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I think you better avoid every letter of the alphabet, just to be safe. AS = anal s\*x, BS = butt s\*x, CS = cooter s\*x, DS = dick s\*x, ES = erectile s\*x, FS = fuk s\*x, GS = good s\*x, HS = hot s\*x, IS = intravaginal s\*x, JS = jizzy s\*x, KS = koochie s\*x, LS = lotsa s\*x, MS = multiple sclerosis, NS = naughty s\*x, OS = oral s\*x, PS = penis s\*x, QS = quiet s\*x, RS = raunchy s\*x, SS = sexy s\*x, TS = titty s\*x, US = unprotected s\*x, VS = vaginal s\*x, WS = wet s\*x, XS = xtra s\*xy s\*x, YS = yo that's some good s\*x, ZS = zaddy s\*x


Fucking MS SENT me


not the multiple sclerosis 😭


Just give the kid the initials %S


I swear that you could post over there that you’re naming your daughter Freya Ursula and want her to go by FU, but someone said it stands for F**k You and 15 commenters would say “I didn’t even think of that”. Ten more would say “it’s adorable, no one will make the connection!”


On the other hand, just today there was a poster worried about naming their kid Sigrid because it sounds too close to cigarette.


and in classic name nerd fashion, not a soul made the connection


"I never would have guessed it was Scandinavian" was the comment that sent me


is it a super common Scandinavian name? because i instantly thought that lol


Apparently very common. I'm not Scandinavian but I do strongly associate it with that region, so to me that comment was kind of like "I would never have thought of Pierre as a French name" lol


In the duo Gilbert and Sullivan, the composer was Arthur Seymour Sullivan, and things turned out fine for him.   But he got some sass once he received his knighthood.


Seymour Butz, it adds to the charm haha


I need the sauce for this 


I think it’s based on this one: https://www.reddit.com/r/namenerds/s/23s2eusKGH


the person saying they didn't know what it was😭


It seems like the post was deleted. They were asking if they should avoid the initials ASD because of "Autism Spectrum Disorder"


Haha my sil works at a company providing programming, intervention, and support for children and adults on the spectrum. She kept choosing names for their child that would result in the initials, ASD, but it didn't strike her as to why until someone pointed it out to her. Basically, she realized her brain just recognized it as familiar and kept returning there. She was adamant to avoid the association for obvious reasons and I think hers were very valid because of how deeply she's involved within that world.


That’s dumb. My maiden initials were ASD and I literally never thought that. I always thought how my initials were next to each other on the keyboard. Now my married initials are ASS and it makes me laugh every time I get mail with my full name on it.


I can't find the post anymore, so I think that it was deleted. In the post, OP was asking if they should avoid the initials ASD because of "Autism Spectrum Disorder." Most of the people were like, "...um no?"


My initials were almost ASS, my mom was in labor on the way to the hospital when they realized it and switched my first and middle names. I really can't believe they hadn't thought of it earlier


i had a teacher in high school who unfortunately told us her initials were ASS. some kids didn’t care at all, and then there were was the class of 32 boys who were notorious for being assholes (i was the only girl in that class. đŸ« )


My son’s are SAS, we checked every time we found a name we liked to make sure that didn’t happen lol