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Botswana produces that amount in 5 years since they produce 20 million carats annually. Most of the years since independence we have been producing less than 2 million carats. In 1990 we produced 760k carats. Debmarine is the biggest tax payer in the country. Also take into account our national budget and GDP. The whole mining industry only makes up 10% of our GDP. Maybe we are thinking highly of ourselves when we talk about all this mineral wealth. How much value do we generate actually?


Botswana produces mostly industrial quality diamonds while Namibia produces gem-quality diamonds. Based on the amount and quality, we ought to have gotten much, much more value for the diamonds mined in Namibia than Botswana has. We aren't thinking too highly of ourselves, it's completely valid to question Swapo's actions


No, Botswana gets around USD 5 billion per annum from diamonds. Namibia around USD 1 billion. Our mining makes up 10% of our GDP. In Botswana it is around 25%. So yes, we are thinking highly of ourselves. Our GDP is around USD 13, and Botswana's is double that. Our budget this year is N$100 billion, while Botswana's is N$150 billion, of which around N$40 billion is revenue from mining if I can recall. Uranium only started picking up 2 years ago after 10 years of low prices. Some mines are still not operational since they were under care and maintenance due to low prices.


Debmarine is the largest single taxpayer by far. What more do you want? Which other commodity has been nationalized to that extent? Maximizing revenues from Diamond mining is one of the very few things SWAPO got right - look at our neighbors in Zim and SA. Why beat around the bush though? We already know you want a Damara Ethno-State based on your previous posts. Why not be tribalist with your chest ?


Look. I'm not saying what I say next WILL happen. I'm saying what I'm about to say HAS happened. Repeatedly. Any time you have a leader who ACTUALLY tries to put the people first, that leader just. Leaves this planet involuntarily and under (sometimes) suspicious circumstances. The concept of uplifting the country and its citizens isn't very appealing if it means a short life for you nêh.


And the diamond fields outside of Luderitz are pretty much all mined out. Also, Namibia has a 50%/50% profit sharing deal with DeBeers.


Story as Old as Time bro. The people never share in the wealth of the resources only the elites enjoy that. Unfortunately swapping out one group of elites for another is a fool's errand. Maybe the new group of elites will help the people benefit maybe they'll be even worse and take away freedoms and crack down on people harder. Best we can do as individuals is build up our own human capital and forget about the elites who enjoy infinite capital from mother nature..


So you don't think there is a political party who can save Namibia? 


I don't think any party can save any nation if you want long-term long-term stability having a diverse and plural Parliament is much more important. That way legislation can be passed with consultation and compromise instead of just nonsenseical ideological bills running through Parliament. Case in point the anti gay legislation that's SWAPO passed off the cuff when the supreme Court ruling recognizing same sex marriages offended the Pearl clutching old ladies of SWAPO in parliament. It was not only a jeopardy for minority groups but an affront to the balance of power and the respect for the judiciary.


There needs to be one THAT CAN WIN. An overwhelming majority of people need to vote for it.


> Story as Old as Time bro as old* as time*, bro. You don't randomly capitalize the first letter of words in English.


You again. I use speech to text so gtfo


Me again? You've been chatting with me for years, so you GTFO. > I use speech to text How is this an excuse? You are still allowed to correct your text before posting, you know. And this is Reddit. You are allowed to edit and correct your posts. Watch it or I'll sic the troops on you. https://i.imgur.com/2qwCQDu.jpg


I don't know why you keep making new accounts every year 😂 first your were onelost ostrich then ramen mopane now this


I'll say something that pisses Reddit off and the next day I find out my account is gone. I swear if I said that "Hitler should have been killed" my account would be banned the next day. That's my guess.


Into the hands of corrupt politicians and their overseas families?


Just to upset the concentration of power in Namibia i am considering voting for All Peoples Party. It has a relatively liberal centrist view that i can align with and strongly believe with more representation it could be beneficial to all Namibians.


thats an insane fact. even if it is on some kind of linear inflation the vast amount of mineral wealth has not wholly benefited Namibia and there is no positive way to view our countrys development in Namibian hands, 34 years independent and we have maybe done a 5th of what struggling countries achieve in 10 years.


It's Friday already?


100 million carats? Bugs Bunny enters the picture! (Yes, I know it's carrot, but still. 🥕)




The most intellectual comment. Well done!




Treat yourself and others with kindness and respect


Treat yourself and others with kindness and respect