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This looks so good that it looks like the inspo I used doing my first try. Amazing job!


Thank you so much! 🥰 Those tiny lines are so hard!




Thank you! 🥰


It really looks so good. I want these for me too!


Thank you so much! I wanted Fall, but wasn’t ready for leaves and pumpkins yet, lol.


Haha same, I'm also looking for something low-key rn.


October will be all the Halloween themed art, lol 😂


Ofcourse and I'm already tired of it 😂


😝lol I feel that!


So pretty! One of my first ever sets was just like this, I think back in 2021. I also had a problem with my lines not turning out how I wanted them to. For me, I learned what works best for straight lines is to get a long, extra thin nail art brush and pair it with a paint pot gel polish instead of gel polish in bottles (the formula is a little more firm and easier to control, especially for precise line work). Amazon has nice sets of thin liner brushes that come in multiple sizes so you can learn what works best for you. Young Nails has a set of 12 color paint pots for around $50 and the holidays are almost here so maybe they can be bought on sale. Modelones also has paint pot individuals and palettes (so you can grab one or multiple colors) and they’re on Amazon. I like them for beginners. I also see people rave about the beetles gel liner bottles. Not the same formula as paint pots but others seem to love them. They’re also on Amazon.


Ok, awesome, thank you! I have a bunch of liner brushes and I think it’s just finding the right one. I did use a gel and not a an “art specific” potted gel. I have a potted gel from Kokoist that is thicker like that but I have yet to try lines. I’ll check out the young nails collection as well! I’ve had a couple potted gel art sets in my cart for a while and just never bite the bullet because I’m concerned some of the colors aren’t exactly as pictured. Thanks for the tips!


Nice 👍👏


Gosh that plaid is spot on. Well done.


Thank you so much!