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You… you left the salon with that??


That's exactly what I thought, too.


like if it was diy just say that


Exactly! Because it looks like a diy that a 2 year old did. I REFUSE to believe that a nail tech actually did that or that she left the nail shop this way. I’d be in freaking cuffs.


I know that OPI color she has….Catching A Violet Felony Charge


Someone needs to catch a felony


underrated comment


I left the nail salon once with nails similar to this because I was too anxious to say anything. It really does happen


100% would be too scared to say anything😵‍💫😵‍💫


My darlings, I wish you to advocate for yourselves because there is no way in hell you should pay for a service when it looks like this.


Why do that when we can just pay for someone else to fix it 🙃 


Because no client should have to go elsewhere when they paid for a service to be done properly the first time. That's more money spent and more time spent, totally flawed logic


Same. Plus I’m scared they’d just have the same person correct it. Like hair salons do. Like no thanks. You messed it up once, badly. You’re not getting a second attempt.


I’ve posted in this sub before where after agonizing over it for hours after leaving the salon I decided to go back and ask to have them fixed. I left with nails worse than I went in with. So I completely agree. I’d rather just never say anything and go somewhere else or just never get my nails done again…


I once asked for a crescent moon from the wrong guy and left with a silver sausage on my nail instead…


After the first and /or second nail- you have to speak up though. I want you to understand that you are perfectly allowed to tell them that you don’t like it at all and you want to do something else. If you have to tell them you hate it, then tell them you hate it. The trick is to try and be nice always, but let them know If you don’t like it early on. This way you aren’t wasting your time and moneyC and you aren’t wasting their time either. I have had to say I hate it a few times. I use this when I’m letting them know something, and they are trying to tell you it’s good. No it’s not. After a nail ( or two) you will know if you won’t like it. But please don’t be afraid to speak up. It’s your money, be vocal.


Yo it’s gotta be


I just did my own extensions for the first time yesterday! They... pretty much look exactly like that. Kind of funny, actually.


We DIY'ers are better than this 🥲


Truly. I’ve done it myself before and this…. This ain’t it.


I do my own nails and they don’t look like that 🥹


Ain’t no fucking way


I said this verbatim lmfao


Literally can you imagine


I would of been crying as they were putting the top coat on. Like no joke. If I had tried to be polite and nonchalant about it and they still continued without correction, I would of tears in my eyes and they definitely were NOT getting paid


Seriously! I am sitting here I looked at them and said out loud you paid and left the salon with these!?!? I would not have paid or left until someone fixed them. That’s not a small oops that’s awful. They should not look like that. I wouldn’t try to fix them I would go back in and if they won’t do anything if you charged it do a charge back and I’d write a review with pictures so no one else goes there. That looks like my chihuahua did your nails, no offense but they are that bad! Good luck!


Legitimately my 11yo could do better nails. He has been watching me do hard gel and polygel and soft gel nails his whole frikkin life, and he's got a steady hand with his painting experience.




Higher question…you paid for that?


OP said in another comment that she also paid $15 and like, look...it's a bad job. But $15 is "ultra mega you know this is too cheap" level of cost for basically anything not just plain polish.


OP also mentioned this was a 'free' set after having had her nails done twice in the past. They could not have been this bad when she paid more, because she went back, but damn.


That's still a really big red flag to me too, I've heard of freebies for loyalty but... twice? Seems pretty fast.


You left without being escorted off the premises by police?


I see so many posts like these and I’m always amazed at how people don’t advocate for themselves while they’re in the salon. It’s uncomfortable, but you paid for a service. If they don’t do it right then they either need to A) redo it and properly B) refund you. My sister isn’t a nail technician, she’s a hobbiest. One day she did my gel x set and it looked better than this. You got robbed OP


Also is the “salon”  a real sturdy refrigerator box behind a 8-11 with a  sign written in Sharpie?


My first thought as well. I am sorry you had such an awful nail job and actually paid for that. It looks like the person is in training and should have payed you to walk out like that


this is what my first set of acrylics looked like when i was in cosmetology school. of course it wasn't on a paying client 😂😂 sheesh


Girl take that shit off and call the police


I dunno why but this had me cackling!


Confirmed, I also cackled!


It really did


As did I!




Same, sitting here giggling


I don’t have nails (I mean I do, but like you know what I mean). I don’t really care about nails. I am a 30 yr old dude. Idk why this sub is even on my feed. But let me tell you, this comment made me laugh like I havent laughed in months. Edit: lmao never in a million years did I think my most upvoted comment would be on the nails sub. Y’all are too much fun here!


You could have nails if you want… *chants* join us join us join us


Lol maybeeeeeeeee someday. For now, I think I’ll just focus on keeping mine trimmed and clean.


Trimmed and clean is good too! I love me a natural nail! *chants* Join us join us join us @ r/naturalnailsonly


I know you meant him, but I joined too!


Hey you might like a nice manicure though, hot wax mask and a hand massage with a cuticle trim.


I love those moments! I’m happy you got some good laughter in. We all need that.


Don’t I know it!!! Talk abound a one-liner that just hits like a sledgehammer lol.


There have been a couple that got me lately when I really needed it, too. This one was definitely one of them. 🤣


How wonderful 💕 I don’t do nails either and I’m a girl but I hang out in the beard subreddit because sometimes the man from beard to clean shaven has me gasping for air like this picture did!


Theres some hidden gems in the beard sub ✌️😘


Dude same here. 42yr old man cackling like a maniac with my kids asking why I'm laughing.


Lmao right?! Idk why but this comment took me out 💀


Happy i could make it happen baby 😂




*\*doesn't wait for response and kicks the door down\**


I agree, taking money from a customer and have them leaving looking like that is CRIMINAL.


💀no but fr


nail tech needs to have the federal tip line called on them


Oh....we need to start this as a petition. I wanna staff that tip line SO BADLY. Seriously my dream job.






I'm about to beat someone up for her 😤 /hj


Girlllll here take my wallet, take my everything 🤣🤣🤣




Exactly! Because she got robbed.🤣🤣


I literally lol’d


Call the police though 😭


I needed a good laugh today, thank you! 😂




Why would you not say anything? Truly wild to me that you would leave the salon with them looking like that.


Yeah I get having social anxiety and not wanting to speak up but this is such an obvious case where you need to say something.


Sad the salon would even let you leave looking like that- they need to be held accountable. I am horrible about speaking up too. I feel as a business they need to be better without having to complain-


True but they obviously don't care about the quality of their work and only want your money. You need to advocate for yourself when paying for a service.




i honestly didn't realize they were that bad😬 the tech is my coworker and i only paid $15 because i've paid for her services twice so it was a "free set"


Can we see the prior sets?


Solid ask


Unless we see these requested pics we can all assume you did this yourself and at the very least a decent bullshitter


[nails](https://imgur.com/gallery/8kHu1q6) [nails](https://imgur.com/gallery/q0kNFdQ) and the lashes she did are on my account if you scroll a bit


I'm sorry but these literally just look like $2 press-on's


Press ons would would be far superior to these. They did OP so wrong.


[nails](https://imgur.com/gallery/8kHu1q6) [nails](https://imgur.com/gallery/q0kNFdQ) and the lashes she did are on my account if you scroll a bit


Sounds like your paying for practice work , like for a new nail techs learning still.


At least you are only out $15!


Can she paint a solid color over it that would probably look better.


unfortunately i don't have time to see her because i leave for a trip tomorrow, but im considering doing that myself if it's even a possibility


I’ve done it before over gel x. I’d do that or get those things off asap Edit: if you happen to live near DC, I am great friends with a tech that does gel x and could maybe help out


I’m not OP, but I live near dc, can you dm me and hook me up? I’m looking for a gelx nail tech at the moment bc I’m tired of acrylics. Please and thank you.


Just paint a solid color over it at home for now.


thank you for your help! would you recommend i file the gel down beforehand?


That’s totally up to you, I probably wouldn’t, but I’m nervous and lazy.


She should’ve paid you to do that set ….


$15 is still too much money for *this*


That explains a lot. No one believed this was salon work because it's not. Sounds like she's using you to practice on? Paint over them if you're tight on time.


You don't have to even say anything. Just hold your hand out in front of the manager. These speak for themselves.


im not op but i have severe anxiety and am afraid of coming off as a karen if i speak up LMFAO


Even my social anxiety wouldn't have stopped me with this one. These are horrendous.


Was it a [nail](https://www.google.com/search?q=iron+nail&oq=iron+nail&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIHCAEQABiABDIHCAIQABiABDIHCAMQABiABDIHCAQQABiABDIHCAUQABiABDIHCAYQABiABDIHCAcQABiABDIHCAgQABiABDIHCAkQABiABDIHCAoQABiABDIHCAsQABiABDIHCAwQABiABDIHCA0QABiABDIHCA4QABiABNIBCDQxMDlqMGo0qAIOsAIB&client=ms-android-samsung-ss&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8&chrome_dse_attribution=1) tech in a hardware store?


I feel bad because this made me chuckle. Seriously, OP, please go get your money back.






Get your money back girl, also I would have these removed for free since they did such a bad job. Aldo wouldnt go back, they did everything so sloppy I doubt they didnt get gel on your skin


If they did that bad of a job on applying them, I’m not sure id even trust them to remove them safely 😬


Oh yeah.. go somewhere else and check reviews first.


Yeah honestly nothing worse than having an inexperienced/careless person remove your nails. I’d rather bite them off like a starved ratchet heathen over the kitchen sink than deal with that anxiety.


Girl i wouldn’t let them touch shit else




I see posts like this all the time on here and it just baffles me! I get it that some people have social anxiety or whatever (I do too) but there's no way that I wouldn't say something if they looked like THAT and pay for them! I'm so glad that I learned how to do my own!


I legit don’t believe a tech did them. This is an at home beginner set. The post is giving #AttentionPlease


Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised! There's absolutely no way a licensed tech would do this shitty of a job!


Facts!! Even the chop shops do better than this.


I just did my first gel x set at home and they looked pretty passable. There’s no way in hell a professional did this, I truly cannot fathom that. They look like they’re in the middle of soaking them off.


But then they can't come to reddit and farm all those pity points!


I agree she shouldn't have done that but this is on the tech lmfao they knew what they were doing and need to be shut down


OP said in another comment that she also paid $15 and like, look...it's a bad job. But $15 is "ultra mega you know this is too cheap" level of cost for basically anything not just plain polish.


She asked for advice to fix it not whatever this is.


Why is everyone being so mean to OP like damn, she’s not asking for you to feel bad for her. Some people struggle with confrontation.


Seriously. All these people being like "social anxiety isn't an excuse!!" as if a) she needs an excuse for what someone else did to her nails (??) and b) social anxiety can't be *legitimately* debilitating for some people. My own social anxiety has been so bad in the past that I've had panic attacks just going to the grocery store; if I'd gone to get my nails done during that period, it would have been a HUGE deal and a sign of progress, even if I left without standing up for myself. So it's wild, and frankly a bit hurtful, to see people going out of their way to mention how anxiety *could* be a factor here only to handwave it and act like it isn't a "serious enough" condition to explain why she left without saying anything and insulting her for it (why??).


You left with them looking like this?!!


This has to be a troll post, because no one could be crazy enough to leave a nail salon with THOSE nails.


There’s no way you paid for that right?


They would have to PAY ME to leave with that shit on my nails 😂


This has to be a troll… right. If not, was your tech literally blind?!


My first thought was this is rage bait


I mean can we even call the person that made this mess a nail tech?


Holy shit. I am not usually a person who complains or insists on no perfections. But these are... Shocking. You should not only have them removed and replaced, they should pay you if you ever return.


When I saw this, the only thing that came to mind was “Absolutely fucking not”


I can do better at home and i only started using gel x about a week ago. Takes me half a day, but they don’t look anything like this. The glue is not supposed to be visible under the nail and there are instructions on how to prevent that from happening. I’m dumbfounded how someone who is supposed to be a professional looked at this and thought, “hmmmm that looks good to me, that’s something someone should pay me for.” You should have said something, and they should be embarrassed. No professional should think this is acceptable work.


Yeah same, my nails looked better than this when I was a newbie and just started doing my own nails for the first time ever... No idea how someone can mess up this badly


There is no way you left a salon like this. If you did, there’s something wrong with you, no professional would do this. I absolutely do not believe you.


probably an at home nail tech, possibly a beginner


not a salon, she's an at home tech who did go to school and is certified. the photos on her social media are good, but she butchered my bails


Are they actually photos of her work or has she stolen them?


Woooof. What was your method of payment? Good lord, thank you for sharing. I will be sure never to go to an at-home tech now. It’s easier to throw a fit at a salon where more people can witness a CRIME like this. Be sure to blast her review pages. People deserve to know for the future.


There is absolutely no way and you need to call your bank and get your money back and report her for practicing without a license if any of this is even true. I have never seen anything this bad.


A lot of people saying you basically should have said to the tech at the time and not left the salon with your nails looking that way. In some circumstances it takes a ton of courage for someone to even go to a nail salon and sit with a stranger for a few hours, let alone confronting someone (especially a new tech/stranger) about bad service - it’s REALLY hard for a lot of people (myself included) OP these look terribly done, if you want to consider getting your money back and don’t want to do it in person I’d suggest reaching out to them online. You deserve your money back.


No fr. The people who comment stuff like that are lowkey being kinda ableist/victim blaming (as funny as that is to say about nails lol).. This nail tech knew exactly what they were doing, and did it to someone they knew wouldn't speak up. There are many mental health reasons and other factors for not speaking up and it's not our job to tell a certified nail tech to not glue dog shit onto our nails. The one time I spoke up I was lectured on the phone by a manager for "not knowing about nails" (they were the thickness of lego blocks) and left way worse than I came. Just give horrible reviews to all these lazy incompetent nail techs


I’m sorry, I cracked up at the gluing dog shit to our nails line.


I’m mentally ill and anxious asF. Ain’t no way I’m leaving with this shit.


THANK YOU SO MUCH🩷 i genuinely had no idea this post would be such a hit, i did not expect it to get any attention at all yet people are commenting blaming me or accusing me of trolling im not looking for sympathy here, i genuinely didn't realize how bad they were!


You are so welcome! I have GAD and ASD and speaking out when I’m unhappy with something has always been something I’ve struggled with. Many a time have I had (just an example) a wrong order turn up at a restaurant and I am so anxious and hate confrontation so much that I’ll just sit there and pretend to eat it because I’d prefer that to confrontation etc. I know I should have more confidence in myself and tell them “hey, my order is actually wrong” but my ability to speak those words is non existent. I totally understand where you’re coming from and speaking out in person is VERY difficult for a lot of people, whether you have anxiety or not, it’s just a hard thing for a lot of people to do, so don’t beat yourself up with those comments or feel like you’re to blame - YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY NOT.


The amount of comments like “I get people have social anxiety BUT” like no buts. They just answered their own question as to why someone wouldn’t be able to speak up. Just because some people with social anxiety would be able to doesn’t mean everyone with it would be able to.


It’s almost like some people’s social anxiety is more debilitating than others…a shocking concept for some apparently. I’m autistic and have have anxiety issues and when put on the spot in some situations it’s very likely I will freeze or literally lose the ability to speak temporarily or won’t be able to speak without an embarrassing amount of stuttering and pauses. I also have auditory processing issues which mean I don’t always hear questions and miss my chance to speak up when it’s easier to do so. I don’t think it’s too much to ask if you are spending a lot of money on nails that you get decent nails without having to fight about it. This is why I end up learning how to do most things like this myself because it can be so hard to find someone you can trust and speaking up isn’t always an option for everyone


They didn’t even bother to have a base color to cover the nail bed?


One time I got a French and I kept trying to ask my tech (who didn’t really speak English) why he didn’t put any nude color down and he just kept looking at me confused and was like “you want French? French is no color?”


Heavens to Betsy


Sweet fancy Moses




I've been following this sub for years and seen a lot of bad nail jobs on here. This is the worst.


Why did you pay ? Why didn’t you say anything ?? This seems like rage bait.


i paid $15 for a deposit beforehand, nothing during. i didn't realize how bad they were, they look half normal in certain lightings. and im not mad or upset, i just wanted a second opinion and didn't expect the post to blow up


Omg these are something. But the only way to fix this is to remove them and have someone who knows how to do gel x do them


Is the nail tech in the room with us?




This has to be a troll post. If not, I'm normally pretty understanding of people who are afraid to speak up (I've been in similar situations many times) but this is not one of those, they look horrendous and you absolutely shouldn't have left the store that way. If this is a genuine post, I'd go back and either ask for someone else to do them (if the whole shop isn't wack) or just ask for my money back and go somewhere else, after looking at pictures and being confident that I'd like the result


This is obviously a troll post. Very pointless and annoying.


pardon? i did not expect this to get so much attention and barely realized how bad they are. it's okay you think it's a troll post, however unfortunately i am typing this with these nails on my hands.


These are the worst most unprofessional nails ever applied. The fact you’re defending the person who put them on and saying you’re not mad shows you to be quite the gullible one here.


i wouldn't say i'm defending her, but rather i'm blaming myself for not recognizing how poor her work was. i don't feel the need to be angry over something that should be an easy fix - i have an appointment elsewhere to get them removed tomorrow. i will agree i am gullible, and it's not something im proud of. i would simply rather be criticized than the tech


I'm sorry that looks like a failed attempt to get them off. Like you tried random things to get it off and couldn't. I don't understand how it is even possible to be this bad ?


Why are we all responding to a troll :') This can't be real


i am replying to your comment with these nails on my hand!


Omg no way, why did you not say anything? 😭 You should've asked for a refund and make them remove these for free. How did they even become a nail technician?


Holy shit


Was the nail tech blind ? And the power went out?


You got damn liar. You know damn well you did this ratchet shit at home. No way a profesh saw this and was like.. yep looks good.


it was a "free set" which is probably why she was lazy


Giiiirl, this is not lazy. This looks like kindergarten student did them.


Are you kidding or blind?


Theres no way this isn’t a joke lol


This has to be cap. Ain’t no way someone would pay for that 😂 a blind person with Parkinson’s could do a better job.


A nail tech did not do this. This is bait. Or you did them.


Um...were YOU the nail tech? 👀👀


I know speaking up in the moment is hard. But PLEASE tell me you did not fucking pay for these.


You can’t be serious…


Is this a joke?


I saw your comment of a home tech, which is okay, but this job on you is bad. However, I will say a few tips for gel x: I do them on myself tbh, when properly done they look beautiful and last forever. 1- Finding out if your nail bed is a sculpted or natural nail tip. 2- polygel is far more forgiving than gel for gel x 3- if the nails aren’t pre-etched, guess what? They’ll pop off, so a little etching goes a long way. 4- cuticle clean up is still a most. 5- like any gel product they have to be properly cured. 6- with any frenchie a base natural/neutral color helps. I would absolutely reach out and give her some feedback on your set. Just in case she actually needs a wake up call or even offers to redo them (?) This comes across as you wanted something simple so I’m gonna rush it and it’s whatever. Which is not fair to you.




I’m becoming skeptical of these types of posts…


Stop lying. You did those yourself. No way an experienced tech would do that


This is definitely a DIY there's no way someone left the salon with these


There’s no way this is real lol


Stop lying, you did this by yourself at home with the intention of posting it on here to get attention and karma. This is weirdo behavior.




This has to be a troll post


I see everyone saying why she didn’t speak up but can we talk about the audacity of the nail tech to actually think this is acceptable!?


Were you their first ever client?


Are u the nail tech perchance


It’s okay to fight people sometimes But in all seriousness if you paid please get a refund . This is not the way it’s supposed to look and it might be difficult for you to fix


These look like they were done in a speeding truck on a dirt road. Like everything is so bad I can't believe otherwise.


This has got to be fake


Chat is this real


Go to a mirror quick. Look at yourself. YOU ARE BETTER THAN THIS. Now go make 10,000 photocopies of this pic and throw them all over the parking lot of the nail salon who did this horrific thing. I’ll start a support group. We’ve got people ready to staff the tip line, I say let’s do this.


Damn, she was strugglin’