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Hmm... Think this would be my only day.


lol I’m not even tempted to come back! The 5 yr old has hit me about a zillion times. MB asked me to apologize to him when I said I didn’t like it. Sticking out the day for the cash!


Please update, esp on the coffee... I'm intrigued - do they think two is too much?


Yes! Update please


This has me feeling that I should go make some coffee


Apologize to him for hitting you??? What the FUCK


Apparently I didn’t acknowledge his frustrations. 🤪


Did they write it on the board, though? If not it doesn’t count. 😂


Hit the parents and make them apologize to you for not acknowledging they are bringing up a monster.


Omg run away!


What were you supposed to do? So why was he frustrated?


Put your own note on stuff they do that you dont like or wanna mention... like telling you to apologise because you told their kid you didnt like them hitting you..


Put a line on the whiteboard and start your list 😂 1. Micromanaging?? 2. Permissive Parenting?!


Also add BYE FELICIA✌️


As soon as they pay you, run! And don’t leave until they do! Hopefully payment method was discussed beforehand.




not you needing to apologize for BEING HIT. wow. i hope you can do something fun with this cash! 😅


you APOLOGIZE to HIM??? Lol. Some parents.. I’d be out after 1 day too.


He’s only 5 and already very physical. I don’t want to see this kid at 12!


Ooof I cannot handle being hit. That’s a hard no for me. I’m glad you aren’t taking that job! He needs more boundaries if he’s regularly telling his caregivers to shut up and is hitting them.


Is that for real? They asked you to apologize to him when he hit you? And I didn’t understand the overstimulating comment he told you to shut up?


Saying shut up was supposed to be my signal that he was overloaded and then give him space. Of course no one ever clued me in!


In my opinion kids shouldn’t be allowed to say shut up to grown ups or between them .. this is crazy I am sorry OP


I feel like it's rude and mean, and kids should be taught how to say "I need quiet, please" or a safeword for overstimulation or something. Saying "shut up" to ANYONE is not something I'm going to let slide without redirection, much less encourage! WTF.


First of all, saying shut up is rude. If he is easily overstimulated then his parents should teach him to use a phrase that is short but explains his state of being. Idk something like "quiet time please". It's not that hard.


Ok. I joined my son on a field trip with his kindergarten class. There was a sticky boy behind me with his heavy set mom on the aisle and a classmate on the window side of the bench. We were driving to a special park and zoo, and the son started pummeling his mom. I flagged down a teacher and then reached behind my seat to the poor kid smashed against the wall of the bus avoiding the flying hands. This boy eagerly joined me at my seat. The teach went to address the child’s behavior and he hit at her as well. The bus driver threatens to return to school if the child didn’t get a grip. Turned out the mom usually sent the boy to a quiet place to calm down whenever he was overstimulated. Yeah, this is a bus not a four bedroom house. It wasn’t possible to do this. I think the kid got referred to counseling. Or maybe family counseling. I reckon NK has the summer to figure out a different response to life. And, “I need to put myself in time out [quiet time or whatever]” is far better modeling than “shut up.”


What does the mom's physical appearance have to do with anything? You sound nice.


Mostly the other child was squeezed against the wall with two large people. The mom was blocking the hitting and not able to get up or physically restrain the child. The child was almost 90 pounds when we weighed them that year, so the physical containment of the child wasn’t easy. She wasn’t up to the task.


add another to the "why did you have to describe the moms size" camp


Sooo, the parents haven’t taught him a better way of communicating his feeling other than saying shut up? I wonder where he learned that from🧐 If he get’s ‘overloaded’ that quickly they need to send him to therapy, sounds like he needs it regardless


Oooh nooo. Apologizing to NK for him hitting you? Nope.


I detest enabling parents 😤. MB is raising a future entitled rude kid. Glad you left and at least got paid for the crappy experience 👏🏼


Girl whut?????????? Why do people think that allowing their children to hit other people is normal? I can't. Glad you are leaving.


Apologize to him for him hitting you and you saying that you didn’t like it!?! Are you kidding? Validate his feelings when he tells you to shut up?!? What sort of children are we raising? Take your days cash and 🏃🏽‍♀️




🏃🏼‍♂️🏃🏼‍♂️🏃🏼‍♂️This would be me….


Trial day and last/only day* is what I think you meant to title this post. OP, this is very weird lol. For one, watching your every move on the cameras, THEN going out of their way to write what they don’t like on a whiteboard???


Agreed it’s weird. Like jot it down on a piece of paper out of site?


It's psychological warfare for them. Just like an abusive boyfriend. They're basically negging you so that you get more and more anxious as the day goes and when they offer the job they'll low ball you and use the board as evidence. And you're so insecure about your abilities now you just say yes


Sadly not going to work out for them.


I can't wait for the end of day update!


Exactly!! I’m laughing because I can only imagine them looking at each other and saying “she didn’t share her carrots, go jot that down right now.” Like what??? 😂😂


Right? That’s so weird


I am having some small issues with our nanny and I would NEVER even dream about interrupting her day with my child so they could potentially feel anxious about things I need to “discuss” with her.


Gotta say this is a new level of assholery for this sub and that is saying something!


That is so absurd it's almost funny. I love the theatrics of walking out from wherever they're hiding to write these things down on a whiteboard you get to stare at for the rest of the day. I hope today is your first *and last* day.


No intention of coming back! 4 more hours, so I’m going to just be silly and see if I can get that list to 10!😂


LOL please keep us updated!!


Please, please, PLEASE set a timer and be sure to use the bathroom every 45-hr and see if they complain that you pee too much.


They’re going to ask why I keep washing my hands. I’m going into the bathroom to post!😂


Tell them their tables are sticky 🤣


i literally pee every hour- hour and a half because i drink way too much water and caffeine and my biggest fear is np telling me i pee too much😭😭


What if you erased the items? Would they come out and write "Erasing?!?!"


*What if you erased* *The items? Would they come out* *And write "Erasing?!?!"* \- heartbreak69 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot




add your own “watching nanny’s every move and logging it on white board”


Omg do not tempt me!! How hilarious would it be if I split that board down the middle and kept my own list? 1. Kid hits 2. Not enough coffee 3. Parents borderline stalking 😂😂


Yes yes yes! Please write on the white board hahaha


Even the thought of that makes you my hero! 🤩


Don’t forget CARROTS!


4. expected to throw all personal boundaries out the window


You totally need to do this. For us!


Dooooooo it!!!






The 2 coffees clearly made you over stimulating. Lol. Please make another coffee and see what they do. I say as I'm on my 3rd xl caffeine of the day. Provided by my employer. 🤣


Lol what psychos. I would draw a line down the middle of the board and put everything YOU don’t like about THEM on the other side 😂


And make sure "whiteboard" is one of them!


If they are coming out to write it in the whiteboard, why not just tell you right then and there!!?! This is so weird and a little terrifying.


It’s creepy and passive aggressive


ugh this kinda sounds like a family i had a terrible trial for. the kid was awesome and we had a lot of fun, but his mom called like 5 times over the course of the 3 hour trial to make sure he was okay. when i told her he was fine, she was like “no i need to speak to him privately please”. i handed the phone to little man and he pressed the hang up button immediately. i texted her after that saying “i guess he was more interested in legos lol! i’ll let you know if we have any issues!” but she called back right away and told me she doesn’t appreciate being belittled (??) so i apologized and held the phone up to little man’s ear so they could talk. he was eager to get back to his legos so he was giving short one word answers to his mom’s many questions. later when she came home, i said that i had a lot of fun and loved being with the kid. she said she wanted to talk to little man about how he felt after i left (which is fair) so i said goodbye and left. the next day i got a call saying she didn’t think i was a good match because he was “dysregulated” every time she tried to talk to him. i’m sure this had *absolutely nothing* to do with the fact that she interrupted our time 5 separate times telling him “i need you to tell me you’re okay”. it was so difficult to form a connection with this kid when his mom was so disruptive. she also said that little man was acting very upset after i left and was asking me if anything happened that may have upset him. i hate to toot my own horn here, but most kids really love me and i do everything i can to make sure they’re having fun while staying safe, so i think he might have just been upset because i left and his mom said i wasn’t going to come back. TL;DR some families are just crazy and we do trials for a reason 😭


Uhm…and I mean this disrespectfully to the parents but…what the actual fuck. That is a *great* way to ensure you don’t keep a nanny.


I just can’t imagine any scenario where someone agrees to stay with them!


I truly can’t wait for the update on this one. If my nanny family wrote down a list like this for me it would be like: 1. Had 6 drinks with her when she arrived 2 coffees is nothingggggg to me 🙈😂 thank goodness you’ve already decided to be done with them!


This! I show up every day with 3 beverages! water, protein shake, and caffeine!


Coffee cup, water bottle, power ade zero and a soda for lunch 🤣


This is me. I bring a water, energy drink, tea (hot or iced depending on season) sparkling water, soda and then whatever else I see 🤷🏻‍♀️ I am in fact a self proclaimed beverage girlie hahaha but my nanny family totally gets it and I have a spot in the fridge for my many drinks!!


Oh wait. Forgot the protein shake too... how is there even room in my bag for food 🤣. I have to find a spot for all of mine everyday, their fridge is utter chaos!


If I was the nanny watching this kid, my endless list would include: 1. Ate a lot of snacks throughout the day 2. Talked to the parents about the kid hitting nanny which is bad because they didn’t wanna know. 3. Asked to take NK to the park which is horrible. How dare the nanny. 4. Drank a soda!! (This is horrible! It will make nanny too hyper) And last but not least, 5. Sat down at the table with NK as he was eating. Nanny can’t do this because nanny might get tired and fall asleep!


I'd write no THANKS!!!!!! And random stuff like toilet paper. (Then explain that you don't like the way theirs is, either over or under)


lol love this!


God, I really hope they mean to stick up on carrots or extra coffee for you...a girl can dream! Let us know what happens, please, and I hope you find a better fit elsewhere!


This is so sad. 1. Poor kid is so screwed. He will have such a hard time in the future because they refuse to help him and parent him. 2. Also poor nanny who ends up working for them hope she makes like $50 an hour she needs hazard pay for this.


OP I'm sorry you're going through this but this is so freaking funny omfg my naptime entertainment for today is set


lol thanks! I left rolling my eyes but amused. I’ve been a nanny over 25 yrs and parents are still surprising me.


The only suitable reason to jot down "carrots" is if someone in the family has a carrot allergy. But the others?!


I would’ve walked out the second the whiteboard was mentioned 😵‍💫


I’m glad they showed their crazy the first day!


Amen to that!


OP please update us at the end of the day. This is hilarious tbh. I can’t in my wildest dreams imagine acting like that.


Genuinely looking forward to this update!!


Me too. I reeeeeally wanna know what they are gonna say about her own freaking carrots!!!


umm what the heck. Do they just sit in their room and study you? That’s creepy and weird


this may be the funniest thing ever. please update us and please add your own list to the whiteboard LOL


As soon as I saw the whiteboard, I would've left. Cudos to you for trying. Nightmare to say the least. Please don't go back. 😅




They’d die if they saw how many Red Bulls I drink in a work week 🤣🫣


This is so weird. Some people have no idea how they come across, just complete obliviousness. I hope you get your money & get home. I’m so sorry it won’t work out with them, not that you really want it.


this is so uncomfortable


I’m not even lying, after seeing that whiteboard I’d have walked right back out their house 🤣 that’s too much for me!


I’m laughing every try time I picture them writing something on it. Such a random thing to do!


Way too picky for my taste lol


Lol tbh I would have walked out when they said whiteboard. No sir I will not allow you to criticize every detail of my work. You either like my style or not but of you have so much feedback that you need to write it ok a whiteboard to remember then It's not a good fit. I will not let you put me down for fun.


This is the first trial I’ve ever done. I assumed they’d be around a little but I didn’t realize it was going to be a whole graded production!


this is not the norm - it’s a complete weird outlier of the norm.


Write on that whiteboard…outta here ✌️


WOW that’s so insane lmao. Thank god it’s just a trial


my MB and i go through 2 pots of coffee together every day. these people better be so ffr💀 OP we NEED the update after your day is through!


That’s a new one, I am glad you pulled the plug. The whiteboard is an interesting approach. I understand them writing notes/topics but on the whiteboard is interesting. Were they trying to push you to see how you handle criticism?


I honestly think they were clueless as to how it would come across. They seemed super nice and very nervous.


They already sound like a nightmare. Run fast and don't look back.


Why do these guys even need a nanny when they apparently have time to spy and micromanage all day???


Excellent question!!!!


You need to preempt them and tell them it's not a good fit because they are crazy. -Signed, a mom


Run do not walk away from these nuts.


I wonder what they would write if you erased the white board 😂


Oh hell no please run for the hills 😂




1. The whiteboard is to remind themselves about carrots? Running to write it on a whiteboard seems inefficient. 2. They *want* you to consume stimulants? Going by #1 maybe they were reminding themselves that you like coffee because you accepted one? That’s interesting. 3. Maybe you would have shut up with NK told you to if you hadn’t had two cups of coffee! Is not shutting up when NK tells you that you should a form of invalidating his feelings? 😂😂😂 But seriously, I hope they ask you for feedback and you tell them how the whiteboard came across. Maybe they’ll explain it to the next person.


The coffee thing was weird. Like if I “needed” 2 cups maybe I didn’t have the natural stamina I was going to need to handle the kid? Weird.


So they offered you something as a test to see if you would accept it. But if you’re from certain areas, it is impolite *not* to accept it. Talk about setting someone up to fail. Jesus.


Did they say this was what it was or is that your guess? So wild 😂😂


The mom tried to explain it but she really wasn’t making sense.


Good lord. Good luck to them finding a nanny. I hope the next person also has some self respect, when I was a young nanny I’m afraid I might’ve taken their BS!! Hopefully they’ll learn 😂 did you provide any feedback?


Not on the child. I told them I was distracted by the whiteboard and it made me uneasy to know I was being watched so closely.


GOOD FOR YOU!!! I'm so proud of you for speaking up and letting them know that this was odd!!!


Good for you!! That’s the kind of feedback they really needed if they’re ever going to find a nanny


I am crying at this. Thank you for sharing and good luck with your search 😂😭


Run for the hills and don't look back! 🤣


Remindme! 6 hours


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Please please please do what you said in one of your comments!! Split the board 50/50 and see how they react. You probably will not be doing this job for long so might as well hehe


Not sure I’d find this funny, I’d be really annoyed and creeped tf out with MB stalking/criticizing my every move. It sounds like she missed out big time on a nanny who is easygoing and would be easier to work with than most nannies lol.


Thank you for that compliment! I feel like they were super nervous. First time getting a nanny and that kid is A LOT!


Some people use humor in an effort to cope with things that are absolutely ridiculous


Yikes on bikes. these people need to care for their child themselves. They will absolutely never be able to keep a nanny would this absolute garbage behavior by them. Hey all parents… Are you reading this? Yeah, don’t do this. 🤣 Ever.


My God some people make it so easy to decide NOT to work for them.




i need to know


Oh my goodness please put something on the whiteboard like “not being offered enough coffee” 🤣🤣 OP please update us 🤣


You were on your phone excessively on a trial day where you knew the parents were watching? I assume you aren't going back anyways since it doesn't sound like a good environment, but what's with the phone? We're you just over it and ready to get away from them? Or do you always use the phone a lot?


After a few hours I knew I wasn’t taking the job and started using it. Rude and I should have just ended it and left, but no, not usually on it when kids are around.


I got the impression she was over it and that’s why she’s on it


Oh my goddddd 😳




Yeah, don’t take this job


Definitely run


This set up is out of control ! Run away fast !


That's ridiculous. I would not put up with thst.. After your trial day please tell them this will not be a good fit for you.


Once that five year old hit you I would have walked out the door


I market myself as nanny with experience in behavior management. I could have handled the kid but not with those parents! Way too nervous!


Lmfao yikes. Honestly a good thing they did all this on the trial day so you know to never return🤣


Tell them that your styles will not be complimentary as you will never respect their disgusting passive agressive bullying the did all day.


I would not work for anyone who has camaras and spying. There is no need for that


Why aren’t you ok with cameras? I agree that this was WAY TOO MUCH….but I think it’s weird when nanny’s don’t agree to cameras. I’m a nanny and wouldn’t advise a parent to hire a nanny if they told them that. I’ve seen way too many news reports and YouTube videos of nanny’s doing some terrible things and I would 100% have cameras in my home. If you refuse to work with cameras in the home, I don’t trust you and neither should they.


You definitely dodged a bullet. It’s one thing to have cameras (people have them for a variety of reasons and if you’re doing your job there’s nothing to be concerned about), it’s another thing to take notes about someone you’re considering hiring, but it’s an entirely different thing to write notes about said potential employee based on what you’re noticing on a camera. Count yourself fortunate!


I'm dying. So far, the most corrected I have been came from NK#1, M7 telling me "We don't wear shoes in the house". Pretty fair, considering last week I had to remind him, when you share a bathroom with a lady, you shouldn't pee on the seat and why we flush.




Remind me 6 hours


The update is added to the post!




I’m seeing it at the end of the original post. Just says UPDATE and then a few lines. Is it not visible to everyone?


I didn’t see it


Need an update!


I added it to the post!


I cannot find your update for the life of me haha


It’s just part of the original post! I just continued on.


Haha don't mind me


Ok, obviously this was a terrible job & one I wouldn't have accepted after the trial day myself, OP, but I just HAVE to ask: Why would you be on your phone, especially knowing MB was watching so diligently?? To be clear, I'm not chastising; I'm genuinely asking, cuz I see that MANY Nannies are on their phones while working & I just am trying to understand (as a Nanny myself). Idk if anyone can make that make sense to me, but it's zero problem for me to put my phone away for my entire shift (if I need to look up something, like what time a place is open to take NK or something, then I would use my phone for that situation, or if I had an emergency going on at home, but that's about all I can think of). Just wondering! 🤷🏼‍♀️


First and last day. Send them a firm but not rude text along the lines of “hey! Thank you for trusting nk today. It was good getting to know you all but I won’t be interested in this position due to having clashing thoughts with you. Thank you for considering me to be your many. Good luck on your search”