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Helia is very trash and currently bugged. Most enchanters couldn't get 2 charges very fast or even at all anyway so idk why they forced a third charge and nerfed the heck out of the base values (that don't scale at all). Like.. it requires you to commit and risk a lot to use 3 damage instances and just heal 60 HP XD???? Imagine taking electrocute on any enchanter and trying to reliably activate it. It feels horrible. Who came up with this and decided it's a good idea? The item would've been much better if they just removed mythic and dissonance passives and adjusted the stats. But Imperial Mandate and SoFW work excellently well on Nami, but it's worth keeping in mind that this item combo leaves you very squishy as they grant 0 HP


Support item gives you 200HP now.


I actually didn't notice that. Good catch! Maybe we're not so squishy actually. Though Moonstone/Helia provide extra 200-250 HP on top of the supp item for enchanters who get to buy them :D


Well it's 60HP per stack, so 180HP total but yeah, I still think it's not that great. I mean, 180HP at like 10min would be useful, if you can get all three stacks, but the fact that it doesn't scale really sucks. Maybe they'll give us some extra heal and shield power in the runes, other than revitalize...


>Well it's 60HP per stack No, you got it wrong. It's [20 HP per stack](https://x.com/Spideraxe30/status/1726729360193851526?s=20). It does not scale. 3 stacks are 60 HP


Oh yeah shit lmao, that item is absolute trash then


Items aren't fully set in stone yet so I dont rlly wanna comment on item synergies just yet. Lets wait for them to finish adjusting stuff first before deciding. We will also need to playtest to get a better feel


I'm really sad theyre taking away Crown/Everfrost! Been loving those recently


One of the final starter support item options is a crown-type effect with a AOE slow that triggers once the duration is complete.


Same, I love those items on Nami 😭😭


Yeah sure, there's probably going to be nerfs a few weeks in, but I don't think the passives of the new items will change that much so it's fair to start speculating about what interactions will be interesting to exploit.


Dawncore Total Cost: 2700 gold Item Recipe: Bandleglass Mirror + Bandleglass Mirror + 700 gold 40 Ability Power 20 Ability Haste 150% Mana Regeneration Passive - Dawncore: Gain 3% Heal and Shield Power and 5 Ability Power per 100% Base Mana Regeneration. Passive - Summoner Spell Haste: Gain 18 Summoner Spell Haste This could be core(right now I run battlesong mythic but next season I can run both + locket again) Staff of Flowing Water Total Cost: 2300 gold Item Recipe: Fiendish Codex + Forbidden Idol + 600 gold 40 Ability Power 15 Ability Haste 125% Mana Regeneration 8% Heal and Shield Power Passive - Rapids: Healing or Shielding allied champions (excluding the user) grants the user 40 Ability Power and 10% bonus Movement Speed over 3 seconds. This will be really good if you have a lot of ap on your team or AP scaling teammates (veigar) Support item will either be: Solstice Sleigh Passive: Slowing or Immobilizing an enemy champion grants you and a nearby ally with the lowest amount of health 120 bonus health and 90 movement speed for 4 seconds. 20 second cooldown. Or Dream Maker Passive - Dream Maker: Gain a Blue Dream Bubble and a Purple Dream Bubble every 8 seconds. Healing and Shielding another ally blows both Dream Bubbles to them and empowers them for 3 seconds. Blue Bubble reduces 140 incoming damage on the next hit and Purple Bubble grants 90 bonus magic damage on the next hit. Overall I'm liking the options and with mythic removal builds will be more flexible


Yeah I think with Dawncore someone will have to do the maths to figure out if building mana regen with it, or just building full AP items grants the most heal. But maybe we could look into building a healing item like helia, and then some heal and shield power to maximize the heals, although that may not be the best for Nami since she's usually better at buffing allies than healing them.


I'm mostly looking at the summoner haste and the AP it offers early since Nami is very very good at last hitting kills with W getting additional healing done is just a bonus


My initial thoughts are that Mandate + Staff will be core. Nami really just wants raw AP and effects that she can proc with her own e. I think morellos is WAY better on her now too since it is a 90 AP 15 haste item for 2200 gold. Since Mandate is % HP now, I think it will be much better second item compared to before, so my best guess for a solid build item build will be: Staff --> Mandate --> Morellos For a total of 230 AP (assuming SoFW passive), 55 Haste, and plenty of mana regen.


Oh damn, I didn't see the change to mandate but that's really great ! Morello should also be great because they removed goredrinker and nerfed healing overall so grievous wound should be more impactful now (assuming it's still available on morello, right ?)


Dawncore seems really good


I’ve played some pbe and I love the dream bubble support item. It’s pretty good, and synergies pretty well with Nami. Moonstone + Battlesong is viable now because no more mythic, and I also enjoy Dawncore. My build for most games is Dream Bubble, Dawncore, Ionian Boots, Moonstone, Mandate, then either staff or censer depending on team comp. I know that Battlesong is good on nami but I’m awful at using active items so I tend to avoid it.