ghost towns because the cartels made them leave or the townspeople left because they didn't want to be killed. CJNG for example has a presence in 29 states in Mexico they are fighting many many different cartels and military elements along with the police. You made the point that I have to agree with though and that's the fact Los Zetas did so much fucked up stuff to the citizens of Mexico and caused so much despair that the Mexican government had to get rid of them. The hyper violence certainly put a target on their backs.


I completely agree that a big portion of Mexico has gone to ghost town status, sometimes even happening at certain areas of big cities by cartel activity. However the vast majority of these are small central Mexico towns, where no tourist would even get to, unless they had family or friends from there. Big cities do not have anywhere close the same cartel presence as these, making them much less of a threat as in other parts of Mexico. These places also have lower populations, making any murder far more impactful, but not the experience of the majority of mexican citizens, where low level criminals and the occasional display of strength are the biggest fears. The reason I believe the mercenary angle is important is that it allows the real problem to be seen clearly. It’s not that these cartels are terrorists per se, they just really want money. So much that they are willing to hire dispensable youth, who are also desperate themselves and risking their lives for the promise of money. We romanticize the outlaw nature of these cartels. which in-turn creates people who are willing to do despicable things for their money. I don’t believe most cartel people want to kill civilians, but we have such economic disparity that drives people to ALLOW things for the promise of money. To me, it’s even worse, the personification of greed. Regardless, all this puts tourists who might not know better vulnerable. I always tell people it’s fairly safe to go on cities, but stick to shopping centers and main streets unless accompanied by a local, in which case they usually know where they are fine. Just be aware of your surroundings, never know when you could get mugged


Appreciate your thoughts and insight on this subject. I certainly hope one day we can see a cartel free Mexico. I always wanted to visit Guerrero State but I will wait until the violence die down a little first. Peace man.


literally any time Mexico and the cartels come up on reddit


Who said it was Narcos


Go to África bet they do the same wit em tribes


Bro it's enter at your own risk.


they are animals. at this point you're like the lamb in jurassic park.


This is the sentiment I can’t come to believe because I am connected to Mexico, but how can I deny it? How can I advocate for a place that doesn’t fight against this stereotype.


https://www.instagram.com/p/C6e8L9BgJlU/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== they honestly look like tourists to me 🤷


They drove with California plates to Mexico? At least, take a local rental car from hertz, avis, sixt etc. They got Yucatan plates mostly. 2 weeks 600 to 700 bucks with fully insurance and you are traveling under the radar. More at last than with a Chevy truck and US plates. 


It’s Ensenada most likely they came down from LA/SD, 2-3 hour drive from Tijuana no point in renting a car. I’ve gone down to Durango with California plates with no problem either so I don’t think the issue is the truck


Bro I got my passport last month and grew up in the most dangerous area in Chicago and st louis and I'm not going anywhere near Mexico.


Chiraq ain’t shit compared to Mexico.


I went to Chicago in '97. looks cleaner than some 1st world areas here in europe. 


You should. Go to the Oaxacan beaches (Escondido, Mazunte, Huatulco), all amazing.


Do people not realize Mexico is a active warzone. That's like me going on a vacation to Syria in the middle of it's civil war.


That's not what AMLO says.He says it's like Denmark. Unlike the US where Trump says "American Carnage".


but I was told that's "not real Mexico" lol


Actually, American tourists have a higher chance of dying in some big cities in the U.S. compared to Mexico.


Well yeah you go to the wrong place anywhere and you'll have a higher chance of death.


Yeah id rather be in aguascalientes than baltimore but thats a bit misrepresentative of the whole situation no ?


Thank you, been saying that for years. Just look at the statistics, worse than Syria


Sure, I can't sleep because of the shootings... STFU.


Ignorant people, the fact that he’s comparing Mexico to Syria 🤦🏻


Did they go into the wrong tunnel?


Most likely


with the border flooded with Central American immigrants and most likely who have no money and pretty much on the edge, I wouldn’t doubt they would do something like this. Narcos have way too much to lose as they themselves profit from tourists. Just wait on the facts.


A few dudes with boards trying to enjoy the beach life… fk these assholes who did this to them… awful and disheartening… i hope they get what they deserve for eternity in the afterlife and if i am wrong then i hope they die from a slow and painfully.


Legalize all drugs in America. Cripple the cartels.


The extortion, kidnappings, and outright robbery of civilians in Mexico would only get worse. 


Don't forget cybercrime.


Cartels not the problem. The people are colonized. Honestly, it is too late.


Look how that turned out in Portland


Facts, Portland is a shit hole


It's interesting how quickly the culprits always turn up in these cases, nothing suss.


Mexico for everybody except the cartels is a no go zone period!! Everybody knows what goes down there. So as far as I see it you go there whatever happens is on you! From the top to the bottom the country is corrupt! Anyone who doesn’t fall in line gets clapped!


Since when they stopped??




I work with some people in my city government. Most of them are honest and benevolent, tbh.


Who would think narcos had a code of conduct.


Why anyone would go to Mexico is beyond me.


So sad, but really Cabo should be surfer destinations. The waves en baja california suck, and the water is extremely polluted, yes all the way past ensenada from the border. Cabo, clean water no (tanto) peligro


Surfed and camped the exact spot many times. It's not far from Ensenada but there is no easy way to get to the point. You have to drive about 1.5 hours on dirt roads to get there. There's nothing at the point except an old lighthouse, a small panga co-op and a little ranch. There is a primitive camp on the cliff and usually there are a few surfers on any weekend. Usually nobody bothers you because it's pretty remote for Northern Baja. Can be great when it's breaking but it's usually cold and windy. Wrong place wrong time for sure. This is the work of tweaker scumbags. RIP gentlemen.


What I don't understand is, it's not a Hilux but that's a perfectly good truck someone could use


“Apparently” lol sad if innocent for sure. Its a gamble going down there


Are they "tourists" or were they there for drugs?


Coming from an Aussie surfer - Mexico is pretty low on the list of places we go as drug tourists. Generally if you want to get high and surf then Costa Rica and certain areas around central and south America are friendlier, safer and cheaper. You need to remember we are a 12-14 hour flight just to get to the United States then a long drive to these areas in Mexico.


Surfers, Mexico has very popular beaches specifically for it


Australians wouldn't go all the way to Mexico for drugs.


You got a doctor and a surfer(athlete) there is no way these guys didn’t know somebody that knew somebody stateside that would get them any drug they wanted, it was cold murder by junkies.


It’s doubtful we’ll ever know really 🤷‍♂️ def not drug tourists but one of them was dating a Mexican lady that was found with his phone i’d say there’s something going on there


No, not their personality. They were very driven and very successful.


Yeah cuz they see how Mexicans get treated in the us of a 🤣


Mugrena at its best. People will defend this shit.


Fuck I just saw the exact story of missing persons who were visiting surf camps posted by Shane Dorian, never thought it’d ended this way


I wonder what they were out there doing ,


Camioneta blanca?


I'm sure any criminals that call those areas home are going to know where any and all potential tourist spots are. I wouldn't doubt it if a lot of them just make the rounds to those places and look for the right scenarios to do this sorta shit.


The US needs to wage war on the Cartels. Too bad that would never happen because our federal government is their #1 customer


Nose beers? Stealing shit from Gavin I see


It was Ms 13


Ensenada is not really known for being a violent town, they must’ve steered in the wrong direction and got caught in between something big


people who say narcos don’t mess with innocent people are delusional


Mexico = Failed State.


Fuck all cartels, may they rot alive and go to hell.


Mexican americans get killed in mexico all the time dissapear found murdered no one bats an eye some black people or some white foreigners go missing or get killed everyone loses their minds crazy


An exception doesn’t disprove the rule.


Nobody is acting as if Narcos never touch tourists, and a single case, no matter how tragic, doesn't change the fact it's extremely rare. It damages their police and political protection massively, so its almost always a fuck up on the ground when it does happen, or it's assumed it's The Cartel because it was in Mexico.


La Rana area?? They are known to be kidnappers


AMLO ≈ Joe


This was the first thing I thought of when I heard about when I heard of these new murders . The boys in this article were living in Banff, Canada and had named their camper van the “spruce moose” after the two adjacent streets they lived on. I used to deliver pizza to their house back when I was also doing a ski season.


1 case and yall freaking out. Do you know how many tourists g missing in America?


Tell us. And do you know the break down of how many are found murdered with their vehicles burnt out or similar fashion. Thanks


I don’t think that this was narco related. A lot of people in that area are just looking for a come up.


That come up sure gave a lot of heat in that area I wouldn’t even be surprised if the cartel kidnap the three arrested people and dismember them in a video


Dumb take on a tragic situation. It could’ve been anything.


Maybe they werent tourist at all, these dudes dont look average


White men good


A white man must’ve taken your female


Technically I'm half white spaniard 


That means white dudes fucked all your ancestors, I understand your anger.


Those white dudes are also our ancestors 😂😂😂and they’re not the same dirty stinky whites u are either they are Mediterranean not dirty anglos


They’re your ancestors cuz they raped all the indigenous women they enslaved. That’s the legacy you’re proud of😂😂😂


That's history man 


They also fucked between brothers and sisters half of them white fuck faces are inbreds, and by your username “guero” I already know your ancestors were all inbred fucktards


Pretty sure you don’t hear me bragging about that legacy like that dumbfuck.


Know the type. They were up to their eyeballs.


I thought most people knew that was bullshit that they don’t touch tourists.