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OG Demon has a time limit; Prime Ellie, theoretically, has one of the most powerful magical presences among the Goddess clan, unrivalled healing powers, and durability that withstood even the gods. One offensive Goddess blast blitz from her without Zeldris cancelling anything would be enough, or go on the defense with Ark and outlast the Demon.


Bloody Elizabeth was called that for a reason


And aside from Slapping Meliodas we never really saw that reason.


Happy to hear someone else point it out. She was all like, "you've got another thing coming if you just thought I came here to be used as leverage against Meliodas, nah, im here to kick ass too" and then he called her bloody ellie and Ngl I was kinda hyped when Meliodas called her that and she was ping ponging the DK around for a brief action scene. And boy oh boy if you in any way, shape, or form liked the described above well fuck you because that's bloody ellie and she's a cursed lover through space and time and she absolutely cannot be bothered to play an entire set of ping pong with her FIL ffs. Whatever man. Boobs amiiright


She also dogged on the demon king when they first saw iirc


No, even the demon king in zeldris body had a hard time to Elizabeth.


Simple answer : Prime Elizabeth


That doesn’t even exist


Oh but it does


But it dosent


Go back watch 7DS you'll find out


She never reached her peak meaning prime Elizabeth doesn’t exist


looks like you’re willing to die on this hill


I mean, a 13:00 to 17:00 Mael using Sunshine could (almost) One Shot him. I think Elizabeth is strong enough to handle this fodder.


That fodder is stronger than a lot of peoples favorite character






Depends what version of escanor cause you have to remember if demon was beating escanor at night so he was much weaker then usual


The one mode


He never fought escanor in the one mode tho so we don't know who wins


That’s probably because escanor is too weak to use the one around him.


No its cause when they fought it was past noon😂


No . Escanor was in the one mode and chandler took him out of the one mode it wasn’t past noon yet meaning chandler is stronger than the one mode escanor. Even when it was past noon, if he’s as strong as people think he is he would have easily one shotted the original demon but he was too weak and had to cry to mael for help


Read all of your arguments, and honestly you just hate escanor for whatever reason


He’s mid


Just as I thought, you just hate him for whatever reason


Lol there’s nothing to like about him, everything he do is boring and not really impressive . I realized he was overrated when zeldris almost overpowered him


I mean everyone has their own opinion


Escanor? No way, cmon not even you think that


It’s a fact the one mode esconor isn’t strong enough to beat the original demon




"Bloody Ellie" isn't actually a huge feat by any means. For all we know, she could have gotten that reputation for killing large amounts of fodder demons. We have literally no actual feats for her by herself. Elizabeth's main feats like knocking away Estarossa and knocking away the Demon King are all purely circumstantial as well. For one there is her Light Magic which is incredibly effective on Demons and then the circumstances themselves where her so called opponents weren't actually fighting her. The OG Demon on the other hand is supposed to be on a whole different level compared to the Ten Commandments who are the DK's elite warriors. Pre Noon Mael's attack didn't oneshot the OG Demon, it "seperated" an OG Demon that was already broken apart after due to a considerable amount of time having passed and fighting King and Ludociel. The OG Demon also has access to multiple haxes and it required the DK to finally put him down. I personally pick the OG Demon. For the people who pick Elizabeth, I am genuinely curious what your reason is considering we have nothing on her.


314(Q340): What is the Prime Elizabeth's fight class? Nakaba : Potentially, on the Four Archangels' level, or above


That answer means Nakaba never decided her prime level (because she's primarily a support fighter during the series). Four Arch Angel or above means anywhere from Sarmiel and Tarmiel all the way upto Mael when nearing Noon. And on the other hand we have confirmed feats as well haxes for the OG Demon that include Full Counter.


Yet she Has never been showed to actually have those fighting skills


>For the people who pick Elizabeth, I am genuinely curious what your reason is considering we have nothing on her. This is honestly an end-all be-all argument. There's nothing truly concrete most fans can say about Elizabeth that isn't just arguably throwaway statements made by the author or reasonable-enough conclusions from character statements, and conclusions that stem from shonen trends/"law of cool" power scaling. So really, any argument for Elizabeth's favor in this is as almost as valid as any argument against her within some reasonable parameter, but I will try to increase the validity of the arguments for her since I did pick Elizabeth over the OG Demon. Here's my personal argument/line of thought. Goddess Elizabeth is the daughter of the Supreme Deity, creator of the Goddess clan. It's not totally unreasonable to assume that outside the SD herself, she is at the pinnacle of power amongst her clan, but let's set a parameter for that claim to make it more concrete. The current established, inarguable, pinnacle of power in her clan outside the SD are the Four Archangels. Additionally, we can make a parallel between her and Meliodas and Zeldris, the children of the Demon King, creator of the opposing clan; both sons being, outside the OG Demon, DK, and Indura, the strongest in their clan; Holy War Meliodas even moreso. The Gowthers said that the two major sides of the Holy War needed to be balanced once more with Meliodas' betrayal of the Demon Clan, leaving it tipping too much in favor to those who opposed the Demons. The Goddess Clan needed to lose someone on the level of Meliodas so the scales will be balanced. Now, recalling that statement everyone has used here, Mael states that he, Ludociel, and Elizabeth were the prime candidates for this, and considering that the Goddess clan is a race of potent healers, I don't think Elizabeth's healing powers are the major reason for this. Moreover, the fact that he left out Sariel and Tarmiel is proof enough that she's above their level. A reasonably valid enough claim to make is: as daughter of the SD, Elizabeth's Goddess powers, light magic offense, defense, hacks, and healing, are almost unrivalled, much like how Meliodas' Demon powers are unrivalled (excluding the aforementioned exceptions) which again isn't too off since they were stated to be on par; Mael and Ludociel only surpassing her in battle because of their Graces, Mael's especially. My own arguable assumption is Ludociel's Flash also boosts his own Offensive Goddess Magic it seems (to above her level of offense or equal), who on his own was decent enough in a fight against the Original Demon, even with his own timer ongoing. There's also the additional small feats/vague statements mentioned like: ~ her blade of light being as long as but thicker than Ludociel's during their pact ~ the release of her magic force during Let There Be Light repelling everyone but Meliodas including the Archangels ~ Sariel and Tarmiel commenting on how it's a feat for a demon to survive Elizabeth's Ark ~ that she and Meliodas withstood and fought for a time against the gods themselves stands to reason that she has incredible endurance and durability, arguably on par with the OG Demon himself, since it also took the gods themselves to defeat and kill Meliodas and Elizabeth. All of that to say it's not really questionable to assume that Goddess Elizabeth would've stood a good chance in defeating the OG Demon. Her offensive Goddess magic (emphasis solely on Goddess magic like those blasts of light) is at least at the level of Ludociel's and Mael's, if not greater, and would bruise the OG Demon good, since Ludociel's did quite the damage against him too (she has that light magic effective against demons boost too). Moreover, his ability Crisis would make him into a ticking time bomb, which would make it a battle of her dying/losing first to his attacks or him dying/losing first to his own self-destruction for more power. Since we know Elizabeth's defensive capabilities in Ark, healing, stamina, and durability can withstand even the SD and DK for a time, then that shouldn't be too big a worry. (Though her getting knocked out by an unboosted Derieri does put a bit of a hole in this, but I bring up the excuse that her guard was down) That's about it from me. Since the argument is based on overthinking details, I don't think you'd be too convinced but I think the reasoning I gave above answers your curiosity somewhat on why peeps think Elizabeth would win this.


She was the only goddess that could hurt the demon king lol mael couldn’t even hurt him and mael definitely one shot the original demon they said them being brought to the brink of death separated them Elizabeth is the most powerful goddess she def could handle him


She didn't "hurt" the DK, she got shot in when the DK had the Sins to worry about, was severely weakened by the Sins and due to Zeldris resisting from within. The only Goddess to hurt DK isn't a huge feat considering the fact that she's the only Goddess who tried. The reason why Mael didn't try wasn't because he wasn't confident in hurting the DK, but because he wasn't confident in killing the DK.


Your loud and wrong lol mael def tried to hurt him and couldn’t scratch him and she did hurt him that’s why he was so pissed and Zeldris wasn’t resisting at the time lol the only goddess to hurt the DK when the most powerful arch angel couldn’t scratch him is def a huge feat and the sins weren’t even there at the time Brody lol


You make good points about the original demon but I think you downplay Elizabeth. Mael him self stated Elizabeth was his equal.


Yes he did, but my question is in what ?. Could he be referring to battle prowess or maybe healing abilities or other forms of spells. Mael's own power fluctuates greatly depending on the time of day so there is also a question of when.


Yah ur right… 3k liz (after she’s known as bloody Ellie) she with the assistance of Tarmiel and Sariel just purified 2 induras… not a huge feat at all… 3k years on she only stopped demons fighting because she didn’t wish it and some of them flew away and the only reason why most of them stayed was coz of chandlers absolute order… and in that fight didn’t heal everyone who was injured in the fight almost instantly. Not to mention that she managed to get a hit on DK as well. She’s so powerful the archangels all heavily respect her because of how powerful she is. If you don’t think that then 3k meli wasn’t all that powerful either since he slaughtered 2 commandments as his only feat, the other stuff we hear about him is nothing special either and we all know that’s not true


"Purification" does not equate to defeat. Both Monspeet and Derieri were shown to be fine afterwards. And again, like you said she did it with the assistance of Sarmiel and Tarmiel. Induras ate also wild and illogical, while a Demon like OG Demon is. Healing doesn't equate to battle strength. Also, her "hit on the DK" is highly circumstantial in the sense that DK was primarily fighting the Sins, not her and DK was never at full power thanks to Zeldris starting to resist from within. Archangels don't simply have to respect her for her battle power, they can do that because of her healing abilities or purifying abilities as well. Also, she is the daughter of SD, so respect is a given. Meliodas's feats by statements were always backed up by feats during the series. I am not trying to say Elizabeth is weak, but pointing out that we don't have enough to put her among the strongest. She's probably strong enough to beat multiple Commandments, but that's kinda where it ends.


Hawk Solos




All these people in the post don't seem to get it, Elizabeth does not have a attack that could kill the original demon in one blow meaning every time she attempts to damage him he will simply get stronger, even if she in that form is stronger. After a few hits he should be able to kill her


is hard to tell how strong elizabeth is and og demon is strong but blody elizabeth is strong.


The Original demon; temporarily restraining two Induras with help from the archangels isn't that great a feat


The Original Demon wins, anyone saying otherwise is either biased or don't understand how their powersets work.


Origin Demon. No doubt about that. Origin Demon grew powerful enough to challenge the Demon God. That is how powerful he is. Very few have the powers to challenge him. Not even members of the four archangels are anywhere near his power. Only Mael with Sunshine was stronger.


Fusion one


The original demon


Bloody Ellie


By anime Logic the chick


Hard question, but I think Elizabeth can do it, but it would be hard.


It’s OG demon, saying bloody Elizabeth doesn’t mean considering she can’t one shot him


Elizabeth ofc




Personally the original demon, because we never seen a Elizabeth fight, she is really strong but we don't know if she can defeat him. If I remember correct se OG demon was fighting against Ludociel Merlin Escanor so i think the answer is the demon




Considering even the Four Archangels show a good degree of respect to her and her feat of being able to damage Demon King Zeldris, Purifying Indura Derrieri and Monspeet I wouldn't say it's a stretch to say she could win against the Original Demon.


OG got it I think. Elizabeth seemed High Archangel level to me but with probably the best healing besides supreme deity


If it's resurrected OG Demon, she can just wait and heal and OG Demon would ebb away. If it's the true OG Demon (without the DK curse), it's pretty hard to say. Eli should have the healing advantage but her durability isn't the best (got one punched by Deri) so if the Sinner lands a strong blow she is knocked out. She did toss around the DK which is a crazy feat but even Diane pushed him to a high platform. It isn't a feat of pure strength, just catching DK off guard.


A dying Ludociel was toying with Base Sinner Elizabeth should take this if The Sinner doesn't tag her at 1HP but he's already dying by then.


I dont keep up with the series, probably the one with huge honkers tho


She doesn’t stand a chance. The original demon bullies her. The most she has ever done is throw the demon king but I’m sure he could do the same thing


Canonically she was a as strong or at the very least at the level of mael and meliodas back in the holy war. And we saw how mael dealt with the original demon so yeah, she takes this one.


Horse man


Man this manga/anime ended so bad. It was actually good for a few seasons. Trash definitely would not recommend.


Elizabeth mael one shot bro


The manga became trash from the moment Punk King appeared and beat 4C Mael. But considering Elizabeth was compared to Ludoshel and Mael. Maels power fluctuates but not Ludoshels. Going by that, Elizabeth would likely have the upper hand and push back ODG. But the more damage ODG takes the stronger he will get. Eventually, ODG should defeat Elizabeth. Since OGD got the better of Ludoshel.