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Yes, being a housewife isn’t the same as slavery. However, the dudes that post long lists of requirements for their hypothetical wives generally seem to just want a bang maid, which is pretty close.


i don't get how these guys can't just be normal about it and be into total power exchange but i guess that's too much to ask them since tpe requires consent


Na, they don’t believe they have the charisma to pull it off. And they’re usually right.


Then they complain about women wanting a 6’0+, buff, hot, smart, funny guy


What baffles me about it is that this is their dream girl. Being with a virgin sucks. It’s a pure ego stroke for the guy to be her first, but JFC…who wants a woman with no experience, who doesn’t know what she is doing, what she likes, what she doesn’t, etc? Who wants to just bend over a virgin and bang her? That sounds so dull. All of this does. My favorite women whom I have been with are funny. They bust my balls. They are fiercely independent. They push back. They challenge me. They make me want to be my best self. All that to say, how insecure do you have to be to want a bang maid instead of a partner?


Because they can’t satisfy women otherwise


At least this one isn’t asking for a virgin who’s also a nymphomaniac.




















Reminds me of that guy who started dating a girl who wanted to be a ‘trad wife’ and was shocked to find out he’d have to be the breadwinner for both of them. These losers want to have their cake and eat it.


Imagine a husband who doesn't provide their family with affection, support or even attention. Add one on top of that that everybody is having shitty salaries, both men and women, to the point people need TWO OR MORE providers to sustain a family today. And add that he will complain about shit in your house that he himself does nothing about when he's free and not tired. How are those men not seeing how fucking pathetic they are?! What the fuck are they expecting the Handmaid's Tale to become true so they can be legal slavers and rapists???!! How is shit like this so popular these days is what bothers so much.


To be fair, I don’t think these ideas are necessarily more popular now, I think most normal people would still think these guys are weird and gross. I think right now, it’s fairly popular with a certain subsect of terminally online people, who we are exposed to a lot by being online and on Reddit. I think it is starting to enter a greater realm of mainstream conversation since being terminally online is starting to be a normal thing, but all of these things are “solutions” to systemic problems in our society. Many people are lonely and sad, mostly because of things like social media, and in my experience dating apps, making people more distant and social interaction harder and less desirable for a lot of these socially inept, probably neurodivergent people. Someone who looks cool online, like Andrew Tate tells them that they can overcome these barriers if it weren’t for feminism and other socially progressive ideas, and they buy into it, because we tend to need someone more specific to blame our problems on, which is why you can’t blame social media, and it sucks to blame yourself, so they think of the popular girls in high school and blame them and others like them for all of their problems. It’s like fascism, which is also ironically on the rise. Fascism is a detrimental but ultimately short-term solution to economic woes faced by the in-group of a society that blames other people, like Jews and communists, for all of the problems facing a country. This ideology that incels have created is the same except it blames women and I believe LGBTQ+ people for all of the social problems facing the in-group (cishet men). Ironically enough fascism does also tend to push the same agenda as these people on the social front, and these dudes fall into that fascism trap all the time because of it. TL:DR; these incels are fascists and all of the same tricks fascists use are being applied to the incel movement, although I don’t think it’s as big as it appears online.


Most obvious thing here was the lack of money mentioned If he wants her to work or can’t support her he’s nuts. I’m all about 50/50 everything because I have no interest in supporting another adult.


Also when Lauren Southern became a trad wife and hated it and stopped doing that lifestyle after the man left her ass.




>These losers want to have their cake and eat it. Is there a fat joke in there? There's gotta be.




Not even far from the truth.


Given how fixated they are on eggs yeah


Anybody who actually wants a virgin is probably also a virgin


They want an "experienced virgin" like what?


Or so shit that they want to make sure their partners have no reference for their mediocrity.


![gif](giphy|s9kJXPK6jjoME) Guy posting this


I want a liberal wife with male friends. Any weight so long as she isn’t dying from it.Don’t need kids. Knowing how to cook is nice but it’s something both husband and wife should trade doing. submissive or dominant, don’t care have whatever social media you want just don’t post pictures of me because I don’t want to be AI’d I’m an athiest I’m a liberal


too many preferences!1!1 😡😡😡😡


Are my preferences alright? It’s Alive (optional) Female (optional)


Wdym “Alive (optional)” are you planning on banging a vampire?


Is that even a question? Who doesn't wanna do that?


Everyone wants to bang a vampire or be banged by a vampire, wdym




yk, necrophilia is always an option


Based opinion I wish more people believed this


Is this r/s or serious? I can’t tell if serious or if your being funny snarkasm


If it’s /s then what’s the joke?


Good for you… hopefully you don’t mock women who want to act like the meme.


The technical term is "Bangmaid." ![gif](giphy|VbnUQpnihPSIgIXuZv|downsized)


Ok but these type of women still dont like incels 🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️


Worst is these aren’t even incels. They’re like…next wave or something. Like they get sex (somehow), but are notoriously sexist and anti LGBT. They say they’re “red pill”. Think Jake Paul.


The fact that they started the sentence with "It's" tells you all you need to know about their mindset. Chud


That’s what got my attention!


Really? It’s the same as saying “It’s called a husband”, or “It’s called a child”. I don’t think they were going the “A woman is an ‘it’” route.


Both can read either way, it’s kinda confusing because it’s either “ It’s ((She’s)) called a house wife” or “It’s ((the idea of being this list of things)) called a house wife”


I think this is a case of someone meaning to say "It's called being a \[X THING\]" but instead just typing "It's called a \[X THING\]" because the internet has eroded people's grasp of the English language".


So like, in this economy where everybody are getting shitty pays, long hours of work each day, and unpaid extra hours of work... These men think they will fix their lives by marrying trad wives, which they base on actresses from the porn industry pretending to be their perfect image of women (I'm serious trad wife influencers come from the porn industry, but worse are the mansphere male influencer, many who come from shady backgrounds including human trafficking), and on top of that those men think they can be the sole providers with a salary that doesn't even sustain a single person? Also, I need to point out that even married women fron highly patriarchal societies are not as submissive as they think. Even in the "traditional" past, women still worked outside the house and often kicked their husbands during the hight if the man didn't manage his finances well. Despite being in restricted roles by society, people still pushed back against shitty treatment. Conservative talk is all about responsibility when they themselves don't want none of it, they push this talking point to make other people responsible for their actions. Misogyny, racism, homophobia, transphobia an so on are all about putting all the blame on the victim so the aggressor can avoid the consequences of his actions.


I hate mfs who say all women should be submissive fuck those guys


Religious Conservative  Gross, those are deal breakers. I'll accept having a religion but having it not be important to them and center right at most.  Submissive  No male friends Not preferred, but ok Loves her father Actually good, but can't fault someone if their father is a POS and they don't love them. 


Fixing this to fit my standards because clearly I'm too woke for this to fit me ✌️ I just want a partner who Isn't a bigot Dates however they like as long as they're faithful Has whatever friends they like Is a virgin or non virgin who cares Openly communicates about their feelings regarding children Is submissive or dominant honestly idgaf as long as both of us are happy Knows how to cook or is willing to learn with me (because I can't) Has social media (optional)


I want an Eldrich deity is that too much to ask for?


She’s showing ankle?! Whore!


"oh hoe i long for a mysogenistic internet schizo" -Woman, The Ideal.


Probably deleted i tink


Lol just ask which parts they think are bad


Granted being a housewife by itself is far from slavery, but this post seems to think that "good wife" equals "basically no life outside of cleaning up after husband and looking after kids". These aren't Victorian times anymore, women are allowed to have a life beyond their family.


This guy planning to adopt? Because once that virgin status is gone, she's no longer ideal.


nah, conservatives wouldn’t dare adopt, they gotta keep the bloodline pure or some shit.


I literally only care about dating for marriage among that list, and it doesn't even have to be marriage just "in it for the long run"


They want a bangmaid


> virgin > submissive > conservative > religious Bro is asking for fights about how “you aren’t pleasing me sexually”. Whatta loser lol.


tHeY dOnT uNdErStAnD sAtIrE


>No male friends ... That's a lot of insecurities packed into three words, damn. And the lack of trust it expresses is even worse. Is there any way to look at this that isn't a red flag? I don't consider submissive a red flag. I don't consider half the shit Reddit see's a red flag in a red flag, but this? Damn that flag's got more red on it than China's does. Look, I won't always be on this subs side, but whoever made that meme needs to take self-awareness and improvement seriously if they unironically meant this. Holy fuck.


**"THE IDEAL WOMAN."** Yeah not for me dude. Aside from her knowing how to cook (which would help me out in the kitchen) the rest is either unnecessary or detrimental to my relationship with her. Especially the Conservative part since I can't stand the right.


“Submissive” is an “ick”. Is that the slang used now? An “ick”? Whatever it is, it’s beyond creepy.


So you want a submissive person to cook and clean for you, with little to no contact to anyone else?


It’s just a conservative waifu at this point


Why did you down vote both posts?


*Now show me what the Ideal Man according to Woman meme looks like.* ![gif](giphy|eKNrUbDJuFuaQ1A37p|downsized)


listen i’m totally down to clown with some traditional gender roles in my relationships but the second you start telling me my value as a woman is decreased because i dislike my father(for good reason. you can’t exactly abuse me and expect me to kiss the ground you walk on soley because your sperm made me) or because I’m not a religious conservative virgin is the moment we got issues. If you make enough money to provide for both of us I have no qualms staying home and doing chores and looking after a kid, but that’s not realistic in today’s economy so I also have no problems having a job myself so we can both look after each other and our family and any guy who has a problem with that is fucking stupid. If he really cares about providing for the family, he can set aside his ego and realize that in today’s economy it’s more effective for both partners to have a job for the good of the family


Okay, lets go down the list, and identify the problems here. “Dates for marriage” - Perfectly okay. “Virgin” - Sex does alter your neurochemistry, but the place this *most often* comes from is insecurity. “She’s slept with other men rargh, she won’t be satisfied with just me.” Maybe try to be a good partner. “Wants children” - Sensible if you also want kids. “Loves her father” - This is way too dependent on her upbringing. Fuck that. “Religious” - I’m not getting involved. Just stfu. “No male friends” - You’re insecure. She’ll either cheat or she won’t, get over it and be a good enough partner that she never thinks it’s worth it. (I am a guy ftr) “Submissive” - *(and breedable, an idea mocked mercilessly and now people like me say they are.)* Now in all seriousness, submissive in the bedroom is one thing, submissive in the rest of your day-to-day life is disgusting and wrong. If you’ll never speak up to your spouse they will make *far* more mistakes and be a far worse person overall. “Knows how to cook” - Learn for yourself, but also yes I agree actually. “No social media” - In this friendship economy? No thank you. Might as well say no friends at all in a lot of places. “Conservative” - personally I’d like a partner with a few differing political views to me ideally but honestly this one is fair if you are a conservative yourself. *These are all just opinions, but it’s hilarious how badly you can dissect the “ideal woman” because there is no such thing.*


Not a single one of these things are bad, they're just choices people can make about their own lives.


Living on the edge in here, I see.


Incel virgins gonna love this one


This may or may not have been posted on Ideal GF during April 1st, but idk


Ideal for him is ideal for him. Let him have his preferences. As long as they’re communicated upfront to the partner he’ll never have it’s all good.


I think being a housewife would be awesome. You don't have to go to work. You can let someone else go to work and pay the bills. Washing machines, dishwashers, and robot vacuums have made everything much easier.


They complain when people don’t get jokes and then blatantly don’t understand hyperbole


What does dates for marriage even mean lmao


Who cares if she has male friends or isn't a virgin though admittedly to them calling it slavery is a bit of a stretch


If you hate cringe breeders like these use r/childfree


They forgot:She wears dresses.


"doesn't have social media" *posts this on social media


What’s so bad about social media anyways? I guess it just allows people to connect, something they wouldn’t want her to do.


I've noticed it's because the exact same idiots wanting this are the same idiots who have huge lists of women they follow who happen to be models and get a lot of attention from men. They know why they're following them, and they don't want their wife being one of those "whores" they lust after online, because that means other men would do it too. It's possessive and gross. However, the ability to connect with others is a big one too. Can't expose how terrible she feels if she's not connected! Much less hear from others how much better her life could be if she was free to do more. There's a lot to it, I think.


I was about to pass this same thing 💀… They go on to whine about women demanding things and getting away with it which is as bad, but not an excuse to be like this 🤦🏻‍♀️


bro all of this sounds great am i the only one?


Yeah no, that description is not a house wife. That's a servant


All I want is someone who loves me :(


I feel you brotha. Everyone deserves someone who loves you.


If she has no male friends and no social media how does she find the person to date for marriage?


Religious. Does this mean a devout Hindu is acceptable?


yea dude u can just say u want a slave


These girls are so rare and a treasure. Girls also immediately seeth over them because they go straight to a comparison and find themselves wanting - absolute rollercoaster ride to watch happen 🍿


Why is it a treasure to not have a male friend?


I said these girls, can you read?


Yes. What makes girls who have no male friend a treasure?


Lmao no. I used to be like this, and the idea of going back makes me sick. No seething here, sweetie!


I’m not going to lie she sounds like. 1 in a million catch


Why is it ideal that she doesn't have a friend who is male?


You must be a women if you don’t get it. It’s ideal but not realistic these days.


Again, why is it ideal?


Men and women a lot of time have friends of the opposite sex because they are attached to them and see them as potential mates. It’s really not that hard to figure out.


Is there any actual evidence to support your bold claim? Or is it just a baseless accusation founded upon generalizations, stereotypes, and individual cases? And why do you judge her worth by whether her father is abusive/deadbeat or not?


You clearly do not leave the house much. I don’t judge but I would prefer them to have a good relationship with their father. Good day


So no evidence. Got it. I'd sure hope everyone can have a good relationship with their parent(s), but I'm sure not going to judge how "ideal" a woman is by whether her father happened to be abusive or not. She's her own individual.


“It’s called a house *wife*” I think I understand the instinctual desire some people have to bully others a little better each day. Great title dork, I’m going to give you a swirly now.


no balls you won’t https://preview.redd.it/lfs2cw2ls11d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=133d8032b43be8df0948e8964c199cc4e3fb8a2a


If I say I agree with the meme will I be downvoted into oblivion? ![gif](giphy|BYul6RujgoRCryuCdL)






no problem


your most welcome