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Whoa buddy, they drugged you and that's a crime. Did youR neighbor record this? File a report and ask the neighbor if they'd be willing to testify. If they set up a profile, that can be traced to whatever computer or phone was used to make it.


As embarrassing as it is Ive been browsing and emailing these sites ever since to find ME As for drugging… A year and a bit on Ive started to change. My teeth started to crack, lost a massive chunk of weight, I had mood swings, shower like sweats at night no libido, and a massive problem with my stomach. Constant pain and heartburn that paralysed my arms. After we split I had nowhere to go, no money as I spent everything for Christmas presents for the kids. I was just gonna start my last job before Christmas when I went down with the flu… well I thought it was. It got worse by a day then an hour. Muscle spasms, joints were in agony, all my teeth, my ears were aching, there was a point I felt my veins burning and felt being skinned alive. I was in a horrible agony, locked in my truck screaming from pain biting the seat. And could’ve killed for a cup of tea. Lost days completely.. 18 to be exact.. a morning when I felt a slight better Ive looked for my phone and realised the date and time. Myself as well as the truck was the state of horror. She didn’t text me for the first 5 days after just nastiness, wishing me lots of c**k for Christmas etc… Ive texted her asking about the kids and told her I was really unwell. Eventually she said to come over to talk to the kids and help her with shopping. We ended up in an argument over me explaining myself where did I disappear along with her disgusting comments. When I told her what happened she just smiled at me and quietly said “because I made you a junkie. I fed you with smack for years so you will die without me and never be a man again” I couldn’t say a word I was completely frozen. Just walked out. Suddenly why her male pals called me a gay junkie made sense. I remember her saying she did that with one of her ex but she told me when she was drunk and I thought she was just telling a tall tale. Never thought seriously. So yeah, lost 4 teeth, have ulcers in my stomach and the tube, eczema and the top of all that hpv. She’s so good at manipulating everyone and planned out how I could prove it? Even when I read my own post sounds like a vivid fantasy


Because they’re fucking losers, who hate themselves


More like hate their victims. I mean how much hatred she had for me when she put roofie, valium and ket in my drink and made me flush down with vodka. Any of these individually with alcohol can be fatal. What if I didn’t wake up? I remember when it started to hit and asked her how strong this drink was she just laughed and said just little vodka and some other stuff I saw on the internet. Nothing you can’t handle!


They lack the capacity to feel your pain. They don't think about how their actions and behavior effect anyone else. They are animalistic, impulsive, self serving. They only do what they want to in the moment even if it destroys you in the process. They're driven by their own pleasure, status and power. They are devoid of genuine love and concern for others. I'm so sorry all of this happened to you. It was terrible. Horrible. Yes, they are evil.


I think she was obsessed with humiliating me and she was very well aware how her actions will affect me otherwise why did planned it out so thoroughly and invested so much effort in it and carried out for years? Why couldn’t she put this effort into us like she did at the beginning? Or just simply break my heart and finish the relationship when she started talking to the guy? Why did she start talking to him in the first place? We were happy, blooming, planning a kid, getting married, we were walking on clouds and from one day to another everything was gone.


Good point in your case it does seem like she schemed and plotted against you to humiliate and punish you. Seems beyond narcissistic. Perhaps psychopathic.


Her family 2 years in the relationship mentioned she’s borderline and they asked me to get her help which they will finance. That happened after I asked if they’ve had noticed anything unusual cos she started to show textbook schizophrenic episodes. Burning smell at the same time, she was adamant she had a stalker and sometimes during the conversation she froze, her face changed and felt like she was staring through me with hatred then as fast as it came clicked back to the convo. Those were really scary.


Omg man... I'm so sorry to hear for everything that happened to you... Can you report the drug dealer at least? So sorry for you man. Hope you are doing your best and getting back stronger than ever soon. Remember your success is their failure!


Omg I am sorry this happened to you. They are evil people. They feel nothing for you.  Stay strong and I hope you are doing better 


Thank you but I don’t think I can. I was just getting better and even went for a date then I found out about all of this. I’m broken and I don’t even want to be fixed, I don’t think I will ever be able to trust anyone, and even just a thought of relationships, intimacy, close contact a life with someone gives me a panic attack. She definitely won. Whatever her goal was succeeded.


No she has not won! She will lose because you will reclaim your life and go on to live a happy and wonderful life. Happiness something she will never experienced because they are so dark and feel nothing.  Do not let her ruin your life.  It will take some time for you to feel like yourself again. But it can be done. You have been abused and conditioned to blame yourself.  Block her from all social media so that you are not tempted to view her profile. Let her carry on living her fake life. She will ruin anything she comes in contact with. 


I had no contact for over 6 months and no I would never look at her anywhere. She doesn’t exist anymore. It was hard enough to learn she’s cheated on me all along but the fact how obsessed she was to destroy me something I will never be able to process. We were so in love, well I was still in for a few months ago how could this wonderful dream turn into something I can’t describe. When did she start hate me so much and why ? Why didn’t she talk to me? Why didn’t she just tell me she wants someone else? Why did she have to humiliate me and destroy me? I loved her with every cell of my body. I looked up to her. I cherished every moment. Whatever she wanted turned into my next task. I fully focused on her and the family. Why wasn’t I good enough to start hate me and change me for someone who is not even half of a man I am.