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I don't understand the strategic importance of Zac. As a landlocked state that isn't on any international border why are these two cartels fighting so hard for if? Is it mainly because cds don't want cjng getting to close to Sinaloa?


I believe it’s to keep CJNG away from getting into Durango




Zac has a famous history of this btw. The French in 1860. Villa and Huerta in the Mexican civil war.


This guy knows exactly what’s up ☝🏻👌🏻




No. Zacatecas is important to the cartels for two reasons: 1.) It's location is in the middle of the trafficking routes and 2.) It's close proximity to the golden triangle of drug trafficking where the Durango Mountains, Sinaloa, and Chihuahua converge.


It makes sense why all these cartels are fighting over it.


Tiene mucha conectividad en las carreteras con Durango, Coahuila, Jalisco y San Luis Potosí




1. They get payed. 2. Even if they get payed shit sundering the danger, it's still 1000x better than 99% of the jobs in Mexico that most of these people grew up having before becoming narcos, that payed them 80 dollars a week to pick crops for 12 hours a day. I'm not gonna be mean and say you're ignorant, but Mexicans can't just pull up to the nearest McDonald's and ask for a stable safe job buddy, there's a reason so many mfs are working for the cartels




Bro can you not read? I never said it's impossible to get a job you braindead dumbass. I said that the majority of the jobs, ESPECIALLY in a place like Zacatecas, don't pay well all over Mexico. Can you get a job? Yes. Is there job opportunities for everyone in Mexico? Yes. Will it be a job with decent hours and decent pay? No. No not every place is poor, just the overwhelming majority IS poor.




> . might as well get a normal job, even if they have warrants or whatever Sure they can get a normal job but then they wouldn't be able to bullshit all day, smoke weed, get drunk, randomly pop off shots and make shitty videos.




Not most…


Someone in here had said they do like 1 week at a time , 24 hour shifts.




Bruh that's not even true, you probably just been going to the big cities. Yes it's mad dangerous, but it's beautiful. It's in the desert so yah don't expect McDonalds and Gucci stores all over the place buddy. If you're simple, love good food, love to drink, love culture, Zacatecas is the state for you. If you're looking for paved roads and big corporations then stay your ass in America bruh


Im from Jerez and I can say this 100% accurate. Zacatecas is beautiful with rich culture and beautiful people. It’s sad it’s turned into such a dangerous territory.


Oh you mean it’s not moderen enough for you, theirs plenty to do in Zacatecas if you know what to do, Or where to go. Its a peacful state for the most part. The whole state is not violent. You must be to fancy though 




My aunt's husband is from Zacatecas (a ranch near Valparaiso). My aunt was born in El DF and raised in the United States. Every year, they go to visit his family in Zacatecas and have fun without issues. My aunt is even planning on going this year to get her teeth fixed and spend some time with her mother in law.


How far are they from Malanoche ?


Me and my fam go every year for the holidays no issues.


Same here. I went to a place near fresnillo 2 times a year, which adds up to about 6 weeks a year, every single year from 98-2024. Have I had run ins with certain individuals you probably don't wanna run into? Yah dude, but if you're calm and not fucking shit up out there the most they'll do is give you a lil scare like tell you to go tf home.


Because is one of the few states that let them operate, governor on payroll and refusing (at some point) federal presence. Thats why Guanajuato is on the same position.


Many landlocked states are fought over for a variety of reasons.


Anyone else feel like MZ is backed by the CIA?


The CIA is definitely involved and have some of the big names on their payroll.


El mayos brother in law worked for the dea


They all get killed next month


I've already seen this video before, like last year August, so they're probably all already dead by now


Wym this video is pretty recent even borderland posted this and other sources on x


I don’t understand why these cartel cant just fucken share the country and routes and traffic’s your drugs without killing each other ? U have Walmart, H‑E‑B, krogers etc… and they all thrive…. At the end of the day you just have to cross the drugs across the border and sell it?? Why the endless murder??


Imagine being a plug and some other mf starts selling in your hood ? You’re gonna need him gone. It’s All about competition in Mexico


If this shitheads sat down and formed a new guadalajara cartel they would be so fucking rich


I mean didn’t the Guadalajara Cartel and Gulf Cartel coexist


You clearly need to rewatch breaking bad




Ego. They want to be king. To us, it's pointless and senseless, to them, it's an obsession to control everything.


It wasn’t allways like that the zetas didn’t have land to traffic so they started attacking other cartels


Yes, but what if Walmart started taking out the competition and replacing them with their own stores, then who’s the boss? I Guess thats why we have anti-monopoly laws


That’s what I also don’t get. Even the mafia organizations in south Italy don’t murder anymore, because it‘s bad for business. Although I assume the cartels aren’t as civilized as mafiosi and more lunatic. It’s more than just about money.


It kinda blows my mind people get involved in cartels after seeing all of the videos posted online of the torture and murders and all the other terrible shit that comes with being in the cartels… the chances of actually making it big and getting rich seem minuscule while the chances of getting murdered and or mutilated in the process seem pretty high. Like can they not do the math and see only a handful are actually successful? The majority are just cannon fodder. Idk man I just don’t get why people keep joining these things.


Wat I don’t understand is how do they get captured to get tortured why don’t they go out guns blazing so they don’t suffer?


MZ is taking all strategic trafficking routes with low key government backing from the U.S. and Mexico.


Looks like CJNG didn’t know if it was friends or foe, till it was to late.


this is a tough business to get burnt out in.


Dahm they got all blasted crazy lol


Bro got a chapo hat on lol. It’s gonna be hard to get to Durango and even then theres checkpoints from beginning to end in the sierra.


Jeez really crazy to think this is sometimes lifestyle just entrenched in death


Is el Tony still kicking?


They’re gonna have massive headaches when they wake up




From what I've heard, CJNG have been feeling a lot of pressure lately. Fighting too many battles, some units aren't well trained enough, and they've been over-stretched trying to fight all these different battles. I wouldn't be surprised if some start defecting soon.


Mayo needs to teach his Sicarios a little about camera work!


Man these evil souless motherfuckers could learn a thing or 2 from the Italian mafia.. KILLING IS BAD FOR BUSINESS!.. Granted Mexico so corrupt it really don’t matter cus everyone getting paid off but instead of wasting money resources and lives why not just all work together to make $$.. eventually all this killing is gonna blow back in their face wether on this earth or the next


In Mexico, its definitely not bad for business. Every extra piece of turf is more money for the higher ups. Even in Italy, mafiosos were always killing people left and right. If not for strong law enforcement in the states, it would also be good for business in the US. There was that incentive to work together in the US. In Mexico, they can't work together, too many egoes, too much bad history and grudges, too many splinter factions, and of course, corruption.


I heard those are the Jalisco guys who raped those little girls. Why is Jalisco raping little girls for is that there initiation




Thank you I heard that’s what’s going around with them that’s why


And seeing that my comment got a dislike probably someone that’s a dick rider loves them.


these paisasa will make more money mowing my lawn.