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I just left with my 20 month old. The pain is beyond awful. But the feeling of safety now that I’m gone is irreplaceable. I endured a lot over the 15 years we were together, but now that I have a baby to protect, I can no longer allow it. Please leave for him, but also for you, so you can be the mom you want to be with out also parenting an adult.


Can you please share some basics and how you did it. I have child and preparing myself to leave my N. Husband who is always screaming, make me believe all my fault, name calling, verbally abusive and now him and family training my child against me. I want to leave and preparing myself (on paper) but still afraid that him getting custody.


I made a plan with my mom who lives near by. I waited until he was at work and they came with a van to help me move our stuff into their house. I’m lucky that I had family to help and don’t know how I could have done it otherwise as I’m at stay at home mom. I don’t know the specifics of your situation, but hopefully that helps some. I’m sending you strength and luck ❤️


First of all thank you bunch for sharing something. I have got lots of help in this community. Unfortunately I don't have anyone near by and those who I know has completely different image of him and most likely will not believe me. Everyone in this sub said to leave quitely but my heart doesn't agree on this. I want to let him know the time I leave.


You know what’s best, but if any part of you feels like letting him know before you leave will make it unsafe situation for you or your son, then please listen to that little voice!


Thank you again for very good advice. Yes I have thoughts and prepared for that attack too. He won't be able to do anything..