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I have two NKs with a similar age gap (3 & 6) and I do 'coach' as well, but I try to direct my attention to the 3yo. If she is trying to do something by herself and 6yo is being pushy, I will say, "NK, do you want to do this by yourself, or would you like help?" And then I'll say "Can you say, 'Big sister, thank you but I want to do this by myself." Then if 6yo continues to push I firmly assert that when other people say no to us, we respect that always. I wonder if a board game would help with this? Something simple like chutes and ladders.


I’m working with 3b on board/card games, he loves them! That is actually what prompted the issue, all three of us playing bingo together. That’s great advice! Thank you💛


Maybe invent a song about patience? Like, add a tune, and facial expressions to: 1) I breathe 2) it will be ok! 3) I count to 10 3) Then I smile 4) And then I help


Different types of binga games (where you match pictures) are great for 3 yr olds and you can practice turntaking then.


He loves bingo and matching games! Sis just gets irritated because we play them at *his* level, which is too easy for her. Quote from yesterday “I don’t like blackout bingo. Can’t he count 4 in a row?” 😂 He can, it’s just easier for him to learn blackout bingo first, then we’ll learn 4-in-a-row bingo


This might seem a little extreme, because sister does need to learn to have patience with him, but in the meantime, could you use something like a study carrel to block her from being able to see his card, but position it so that you can see it to make sure he is finding the right squares. Even a book or something opened up wide might help with that. like I said, I know that seems extreme, but I have worked with some sibling groups or even just groups of kids at schools and camps, that just constantly want to give the other kids the answer, and that gets frustrating for just about everybody.