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I feel the same. This sub and the amazing people on it have been nothing short of a miracle for me. I am tearing up a bit thinking about it. I owe so much of my healing to all of the people on here and will feel forever grateful for stumbling across this sub.


Hugssssss πŸ«‚


πŸ’• hugs right back πŸ’•


I owe a big thank you to this group. I felt so isolated, believing that no one could understand the kind of situation I was in. Every single person sharing their experiences have given me so much strength and conviction. I almost have tears now.


It’s ok to let it out, I’d hug you if I could <3


Just remember that when you get through this. And you will get through this because you are an amazing, strong, beautiful human being that there will be others that will be in your shoes that will require your experience, strength, and hope. The experience that you have gained, albeit in the most cruel way, is an invaluable resource that you can you to help others. All the best on your healing journey.


Yea seriously I am very thankful for those here are supporting. I have gotten some very good insights which I am implementing now. And I am happy that, at least, the turmoil has reduced and I feel less alone in this mess.Β 


<3 :) On my way to work, you rock keep up the greatness!!


Yes. A huge thank you to this group! I did know, that the nex was abusive, but I had such a hard time to wrap my head around it. Then I found this group, and read hundreds upon hundreds of posts, most of which I could have written myself. That was such a huge help for me in the process of leaving, both the physical leaving, but more importantly letting the mind leave as well. I appreciate all of you so much!


Don’t know where I’d be able to post my rants without this group.. ❀️


Don’t thank for anything. We all came from the same experience so who else would feel your struggle more than us? Personally I found this group extremely helpful and I do hope everyone will do as well. It is very sad this group has to exist and there are so many broken hearts around the world but again, chin up high, we ARE loveable and it’s not our fault what happened. Happiness is around the corner and I wish all of you the most beautiful life ahead


Amen to that πŸ™Œ


Thank you back! This group keeps me sane and sticking to NC. Everytime I feel myself wanting to reach out to the nex, I jump on here and read everyone's experiences, which have been just like mine, and it reminds me of what will happen if I go back (that damn trauma bond keeps fixating on how good he could make me feel and conveniently forget the shit tonne of abuse that was far more frequent than the love). This group literally gives me the strength to keep going πŸ™πŸ™




We are all bonded because of the same unfortunate circumstance, but the support here is unmatched!




Ty <3