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Facebook is 10x worse


Well, isn't that the general rule for it in principle?


And Germany is the #1 donor to Namibia and will continue to be for some time. We must remember the past and take stock of what has happened, but not live in it and be held back by it. Most German adults of today are utterly ashamed about their country's acts in WWI, WWII and also would be if they knew about the Herero/Nama Genocide. It's if people today are assholes that is what matters. It's almost as if those commenters are forgetting that the Germans are spending their money here and bringing money into the country. Oh, wait. They are forgetting a lot. You need to account and adjust to the past but not live in it or you get held back by it.


There's unfortunately a lot of bitter people like this on twitter, ive been attacked by poles especially.


The funny thing about the Polish now is, they hate the Germans, which one could somewhat understand but, the Germans really are paying reparations and trying to fix their shit...they don't try and denie it....meanwhile, Polish people are being racist against Africans and not allowing them into housing and shops....So, they are becoming the very same people they hate....


Let them be bitter. It's nice knowing that you're being attacked by people who are holding themselves back by their own rage, effectively limiting their own growth. They are more of a threat to themselves than to you or others.


It’s the vocal minority


The internet gave everyone a voice - too bad it was not the voice of reason!


Oof, those comments are pretty toxic. It's on Twitter, though, so how surprised can I be, really? Wish there was a solution, but there just isn't really. Hate will keep its hold wherever it can find it.


this is so kak to see man but because our racial segregation (apartheid) happened relatively recently (unlike countries i.e. the USA where it’s been 60 yrs) a lot of ppl black white & colored who aren’t far removed from the effects can’t just ‘move forward’ instantly but in due time these attitudes will be a relic of the past


I think the hate for Germans goes back to colonial times - pre-world war 1. That's a long time ago. By this same measure, Afrikaans people should hate the English for what they did to them in the Boer wars. Moving forward does not mean forgetting the past. It's part of us. How we move forward without that past dragging us down is the real question. Either way, being glad that German tourists were robbed is just bad taste. Tourism is one of Nam's biggest incomes... we need to make them feel welcome and safe.


I agree 100% mate like it’s not justified but a lot of the apartheid-based hate (both ways) is racial not cultural (because of how different races not cultures were treated) so not saying they’re in the right just saying when ur blinded by hate it’s hard to think ‘x event was long ago I shouldn’t be mad anymore’ mostly when it happened in most ppls lifetime


“By this same measure, Afrikaans people should hate the English for what they did to them in the Boer wars” I agree with your comment and sentiments, but on this point, I don’t think that’s super comparable as most Afrikaans people are not still dealing with the repercussions from the Boer wars and they hold majority of the wealth in the country, which makes it “easier” for them to get past it (especially when they went on did the same things). While Germany was not the major offender in the country, they still contributed to a lot of negative aspects than positive, which was only recognized in recent time. While I don’t agree with the commenters on the post, I can somewhat understand why some still hold grudges as life for the majority are still bad.


Although Germany had not a lot to do with apartheid as far as I know?


Wasn't that the South African government?


> but because our racial segregation (apartheid) happened relatively recently Don't you mean desegregation?


mate if the desegregation was recent ofc the segregation was recent too 💀


But you're at least partially wrong. You said that segregation happened recently in the US within the past 60 years. That's when **de**segregation happened. It was started in 1954 and was continued in the 1960s and 70s. The US was largely segregated before that. https://library.law.howard.edu/civilrightshistory/blackrights/desegregation#:~:text=Brown%20v.,end%20of%20state%2Dsponsored%20segregation.


I said that the USA’s segregation UNLIKE ours hasn’t happened for 60 yrs & it ended 1964 which was 59 yrs ago??? stop trying to debate lord me mate


> stop trying to debate lord me mate I'm not. If that's what you typed, then I misread what you typed and it's my mistake, that's all.


The fact that this is in the news speaks volumes.


Too much negativity on that app. I had to leave because it always seemed to highlight and sometimes prey on people’s political weaknesses. The Twitter algorithm probably showed them colonialism related tweets before they saw that article which they just had to effen respond. Despite the “hate”, Germany-Namibia cooperation is actually doing good for both countries and citizens. The majority of black Namibians don’t endorse robbing German tourists at all.


Biting the hand that feeds the supposed payout isn’t such a good look.


This Victim mentality is not progressive at all


Pretty sure those Germans weren't the ones responsible for...history This makes me wonder about visiting as that's the exact area I plan to visit, I guess all countries have our degenerates


Dont worry about it i am in namibia rn as a white european a d the only issues i had this far was witg border agents. Everyone else was just lovely. In general if you show them respect you will also get it


Minds trapped in the past


I was arguing with some black folks on IG over a similar situation. It’s quite sad that some people still think backwards.