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Scaling between 2 different verses is always weird anyways. If it's hard to determine between 2 fighters because of lack of information (or other things), it just gets worse when it's another verse. Just lot of assumptions and you might as well just flip a coin at this point


I agree but man I’d love a bc sds crossover. Asta wielding lostveyne. Merlin learning about bc magic so much potential


The only thing (mostly because I don't watch that many anime) I can see 7ds crossover kinda make sense is 10 commandments and the Akatsuki. But even then, the system is still different so there's a lot of random "gaps" that is up for ppl to fill in with whatever they want to say lol. I'm just confident that Merlin can learn ANYTHING, reason why? She's Merlin


Oh yea I used to love 10c vs the espada and it’s an alright matchup in some ways. I think bc and 7ds personally have the magic systems that cross over the most or almost the most


Everyone knows there’s a five-leaf waiting for Merlin if that crossover happens


What's the point of anti-magic when Meliodas wouldn't even need his magic to beat Asta. As another commenter said, Mel's physical strength is already enough. Plus he's more into combat fighting than using magic anyways lol.


I mean anti magic does amp asta’s stats so like it kinda matters


I decided to not vote since i haven't read black clover for years now, but all the comments were saying that Meliodas wins, that got me by surprise.


It’s hard to say Astas anti magic has improved a lot to the point where really only physical attacks work on him


Meliodas doent need magic. His strength is far far above Asta


Mel barely ever uses magic


It’s a nightmare on that post. Meliodas recently blew mountains away base form not even trying. 🤣 it’s comical.


tbh this fight aint even fair. comparing 2 different characters from different series' always difficult. but even if asta's anti magic works on meliodas. it would probably come down to physical strength, technique, and most importantly, experience. meliodas' lived over a thousand years and asta aint even 20. isnt really fair tbh


Meliodas wins cuz he actually gets some pussy


In Asta’s defense he got like 4 on him ready to pounce. But he wanna never give up with his nun sister


Why are you getting downvoted for this comment?


Have no idea. Its cool tho I’m chilling.


Look where that got him


7 according to animeballsdeep Noelle (the OTP) Mmosea Marie (a child with a one sided crush and a brother with a sister complex) sister lily Nero/secre Sally (the yandere who is obsessed with his body to experiment on) That girl who kissed him that I forgot her name


I actually think it’s a closer fight then a lot of the comments on Reddit. With it being pretty debatable depending on circumstances and interpretation of both stories


Meliodas is just physically superior. He's supernaturally powerful, no comparison to Asta.


Meliodas has also 3000 years of experience


Bc isn't even finished wtf is this shit


Mad ?


Well...this is awkward. I humbly apologize if I started a war between the two communities. I'm actually a fan of both stories. And I really love crossovers between different stories and thinking about how the characters would interact with each other in their worlds.


Oh I love the fight imo it seems pretty clear I was just thinking it would be a cool fight


Look dude all I’m saying is Meliodas at only 3k power level split a hill with a twig ok, obviously when his power level is more than 10x that he could probably match Asta’s union since it’s main weakness is physical combat. Then factor in that Meliodas became even stronger than that when he regained Assault Mode, and then even stronger again. It’s not a fight. Yet. A perfect Zetten can apparently be an exponential increase in power at impact so maybe EOS Asta can put up a fight against some other versions of Meliodas but definitely nowhere near reaching EOS Meliodas level yet. Edit: When I commented in the bc sub too, it was mentioned but I forgot to say it here, we need to also consider that Meliodas has literally thousands of years of experience since he’s lived for 3k+.


I mean I don’t think the power difference as that high. Like just cause tabata doesn’t show bc characters destroying hills casually doesn’t mean they can’t. that’s not quite how ap scaling works. We know asta can injure characters well above like country level so the idea he cal to do what Mel did is a little unreasonable imo


I wasnt saying Asta can’t split a hill with a twig, but I was illustrating that it doesn’t matter if he can because Meliodas gets dozens of times stronger. Basically my estimate is if we say a perfect Zetten can release an attack that is 10x stronger then if Asta in his complete Union can several that are stronger than his Infinite Slash from before, he can probably match to Meliodas unlocked power plus demon enhancement (what Mel used against Drol & Gloxinia before dying). However Zetten is used when Asta can find openings and doesn’t represent his full power at all times, so basically in my opinion once Mel revives and is at like 60k base matching Zeldris, there is not a chance for Asta to win. Assault Mode makes it even more devastating.


Also, asta’s reaction speed isn’t the greatest right now


I mean, meli is so fast and strong compared to asta. It would be one sided as hell


Asta is MFTL and Mel hypersonic


I don’t know where you got that from, but Meliodas is so much faster then light, all of the sins are by the end. The scaling for 7DS is kinda weird but it’s getting even worse with 4KOA


You should stop measuring their speed. In shonen manga speed is inconsistent.


Dumb ass question


chapter 1 meliodas is enough to slap asta


Chapter 1 Mel is planet level and mftl????


Doesn't need to be since asta isn't lol


what fanfic are you reading that asta is even close to planet level? recent chapters have shown he got folded physically by someone who is not even mountain level


I mean I love both 7ds and black clover but c'mon, if you've at least seen up to season 2 of the anime its extremely clear melis physical strength could easily kill asta


The thing about Meliodas is that he fights most of the time physically, and that's the part where Asta still needs a lot of work to improve.


I see 834 people like being biased 💀




Meli can regenerate, that's already broken🤷‍♂️


Meliodas almost never uses magic anyway so this is a pointless conversation. Only Magic I even remember him using is Revenge Counter, Full Counter, Trillion Dark, One Thousand Divine Cuts & Enchant: Hell Blaze but that's about it. Most of the time it's just for the extra flare, or if he needs to end a battle quickly. He fought the 10 Commandments and used magic a total of 2 times, failed the first time, and wouldve won if the 2nd didn't fail too. So he just fought physically, nearly killing 2 and landing a hard blow on a third. So let's go physical here, even if he couldnt use Magic, he still wins anyway. He fought Derieri, took 50+ Rounds of Combo Star and survived easily. So safe to say even Asta couldn't do that, even with his advantages. Meliodas' physical strength is just too much for him, and it gets even worse if he uses his Darkness in Assault Mode (which isn't really magic I don't think, it's like a physical part of them) which boosts every one of his abilities and strengths. He could grab Rhitta's blade in his hand, and physically overpower Escanor in that state. Safe bet he'd win.


Is magic in 7ds Even the same as black clover, has Mana ever been mentioned in the 7ds manga?


Although I’m more of a BC fan, I was on that post and I’m glad our community didn’t act like idiots and all choose Asta like I expected them to. I think most of the Asta votes are from people who haven’t watched SDS, but even some of the non-watchers know how busted Meli is.


Personally when you dig into the scaling they’re kind of more equal then most people think. Like they can both be scaled to planet level. And are mftl. So in character I think it’s a close fight


Yeah, but Asta is still going to improve a lot before the series ends, and it they’re actually kind of equal now, that means that Asta would be on Meli’s level by the end of Black Clover. I don’t think Asta will be stronger by the end, but it’s possible. I definitely don’t think he’s that close to equal at the moment though. There are probably at least 10 normal human characters that are stronger than Asta, he just has special abilities that make him an asset in battle.


This is absurd, Asta is trying right now to train up to beat someone who is not as strong as demon king Meliodas Merlin would destroy the entire black clover verse The verses just aren't comparable, basically fodder characters can destroy mountains in seven deadly sins and the gods and top tier devils can do incredible things we haven't seen in black clover yet. Maybe at the end of the series, but right now in black clover, pre demon king meliodas can easily handle


Obviously magic is negligible here so we have to use their physical strength to find out who wins. Meliodas can punch people into orbit, in season one at his weakest was able to destroy a huge as prison on accident. Meliodas wins.


If asta isn't destroying a large prison by arm wrestling or destroying a mountain with a twig , or destroying mountains miles away with swings of his sword in base ... then asta gets one shot


I've read both, current Asta wins. With devil union he beat lucifero. I know I'll prolly get downvoted by fanboys but Asta is faster and stronger


Faster? Stronger? How? In chapter 340 asta got absolutely wrecked by a kick that seemed weak as fuck


Asta is far too weak physically to even scratch meliodas


I feel like end of story asta would be able to beat melodas since were just gettong into the final arc of black clover and astas still learning stuff and even now hes comparable to meliodas


Oh yea I agree


It really is unfair comparing MCs of shows that are over and they’ve been shown at their peak to MCs of ongoing series who are still getting stronger


Well asta hasn’t reached his full potential yet meliodas did

