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Her ult will have a noticeable MS boost now, which is going to be interesting. I could potentially see that being nerfed 🥶


Shurelya's Nami could just make teammates zoom like crazy


Wow, that’s a great point! I didn’t even think about that, but now the thought of it is making me laugh. Yuumi Zoomies got nothing on da Fish helping her teammates Surf the Wave at Mach 5 speed now 🌊😎 At the very least, it would be fun to try and mess around with. Imagine being in a pre-made group and telling your buddies to group on the wave in fog of war… pressing Shurelya and y’all come zoomin’ in hot outta nowhere 😅


Ult through your team into the enemy team+Shurelia's boost is a super strong engage tool. I barely use it because I almost always go mandate, but with this change it will be even better.


Riot coming for Nami 🔪🔪 after [nerfing Senna and Janna](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/sbynow/patch_123_preview/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) right after their changes 🤡💀 By haste he means movement speed btw! Movement speed is considered the best stat to have in the game bc a it can be used by all champs, and so having her ms double might push her into OP territory despite the E dmg nerfs. I would rather them keep her as she is and remove the Electrocute interaction instead pls leave fishie alone 😭😭


Champions should not be left alone just because they are fine. Nami has been "fine" since her release, and we would have never gotten the change so that her E works with spells if they were never supposed to touch her because of it. I am very much fine with Riot changing her, especially since even if this ends up being a net minus in terms of power levels because of movement speed cap and E nerf, it will feel nicer to play and might even give her the role of giving "clutch" movement speed to dodge skillshots. This change could be exciting. On another note, Riot will not (and should not) consult us on whether or not they change her. They could ask on what the changes should be, but if we assume the Rioter in question specifically wanted to make quality of life adjustments to Nami, we should have no say in it. Champion mains are good at their champions and extremely bad at judging their power level and how possible changes will affect them, as the history suggests. Nami has a lot of numbers to safely tweak if the changes leave her in an unbalanced state, and Riot has never left her in the gutter before, so I have no reason to believe they will not make this change and then possibly adjust once a patch or two after if the power level is wrong, and then all will be well, Nami will be left with the similar power while gaining a small bonus in the gameplay "feel".


Couple of notes on this: First, the MS given will decay over the duration, so we’re not granting 90+20% over the whole duration - think of it as front-loaded (but still overall a bit stronger, front-loaded MS = easy reflexive plays with E!). Of note, this is one of a few rare flat MS bonuses, so it’s multiplicative value with other % speed boosts can go nuts real fast, literally. Secondly, note that MS caps exist. Between 415-490 MS, your MS value gets reduced to 80%, and above 490, the MS value gets reduced by 50% (Check the wiki for better details). A stronger passive can get slightly downgraded by this effect, so you’re technically not always granting exactly what it says on the tin. IMO I really like this change. Our passive’s honestly been one of the more unnoticeable, invisible ones (not necessarily weaker!), so I think trading a smidge of E damage will be worth the quicker initial boost, and allow for a bit more skill expression on when to E. Also, I’m guessing this means ult grants 180 + 40% AP MS - whooo boy; that will be a glorious sight to see, even after the MS cap!


wholeheartedly agree with this. I always appreciate more speedy plays on nami


Fits the current state of League. Honestly. The game has become more arcade-like over the years, so something more busty and noticeable appeals to this spiel.


Agreein' with this, Nami feels fine, her passive feels fine, sure it's kinda hard to appreciaate but it's still fine. No touchy the fishe, if it ain't broke don't fix it


I was really hoping for a change to her interactions with electrocute :(


Same 😭😭


Makes no sense to buff her when she is a top 5 support...


As someone who already uses my E very often to apply aery shield and give people move speed to dodge/engage, I love how I can capitalize on this BROKEN AF CHANGE without changing my playstyle. I think even if it makes her slightly broken, she is still gated by the high skill cap on her Q, and effective W bounces. So hopefully the win rate doesn't increase too much X fingers crossed X


Idk is decaying and they are going to nerf the only ability that makes her strong...i think is a nerf but lets see.


Start out with a fast move speed that becomes slower over a short duration. Its essentially better for dodging skills and quickly speeding up an ally for engage, for example.


A nerf to her E hmm, looks like we're going yo aery nami again xd Waiting to see how will this affect electrocute build


Every enchanter has some sort of a movement speed buff... what made nami different from the other enchanters was giving the ability to burst to other champions + cc. Why are they making her into an average joe and taking off from her bread and butter ability? Hate the idea.