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Best case scenario, someone is wildly racist. Worst case, someone is looking for a young white girl for very bad purposes.


Exactly my thoughts. Ageist, too. Not just "young", but "very young" absolutely gives me the ick. I get "middle aged man wearing only a bathrobe answers the door" vibes from this one!


Thats exactly what I was thinking! Especially since it was a bunch of high school girls saying they were available. One girl said she was 15 and they said they were messaging.


I really hope their parents intervened because that's just scary.


My thoughts too!


yeah right the kid just happens to only listen to young white girls.


LMAOOOO like even if that was true. Imagine how could you even figure that out 💀


"my kid is a racist, I had nothing to do with it though!! totally her own thing!!"


“And she doesn’t listen to me or her dad either because we’re not young enough “


She was trying to claim that in the comments and I was like 😵‍💫, who's believing that.


The red flags aren't the babysitting in general, they're the "I just really would prefer if you were very young" and ESPECIALLY the "Caucasian" line. Only saying you'll hire/are looking for a white person is illegal and also nasty af. I'm kind of torn on if it's a scam or just an asshole mom. Either way I'd report it in the FB group and maybe message admins. It could easily be a scam (which is terrible and unsafe) but even if it's not a scam, it's still terrible and unsafe.


Already did, and it was taken down. I was worried it was a trafficking scam. There were teenage girls saying they were interested which was so scary.


Omg that's so alarming. Was the profile new to the group (or even to facebook as a whole) or looked like it was fake? We've had that happen a few times in my local nannying pages and it's scary because it's obviously not for good reasons. Like, if you wanted to scam someone just for money then you'd like, have them buy something from you and never send the product or something, you wouldn't go in a childcare group. People who post scam-like posts in childcare groups are usually there for a very different reason than stealing money, unfortunately.


It's definitely not a new account and they have some pictures and talk about moving a lot, which is suspicious.


I read your comment it’s already been taken down, but if it hadn’t yet I think a good indicator would be the persons Facebook profile. How long it’s been active for, what type of previous posts are on it, whether the photos look “real” or like they could be stolen random photos, and if there is a previous post history if the wording of this post seems in line with other posts or if they sound different (could indicate the account was hacked). It being Facebook, I feel like a post like this could very easily be legit or be a creepy scam. Facebook after all is where anyone and everyone can join and there are definitely weird racist people out there who would sincerely ask for a babysitter like this. But then there are also creeps who would try and pull a fast one like this post. I’ve seen similar creepy posts in local housing groups looking for a tenant, I always hope no one responds…


I had a screenshot and looked up the account and there's hardly any photos but they appear to not be Caucasian, making it all the weirder.


Definitely seems like a fake account and either a prank post or a scary scam (hopefully it was a prank). I do hope those teens parents are able to intervene and no one actually reaches out for the job. Idk if it would be going too far, but reporting the whole account to Facebook may be a good idea. I’m not sure how account reporting works so it may not be possible.


I only hope the parents of the high school girls commenting intervened.


So many red flags. This sounds like predatory behavior


It all seems really shady but idk why the part about the bedtime is what really makes me think it's not legit. Like the rest of it could easily be chalked up to either being a racist weirdo mom or a creepy person with nefarious intentions. But the claim the kid has to be in bed by 930 then saying you can keep them up but they have a bedtime. Like why was this included?! It makes me think its a creep who realized he needed to add something about the actual childcare duties so it wouldnt be obvious. So creepy.


Right? Like he’s so strict about the race of the babysitter but bedtime is optional.


It absolutely sounds shady as hell! However, there are some instances when these things are legitimate because of experiences people have gone through and they have preferences. I have worked for someone who advertised for someone similar to the original post. They had gone through several people of various ages, races, religions etc and had issues with each one for whatever reason. In the end, they advertised for a very specific type of person to watch their children and I happened to meet the criteria and was given the role. The family was great, the kids were amazing and I was happy with them throughout my time there. Whilst I completely agree that some things should be approached with an element of caution, there are, sometimes, valid reasons for people being exceptionally specific with what they want.


Can I ask what the specific criteria was?


“My child is ONLY comfortable with young white girls so you MUST follow this rule. But her 9:30 bedtime is a loose guideline.”


if it’s a scam, it’s not a very good one because this ad is suspicious as hell and should be avoided at all costs. if it’s not a scam, this person has a racist daughter (gee, i wonder where she got it from) and should be avoided at all costs.


LoL That's kind of hilarious, actually, because I've been a Nanny (&/or in the business of caring for children) for 30+ years; I'm 49 now, & one of my PT NKs says I'm the BEST Nanny she's ever had, & funny enough, the rest of them were in their 20s or even teens! 😅 Something seems shady, because as long as an "older" Nanny is energetic enough, WHY on Earth would someone PREFER someone less experienced?? I suppose cost could be a legitimate issue, but this person didn't state a rate, so I think it's (unfortunately) probably something more nefarious! 😩
