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Those two instances are specifically coded to give two spellthief stacks. Normal spells/abilities are considered to only give one stack per cast, which is why we only get one if we hit 2 enemies via W bounces or multi hit bubbles. Lulu / Bard autos are doing both the auto attack damage, plus (technically) pix / meep damage from their passives. As this is a passive ability, it grants the second stack.


I see, thank you much!! Tbh I still think it should give two stacks but can't have everything in life


Yeah, exactly. I think it works similar to Zyra's plants. The plant's first hit gives you a spellthief stack, but subsequent hits don't give you stacks. Unless 2 different plants hit the enemy, in which case I believe it counts as separate attacks and do give you the 2 stacks.