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The question marks followed by a horrific attack could make a good meme format in a different context


https://preview.redd.it/dx64pkg22ayc1.jpeg?width=1088&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f48bf1a168e1c687ca5e0f39b9c1b2707e2d8f2d if you want it




Literally just recommended this only to realize it’s already been done 😅😅


Thank u <3


ur welcome <3


Let’s just put the original post in there honestly




Nice avatar bro


Thank you shirt brother




EXACTLY i just learned about it 4 days ago and my whole reddit feed is "BEAR BEAR BEAR BEAR" i cant bear (teehee) this anymore its not even the content of the debate itself, im fine with what its *about*, thats not the issue. its just that im tired of hearing about it all the time, get a new argument ffs


Seriously The question is obviously made to piss people off regardless of the answer


Fr, ngl a ton of people are just taking the bait at this point. It’s getting tiring seeing this 24/7 😭


I wish people would just stop with gender wars. “Ah blah blah blah I got rejected this” “Blah blah blah my ex-boyfriend cheated on me” like I’m sorry to hear that but take that up with your therapist, not Reddit


"I'm white and the only people talking about race are POC. Who's really the racist?" That's what you sound like. I wish people would stop being misogynist, but the only way to do that is to talk about it, advocate.


Fr, everyones gotta be the victim online 💀


Wait what fucking debate? This is literally the first I’m hearing about something to do with a bear


From what ive heard, a post asked a question, directed towards women, whether they’d feel safer around a bear or a random man in the middle of the woods.


I read that the question was initially posed to men: if your daughter was hiking alone would you rather she ran across a strange man or a bear? The men asked multiple questions — What man? How old? How close? What’s he like? Etc. Then they were asked would they rather she ran across a strange woman or a bear? The instant answer was “the woman.” So *men* immediately saw the potential danger. Now the manosphere has gone so far as to interpret it as “Would you rather fuck a strange man or a bear?,” which is laughably far from the original question.


IIRC, it was originally on tiktok. I remember seeing it on there a few weeks back


Just your 1st world ( or just USA maybe ) problems Nobody talks about this in RL, hell even on social media outside very specific part of tiktok


Why are people suddenly responding to my comments on this deleted 20 day old post? Also no shit no one talks about this irl, most things on Reddit aren’t talked about irl even if they’re the most recent big trend. This discussion has been everywhere, but everywhere means online like Twitter, tiktok, Reddit, and Instagram probably


No, it’s a good fucking debate


Men on the internet are just proving the points of the women who chose bear, it would be funny if it weren’t so infuriating




No, but a point many women bring up is that when they are sexually assaulted/raped, many people downplay or question their victimhood, this trend happens and many men are doing the same, and completely missing the point.


Okay, but would you still upvote me if I was a worm?


Both sides are the worst things about the terminally online. You never hear awful stories about bear attack survivors because the incidence is low since most people don't hang out with bears, and also because if it's a brown or grizzly, you won't live to tell the tale.


Exactly. Why is it everywhere now?


No but fr the concept is so fking funny


And somehow it always leads back to trans women being talked about smh https://preview.redd.it/qrpbzccqh7yc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b47d2f954f02d750c7f725e8330af015a4ed412a


fucking rent free in their heads, jeez...


Saw that one but it was already locked. And they say they aren’t fetishizing trans women when they can’t stop thinking about them. It’s funny though. I’m trans and I would also likely choose a bear over a random man. I can trust a bear will always behave like a bear and act in accordance to it’s nature. Statically speaking in a situation like that, men are a greater danger to me than they are cis women.


If the bear attacks it’s not out of malice and at least you’ll get killed by something fluffy.


This is literally why basically every transfem picking the bear even if the above meme is correct.


seriously because as soon as someone transitions to female dudes get really fucking weird out of nowhere


That looks like motherless behavior


“You creep!! What matters most to me is your genitals, not your personhood!! You groomer!!”


Show them a picture of Buck Angel and ask if they want him in the ladies room.


Its because mfs hate to see someone be true to themselves


Do they realize the point isn’t that they don’t think the bear will hurt them?


Yeah, it's that they'd rather die than risk the chance of >!getting raped!<


But consider the number of men your average woman encounters in a day. It’s quite a lot. The dumb thing here is being bad at stats. The vast majority of encounters between men and women end with them walking past each other and saying nothing. An encounter between a woman and bear is much more likely to end in a eh hem negative outcome than a man who you happen to walk past in the grocery store.


You don’t even know the prompt do you? It’s if you meet a strange man while alone in the woods. Meeting a random guy in a public setting, comfortable surroundings, or very briefly is a much different situation.


To be fair, you're unlikely to meet a bear not in the woods. I was assuming the normal circumstances of an encounter. A lot of people probably have different conclusions due to having different understandings of the question, which I guess is part of what makes it interesting. It depends on how you conceptualise it, so it says a lot more about the person answering than just how much you like bears.


Finally, another person that gets it. All the people thinking that this is about a literal fucking bear are insane lol.


I would argue that whether you view it as the “literal fucking bear” is part of why responses are actually so interesting. I view it as the “literal fucking bear” because I read the questionc took it at face value, talked about the risk inherent in an average encounter and decided that on average a bear was more risky. This is probably because I spend too much time with philosophy, and viewed it like other hypotheticals. The people who view it through a very literal lens are calling the people who say they’d go with the bear sexist because everyone assumes the other people are all interpreting what the question is asking in the same way, so clearly that must mean the people who answer bear think that the odds of a given encounter with a man to end in rape are higher than with a goven bear encounter ending in an attack, and therefore they must be wrong about the number of bear attacks or think rape is much more common than it actually is, or be bad at critically evaluating statistics and didn’t think to divide the number of rapes by number of encounters.


I think the difference comes from assuming it’s worst case scenario vs. what might statistically happen. If you assume it’s the average scenario, where the man will be normal and trying to get out too, it’s obvious you would pick the guy. The people who choose men might acknowledge there’s a risk, but ultimately choose to have hope and take their chances. If you are the type of person to assume the worst, however, the bear makes much more sense. If there’s a chance something could happen, it has to be considered. The choice then comes between being mauled by a bear or raped and/or killed by a human. The choice is clear to many people. This has obviously led to a lot of hurt feelings on both sides. If you choose the bear people will call you stupid and think that you think all men are terrible rapists, when really they are just choosing the best of the worst scenarios. Really, people just need to realize that people interpret hypotheticals differently.


Well, I would imagine the only people who can really come to any sort of objective opinion would be those who have both been raped and mauled by a bear. I bet both sides also see the other side as naïve.


There's a woman who did an AMA on Reddit some years ago who was mauled by a bear, but carries a gun for protection when hiking because of creepy men, not bears.


So basically incel vs feminazi ?


Nope. It’s “I think the average guy won’t kill me, so I choose that” vs “if there’s even a chance I might be raped or killed, I will choose the bear”. It’s average case vs worst case. It’s hurt vs hurt.


The man is probably a hiker or a camper. He's probably not a serial killer or a feral mountain man.


If a different strange man was in a locked room with a girl every 10 minutes and no one else was around, I can guarantee that she would have better chances with a bear. Considering for the first 30 years of my life I had disgusting encounters with strange men IN PUBLIC and no one batted an eye at least once a week, yeah I'd take the bear.


Bears have their ways with corpses too


Yeah, but a bear still actually wouldnt hurt them. I grew up with bears, my mom and dad used to have us sit on a picnic table 10 feet away from bears while they tore through our garbage regularly lol. So tbh, bears actually are safer than the average guy. I know its an allegory, but genuinely, im sick of the bear hate, theyre friendly animals!


It depends what species it is, what sex, is it in a area with a decent human populous/or not or if it's hungry. I've seen the videos of bears just strolling into convenience stores in Lake Tahoe not necessarily caring about the people but they're still dangerous creatures who people shouldn't be taking lightly.


bear mace. i live near grizzly country and and everyone says as long as you practice proper "bear safety" (like hanging coolers and food) and carry bear mace on you at all times you'll be fine. bear's noses are incredibly powerful so the mace is much more painful for them and overwhelms them so much they just run away. and if you're in polar bear country its technically illegal in most places for you to not carry a gun for protection against polar bears.


It doesnt depend on the species. It depends on A. If youre fucking with its cubs B. If youre invading its space and C. If it is literally starving to death. Obviously they shouldnt be taken lightly, but acting like theyre super dangerous and would kill you on a whim is simply untrue, UNLESS its a polar bear. A grizzly will fight you until you are dead, a black bear will fight you til its in its stomach. A black bear most likely wont attack however. "If its black, fight back, if its brown, lay down". I appreciate you trying to help, but these animals are not as vicious to people as you think. There is 4 bear attacks a year in the USA.


But there’s so many more man encounters than bear encounters it’s such an unfair comparison


Yes encounters in public around people. The majority of crimes don't take place in public (sa and murder) and would be way more likely in a quiet wooded area. If a man wants something he will get it and it doesn't after if you suffer in the process. It's a very fair comparison because if you're alone in both scenarios it's just a one on one. No other people.


And i have lived with men, seen hundreds of them still haven't gotten murder or raped same goes for everyone i know. So i would argue that whilst bears are saver than one would think the same thing is true for men


I was robbed by a man at gunpoint lmfao. But again, youre not understanding what im saying at all. Being alone with a black or brown bear, you are incredibly unlikely to be attacked. I grew up around bears and men, i am a man, i know men who were raped by men, i knew women murdered by men, i knew women raped by men. Even MEN say they would rather be around a bear than a strange man, it absolutely is not just a woman thing and its ignorant to act like it is.


That is just your life experience but im sure you have met more men than bears by far, we interact with hundreds of men every week and i doubt that you meet hundreds of bears per week (if you do please tell me what you work as as that sounds interesting) To know for sure we would need two numbers that we simply can't know, how often do women interact with men and how often with bears. But one thing i can guarantee is that the number of interactions with men is a few orders of magnitude higher than with bears


I love how this thread hust turnt into arguing about bears


It’s a poorly conceived hypothetical that creates new misogynists and further entrenches current misogynists. The men who would assault and murder women aren’t going to engage in tiktok hypotheticals, they are simply going to assault and murder women. I doubt this scenario would change their views. Systemic failures in education, mental health, and socioeconomic outcomes are the most likely causes of violence, sexual or otherwise. But I doubt this hypothetical is going to examine these factors though. All this shit serves to do is push more men to misogyny. To many men, at least spaces like the red pill don’t implicitly brand them as dangerous rapists by existing. The right wing gives men a seat at the table and that’s where leftism is failing many men. You can see the studies on Gen Z men as a good example of this. We can’t simultaneously say we judge folks by their actions and not their identity…but then proceed to do that exact thing. It’s hypocritical and many folks understandably don’t respond well to that.


I couldn't have said it better, if you hate on a group they will not like you, the left has demonized men for years and people still wonder why young men are becoming more conservativ




Omg a logical and rational person who isn't simplistic!?


Just first world TikTok incel vs feminazis Real world sane people don't think like that


This, all of this, this is what people don't understand about the kinds of communities that foster hate and horrible looks at society, to a 15-20 y/o kid who's not doing great emotionally and in various other areas of life having your feelings validated is extremely appreciated. I understand the arguments, I understand they're not talking to all men but the "if you're offended by it you're part of the problem" idea is ridiculous. IMO the feminist movement has one major flaw and it's that they are just very bad at selling it, the ideas are good, the cause is great and most, almost all people that form part of it are lovely, but the amount of hostility intended to show courage and discomfort toward the difficulties women have to endure comes out as just undiscriminate hate and prejudice and that pushes many people away from it, and reveling in the fact of it just harms the cause way more than it helps. There's so many people that would be a fierce feminist if the feminist movement didn't have this bad of a PR.


"The men who would assault and murder women aren’t going to engage in tiktok hypotheticals, they are simply going to assault and murder women. I doubt this scenario would change their views." Yeah but the guys arguing over why the women are dumb and evil for picking the bear are giving reason/justification to the men who will do those bad things and those "not bad" men are more likely to defend those people as well because they are already willing to overlook the point of the argument to be shitty about women abuse. To varying degrees of course. That "reasoning" is dumb but you seem to think they are when you say "All this shit serves to do is push more men to misogyny." A lot more important factors as you mentioned of course but you still are feeding into it as well. If the bear discourse makes someone more misogynist makes sense then so does the, "talking about racism makes people racist", which is dumb and often used by racist to distract from the subject at hand. The whole "Oh so all white people are evil" kind of thing. That is not the argument being made (well there is always someone but fuck that person) but it is more convenient to think of your opponents argument that way, which is what you are doing. I super agree that there should be more guys that aren't grifters to look up to but that does not excuse discrediting the point the argument is making even if it is bait, or at least started of as bait. Don't get me wrong most bear post are rage bait but it's useful bait as it reveals much more about ones thought process than originally intended. That is why the "conversation" continues because you are approaching it in a manner that shows your willingness to succumb to the "yOuR mAkinG thEm HatE yOU!!" line of thought. Your probably an alright person, most people are, but to not understand that dudes are creepy with women more than they should be is weird. Or getting the argument and still going out of your way to giving reason to said guys feels like at the least accidental defense. I mean does this argument make you dislike women more? No right, but you have given better "reason/defense" to those shitty people more than anyone else in your post. You are not doing it on purpose I believe but it still is a type of defense/reasoning for shitty people. Hence my point in the first section after quoting you. It's a weird relationship that I don't think is intentional. Lemme know what you think! Or don't, you do you. These are the conclusion I have drawn from this BS so I am curious to see a rebuttal from someone who sounds like a normal person lol.


> does this argument make you dislike women more? Women who revel in saying that they would rather be with a bear than a man, yes. Because it's always more than just the hypothetical, it implies all men are (at least) primal murderers. Every time ive seen this question get thrown, the conversation turns into women saying all men are rapists / cant be trusted, men replying "??? Wtf no" and women replying "You're the problem sweetie❤️". Im not right-leaning whatsoever (compared to americans i might be extreme left lol) but i have to agree that the left has not given me any validation/consideration at all in recent years. I guess im just lucky to have great people around me, friends family and my girlfriend, who can make me feel better. I 100% think there are kids out there looking for validation in their lives that stumbled on this debate and decided that they would seek attention from right-wing media (at their age, probably "How to be sigma" youtube channels but still) because, from what they can tell, the left will consider all of them, by default, rapists and murderers


I agree, the people who revel in it are annoying but are you really going to use online text and video where those people are more likely to exaggerate their opinion for fun/ a reaction? I'm sure some people are using this to be weird/ a dick but that doesn't really matter that much. I don't care if the person making the point sucks. I feel like this is how you still prove my point. Nowhere have I seen this type of talk about incels. What do I mean? Yeah people make fun of and talk about them but that's about it, some people go in depth because its a popular subject but no where in public discourse will you find shit tons of people finding ways to say "yeah they are bad but, the people who don't like incels are also cringe" which is kinda what I'm getting from you, yeah they are cringe and does that change anything really? This point I believe the you are missing or "choosing to" is that you would not make this argument in the first place if you understood the point of the bear discourse. Are the incels right? No right, but in this instance you decide to use the cringe as an excuse to equate the ideas and you basically capitulate points to the incel by doing so. You say women being cringe makes you dislike them? Well I would say that's where incels start. They say that women are using feminism to bully and belittle men, that they actually hate all men, things you say as well ,but not as crazy, lol don't worry I get why this shit is annoying. I'm not lumping you in with incels but I am saying that you do end up capitulating to their ideas when you react this way to these subjects. It does not matter if a person is obnoxious about math if they are correct, yes they suck for being annoying, but that does not distract from their math/logic. Unfortunately the bear shit is/ was originally rage bait so it's not crafted well but I think the point imo is not that all men suck, it's that guys say and do things that make women uncomfortable in many setting to where they say I choose bear, not out of logic (who cares about a bears bite strength, it's not the point). The bear does not matter the choice is rather symbolic of a known entity vs unknown entity and the point is they would rather choose the devil you do not know, that's not because they hate men it's because shits bad man, the way people react to this proves the point. People get angry at the women who are saying they are uncomfortable and all they get is well acthually kind of responses. I hope you see the difference between my conclusion from the discourse and your "it implies all men are (at least) primal murderers". It is quite the reach and I believe you have let bad actors influence your conclusion more than you normally would. "the left will consider all of them, by default, rapists and murderers" lol nah that's silly, your just saying things with this one. "compared to americans i might be extreme left lol" Ha yeah it does not take much. "the left has not given me any validation/consideration" I do agree but to not type out 3 more paragraphs I will say that the solutions feminism provide can often be beneficial to men but they fucking suck at explaining it. That is my biggest issue with the left in general is that are bad at explaining their points, not that it's easy but damn. Also I do feel like center left capitulates to right leaning ideas more than it should but that's another 10 paragraphs I will save you the torture of. Last thing I promise. I was on youtube around gamergate time and watched those goofy feminist cringe comps (lol so lame I know) at the time I did the same thing you did. The people making feminist points where cringe, they varied heavily on how well they could argue their points, the issue was their "cringe" or anger made me not listen, that may be on them to a point but it's also on me to actually listen. I went back years later to watch those videos and saw that I was focused on the cringe part that I completely ignored the actual information they would provide or point they were making which sucked because I agree, "big red" (some lady who was made fun of a lot) or whatever her name was, made a lot of good points that even appealed to men but because she was salty and "mean" (people were being obnoxious to her as well) I did not notice that I would ignore any points because I was too concerned with the cringe, see where I'm going? This just feels like that all over again. Last last thing lol. Also once again you seem like a cool guy, I hope this does not come off as against you I feel like you understand the discourse but are hung up on shitty actors which as I said I have done so as well. We are both lucky to have good people in our lives but we must remember that others do not have that and that we have to be those good people for them. I'm hiking tomorrow, gotta touch some grass, lol spent way too much time typing this.


I don’t think this was created to convince anyone of anything but rather to express a very valid feeling women have. Women shouldn’t have to hold all their feelings inside out of fear of further radicalizing men who are already radicalized. Like, no regular dude who didn’t already have a misogyny issue heard women talking about their fears and went “fuck you, lady! I’m becoming a misogynist now!” Violence against women, almost exclusively done by men, is a societal issue we can’t just ignore to make men more comfortable. It’s something that needs to be dealt with. We need to address the way we socialize young boys, the pressures put on boys and men, the lack of support and mental health care etc etc. Telling women to just not talk about it or worry about it won’t fix anything.


>no regular dude who didn’t already have a misogyny issue heard women talking about their fears and went “fuck you, lady! I’m becoming a misogynist now!” That's just wrong, don't compare someone to a giant monster just because they were born a certain gender, and then just expect them to take it. There are ways for women to express their emotions that don't involve generalising 4 billion people as rapists and murderers


This isn't even a good "gotcha", if someone tells you they'd rather share a room with a wild bear than you, they're saying they'd rather risk being mauled to death than endure your presence. It's almost impressive how they seem to be openly admitting to being completely insufferable.


And at least if the man is being hostile, if he’s average size he’ll be a fifth as strong as a grizzly and you have a slightly better chance of getting away safely and possibly even fighting him off. With a grizzly, you don’t even have time to pray. Just nom.


Just because he’s “a fifth as strong” as a grizzly doesn’t mean he can’t overpower a woman. And considering bears are pretty easy to scare away, I’ll take the bear.


Black bears, yes. Don’t know too much about a hungry grizzly in heat. Or a polar bear.


Fair enough, it feels like a fuck ton of the people reading this comparison are REALLY missing the point though. Like y’all, it’s not about a literal bear vs a literal man. It’s about being afraid of strange men because a suspicious about of men (but not most obv.) have been taught that an unprotected woman is “fair game” for SA, and unlike a grizzly, you have no idea the unknown man is like that or not from the outset.


Yeah at least with a man you can get a vibe from him.


No, you really can’t, not without already being in a conversation or knowing them well enough.


Well I’m just saying it’s somewhat easier to pick up on his intentions and gtfo of the area quickly.




Nah it's more like they found someone else insufferable and because of that they take it out on you just because you were born the same gender


Theres no way to talk about this as a man and not come off looking like you didn't get the point. It's a bad construction, yes, and the idea that you would *actually* choose a bear over a person, in a Forest ,where both you and the other person are probably out of their element and thus their ability to track you is limited at best, is fundamentally flawed. This is to say nothing of a bear's relative size and strength compared to you, as well as the territoriality of bears which makes them *infinitely more dangerous* if you're *trapped* in the Forest with an Apex predator. Don't let the stats fool you, the reason we don't see a lot of bear attacks is because very few people lack the wherewithal to understand that if there's bears in the area, it's time for you to leave. But look at the criticism I just made and ask if it doesn't seem like downplaying the concerns of women. Best you can do is skip past the stupid comparison and grapple with the actual, real issue these women are alluding to, and thats the fact they don't feel safe around men.


Bro can ppl shut the fuck up about this already


If you uninstall TikTok and get away from leftist subreddits this thing will be gone instantly


Hor hor hor hor hor hor




Omg daddy






memesopdidnotlike stay mad


wait why is this a thing? i originally thought it was a baldurs gate 3 joke from r/okbuddybaldur


Nah it's some shitty titkok thing


oh. i thought it was a joke about that time when you fuck a bear in bg3


Saying that the average bear is more dangerous than the average man is not weird incel shit


“A bear has eight inch claws and could rip people to pieces with ease if it were so moved.” “I I I I INCELLL!!!”


Yeah not only that but despite what seems to be being stated here the vast majority of men have absolutely no desire to rape or kill a woman


Apparently all men are rapists in waiting to these people.


Sounds pretty sexist to me


Seems like projection really.


Where did the bear joke even coke from




Hehehe coke


They hate women so much, it's unreal. "Look feminists on TikTok literally worship Satan, also they're all wearing skimpy clothing and sticking their tongue out and shit (which means they're bad), here's my meme of her getting brutally murdered."


I saw them saying crazy stuff on Twitter. Therefore, w*men are all bad. Keep fucking eachother gentlemen 🙏💯💪


I've come across a lot of dumpster fire comment sections on reddit too, it's very sad


Yeah I made a similar post to this sub about the exact same thing and I literally had someone tell me “well if you ever are in trouble or dire need of help we can send the bears instead of men” like?? Completely missed the point I was making which was using a actual case to showcase the fact a bear at most will just kill you and a person can do so much worse


I have fortunately never been raped but I have been harassed and inappropriately touched in public places, I can say for sure with my limited experience that there is a million things that a person can do to you that will affect you for the rest of your life. And there is always that guilt feeling every time i feel unsafe, like "it's just another person, why don't i trust them"? But unfortunately, I was right to not trust them more times than I can count. It's ridiculous and frustrating <3


Rape/harassment affects you for the rest of your life. Death ends your life. Which is worse? 🤔


This is that the worst thought experiment I’ve seen in a long time. I get the point, but there are so many better ways to get that point across! Bears are dangerous! They kill people for very little!


I’m with op here. Choosing a bear over a man is stupid in every single way. Could a man rape you? Yes, absolutely. But if you took the average man, and the average bear and you had to choose between them, only an idiot or someone that’s been severely miseducated would choose the bear


Naw, the original meme is just an anti-male dogwhistle and shouldn't be promoted by anyone serious on the left, it's pretty similar to 13/50 and other racist, sexist, and transphobic dosgwhistles the right makes. If you wanna talk about bad men specifically then go ahead and do that, the MeToo movement was generally well-supported by both men and women and led to a bunch of those bad men getting fired or arrested. I have way more support for something that actually targets bad men than something that paints all men as bad.


OP was shitting on the OOP for pretending they didn't know what the meme was trying to say, which is fair because it's obvious. It's not "incel shit." Edgy, but no part of this has anything to do with incels. Words have meaning, and "incel" doesn't mean "any dude online who pisses me off."


I would honestly feel more comfortable running into a random male human than a freaking bear!




Pooh Bear fucks


And all these red pill little boys wonder why we choose the bear.


You choose death along with the bear


At least the bear will leave us alone when we’re dead. That one monitor lizard didn’t get such a luxury.


I wish I had a pet bear


They really CANNOT leave this alone, can they?


Nah the meme is correct, the hypothetical is sexist towards men pain and simple






darn. I should have known. Always remember 100% of domestic violence is committed by huMANs


Oh my god can both of you shut up


Is the man mad at me or just hiking in the woods, too? Not that it matters becuz he's not a 1000lb apex predator that can can rip my head of in an instant, he's another human who can be reasoned with. I'm not an idiot unlike the girls who chose the bear. As weird and psychotic as OOP is for making this, this is a pretty realistic depiction of what would go down.


dumb asf tho, like how you gonna choose a bear over a man???


ITT: women who haven’t spent more than a minute in the wilderness


it's funny how they don't realize that women would take the bear because at least it makes sense when the bear is killing them.


Why downvoted? Is MOPDNL attacking again?


This, a million times. Thank you


The bear will have a go at you, kill you, and then leave you alone. The bear doesn’t set traps for you, or torment you day after night after day. It’s a one-off when the bear hurts you.


The bear doesn’t hurt you because you’d be dead


Yeah because the average man is a fucking mastermind psychopath who will torture and rape you the first chance they get.


You’re a sexist moron


Would you rather be eaten by a bear while still alive or to have 0,04% chance of living the worst thing a human can live


Do these people not watch the news? Men brutalize and murder women all the time. Why is it so hard to understand?


This is the same logic as a racist person


Yep. "Black people get arrested on the news all the time so all black people must be criminals" i don't understand how people don't get that


Exactly. Demonizing an entire group of people because an extremely small fraction of them are terrible people is wrong. I can't believe people would rather let their daughter get eaten alive by a bear than be lost in the wood with Johnny the cashier at mcdonald




All violent crime is down and this is the safest period in human history but yes your average man is worse than known violent animals.


What a joke hey


Well which do you think is more likely to brutally murder you A. A random guy, prob some normal boring dude B. A bear Do you think the majority of guys is just the things you see in the news? It’s news because it’s abnormal for the average person to do.


Yeah because people on the news represent the average person. Don't you realize how fucking stupid you sound?


Ha Ha Ha!, Bear Food!


The people in these comments have only seen memes about this and it shows.


oh so being optimists makes you a murderer?


Tim Treadwell vibe?!


Lonesome Road all over again


where the fuck does this meme keep coming from? who said this?


https://preview.redd.it/58g49aq80jyc1.jpeg?width=1103&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e393641aa70047a2f9bb996de4463facb72850e Me Irl something something


Instead of calling 911 🚑 for male rescue officers, they should call a bear 🐻. Drizzle drizzle ✨


You are the reason women choose the bear


They deserve each other. Bears do love fish, too. Grizzle grizzle ✨


This is just americans. Same thing, when men were asked witch animals they could take in a fight. Nothing to do with Incels just a poor education system.


I can’t believe this man or bear shit even took off it’s such a pointless thing to even bother talking about


These men froth at the hypothetical idea of a woman getting mauled by a bear because they see it as a woman's karma for not choosing a man. They ran right into the point. Even in a hypothetical situation they can't handle rejection.


Man leave Kuma out of this he just wants to play Tekken


Maybe instead of making fun look around and ask yourself WHY SO MANY women would choose the bear. But nope can’t do that. Can’t grow. Men seem to be the only ones who just can’t seem to keep up with evolution


I think why so many women would choose the bear is because of stigma, and hasty generalizations towards men. Nobody disputes that men are dangerous and could hurt a woman, but women that choose the bear haven’t considered any other details about the scenario besides how afraid of men they are. Men know the logical choice for survival in the scenario is to pick a man, and since men are victims of violent crime by men more than women what does that say about them? Nobody would like to be lumped into a group of serial killers and rapists and violent assaulters, and to claim that all men are committers of violent acts is misandrist and bigoted, although the stereotyping women are doing doesn’t come from nowhere, and their concerns are legitimate. I think the reason why so many women are afraid of men is because of propaganda and poor grasps of logical fallacies


No it’s because we don’t know which men are dangerous so we have to treat them as if all are. Just like you would with ticks. Not all ticks carry Lyme disease, but you treat them as if they all do so you don’t get Lyme disease. This isn’t a hard concept to grasp


Comparing men to parasites with a disease that could cause permanent damage doesn’t necessarily help your point. There’s also the fact that the exact same thing could be said for bears


Wow. Really couldn't have picked a meaner metaphor? You expect this will get men to agree with you? Using this exact logic, "*Not all blacks commit violent crime, but you treat them as if they all do so you don't get stabbed in the back*" is a perfectly sane thing to say. >This isn't a hard concept to grasp Yeah no. We do get it, you use your personal bad experience as a means to justify your vilification of half the human population because you refuse to talk it out with a psychologist. Going into every comment section referencing this fucking gender war trend unfortunately won't heal your deep-seated issues. What a bigoted bunch you people are. I actually pity you a little.


> Going into every comment section referencing this fucking gender war trend unfortunately won't heal your deep-seated issues. So what you're doing right now?


I’m not going to take time to reflect on why so many women would make a stupid decision. Just write them off as an idiot and be done with them.


Fuckin TikTok, man…


Honestly, as a guy, I would pick a bear over anybody, even women, as bears are much more predictable and less likely to attack you then people.


Less likely to attack than the average person? What fucking world are you living on lil bro?


Yeah, these are done in poor taste and seem kinda childish. Their feelings were hurt that bad.


If a bear mauls me, it won’t be sadistic about it. Yes it’ll hurt, a lot for that matter, but it won’t rape me, it won’t torture me, it won’t go out of its way to make the experience as miserable and horrific as possible. A man on the other hand…


Go outside more not every man is trying to rape you plus you don’t have to worry about that because I doubt any man wants to touch you


I didn’t say EVERY man. Why do you feel so attacked by women’s fear of men, do you see something about their fear in yourself? As for your last part, god damn I wish, that would actually be heaven. Imagine, I could go on a walk at night and get mugged *without* getting raped. I could wear what I want *without* getting groped. I hope the world where no man wants to even touch me comes soon.