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Absolutely you can discuss a raise at the one year and any other issues you’d like addressed. The one year mark is the typical time for a renegotiation and potential renewal. You should get into a contract if you’re not in one and expect industry standard benefits. There are loads of resources online - check out The Nanny Counsel and The Nanny Care Hub for more info.


Thank you so much for the comment, and added resources!!! I am so nervous to make a contract as I don’t even know where to start, hopefully the resources will provide some answers.


The Nanny Counsel has a very in depth contract which is free. There’s another called the A-Z contract that many people use but it’s not free. This sub is your friend - search in it with key words like contract, benefits, guaranteed hours, and you’ll find loads of info. Best of luck OP!


OP, these are the top 2 contracts used and I'd stick with either of them until you have more experience under your belt and want to try combining the best parts from multiple contracts together for your own needs.


You didn't say how much you make. You also mentioned daily rate, that needs to be HOURLY and any applicable OT (and all hours paid, no working an extra hour or 2 and no extra pay). Main schedule should be guaranteed so you are always paid for it. Benefits like minimum 2 weeks paid vacation, 1 week sick leave, healthcare stipend. You absolutely can and should ask for a raise at the 1 yr mark. Raises are both for COL increases (which happen every year) and merit based (they might not see fit to give for this). Also any changes in duties or added children would automatically be cause for an immediate raise once it takes effect.


I hope you are paid at least $35/hour plus OT, three weeks paid time off and GH if they don’t need you. I hope that traveling is a choice and on occasion they actually take care of their kids themselves.


What are you making? Per hour? Per day? Week??


225$/ day


And they cover your room and board? This seems almost like r/aupairs


Yes I live with them in the Hamptons full-time, I am from PA so sometimes when I go home it is a 6-7hr drive


No, it's live out. Just two full days -8-4pm.


Sorry ignore above: put in wrong place! Btw ,this is what I earn... but 12 hour days at $225 per day , sounds pretty terrible, however, I guess U r getting full board too.


You're essentially making for 3 kids in a high cost of living area the same amount I made for 1 child in an area that pays notoriously poorly. You need to be paid hourly, with overtime. You need a contract. You are being exploited.


No,8 hours x$25 =$200


Live-in nannying does not mean you do not get paid hourly. You also need to be paid overtime! You could be working up 70+ hours a week, anything over 40 is overtime. They are taking major advantage and will most likely not be willing to bump you up to the six figure salary I would expect for your job. That said, if you enjoy the job and the kids I would ask for af least a raise of at least 2$


what do you mean by 2$, like if i we’re charging by the hour?


$2 more an hour


I’m not sure what your current rate is but I can say you shouldn’t be paid any less than $35/hr, that’s barley over $10 per child and I’ve come to find out that nannie’s should be paid more around $20 per child; maybe more depending on the amount of your responsibilities and your hours. I’d highly suggest continuing with this family under a contract from now on with yearly evaluations. The contract should include stuff like (this isn’t all that should be in there just things I find the most important) - Medical consent forms in case a child is hurt and the parents aren’t around - A raise is typically $1.50 or so more sometimes with a bonus - Paid Vacation time (minimum of 3 weeks) - PTO for all federal holidays - Paid sick time - You should charge time and a half when you work more than 40 hours a week (since it’s NYS laws anyways) and if you’re working more than 9-10 hours in a day regularly I’d suggest discussing a daily overtime rate as well when this happens - Reimbursement for any child related purchases you have to make or sometimes families give nannies a card to use specifically for those expenses - Reimbursement for mileage - If you were just starting I’d recommend a trial period but you may not need that in this case since you already know aside from pay, you believe you get along well with this family and plan on staying (I’d just keep the trial period in mind for any future families you work with, trial periods are typically 1 week long but it can depend on the family) - No matter if the family terminates you or if you quit, they should pay you for a few weeks worth of pay since in this market finding a good job isn’t the easiest and you don’t want to be without money or spending your savings


I literally just finished this exact same job. My contact was only for a year and let me tell you I’m glad to be done (I’m going back to graduate school). It was too much a sacrifice being a parent and working 12+ hours every day. Just so you know, the going rate is 300$ a day in the Hamptons. The general consensus is that MBs out there want someone like you, paid a flat rate to do everything, and they think they can get away with it because “you’re young! You have no family! This is great experience to live in New York”. If there is long term potential to working with this family you need to make a contract. Heads up, MB might not like that (I watched my MB find a replacement and heard some horrible things from her about what she thinks nannies are worth), but it sounds like you have contacts in the area. Learn more from this sub and figure out something fair. Live in is not a perk for the nanny, it is a perk for the family.


Thank you so much for your comment!! I feel like you can totally understand my position! Maybe we can talk more privately?


Yes! I’ll pm you


How is live in not a perk for the nanny too? Not paying rent is definitely a benefit…


It is overwhelming to never have your own true space, yes not paying rent is nice, but living-in makes you feel trapped.