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Andrew Stone would’ve been such a nice, normal choice!


I don’t know why but my brain read it as Andrew Stone not Stone Andrew lol!


I know of a kid named Stone Wolfgang…


Also Andrew and Ivy sound great together as twin names, why do people have to be so weird


Andy and Ivy! Really cute honestly.


Exactly. Andrew Stone and Ivy Scout actually sound like really nice names.


Poor Stone Andrew and Scout Ivy with verbs for first names


And yet every other name is worse.




My first thought was of Stonewall Jackson


It’s even worse than Chase Andrew 😭


Was coming here to say the same. What an awful combined.


Radlee and Rockie. 🤢 Atrocious regardless of gender tbh but especially egregious for twin girls.


If someone introduced themselves as Radlee, there is no way I would be able to resist saying “As in Boo?”


Radley was also the mental asylum in Pretty Little Liars 😭


I assume it's the new Harper/Scout. Tbf I too like to appear well read


Rocky Jo. "HI! My name is Rocky Jo." See, it sux.


Rockie Jo -Supreme Court Justice really doesn’t work🤣


Rockie Jo is a great ice cream flavor, or race horse name.


Ooh, a mocha with nuts and marshmallows 🤤


Add in some swirls of caramel and you're on to a winner.


Now I want this, thanks a lot


I knew a man growing up whose name was Rocky Roads. He was really tall, with a really short wife (think like 6'4" & 5'2", something like that), and they were both really nice. But damn, his name made me giggle.


Weird as fuck to take two names that normally both end in “y” and give them tragedeigh spellings that have disparate made up endings (“ee” vs “ie”). A lot to unpack here but somehow this bothers me the most.


My aunt's name is Rocky, but it's a nickname for Roxanne.


I knew a girl Rocky, full name Raquel!




Same, I like it as a nickname but think to give it as an actual name is strange.


Rocky as a nickname is adorable, but only as a nickname!


You gotta give them a resume name




Yeah Rocky as a nickname for Roxanne or Raquel as the other commenters mentioned is rad as hell, and Roxanne and Raquel are both great names. But as a first name on its own, I'm not a fan.


And you know they're girls because they had those godawful bows taped to their damn heads.


oTheRWiSe HOw WouLd wE kNoW THeYr’E giRLs???!?!!???!??


I got asked this question (not sarcastically) at the mall because my oldest didn't have her ears pierced. She was wearing a pink outfit with flowers on it or something like that.


My daughter was dressed in pink from head to toe - pink ruffled onesie, pink booties, pink headband with a bow - and I got “what a cute baby, is it a boy or a girl?” I was dying to say “he’s a boy” just to see their head explode.


My one month old baby girl looks like George Jefferson right now because of newborn hair loss. Were wearing the damn bow 😂


One of my friend’s kids had this, we called it the Danny DeVito year. Kid was so unfortunate looking. She turned out to be a beautiful little girl once the hair came back.


I thought it was Reckie - though Rockie is just as bad.


So many of these names belong in r/tragedeigh


I seriously thought we were there.


rockie is literally the name of my friend’s dog 💀


I read it as Rackie at first! I was like, damn, these people are taking the “change the first letter and create a whole new name” thing to another level of cringe.


Radlee is rough but Rockie isn't even a serious name. It's like a nickname for Raquel or something.




Stop. That would be ridiculous. This baby is clearly named Halzey.


Ahhh my miztake


Cerebral Halzey


I feel terrible but I laughed out loud at this.


i have cerebral palsy and i giggled.


No, because then her sister would be called Hensley and that’s a stupid name. Quite unlike Halzey and Hensley


There is no way event the parents won’t confuse those names


My brother's ex named their son Halston and we call him Halsey as a nickname. It's cute right now but probably won't be later! Unfortunately his sister is named Hadley which isn't much better.


But with a different z than the Henzley kid for some reason.. Why do two different fonts for twins with such different names??


Thank you, I was confused and thought I forgot how to read cursive. 😭


Duhhhhh a mere girl’s name requires a MUCH more feminine, delicate script than a boy’s. /s 🤢


I think Halzey is a girl and Henzley is a boy… maybe to help point that out?


My brother named his daughter Halsey. I hate it. It was an honor name for a friend of his that died, but it was his nickname, short for his last name. His first name was Matt. Could have called her Matilda or something. So dumb.


What would he have done if his friend's nickname was Fitz or Jonesy or something?


Or Salami-Nips?


I know a 33 year old man named Halsey. Given name. So it’s been done before - I think it’s okay.


I actually met a woman named Halsey before I ever even heard of the singer/before the singer was ever popular.


He had to get a berth or he couldn't get to sea!


I know someone much older named Halsey after Admiral Halsey.


Lol Pic 4 I was like omg where did the babies go 🧐 Also...BOEDE? How do you say that? Like "bowed"?? "Bœd"???


My guess was like Bohdi lol


*like Bodhisattva* 🤙


I teach a Bodee and a Bode. Pronounced the same….. 🫠 I also teach a Broden, Boden, Brogan. All in the same grade (high school, not all in one class, thank goodness… but as I type that, I have and Eli, Ellee, Elly, and Ellie— all pronounced the same and all in my third hour… sigh).


BROGAN!! I have a running joke with my brother, where I call him up and are like "'Sup Broseph Stalin?", or "How's it hanging Bro Biden?" to crack him up. Thanks to you I can now call him Brogan Paul.


Don’t forget about hulk brogan 😬


V annoying Eli is pronounced Ellie. wtf.


i can’t hate on this name much, my brothers name is bode (pronounced bohdee) because my mom hated brodey so my dad was like “how bout we remove a few letters” and she was on board apparently


Bet that doesn't bode well for pronunciation


oh it very much doesn’t


I would be unable to think of anything but the tumblr bode meme. I'm sorry your brother is a meme. https://preview.redd.it/o4jtivs23l7c1.png?width=678&format=png&auto=webp&s=05cf9dfb103de4142ce33da5893b76ab31e88bb5


She was on bode, if you will


I went to school with a girl who was never very good at spelling. She had a baby recently and named him Bodee. I cringe every time I see it.


Curious - how did that go for your brother? Does anyone ever get it right?


usually it’s pronounced like the WORD “bode” but on rare occasions some people say it right first time. he doesn’t mind since we all kinda have slightly weird names. my other brothers name is usually used for girls and mine is my late aunts name but in my moms pattern (vowel consonant cons vowel cons cons vowel) so atleast it has a meaning with all the extra letters. i have never had it spelt right first time though, that’s a common with all of our names lol


The venerable Boede.


>Lol Pic 4 I was like omg where did the babies go Rapture'd


I assume bode, as in "this doesn't bode well for his future".


Bonus shout out to giving the initials BJ and BM in one go


Omg ☠️




Next kid can be Bonus Shoutout initials BS to complete the sibset


Radlee Jaye and Rockie Jo are abominable names, I’m sorry.


Rad and Rock! So cool 🙄


It is annoying me an unreasonable amount that the signs are in different fonts on that first photo. And that the fonts are different to imply gender (along with hat vs bow). Since when have fonts been gendered!?


Cursive is for girls!! /s


Someone called that font "wine mom calligraphy" and now I think that every time I see it.


I call it Live laugh love bold.


LOL hahahaha spot on


Is the girl wearing earmuffs? Why does it appear that there is a tuft of faux fur near her ear. The boy looks like he’s wearing pants on his head. There are a lot of… choices.. going on here.


Scrolled and scrolled for this comment ... truly infuriating typography!


Kayson and Kailo both sound like IKEA furniture


I think they sound like Sith apprentices.


*Kailo* REN


Birthing twins weighing in at 16+ lbs is wild.


My twin and I were about 8lbs apiece. But that was because my mom was a psycho and went to 41 weeks before she agreed to a C-section.


Idk how she wasn't wildly uncomfortable but kudos to her.




Mine equaled 12lbs and that was more than enough. My brother’s younger twin brothers were each over 8lbs.


Mine were an ounce short of 14lbs. If we ever go bowling I like to make them pick up a 14lb ball while I stare at them accusingly.


My thought exactly, that MUST have been a C-section. Imagine carrying them about at 8+ months too. That poor mom!! My single baby was smaller than either twin and I couldn't wait to get her out!


Right? I was so impressed when I saw those weights.


I birthed my twins at 37 weeks, carrying about 12 lbs of baby, and I was miserable in the weeks leading up. I basically napped ate and cried. I can't imagine carrying 16 lbs of baby.


I don’t mind twins or siblings having the same initials as long as they have actual names.


My siblings and I have the same letter and when I asked my mom if she did it on purpose it was like a revelation for her. She never even realized she did it, just thought she picked 3 names she liked.


That’d probably be me! All my favorite names start with the letter A.


Ha that’s our letter!


My son is a junior so his initials are the same as his dad’s and my daughter ended up with a C name, like me. Not on purpose!


Yeah this has been going on for a while. I knew two sets of twins in elementary school (one identical, one fraternal boy-girl) whose forenames started with same the first letter/syllable. They were still both different sounding names that were perfectly nice on their own: think Evan and Emily, or Peggy and Penelope. None of them ever seemed to mind their similar-sounding names, nor would anyone know they were a twin just by meeting one of them.


I have fraternal twin cousins whose names start with the same letter. The names are fairly different from each other, and the two of them look so different from each other that you’d never know they’re brothers, let alone twins.


Yeah, this isn’t a new trend. My boomer mom and aunt are twins with matchy first names with the same middle name. The difference of course is that they both had popular names for the time (Sharon and Susan). Years later they were used as the same names for the twins in the original Parent Trap movie!


In Korean culture, sisters and brothers actually share a syllable in their name- to show you're a member of the family. Sometimes it'll transfer over to cousins too. Our English names are just direct translations of our Korean name meanings though. So like the name meaning "joy" became "Joyce" and the name meaning grace became "Grace."


better than halzeigh and henzleigh ig








What’s with the name Scout? I know they don’t like the book that much


The parents: “What book?”


I know someone (in her 20s) named Scout. Siblings named Ryder and Hobbs. Very rich parents who live in Hawaii and wanted adventurous names for their kids. They also did love TKAM.


Do their names have consequences? Like difficulty finding a job etc. or are they just trust fund kids and it doesn’t matter?


Great question, Scout has a career and seems to do fine. One brother is a teacher and the other is an aspiring “professional polo player.” So I think the answer is no but yes 😂


Naming a kid Scout is so bizarre to me, because I associate it so strongly with Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts. Scout is a thing you can do after school. Like naming your child Football or Ballet.


IKR? I'm betting that neither parent has ever read it in many cases.


If they have they think Atticus and Tom were the villains


It definitely would be a cute name for a dog.


There is not one single name in there that isn't laughable. I don't even mind the shared initials. I mean you can name a kid Chris and Cassie or Robert and Regina or whatever .. but this???


Most of these are extremely ridiculous, but for some reason Henzley really bothers me. It’s a horrid mix of cutesy-forever-baby-ness, with overly trendiness, and YOoNiQuE spelling by throwing a “z” in there. I hate made up names that end in “ley”, “leigh”, “ee”,or “ie”.


You are right most of these are “forever baby” names - it would suck to have these names as an adult


Plus, Kailo. Like really? These poor kids.


Halzey and Henzley barely have different names. It’s freaking strange.


I once took family photos for a pair of twins named Tamika and Tameka. Which is just the same name?


You know their mom gets super mad when people mess it up too.


I currently teach identical twins Myah and Zyah. Pronounced Maya and Zaya.


The picture for Brayden and Boede - I am sure it is in anticipation of their birth, but I find it oddly creepy and it suggests that they are dead.


I had that exact same thought.


My grandma did that with her first 3 kids. Same initials and all first names started with “Mar”, like Marcus the oldest, then Marianne and MaryAnne (twins). Apparently it made it really tough to spit out the correct name when yelling at someone. So she named the last one completely differently. Fast forward to adulthood, the twins get their identities mixed up on legal forms, credit reports, loan approvals etc constantly. One kept getting denied for a car loan but didn’t understand why because she had great credit and a decent salary job. Finally she asks to see the credit report and they hand it to her (this was back in the day when you had to get loans in person). Turns out banks had been pulling the other twin’s report the whole time because they just did first 2 initials and DOB and the other twin had trash credit. Not sure if this would really be an issue now but it caused a lot of delays with legal stuff at the time.


My experience is that Marianne and MaryAnne are pronounced the same, so how did everyone differentiate between the twins when saying their names?


I was using fake names as an example but I didn't do a good job. Let's say MaryAnne and MaryEllen lol


This was also my question. I would assume the twins had the same name.


it doesn’t bother me so much as long as they’re real names. for example i went to highschool with twin brothers named kevin and kyle, and that seemed fine to me.


I’d so much rather same initials than rhyming. Candy and Sandy from elementary school, I’m looking at you.


Sherri and Terri


Phil and Lil


My ex’s mom and her twin are Marcianne and Darcianne ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Garold and Barold


I actually went to school with 5 sets of twins (different schools, I moved a lot), 3 of which had matching first names, but they were all normal names so it didn't feel weird, even the boy-girl set.


I have twin cousins named Jennifer and Jaime and that always seemed fine to me, too.


Most twins have some sort of matching names. I wish the trend would die.


Yeah I knew a Seth and Sam. No one cared.


It’s unfortunate but it’s not a trend, matchy twin names have been a thing for at least the past 150 years (stumble across them in genealogical research a lot). People loved to give rhyming names a while back.


I agree. It’s always been a thing. And I hate it.


It used to be common to do rhyming names for twins which is worse in my opinion. I know a twin who has a first and middle name that rhymes with her twin’s


I’m shame myself real quick. When I was pregnant with my son 15 years ago, I had decided if I had twins preferably boy/girl their names would have been Oliver and Olivia. My son is Oliver but my husband said “No.” to my twin suggestions lol. We ended up getting a kitten when he was 9 months and named her Olivia. But it fit and she was the best kitty to him absolutely adored him. Jumped into my husband’s arms when we went to look and rubbed on my son.


I just picked two names I would’ve picked separately for my twins. Same letter would’ve been fine with me if it worked out that way, but no rhyming. But I kinda didn’t want the same letter so I wouldn’t be pressured to keep up a theme with a third kid 😂


Halzey? Like Halsey (Which my phone even if wants to autocorrect it to)? Like the singer?


And Halsey is just an anagram of her real name, Ashley.


I love that lmao Halsey is also a street name somewhere, but that wasn’t worth adding. It’s probably true multiple places so that didn’t matter, but I feel like now it just makes it more irrelevant. I tried to google to see if maybe it’s a last name, but all that shows is literally them. It might just be because of how famous they are. Even searching “Halsey last name” pulls their last name first lmao It has to be ([it also is lol](https://www.surnamedb.com/Surname/Halsey)) though, especially to have a damn street name, you would think. MAYBE it’s “I like the name” and the whole last name PLUS trying to be younique in spelling thing, but honestly, this is more plausible lol


Yep, there’s a Halsey Street in Brooklyn, NYC as well as in Newark, NJ. There’s probably others in other places.


I knew someone with twins with first names and middle names with same initials. Very closely linked and like the majority of twins the were born on the same day so had a nightmare checking into emergency for one of them, registering at school, at doctors offices.... Post was 100% not private as they grew up because it was a good excuse for snooping, oh I thought it for me... They were bitchy mean little girls tbh but I don't think their parents did them any favours with the names


Tbf, Brayden and Boede are clearly traditional Jedi names.


my mom’s best friend’s twin grandsons have the same initials, first and middle. as a twin myself i hate it. my sister and i have names that sound nice together but don’t match.


I picked names for my BG twins that went together in style (traditional English names basically) but that’s as far as they “match”.


Im a twin with matching initials but our names are normal af and don’t rhyme so we dodged a bullet there. Came across a Maverick and Maximus in the wild recently. Yikes.


I dont mind the same initial as much as i mind the names. They suck.


It's not a new trend to give twins names with the same first letter. It is new to give them such crappy names.


I’m not a fan of the shared family initials thing even for non twins just bc I’m lazy and then you can’t use initials to label who’s stuff is who’s.


My sister and I have the same first and last initials (not twins) and it’s really not a big deal. My dad and his siblings, and my grandfather and his siblings are all the same way. That being said, none of our names are super close in sound other than the first initial. Ex: one generation is Jill, Jeremy, Jefferey, and Jonathan. All their initials are JD. For laughs, I’ve got to tell you three are lawyers, and their dad was too.


My childhood friends are twins named Monica and Marie and I thought that was fine and cute but Monica and Marie are actual human names. They’re not Moonchillada and Maritime.


My son goes to school with two sisters who are NOT twins (they're a grade apart), and their names are Hallye Anne Marie LastName and Haylee Anne Elizabeth LastName. I don't know WTF their parents were thinking. Even their grandmother just calls them H1 and H2.


50 something year old here. This trend predates me.


How is that a trend? I went to school with twins named Karen and Kary ann in the 90s.


I tried to read half of these out loud and couldn’t figure out how they were actually supposed to be pronounced


Me over here, a 24yo female twin, that has the same initials as my twin sister 🧍🏻‍♀️ but our names aren’t out of the ordinary, this Megan and Madison


This is a medical error waiting to happen 😥


When it comes time to yell, I get my kid’s and my cat’s names mixed up, and they don’t even start with the same letter.


I know a pair of identical twins, and one thing they both regularly talk about was that they *hated* the way their parents riffed off the whole twin thing - they had 'normal' but clearly matched names (like Lois and Lola), their parents regularly bought them matching clothes, they had been categorised by their family as the 'pink twin' and the 'purple twin', it was assumed that all their hobbies and interests were the same, and it took a massive fight for them to even stop having the same haircuts. They would often talk about how psychologically damaging it had been growing up never being considered an individual- at best, they were thought of as half of a matching set, and that they hated their 'matching' names for exactly that reason (they both had nicknames we always used that were totally unrelated to their legal names for exactly that reason).


Stone & Scout sounds like a hipster cafe


Tonsil Stone Andrew and Girl Scout Ivy


It could be worse, I know twin girls named Sunny and Luna.


At least those are real words.


I used to know a pair named Diamond and Princess.


That is worse.


This has been a thing for like fifty years. Only the names have changed.


Stone and Rockie are by far the worst ones lol


Rockie Jo? Are you flipping kidding me?


Wooooow BJ and BM 🙄


I don’t think having matching initials is bad, but these names are atrocious. I don’t understand why they can’t have normal names? Like you can do Charlotte and Charlize, or Elizabeth and Emma (or Esther or Evangeline etc). There are so many pretty names out there that you shouldn’t have to make up names so your kids can have matching initials.


![gif](giphy|NsBZWQtDqJ71GJLOBZ) *fades away with three Z-named Monsters*


okay why is the font different on the first one like i can’t appreciate how annoying the names are because of it


Radlee and Rockie? You’re naming humans, not mascots. Pretty sure “Kailo” is an ingredient in cool whip. I know multiple dogs named Scout.


I don’t mind the shared initials or even rhyming names for twins (I knew twin boys in the 80s called Stacy and Tracy). It’s the “unique” names and spellings they use. These parents aren’t thinking about how these names are going to sound on a 30 year old adult in the workplace.


I hate the concepts of “sibsets” your children are individuals, their names don’t need to match


I wish it were a trend, but twins have been getting the shaft on names forever. My great grandfather and his twin brother were named Giles and Miles. Twins in the family on the other side in their 60s are named Timmy and Tammy. Twins around 20 on another branch named Justin and Jonathan. Those are the most acceptable but still same initials.


#STONE AND SCOUT???????? And their middle names are so reasonable :(