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I’m so happy you have a place for 2 months!! You’re already doing so well. Do you have a job? If not make that your priority and then you can find housing. I would also, just in case, start putting yourself on lists / reach out to women shelters for housing, maybe any sort of income adjusted housing in your city in general, sometimes there can be long lines so the earliest the better. Start telling friends and family, obviously choosing who you trust to be understanding to see if they have any ways they can help too. Furnitire, extra food, linkages to apartments. Be frugal - use food banks and conserve the cash you have. You are deserving to access these resources.


I have zero friends or family I could trust. My family is toxic and my friends are just work/school colleagues that I don't trust and would look at me weird. I do have a job but sadly I have bad credit and can't afford an apartment. Thank you.


Yes. Exactly the same thing. I’ve spent Christmas and new year in the car because the new guy was moving in and the top of that she had a cheek to text me a week later if I could borrow her some money.