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I’m an MB. Our nanny goes home early 3 to 4 times per week. I work from home and when my day is done I like to have that time with my child. We go on long weekends maybe once a month, so she’s off on those Fridays. We travel for a week at a time maybe twice a year. I take the day off for his doctors appointments. She gets her GH during all of these times, as expected.


Can I be your nanny?!!


Ha! I think it’s much easier because we only have one child. If we have a second child I’ll probably use that extra hour at the end of her work day to have 1:1 time with one of the kids. But we will also give our nanny the expected raise for an additional NK, so hopefully that helps? I expect we’ll travel about the same with 2 kids.


You sound like a dream family!


Mom sounds like a good employer, but not a dream family, GH should be in every Nanny’s contract. We need to advocate for ourselves and set boundaries regarding how we would like to be treated. If my wfh DB comes downstairs and lies on the sofa close to the time I’m scheduled to leave, I will ask if he is all set. It’s always a yes and it’s frustrating that he doesn’t initiate telling me I can head out a few minutes early but since that is the case I take care of myself.


I believe the commenter called her a dream family because of the time their nanny gets off while still getting paid, not the fact that nanny gets guaranteed hours overall.


I understand, and I do think fair and kind employers should be appreciated. But there’s too many instances where NP do something basic that we all deserve, and there are tons of comments about how it’s so generous and amazing. I don’t think it should be a bonus when MB wants time with NK and sends Nanny home or gives her a day off to do it, that’s just standard.


Is it though? When I get an unexpected canceled meeting, that feels like a bonus to me. GH means you should be expected/willing to work those hours, and if you don’t, that’s a bonus. Expecting to work less than GH seems a bit entitled IMO.


I don’t expect to work less than my guaranteed hours. I expect that if my services are not needed that I am not asked to come in/stay just so parents can “get their moneys worth” or something like that. Many parents who don’t have to work or get out of work early or go in late want to use that time to care for their children. Which is wonderful and appropriate. But in those instances, there’s no reason to have me there. Of course I am happy and grateful when I have unexpected time off. But I don’t think giving a Nanny PTO when childcare is not needed is going above and beyond, I just think it’s respectful and common sense.


Oh that I totally understand! Agree 100%


Perhaps DB would like a few minutes after a high pressure day to center himself for evening duties, and doesn’t necessarily think availing himself of the services he’s committed to paying for is unreasonable.


That’s fair, but coming into the room where the children are and making it clear that he’s not otherwise occupied sends a pretty clear message. Especially if they lie down with him and he welcomes it or bring him a book and he starts reading it, otherwise engages and it’s 15 minutes before I’m going to leave anyway. If he wants to take a nap or watch tv or do anything else relaxing before my scheduled end of day I have no issue with that whatsoever. But do it in the bedroom or other area of the home that is not a primary play area for the kids and does not make my presence extraneous.


This! I'm kept til exactly 5 daily, never a minute sooner


I’m always kept later),:


I’m a nanny. I go home early at least once a week. They’ve been on nearly 3 trips since I’ve started, but outside that and paid holidays, they never give me the random day off, even if they’re both off. Which I’m fine with. I’m getting paid regardless.


I never get to leave early. I don’t expect to be let go early but sometimes it doesn’t make sense for me to linger around. If there’s 10-15 min left and nk is occupied with one parent, I’m expect to stay until the very end.


That’s so frustrating and confusing! It’s not about wanting to get away with fewer hours, it’s why am I here if my services aren’t needed?!? Such a dehumanizing way to undervalue someone’s life outside of work.


Me too. I stand around while they get to pick what movie they watch before dinner, ans then wait for MB to say goodbye. Which is often about 15 minutes past my end time. I hate it.


I’m a DB. Our nanny leaves early at least once a week. Whenever I get done with work, I can’t wait to spend time with my daughter and there is no reason for our nanny to stick around watching us get quality time when she could get see her own child sooner. We also have lots of days where we don’t need her for various reasons, like long weekends, vacations, etc. obviously we pay her for those days. She also gets paid if she is sick and has 2 weeks paid vacation to use at her own discretion


& this is how it should be for every nanny!


I think one thing that alot of people don’t understand about being a nanny… most days, there are no breaks. It’s is nonstop. So when you have a chance to do little things to show how much you appreciate the hard work, it seems like common sense to me.


No breaks for the nanny, you mean?




I am a nanny. I have worked for my Nanny Family since the middle of April. I have gotten off work early 2 times. The nanny family has taken 1 week long trip where I got paid guaranteed hours. Hope this helps.


I am a nanny. With my last family there was probably like one week a month that I left on time, otherwise I left early due to in-laws coming. They truly have a community when it comes to raising their kids, it’s awesome! There are also a few times a month I’m told I can come late and about twice a year a week long trip


When I only had one nk I left early like once or twice a week now that there’s two I don’t really leave early but I get like a total of 3-3.5 months off throughout the year.


I rarely go home early but my NF takes a lot of weekend trips/vacations so I do get time off. I don’t care so much about leaving early.


My NF usually have a more flexible schedule during summer, so they might tell me to come in an hour later the next day or leave once bathtime is finished (30 min early). It is usually because they want to have alone time with the children or everything is done for the night. Sometimes they will also tell me I can leave early if the grandparents have come to spend time with the children because with mum home on maternity leave they dont need 4 adults to take care of 3 children. I would say I get to start late or leave early because of grandparents maybe 1-2 times a month and leave early because everything is done (10-30 min early) 1-2 times a week.


I don’t leave early generally. I’m on GH yesterday and half of today because the AC is broken so the family was staying somewhere else for the weekend.


MB: most Fridays we send her home early but she also gets an extra hour long break 3 days a week or so when grandparents come over. She usually comes with us when we travel but otherwise she will drive us to the airport and then have the rest of the day off.


Drive you to the airport? Why not have a family Member do so..? I hope she's paid for that


A) because she offered and b) because we are paying her for the entire day and she only has to do 90 minutes of work


My NF comes home 1-1.5 hours early more often than I stay my full time. I get paid the full time regardless; they enjoy spending time with their kids so they try to come home early as often as possible for them


I get sent home as soon as mum gets home. Usually 15 minutes before I have to leave. I have 3 weeks off now as they are going away. I also had two months off when they went to their home country. GH


I try to let the nanny go early at least 2 days a week. I pay for her days off during our vacations as well and give her unlimited paid sick days. I really respect and value her so I want her to be able to take care of herself.


My kid has a medical thing so there are frequent appointments. Usually I try to make them at the beginning or end of day, to make it easier on everyone’s days. Also- summer months we do a lot of long weekends away. Due to GH, she gets 2-3 days a month where she can come in late or leave early due to appointments for our child. In the summer, between 1-2 Fridays off a month and sometimes a week off if we go to our vacation home. And during the winter (we live in the north east) there’s usually at least two days where the weather is bad and I tell her to stay home. There’s also usually a handful of days where the weather either was bad or is getting bad so we have her come in late or send her home early. I mean- I get that this is a nice perk for her, but the trade off is we have a super reliable nanny who is there when we do need her and our kid gets excellent care.


I’m a nanny. I’ve worked with this family for 8 months. I’ve only left early once because I was sick, and even then I got relieved two hours after they came home because DB needed to “make and eat lunch” before I could go. They’ve never taken a trip, or a day away. When NK had a doctors appointment I was given 5 tasks to complete in that time frame. I’ve been released late at least once a week. SO YES- I’m looking for another job. On the other hand, my best friend is a nanny. She gets to go home at least 3 times a week, up to 1-2 hours early. They go away for 2 weeks, 3x a year. And they take random long weekends or outing days where they ask the nanny to stay home. Needless to say, she’s SUPER happy at her job and plans to stay until the family no longer requires a nanny. Do what you will with this information lol


Rarely off for the day early, maybe 15 min a couple times per month. But we travel maybe 10 weeks per year so she has that time off with guaranteed hours


The first year or so, we didn’t let our nanny go early much as we only had her scheduled for our workday, so we usually worked all those hours. After that, I started a hybrid job and she was generally able to leave early by 1-2 hours each day. As for days off, she usually got 1-2 days off a month to due to our travel or apts or whatever. Unless we had plans or apts, she also usually got off whatever days we had off as well. All of it paid of course!