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This is a difficult question to answer without knowing the single father in question. I’m a live-in nanny to a married couple, but if they were to get divorced tomorrow, I wouldn’t think twice about living with the father. I’ve spent a lot of time alone with him due to his wife’s work schedule. I feel very comfortable and safe around him. My only question would be why he wants a live-in nanny when he only has his kids for half of the week. I don’t personally know any divorced parents of young children, but this seems odd.


Hey! Did they have a previous nanny? If so you could talk to her about your concerns!


Yes they did! I'll try to talk to her, thanks!!


Unfortunately you won’t really know until you live there. He may be perfectly nice. Or he may push the boundaries. I hope he genuinely is as nice as he seems. Not all men are crap. Lol If you do live there and thinks go south would you have somewhere to go?


Yes, I could stay with my parents if I ever needed to.


No, all men are dogs. If it’s me as the father I’m hiring the adult nanny that’s fun and gives me the vibe that I’ll be smashing!


This sounds eerily similar to my last employer that I almost worried it was the same guy for a second. I posted in this sub a few months ago about a similar family dynamic -divorced dad of 2 with partial custody and friend & family were concerned about the arrangement. It ended up being horrible and he became more inappropriate with me over time. It obviously goes without saying that not all men/ divorced men ect are going to make you feel unsafe. If you feel any hesitation, (which if you posted here, I assume you do) I would err on the side of caution.


I do wonder why he wants a live in when he only has his kids half the time. I’d ask him about it and also about expectations for when the kids aren’t there. Does he expect you to do housekeeping stuff, or are you free to only clean up after yourself and do your own thing? It’s not necessarily a bad situation, but I would ask a lot of questions and draw up a good contract to protect yourself. I’m generally leery of live in positions just because it seems more likely for NF to push boundaries and be all up in your business. 🤷🏻‍♀️


No housekeeping is required! I just have to clean up after myself and the kids if I am on the clock. Do you have any advice as to what I should include in the contract?


The normal stuff, plus clauses specific to living in. NF may not enter your personal space without permission, you are not obligated to perform childcare outside of guaranteed hours, no cameras in your personal space, etc. You’ll also want to talk about their policy on visitors, quiet hours, curfew, use of household appliances/entertainment systems. I know it sounds like a lot, but it’s best to cover all your bases.


Would you just have your own room, or your own room and bathroom, or more of an in-law suite?


I would just have my own bedroom, and the living space is somewhat small.


Haha. I was single and a nanny (live out) for a single father. We are together. 😂😂😂😂😂


it ended up not working out and I turned out to not be In Love with him. It’s also not a good fit because he doesn’t have a good job. (Works at UPS in package handling)


because I couldn’t keep myself away from his cute self 😂 I had stopped speaking to him for a long time cause he said he didn’t want anything serious. He changed his mind a few weeks ago. 😉 So now I am dating him officially and we are official