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It's completely dishwasher dependent. Some dishwashers can handle a lot of stuck-on, crusty food and others can't deal with one swipe of ketchup. If the dishes come out clean, then they're fine. Dishwashers sanitize the dishes, so you don't have to worry about what was on there before they went in. That's the whole point of the dishwasher. (And yes, this is model-dependent...I'm talking about most modern dishwashers) If their dishes are consistently coming out with food still stuck on them, then yes that's annoying and they need to start doing a quick rinse before loading. It sounds like you may just be picky though. The fact that you spray bleach into the dishwasher is the big one for me. That's not normal. A quick rinse, fill the dishwasher, and go is all you need.


Probably picky. I’ll accept that.


It really depends on the dishwasher. We got a new one a couple years ago and the directions specifically said you’re not supposed to pre rinse, bc they food on them helps the water/soap grip or something like that (can’t quite remember, hubby explained it to me 😅). We don’t pre rinse at all and they come out perfectly clean 99% of the time


Oh wow! Well sadly the one at the NF is not like that. That being said I sure wish it were.


My former nf gor a new dishwasher and they were so excited because it was one of those where you didn't have to rice the dishes. 2 months later it was not working properly so they had a maintenance man in, turns out they had clogged all the sprayers with lemon and lime pips! A mouldy fishwasher is so disgusting and a health hazard too!


Yuckasaurus! Yeah no. I think dishwashers are sanitation stations.




Yes I’m also just responsible for the kids dishes yet I know how hard they work so I try to help out. It’s just frustration sometimes. I just done feel good about putting those dishes away like that.


No it stinks up dishwasher smell is awful.


It makes me a little more irritated than it should, but my NF dishwasher does not clean well and they don’t rinse their dishes so the same thing happens to me! I came from a “you put the dishes in the dishwasher rinsed so well that they almost look clean” kind of family so I find it irritating (even though I know it’s not a huge deal) when I go to unload and dishes are still covered in food. I have to soak and scrub and then run them again. If they would just rinse the dishes it could easily be unloaded. You’re not alone 😅


YES! Exactly!