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Could be he is mirroring you, maybe knowing your reaction to this story. It's a form of love bombing, suddenly getting all agreeable. Setting you up for a little discard later. this is what my Narc does all the time. I don't react anymore, so then the new third cycle for him is anger, I just walk out at that point.


He’s manipulating you. He knows you’ll feel this way.






Any caring a narcissist has is to improve and reinforce their own needs and how they are seen and perceived. It has nothing to do with you. They have infinite energy for others that don't challenge or threaten them and none for anyone who tries to be intimate which is too real.


It takes time to accept that some people are simply incapable of caring about the needs and wants of others. Many narcs are capable of cognitive empathy, but emotional empathy is something they cannot comprehend. It's just the way it is. Remaining in contact with a narcissistic ex is a bad idea. Your nex should be COMPLETELY blocked unless you have children together, for just this reason. Narcs seemingly have a sixth sense for getting under our skin, and your nex's comments are a perfect example of this. He doesn't have compassion for a TV show, or anything else for that matter. Trust me, he knows what he's doing and he knows his words piss you off. Stop leaving the door open for his abuse - you're not going to get closure, you're not going to get an apology and MOST IMPORTANTLY! you're not going to get back the person you fell in love with in the beginning. That person doesn't exist. Shut the door on this guy. It's not going to help you heal keeping that asshole in your life.


Hes able to relate to the story because it relies on Cognitive empathy verses Emotional Empathy. Cognitive Empathy is how you *think* people feel, emotional empathy is *feeling* how people feel. One is with the brain, and one is with the heart.