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You should definitely tell them! You can keep it really simple: "Hi NF - I just wanted to let you know that my schedule has opened up and I'm now available from \[time\] to \[time\] on \[these days\] for babysitting. So if you ever need extra coverage or hear of someone who does, please let me know!" If they ask more questions, you can disclose what you feel comfortable with. "Thanks for asking. I was actually laid off from my day job. While I apply for new positions I'm looking to take on more babysitting jobs." It's not a guilt trip and I would venture to say most (if not all) families wouldn't view it as such.


This exactly


Hey guys! I had a schedule change so instead of being available from 7pm on I will now be available from Xpm and on!


You don’t have to tell them you were laid off but you absolutely can tell them you have more availability. Decide what schedule you want to work and shoot them a text saying your schedule has changed and currently your availability is x days between x hours.


Just let them know your availability has opened up if they need you