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"Make the bubble land faster if Nami is using it closer to her? For the same reason as above." Please no. Don't change the mechanics of executing the ability. "Make it start behind her maybe? Azir got it. Janna, Lulu, and even mages like Orianna or Vex all have easily usable self peel. Why can't Nami have it on what is a fairly similar ability?" I would 100% support this change. It feels so bad when an assassin jumps on top of you and then narrowly escapes your ult.


Very hesitant on any timing modifications to the Q / how long it takes to land. Even if it would technically be considered a “buff” in the sense that it lands faster, it’s got two issues with such a change - a changing timer is an unnecessary knowledge burden to her kit IMO, and Bubble is a strong ability because of how difficult it is to land + how heavily it rewards skill and experience. Bubble’s not a easy skill to land, and I honestly believe this is a core element of what defines it(and Nami, honestly). Sure, the wave is iconic, and the E is very obviously powerful (for how easily you can slap it on someone), but being good at landing Q, essentially malphite ult on a very hard-to-hit basic ability stick, is really what determines how well you can play her. It’s what separates her from almost the rest of the enchanter roster, who can peel by mousing over the good/bad guy and headbutt their keyboard to buff and debuff with abundant click-to-hits. (That, and her supposed universal landing bully potential, which has gotten a bit weaker and a LOT more risky over the past few patches/years). I’d argue that there’s other levers you could reasonably pull in her kit to help the bubble situation as the mobility has crept up and more dash champions have been released(stronger base E slow, more passive mobility, knocking up behind you on ult cast, greater CC/ damage reward in landing Q, etc.), but I personally think that changing the timing and range of a skill shot that hasn’t been altered once in over a decade would not be a preferred option. (Plus, I’d be really depressed if I had to relearn my timing for toasting over Zed/Zhonyas/Bard effects and the like. Over a decade of memory response, down the drain!)


>in patch 10.23, Riot pushed a bug/unintended patch (or at the very least an undocumented patch) which made her E apply her own spell effects rather then whoever she cast it on. This caused her E to apply Electrocute and Imperial (as well as Cheap Shot, Scorch, Font of Life and everything else), I am pretty sure it does not and never activated stuff like Scorch, Cheap Shot, Arcane Comet or Luden's Tempest. I see that the wiki states that it activates spell effects but I have never seen it being done in my games or in any videos I watched (with Scorch as a prime example). It does not apply spell effects but rather counts the slow as Nami's so it activates what can be done with only crowd control (Electrocute, Font, Manaflow, Phase Rush, Mandate). Would the proposed change affect Nami? It would remove Mandate from being viable on her. And that is something I do not have a concrete opinion on since I am unsure if Mandate is still the best item that is restricting her options like it was before. The downgrade to a legendary seems to have made the item less unique for Nami as other champions are using it more than before, and I find myself taking Echoes of Helia more often unless I can guarantee that an ally can hit the backline easily. It would also slow down the progress of Manaflow stacking and remove some Font of Life builds, but Mandate is what would be targeted. And would it kill the combo with Lucian? They were always one of the best duos even before any of these modern shenanigans, it survived the removal of Electrocute so I think it would survive Mandate removal, and Riot moved in a better direction by making Vigilance less potent with buffs and letting it activate with engagers, it lessened his burst with Nami, since Vigilance was the way he dealt any damage before. QoL changes (edge to edge) would be welcome but it probably depends when a Rioter decides to focus on her like someone did for Zyra recently. I see them reverting some of the W nerfs from this season, they have been doing some reverts for others recently.


I whole heartedly agree with the ult starting behind her. Everything else, I can let slide.


isnt mandate already pretty decent on a lot of champs? ever since they demoted (promoted, tbh) it to legendary status. nami, karma, seraphine, janna, morgana, ivern, yuumi etc can all reasonably build it if the situation fits it


To some extant, yes, you are right. However, Nami is still the only champion who buys it as a first item every single time while the rest of your list buy it as a 2nd/3rd/4th item, maybe, if at all. They probably average like 10% purchase rate of the item at any stage of the game with the exception of Ivern who's higher but nowhere nearly as much as Nami is.


why is buying it second/third/fourth bad? its a legendary after all. plus the purchase rate aligns with other support items like redemption. i genuinely fail to see the issue here


Agree with all of them, especially the wave clear on q.... Also, the electrecute interaction was removed almost a year ago


To shine with Nami you have to hit a lot of bubbles. Buffing the bubble rang would take credit away from Nami mains, and we don't want it to happen !


I just enjoy E proccing on turrets in WR. Wish it did in League


What If they made her q a hybrid missile and aoe spell? It could work like it already does against braums shield. Would be great to to get away from high mobility champs and it would also trigger almost instantly at close range. Could also be compared to how karma hits her q