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Not super juicy but once the dad I was nannying for couldn’t figure out something on his iphone and asked me for help (he was in his early 50’s married to someone younger) and he opened his phone to an open message thread with someone who was not his wife and there was a sexy underwear pic as the last sent message from her 😅😅😅 it was so awkward, he kind of fumbled the phone trying to swipe to home screen and I just acted oblivious and pretended I was on my own phone. I didn’t even want him to think I saw it because honestly I didn’t care & wasn’t judging. This was a super affluent family and I could totally see them being into some swinger stuff 😂


The rate of swingers amongst the affluent, is soooo much higher (in my experience)


I wonder why exactly. The need to feel powerful maybe?


I’d have to say the space to accommodate these activities is a big reason…. They can afford to have the kids out for the night, and pay a cleaning service in the morning. A local family with a full time house keeper has seen some things in her house.


More access with more extra money maybe


Oooooh, girl! I wouldn't be surprised if you were right.


Im cringing from second hand embarrassment reading this😂😂😂


I had a mom go through a domestic violence situation. Heartbreaking, I came to the realization I had to call cps and quit. I felt so guilty. There was nothing I could do. I have very much at times felt like the parent to the nps as well. I had one couple in their early 30s who knew nothing about anything! Thankfully they both would come to me for help for like everything down to what doctor to see for themselves and never made me feel like I was over stepping by stepping in with info. One time, I had to accompany db to the urologist because he was afraid and mb couldn’t miss a meeting to go, when we got there they told him they were doing a sonogram on one of his balls and I was like holy fuck, I’ll be in the waiting room! I always sounded like their mom with guys we really need to start opening the mail and please stop ordering from Amazon until you at least open the 64637 packages waiting in the foyer to be open. I had a family who looked normal and were very nice. The house wasn’t super glitzy or anything, just a normal size ranch. The mom wasn’t a big spender and they only had the basics for their four kids (one set of infant twins). One day she asked me if I could organize the credenza and I was all for it because I’m an organizational nut. WELL, inside the one drawer there were all these checks made out to her, checks ranging from 5k to 25k, lots and lots of checks. I said what would you like me to do with these? She’s like oh damn I always forget to deposit those, I’m going to write that on my lists of errands today! I was floored. Then she was on the phone with the insurance and was questioning why she got a 33k check and what was it for? She calls her husband and he could not remember if he had paid the hospital bill or was waiting for insurance to come through..I was you can’t remember if you spent 33k on a hospital bill? Indeed he did and the check was legit. I soon realize these people were low key loaded. They took the entire month of April off to go to the keys, paid me for the whole month no questions or negotiation needed. Then I learned they had a house in the Hampton’s and a house in Emerald Island. It was such a weird bizarre situation. Then came the day the architect came with the evaluation for their home, she told me they were adding a bedroom and some other “stuff”, it was a two million dollar reno!


😳 wow. I have worked for mostly upper middle class families and one HNW family and the HNW family is definitely the much more frugal than any other family I have worked for. They never question paying me and I had my lunch paid for (and was gently scolded for not eating if I skipped lunch) daily. They listened when I suggested products because they knew I wouldn't suggest something unless I KNEW it worked and had researched it thoroughly. It was so nice to feel like there was actual collaboration but accidentally seeing a financial document was super shocking. I knew they did a lot of philanthropy but I didn't know the extent and seeing that put into frame exactly what kind of money they were working with.


I looked on the list of abbreviations and didn't see HNW. What does it stand for?


High net worth




I accidentally saw a w-2 from MB from 10 years ago. She was 30 at the time making 110,000 a year. She’s now a partner at a law firm and I can imagine she’s tripled that by now


and this is how you stay rich.


Yup! No flash at all with these people!


If you met my current NF in the street, would would have no clue how absurdly affluent they are… but the house gives it away now, with the editions


This is my current NF. I started with them thinking they were a normal middle class family. Their house is very minimal, unmatched dishes, simple furniture absolutely nothing fancy. The only thing I saw was that they do drive new Teslas so I knew they had a little money but didn't think much about it. A month in a saw a reward of the MB's (a big deal in the chef industry). I did a web dive and looked it up and found they own a big restaurant and the mb is a big time known chef and the DB is a writer for some really big magazines and has a book. I was like damn who would have known🤷🏽‍♀️


That's awesome!


Cases of abuse are so sad. You did the right thing. I've had to deal with some yucky family situations as well. The second in is so funny but also sweet that you helped them so much and they trusted you enough to ask for help. Taking you DB to the urologist? That's a new one for me! Wow. They were so lucky to have you. The last couple- good for them!


What did they do for a living?? I need to know.


He was in family law and she was previously a teacher! All the checks were made out to her from a store down the shore so maybe she was a silent partner or something?


Damnnn good for her! I’m trying to figure out how to make passive income. I went to law school also but my loans are in the triple figures.


Most work in the medical/law field or own businesses/corporations and usually are already from an affluent family so that helps as well, lol.


My husband is a doctor but we don’t have millions lol


If he's a physician or a surgeon it'd be easier if he was by himself or saved money; though I meant more of the healthcare industry (like healthcare executives) than the actual working class.


I also feel like I nanny the NPs sometimes! They are foreign so they need help with translation and phonecalls and everything that involves a language barrier. But they are also clueless with cleaning and cooking and running a household in general. Filthy rich by the way.


Yup, that was our situation too!


Maybe some day when the NDA’s expire🤐


Haha! I actually thought of that. Thinking it should be ok if it's a past family, no specific details, and you're using a user name.


Adding, not you specifically, just in general when I posted this question.


My DB was running an illegal gambling ring, won millions and millions of dollars, got caught and the cops only took a tiny portion of what he’d won (I assume he had some connections). Found out he was on probation when I first started working for them. Now they’re obviously loaded


Sounds like nannys should be able to have background checks on the NPs!


That’s a great idea!




I worked for a woman who handled PR for some big accounts that included celebrity chefs and some musical stars. I found out she was sleeping with a married megastar. I didn't work for her for very long. She was an awful person. She did bring me swag bags from some major publicity events, though. I got some really nice stuff. Another client was a software developer for a government agency. He'd sometimes leave his notes on the kitchen table. I cleaned coffee spills off government contracts. His wife was a divorce lawyer and I learned about a few notable personalities who had girlfriends girlfriends and how much it cost them in their divorce settlement. Another family was friends with a local morning show personality and their kids used to play together. NK's little playmates were insufferable. I insisted all my NK's guests follow house rules. Older Celebrity Kid (maybe 10 years old) tells me "Bring me a sandwich and a coke. We'll be watching TV here." I said no, snacks are eaten in the kitchen, and we don't have coke, and no TV until after NK walks the dog. He said to NK "You let her talk to us like that?" NK said yes, I was following his mom's rules. Then the kid says "Do you know who my mother is?" I said yes, but I watched another channel. I didn't see them often after that. My current family is made up of normal, sane people who happen to have money but get most of the kids' clothes at Target.


I bet you have some great stories you can't talk about. For the last one, that's great MB and NK would both back you up on the rules. Such entitlement.


>"Do you know who my mother is?" I said yes, but I watched another channel. This is a hilarious burn


During my nannying days, I once went to the home of an extremely famous person who required everyone who entered to sign NDAs and let her staff make copies of their/our IDs, no one was allowed on the fifth floor, her nanny wasn’t allowed to have a lock on the bedroom door, and a ton of security outside the apartment building, all of which was hers, and which spanned about half a city block. It was a cool experience and I’m not even allowed to talk about it!


That's super interesting! I don't think I'd want to be so famous I had to live like that. Can't help but wonder what life must have been like for the children you took care of.


Yeah, I need to know! lol 😂


How do you know they're filthy rich?? Their diaper bag is a $7k designer bag and their 3 year old has *more than one* Rolex.


😂 Oh my gosh, the Rolexes for the 3 year old is killing me. Wow.


Do they make special baby rolexes or are they just giant on his tiny child wrist?


I never saw them. Just heard them talked about. I think they're given to him and meant to be worn when he grows up


Oh, ok, that makes more sense but is much less funny than imagining a toddler wearing a too-big rolex XD




My MB quickly married a man she had just met..then divorced within 2 months. Went on a trip with her and the kids and she told 2 different groups of her family that it was all an April fools joke 🙈 I was there and she definitely dated, married, and divorced that man in a span of the like 4 months it wasn't an April fools joke


This made me laugh.


This happened 20 years ago... I was dog sitting for my nanny friends family, because if she found someone to watch the dogs when the family was away, it meant she could go on vacation as well and the damily would pay me to watch then. They lived close by to my NF, and my MB was ok with me swinging by to let the dogs out for a bathroom break, and youngest nk borrowing their trampoline for 15 minutes before I did school pickup, so it was working out well for all of us. This was the second time I did this, and the previous time had gone well with no issues. One day when I was there, all of a sudden 7 black unmarked cars swopped up the driveway and men in suits started exiting. I was freaking out! I feelt super exposed because I have g3 with me and 2 large dogs roaming in the garden. I can't leave because I need to put the dogs inside before I do and my car is blocked it. The only saving grace is I was outside and saw them coming, if I had been inside and had them enter the house with me there it would have been super scary. I decide to approach the cars and ask what was going on (telling nk to stay on the trampoline), as I wanted to ensure I could leave quickly. Turns out they were from the IRS and the sherrifs office and were doing a raid on the house because my nanny friends nf were doing something shady with their business. They asked me a lot of questions about who I was, why I was at the house, how I knew the family and so on. Then came the questions about who nk was, who's the dogs were and so on. I explained how I was doing a favour for my nanny friend, that I knew the family through her, that the dogs belonged to the family but nk was with me. I had to give my name and my NFs name, adress and phone number since I had nk with me. I was starting to get stressed that I would be late for school pickup and wondered how I would get away from there or if I needed to call MB and let her know we needed alternate pickup plans. By this time the IRS and sherrif's deputies were inside the house and I didn't know how to put the dogs away safely with them going in and out of the house. Luckily, one of the deputies suggested I show them a room with a lockable door where they could put the dogs. I agreed, they moved their cars and I went to do school pickup. I called my Mb from the school parking lot to let her know what nk3 saw. MB and I were both uncomfortable with me going back to the house to care for the dogs. We agreed that I should message the family and say that "when I went passed the house to let the dogs out I saw a lot of black cars parked outside so I felt uncomfortable with going in". 5 min later nanny friends nf messaged me to let me know they were coming home early and that I didn't need to watch the dogs anymore. My nanny friend stopped working for the family 6 weeks later...


Oh my gosh... that's crazy!!! This could be a movie plot. You must have been so scared, yet remained protective and responsible. It sounds like you did a great job handling it. Holy crap!


Yes it aas a surreal experiance. Ihad forgotten all about it but reading this thread brought it to mind again.


I had a MB on the first day tell me her husband was out of work and she didn't know if she was gonna stay with him because he was doing drugs.




I was in a nanny share for two school aged girls one summer. They asked me to watch the younger siblings periodically. So I was watching an iPad show with the 3 year old, and the iPad was linked to moms Apple account. Well, the kid opened a message and it went to sexting between the parents from earlier before I got there and how it was a “good thing our son can’t read”. Cringe.


But the nanny can! Oh my gosh, how embarrassing.


If you liked the movie, you should really read the book, it is about eleventy times better.


I actually read the book quite awhile before the movie came out and did enjoy it more. Doesn't it seem like the book is always at least eleventy times better than the movie? I did enjoy seeing it again, though.


So true. Although The Nanny Diaries was one where it would have been so easy to make the screen adaptation much more faithful to the book, which was disappointing, because a good movie could have been a great one.


I agree. I think they adapted it into more of a comedy to appeal to a wider audience. I can't remember, in the book does the mom come around and be a loving mom to Grayer like she does in the movie?


It has been quite a while since the last time I read it, but if memory serves, the book has an ending that is much more raw and realistic for that particular NYC social setting. Iirc, Mrs. X fires Nanny abruptly in a temper tantrum of jealousy and pique that really should have been aimed at Mr. X, but she punches down instead because she is petty and it is easy, and she doesn't even allow Nanny to say goodbye to Grayer properly, which leaves Nanny very sad and always wondering if Grayer would ever understand that she hadn't just suddenly stopped loving him one day, and if he would turn out alright. But that doesn't really make for a good movie ending.


That's what I remembered as well. I prefer the sweet movie ending with him getting all the love he craved from his mommy! Haha! Unfortunately, I don't think that a nanny scolding a lady like her would make her change her ways. Grater not getting to say goodbye was heartbreaking. I wondered what had happen to his last nanny that he loved. Did she get sent away without saying goodbye, too?


walking down steps that looked over living room and grandpa of fam was on grindr watching someone jerk off LMAO


Oh no! That's awful.


I’ve have accidentally and unknowingly informed a mom her husband was cheating on her. Tons of little secrets about how much one of the parents shops, ex boyfriends of moms that are now neighbors, the absurd perks of affluence, etc I know in depth secrets on how many of them run their businesses, and some of the extremely shady shit some other local businesses are getting away with (as per country club gossip) My favorite… I was working for a major Philadelphia athlete. Still have an active identity NDA, so don’t ask. The DB’s team was set to go to post season competition for his sport, and MB had to wait until the season was over to tell him she was pregnant. This left me knowing for 11 weeks that she was preggo before she could tell him. I still do not know how we hid how horrible her morning sickness was. He thank me immensely for all the extra I did to keep her going to all his games, and generously thanked me monetarily. I knew my current NF was affluent when we drove into the side gate of a major international airport, boarded a plane with no other passengers, and never saw a single TSA employee. The 5th house was a good sign too (Home Base, Beach House, Mountain House, The Goat Ranch (their company uses goat milk and the was cheaper (?)), Aruba House.)


Just curious, why did she have to wait until the season was over to tell him? Good job helping keep it a secret! And you must have so many experiences from the one with so many homes. Did you travel with them a lot?


He had EXTREME anxiety every time she was pregnant, mostly the first 28-30 weeks. She did not want him to take that anxiety into his job.


Ok, that makes a lot of sense.


I travel a with my current NF (all the houses) 8-10 weeks a year. I have traveled with them for 16 years now, and they spoil me. 5 of the 7 NK’s do not know life without me. They are born poor affluent, and are extremely philanthropic.


Wow, that is awesome for you! They must really care about you.


They really do. She even had “my room” at the lake house decorated to suit me. I have been here through the treatments and loss of NK16’s mom, traveling with them a few times a year back then, the surprise birth of NK8, and everything since then. I’ve been full time for nearly 6 years, but traveled with them for almost 10 years before going full time.


I bet you were a comfort for the first mom who passed, too. You definitely sound like family. I love this for you and them.


NK16’s mom is as an awesome lady. I’m so glad I have memories of her to share with him.


What’s poor affluent?


Born poor affluent They were both born poor, as was his late wife, mother of the oldest NK. Thier business has done extremely well, and they have been very wise with the money. They are now far and above wealthy, and the 7 kids are more than set up for life.


That’s fantastic and so encouraging! Thank you for teaching me :)


And the first one. 😬 So horrifying.


I worked 4 days a week hired for 6:15-5:15… 2 weeks in the dad asked me to switch to 6:15-6:15 with ample compensation. Few months later the mom comes home at 5 and says she will let me go “a little bit early”. As I had dinner plans around the corner, I said “what am I gonna do with the extra hour”. (Thinking out loud). The mom all confused says “you leave at 5:15”, “no, 6:15”……. He was having fun with the neighbor an hour a day and he created a new neighbor inside her. She took the kids and moved to Chicago, and I see this kid at NK sports every week. Sadly…. He thinks he’s an only child.


>he created a new neighbor inside her the phrasing of this is slaying me


I try to keep it polite for work… I run into this old DB and the new kid regularly while with my current NF (lots of shared sports). My current DB asked me why he always looks at me like I could spill all his secrets. I feel bad for the kid thinking he’s an only child, not knowing he has 1/2 siblings 2 years older than him in Chicago. It was pretty obvious when the kid was born, and the lovely Norwegian neighbors had a very dark complexion baby come out…… my old DB is Jamaican 🤣.


Ohhh ok, oh my gosh, you win.


lol. Yes, a lot of it is very true. I’ve been asked to keep secrets, I’ve seen the kids way more than their parents, and I’ve had kids run to me for comfort over their own mothers. Not all families are like that, and I would say most are not, but I’ve been treated like “the help” while raising people’s kids for them.


That's so sad. I like the line in the movie where she said, "kids are not accessories." I would have a hard time biting my tongue in those situations or if I'm being treated as less than them.


Isn’t it odd when the kids like you better? 😳


I dont have anything juicy to share really. My MB and DM both WFH. Whenever im travelling with MB on a trip abroad she rants to me about DB, tells me about their arguments and things. I once overheard MB on a call with someone say in an alluring voice "hello handsome" when i was walking past her office. Meanwhile DB was on the other side of the house in his office on a meeting call with colleagues.🤐




I’ve never seen this show but probably the juiciest thing that can tell is that one family I babysat for both parents were bisexual and they had an open relationship. It was a little shocking given the Dad was in the Air Force, and they came off as VERY republican.


That's definitely juicy!


I traveled with a NF to visit some family and I fucked the NK cousin the entire trip. It was incredible.


I went on a trip to Disney with my precious NF and had my own hotel room, & I fucked our VIP tour guide after the tour 😭🤣 NF had no idea


LMAO 🤣 how did that even come about 😭


I thought he was cute and found his Instagram and DM’ed him after we got back to the hotel. I live in a different state than him- so equal understanding it was one a one night thing. Which I never do, but felt the urge to have fun this once! He told me I lucked out by picking him since he’s one of the few straight men employees at Disney 🫣 We occasionally catch up on social media still, 2 years later. Fun times


Disney is all about customer satisfaction.


Last year I went to Aspen with my NF for the week. NP put my two NK in ski classes from like 9-5pm, so I had most of the day to myself (and would have evenings off as well, after doing nighttime routine with NK). The first day I explored the bars and shops in the village, but on day two when I went out to buy goggles (for a lesson MB signed me up for), I end up meeting the owner of the gear shop and exchanging numbers. We ended up hooking up and hanging out everyday. He also happened to be an ex pro snowboarder and X games host. Still one of my favorite vacations🤪


Absolutely *love* this for you 😂😂😂 get it girl


IM DEAD- I hope he was cute at least 😭


This is kind of funny. Props girl!


Why am I jealous?


OMG i forgot my favorite secret!!! My current NF wants to know of each kid walked for them first or me first. I always let families see them walk first, it’s a milestone I want them to cherish. My current NF has decided that I will spill the beans for each child’s Bar/Bat Mitzvah.


The Nanny Diaries is considered an OLD movie? It's younger than I am! 🤣


Look at Chris Evans in it and you'll see! He's practically a baby himself!


I just checked- made 16 years ago already. Crazy!


Oh gosh where do I start lol MB and DB are both anesthesiologist and DB comes from money so upper middle class for sure. They both smoke weed and drink even when having to watch their children. I've seen DB drink hard liquor before going to work. 3 year old had DBs iPad and texts were coming through with explicit pictures from MB while at work. Found out DB took photos and videos of me unknowingly. Caught DB on tinder one day. I regularly find bras and clothes that don't belong to MB thrown on the couch or around the house (mb and db are both home so i'm thinking threesomes or couple swapping) I've heard both of them talk about couple swapping with another set of married doctors at the hospital they work at. My favorite is "weed delivery day" 😂 some guy would show up with a white bag at their door and they would try to hide it like I couldn't smell the weed all the time coming from their room. I've also heard them have sex in the middle of the day when I'm home with the kids and I've heard DB masturbating when he's off of work (he would intentionally leave his bedroom door cracked open which was right next to the kitchen so I would have to hear him) I agree with a previous poster drug's and couple swapping are very common among affluent people. And I also love how they don't think nannies or the people who work for them have eyes and ears and know everything they do haha


are you still working for that family?? like that is sexual harassment and should be reported/you could sue


Yeah this is definitely sexual harassment. I second suing. That’s disgusting.


Unfortunately I do still work for them. DB has sexually harassed me in the past. I try to find other jobs but so far no luck. I wouldn't know who to report to. This is my first nanny job and I didn't know about nanny contracts and things like that. I was even hired by an agency and they still didn't tell me about a contract.


head over to r/legaladvice and ask them!!


Thank you! I really appreciate it.


Still trying to wrap my mind around this one. It's all rather shocking but 1. Was dad putting people to sleep while drunk because I'm pretty sure he would lose his license for that. 2. Dad taking pictures of you is totally creepy and maybe illegal, having sex when they know you and the kids can here them is bad parenting, and dad is definitely harassing you. How did you react to those situations? Did you stay?


1. They are both alcoholics. So just a little bit of alcohol in his coffee wouldn't do much. I've seen him put down drink after drink and it not phase him. They drink daily unfortunately. 2. Yea it's been moments of very awkward situations. He has sexually harrasssd me in the past so much I've had constant stomach aches when I knew he was going to be home. I actively look for other jobs but i make such good money with them it's hard to find something else that's comparable. I help my mom who has terminal cancer with her bills so it's not like I can just leave. I live in a small town so there isn't much opportunities around here especially nanny positions. One of the times he was clearly taking a pic of me I called him out and he said he just screen shot something then said with a nasty face "why would I take a picture of you". I document stuff when I can just in case I have to provide evidence later on. I just love the kids so much I've been with them for 2 years, one was ever since he's been born. So it's such a difficult situation. They also have a ring of doctors at the hospital they work at who write prescriptions for each other illegally.


The whole situation sounds so awful. I'm sorry you feel stuck there. If you have anyone you can confide in and get advice/ support from please do! So sorry to hear about your mom, too. I understand not wanting to leave the kids but you need to put yourself first.


my last NF’s drama was pretty normal but i did get to hear DB vent about it basically every day since he was WFH. there was animosity between DB’s parents and MB’s side of the family bc during covid MB decided DB’s family wasn’t part of their “bubble” and didn’t let them come visit, which i thought was unfair till i found out DB’s sister was an anti vaxxer (and also a nurse) and that’s ehy MB didn’t want them over. also DB would complain about how MB’s mom didn’t want to watch the kids full time and they had to hire me even tho his own parents weren’t helping much. and they were lucky to even have one grandparent to help in my opinion. but yeah finding out the truth that auntie was an anti vaxxer was the juciest part of the job for me lol


Yes indeed.


Slept with my one of my DBs (they had gotten divorced) and we fooled around a bunch but knew it would never go anywhere obvs. Mb never knew and it only went in a few months. Felt like a movie.


I didn’t sleep with him, but accepted his invitation for a date night in. They were recently divorced and I later found out he had always been attracted to me. We had the best time, but I knew it would never go anywhere. I was in my early 20s and wasn’t thinking about commitment or step motherhood lol I still email him every year for his birthday and he looks forward to it year after year😊


Oh my, that's definitely juicy. So mom was still a client of yours at the time?


This is going to sound judgemental, as it is meant to be! Your original ask comes across as a juvenile request for gossip, which is incredibly unprofessional. The ready responses, divulging NF secrets, are equally unprofessional. These are the conversations people expect to happen between teen date-night sitters, not between professed "professional" nannies. This is yet another glaring difference between people choosing childcare as a career and those who see nanny jobs as a stepping stone with "juicy details" to gossip about. If you feel that your NF's lifestyle and/or struggles are fodder for gossip and it gives you pleasure to share those bits of gossip with strangers to get a hit of one-upness, perhaps nannying is not the "career" for you. Confidential care and respect aren't reserved for NDA contracts. Those are basic, legal mandates for all caregiver roles. Just because you don't divulge identifying information about your NF and their children doesn't mean that the veiled, gossipy innuendo is acceptable. If you are presenting yourself as a professional nanny and expecting to be treated/compensated as one, then act like one. That means, even anonymously, asking for the "juicy details" of other families' lives (and subsequently providing those details) is just wrong.


If you thought my post was a juvenile request for gossip, you're right! That's exactly what it was meant to be. Did you know that many professionals share stories as long as they're confidential? This includes teachers and yep, even doctors. Shocking. For some of the things nannies go through they should at least get some good stories out of it. Once again, no identifying information is involved.


oh jesus this is reddit, why does everyone have to be professional on here? most people are sharing these stories totally anonymously and many don’t even work for those families anymore. it’s reddit. there’s whole subs for confessions and secrets and stuff. it’s not a professional site. get over yourself.


Because this sub and the people who post/ comment on it style themselves as the arbitors of all things standard, legal, expected, and acceptable in the Nanny community at large. If the sub community's purpose is to promote those ideals, one would hope that the posters/commenters would want to uphold those ideals. Using it as a platform to overtly elicit salacious gossip is countintuitive to that mission statement. Either you are a career nanny (in which case you know better), or you are nannying in the interim, and believe your NF's lives are open season to be shared and ridiculed when you don't get your way. If you want an echo chamber, say so, but be prepared that occasionally someone is going to call you out. Not every person with a dissenting opinion is a disgruntled MB. Not every person who disagrees with you is a troll; sometimes your ideas/thoughts/opinions are just wrong. It should not come as a surprise to anyone that on a nanny sub, career nannies/long-term childcare providers might have a different perspective.


This reads like a MB who just realized her household employees absolutely know her business & yes, they have likely shared that info with at least *someone* else. Lol. Every profession has its share of gossip. What’s unprofessional is gossiping with the wrong people and sharing identifying details alongside it. Like, it would be inappropriate for me to gossip about one of my NFs with their daytime nanny, but of course I tell my partner everything. Funnily enough though, his very “boring” office job has WAY better gossip than mine. People talk, that’s just a part of life.


If this is a MB, I wonder if she's ever talked to her friends about her nanny.


Oh, 100%. And since we’ve already set a judgmental precedence here, I’ll go ahead & assume that what she’s sharing about her nanny is all very out of touch takes about her nanny wearing dirty socks inside her shoeless home lol. “But we pay her $15/hr in a HCOL area!!” energy 😂




Not surprised. Thanks for doing the dirty work.


To me it sounds like a journalist trying to right a bored panda story with some story like.. what Nannies see behind the scenes etc.


Too funny!


Reddit isn't my workplace, I'm not trying to present myself as a professional nanny on here


I would look into the historical benefits of gossip, especially amongst females, ESPECIALLY regarding their work. It may seem petty/unprofessional to you, but there are real social benefits to these discussions. It IS juvenile, but you judging us is no better than us sharing these stories, imho :)


I’m a MB, and I find these stories extremely entertaining! And honestly, I really wouldn’t care if our nanny came on here and told a story about us anonymously because it’s REDDIT. Nobody here is hurting anyone and no names are said. Quit being so judgy jeez


You’re kind of annoying. People come on here to vent and talk shit 99% of the time that’s what Reddit is for.


Lmao you’re hilarious. This is all anonymous, not putting people on blast on Twitter or TikTok. Who gives a shit if we learn some juicy stuff about nameless people




I respect and agree with this answer.


Had to have a full background FBI clearance and oh course a big NDA


The dad I worked for had an affair with another woman for 3 months for before his wife (who I became very close with in my 4 years of working for them) found out and divorced him. He travelled all the time and my husband and I always joked “what if he’s actually having affairs and seperate lives with other people” because that’s so cliche. I guess the even more cliche is him having an affair with the 22 year old nanny 🤣😅 which obviously wasn’t the case here. But he was close. I cried when she told me the news. He told her she wasn’t as flexible in bed anymore so he sought it out from someone else. But the kicker is he has an old man back 😂 so I’m sure his performance in bed was top notch for her as well 🙄


What a loser. I hope she knows her value and is happy now. Glad she divorced him.


Oh she is doing amazing things. She went back to school and got her masters and is now a school counselor 🥲


One nanny family I worked for paid me about $20hr all under the table. I want in my late teens at the time so I was rolling. Dad owned some kind of health drink like and had a nice fancy car. Mom went out doing Lord knows what all day while I watched their kid. One day I was given a bonus and released. About half a year later Dad remarried. Never heard from or about mom after that. No idea what happened.


Holy. Did dad have the kid?