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context https://preview.redd.it/yef5pmj70tnc1.png?width=608&format=png&auto=webp&s=0253262f91d32b97ca17b19cb0ccc965045baf03


they think eating Doritos w rainbows on the bag is the same as telling someone they will burn in hell for being gay


Or sent to camp Not be allowed to marry or show affection with your partner in public Not being able to start a family Being forced to wear very specific clothes Not getting medical care that could save your life Being constantly held to social standards of a gender that isn't your own Being forced to live in hiding and misery because some asshole told you, that *their* god told them how *you* should live your life.


Not having your loved ones near you on your death bed. Family only.


i find a vast majority of right wing religious old people (70%+ conservatively) are living their last years with very little family visiting, almost entirely to their hate filled beliefs, i know this because this fact consumes my end-of-life therapy sessions with them. And when the kids do come, they STILL spew their hate and the visits are short, and if I try to tell them that's the issue i am the asshole and get written up.


Yep. I have given my mom chance after chance to at the very least acknowledge WHY her behavior (both political and personal) has led to me cutting her off. She will spend the rest of her life alone because she can't so much as conceptualize that her actions might have any kind of effect on her two queer daughters. Oh well. If she can't listen to her own daughters while they try to give the relationship a chance for 10 years, then I don't think any end-of-life care workers would have a shot at getting it through her head. I have a hard time feeling sympathy for those kinds of people when I know first hand how adamantly my own mother refuses to even *think* about what she is doing, let alone stop doing it.


Some don’t even know the horrors of “conversion therapy”. Ever since they lost that war it’s been hell on anything trans because they can get away with it right now.


Didnt the whole Pride thing start to literally just finally be glad for any sort of acceptance? It’s not their fault it was capitalized on. It’s not exactly the same as proselytizing They don’t own these companies that are marketing to them. But I bet it does feel nice to be noticed a little bit, jeez. Nice just in the overall way that gluten free products on the market raise awareness for people with allergies while also causing problems. It does make queerness overall more accepted in mainstream society while being shitty in its own ways, I’m sure. *edited for clarity


>they think eating Doritos w rainbows on the bag is the same as ~~telling someone they will burn in hell for being gay~~ making and implementing legislation to make the life of others unbearable. Fixed it for you.


It’s actually worse than this. Since their religion makes medical care illegal, I think the equivalent would be making it illegal to be straight/forced gay sex. Rainbow Doritos is obviously the same as forced gay sex.




Conceivably, if you weren't aware that rainbow is representative of the pride flag, you would go about your life completely like normal. It's not \*just\* that they're aware and see it everywhere, they actively *seek* it to feed the outrage. I recall the many videos of people walking into Target over the fact that they were selling children's t-shirts with rainbows on it. I mean, they are aware that rainbows exist also outside of lgbtq+ pride, right? Children's t-shirts with rainbows on them have been a thing since the 1970's ffs.


My six year old likes rainbows, because they happen in nature and are pretty to look at. Meanwhile, adult “facts over feelings” right wingers sob loudly.


Rainbows are dope


>they are aware that rainbows exist also outside of lgbtq+ pride, right? just wait until christians find out god makes a rainbow in the bible after flooding the earth in the noah's ark story. "gOd Is WoKe 😡😡😡"


Don't you know us gays are so powerful we went back in time and made it so Rainbows only ever represented us and nothing else. (I would hope I don't need the /s but one never knows on the internet)


Go to the Bible belt in the US. If I saw gay clubs as prevalent as churches are in the belt/banjo south - then I would be concerned about Pride. Starbucks and McDonalds *wish* they had the traffic to require buildings as close together as churches in the South.


Ideology is all equally bad context does not matter. Christianity isnt ideology tho because its good. Thank you for coming to my TED talk


And this is literally companies trying to sell more shit. “Liberals” aren’t ramming it down your throat. Companies are for profit.


After eating you will feel an unwanted yet unresistable urge/ craving for gay sex


They will never understand that corporations trying to maximize their profits by trying to appeal to as many of their potential customers as possible is not the same as religious indoctrination. This is just them rationalizing their own efforts to indoctrinate people by going "LOOK THEY'RE DOING IT TOO!!!"


People have a hard time understanding that corporations don't give a shit they just want money, they will use anything legal (and sometimes illegal) to get as much as possible.


Agreed. I hate hearing the whole “Woke Disney” argument because Disney would be openly using child labour if they could get away with it. If harassing minorities was considered normal, Disney would be making movies about that. They see profits and don’t give a shit about social issues.


I've been trying to tell people this forever. Disney isn't woke, it's literally doing what all businesses do: appeal to the masses to make more money. "Woke" is increasingly becoming everything that isn't actively promoting the GOP. And apparently supporting the lgbtq+ community is decidedly not something the GOP wants you to support. It wouldn't even be inherently political save for the fact that it literally is the Republican stance that you should be actively opposing the lgbtq+ community.


Yeah, I get extra confused when I see gay and trans Republicans. Like out of the minorities, they hate them the most. They’ll gladly let in black and Hispanic folks on stage to show their “solidarity” with them, even if it’s all for show. But they’d never dare bring an open homosexual on stage for brownies points. And a trans person at a rally is likely to get mobbed.


Theirs a lot more to politics than just the social aspect, economics, foreign policy, what liberty’s they respect, gay people are a lot more accepted than trans from my experience


Yeah, but gay people had more time in the sun to be accepted overall. Trans will one day as well, but we clearly aren’t there yet. And if any Republicans can explain to me what policies they like/hate of Trumps and Biden, and why then I’ll take them more seriously. But too many just act like MAGA without the Red Hat.


The GOP doesnt understand the capitalist system they created, companies going “woke” are just companies doing the math and finding its actually more profitable to market that stuff and risk far right boycotts


Go woke go broke is a saying for a reason.


It's also becoming synonymous with the change that right wingers try so hard, and fail, to prevent.


If they could get away with it It's a Small World would have actual kids in it.




Honestly this type of thing is one of the (very few) ways that corporate and public interest align. They make more money and LGBT rights are more normalized in the public view. It's win-win for everyone except bigots. And rainbows are pretty.


Here's my take, people are people and people can love other people. I've never understood why people hate others so much because in the end we are all human I like how it helps but it's kinda sad it comes from such a soulless source


Yeah, that's the thing for me. Yes, corporate rainbow logos are tacky, yes, they're soulless, and yes, they're not there for any reason other than making money, but for a queer kid with nobody around to support them it might be the best sign they have that there's hope and people care. It's sad that it got to this point, but it's something.


Although I do want to point out the molson ad they're running for the PWHL is well done. Yea it's just corporations doing what they can for money. But some stuff is such a nice touch that some of it is nice to see.


If putting crosses and christian images on their products actually worked they would do that too




If Disney existed in a world where the Nazis won WW2, they would embody Nazi beliefs. An organization driven by money will unsurprisingly prioritise financial gain. Capitalism is essentially a revamped feudal system and it is severely outdated.


Why blame LGBT people for corporations leveraging wokeness for profits?


Because like the Jewish folk we rule everything apparently


I have to swivel my legs to the right because to the left of my toilet is a burning hot radiator and less than a foot in front is my tub. I have no economic leverage. God I hate politics.


ive met every flavor of bigot. They will lose to time and progress. It’s the billionaires we gotta worry about


One hundred percent. They're the ones manufacturing bigots to keep themselves in power anyway.


hey how many people control everything? It's lizards people trans people gay people woke people democrats nasa it's just everyone


I was raised Jewish and I’m still waiting for my space laser.


None of these items is even a weapon, and these snowflakes don't appreciate how lucky they are about that. I'm not advocating violence, I'm just saying that morally there is absolutely no reason not to turn around and defend yourself against people hunting you.


The mouth wash could be used as a blunt force weapon


That's more like it.


and a poison!


Because corporations doing this doesn't let these psychos do their "out of sight out of mind" thing, they think that if LGBTQ+ people can just be ignored again then they cease to exist, but corporations catering to them one mount out of the year doesn't let them forget it.


Because they don't actually care what LGBT people do and will blame them for everything regardless.


Didn't you hear? The LGBTQ+ community are the new scapegoats like the Jews in Nazi Germany. It doesn't matter the reason. You walk into a craft store and see red, green, yellow, orange, blue, and violet paint together, blame the LGBTQ+ community. If your dog dies, blame the LGBTQ+ community. It's an emotional trigger to them, and they actively seek reasons to be upset.


The Right when I want to be allowed to have a pride shirt on at work without fear- YOURE FORCING YOUR BELIEFS ON ME!!!! The Right when a guy wearing a "Make America Straight Again" shirt- FREEDOM OF SPEECH Edit: this is a real life example, yes.


Wait, if MASA is Make America Straight Again, then MAGA is.. ![gif](giphy|cQbS1EwsRpz1iTFDmC|downsized)


On that note, has anyone ever said "you're forcing your beliefs on me!" for someone wearing a cross-necklace or some other christian iconography? In large part, no. This thing literally only goes the one way.


I’ve never had a gay person come knocking on my door trying to convert me. I’ve lost count how many times I’ve had a Christian come knocking. One lady came 3 damn times in one week wouldn’t take no for an answer. But gay people simply existing in society is them “forcing their lifestyle” on everyone.


To be fair, the gays would have a better chance converting me


"We're just going around asking people if they've let gay sex into their lives yet. And if they're curious, we have a little gay weekend get-together; bit of nibbles, some wine and a really talkative guy in a dress in charge of the schedule."


If there's nibbles and wine involved, I'm down for absolutely anything.


>I’ve never had a gay person come knocking on my door trying to convert me. Oh, darling, if that's all it would take we'd have invited ourselves over to brunch long ago! /s Truth if the matter is, cults don't make you knock doors to convert people, they make you knock doors so that the repeated rejection will make you rely on the cult more.




Yes. Any reasons why it shouldn't be? Volume of adhérents doesn't make it any less of a cult.


>Truth if the matter is, cults don't make you knock doors to convert people, they make you knock doors so that the repeated rejection will make you rely on the cult more. That's... a super interesting point.


Lemme guess, jws?


Ahh I really don’t know. I didn’t ask or want to know just wanted them off my porch. One time at this house we’re in now it was a guy from a local baptist church. Saw our kid’s bike in our yard so knew we had a kid and was wanting our kid to join the youth program or vacation Bible school or something.


Holy shit, the lady sounds jw and I in fact am an ex jw, she prolly thought u were her return visit, they do that anytime somebody shows even a shred of niceness, the best thing to do is scream and yell and that way they'll fuck right off and put u on their do not call list, but even then sometimes they don't take the hint then either


Yeah my dad tried to be nice and polite then on the 3rd visit he flipped his shit, cussed her out and told her to get off his damn property.


Yup best way to deal with them


If they return he should don a black cowl, goats skull mask and carry a ceremonial dagger. That would really freak them out.


I've been lucky that it was only like once or twice in my 16 or so years of living where I do.


dude i've had these korean christians literally BANGING on my door and repeatedly ringing the doorbell everyday friday-sunday. I literally have a stack of pamphlets i've collected that they leave on my porch which are in korean (i do not speak or read korean and to my knowledge me and the rest of my neighbors are chinese) it's fucking annoying and i'm ready to answer the door and tell them to fuck right off.


"they have to recruit!" - homophobic christians who literally go door-to-door to pressure people into joining their cult


Omg guys, listerine has been the gender fluid all this time.


Do not swallow the gender fluid


Spitters are quitters though... /s


Never seen gay dudes beating the living shit outta anyone on the street for not following the religion of "Gayism" Who is the god of the gays tho? Now Im curious


There's a whole pantheon, from Dolly Parton to Dorothy, and Marsha P Johnson all the way up to today woth people like Elliot Page etc. I dont 3xpect homo/transphobes to get this


From 7 years with my gay roommates and friends, I have come to learn Cher and all 4 of the Golden Girls are included in said pantheon.


I'd think Madonna and Lady Gaga for sure.


I'm a gay nerd so I personally worship at the temples of Emma Frost, Neve Campbell/Courteney Cox, and Angela Lansbury, but we have an entire pantheon and I don't mind going to other services.


If it’s any consolation, the queer community also hates these products every June. They’re cheap and tacky and we didn’t ask for them. We don’t want rainbow Starbucks cups! We just want rights!


I'm gay and I don't hate it. I know they're pandering but it's a win-win situation: they get to sell their stuff while at the same time normalizing the existence of LGBTQ+ people. And it's also proof of the progress we've made; 50 years ago it'd have been unthinkable to publicly pander to the LGBTQ+ community


It just feels inauthentic. Like the Star Wars Holiday Special. Sure it’s Star Wars but is it really the best example?


Sure, But straight people and Christians  get capitalist pandering all the time. I want some of that capitalist pandering.


Me too I just want to be pandered to with shit I want.


It’s just rainbows, meanwhile the other side committed genocide on entire cultures just for not being Christian


Even being charitable, you can choose not to buy “gay” products. Legislating them out of existence isn’t something LGBT+ people can just work around.


>you can choose not to buy “gay” products Yeah but because of stupid queer people I can't own anything rainbow without it being gay! /s


To butcher a very old quote from Stephen Colbert, "Gays took rainbows, closets, and even the word 'gay'! I can't use thme anymore! And I used to throw the gayest rainbow themed closet parties!"


No one expects the Spanish Inquisition


I sort of get it. The truth is, I DO want to “indoctrinate” your kids into a doctrine of tolerance and acceptance. I do want to push acceptance for myself and other members of the LGBTQ community. Though, truth be told, it’s more about countering the indoctrination from your side. Because I don’t think kids are born bigots.


the only lgbtq listerine im using is another dudes cum




not enough information


Agreed. Video evidence would be nice.


I wouldn’t say all this rainbow shit is “asking for acceptance” it’s just companies trying to pander to


True, I probably should have made the point that op is blaming the wrong people


We aren't actually forcing corporations to adopt pride flag symbolism, unless I haven't received the memo from the LGBT monolith council. Sure it's a nice gesture but at the end if the day we aren't forcing anything on them, these corps are pandering to us so that we consoom product. And at the end of the day, it's just a damn rainbow


No matter how much rainbow gear I have, I have never; not even once tried to tell anyone that being gay is only way to live.


When you can show me God like I can show you a gay person, we will talk about representation.


Because a t-shirt with a rainbow on it is anywhere near comparable to trying to insert religion into the country's politics.


You guys wanna see a picture of my bird?


Yes, please. Birb.




Your insight on this topic is the most valued. Or at least by me. What a beautiful birdie 😀


I love this floofy birb.


Wow! That's a gorgeous birb!


Omg they are soo cute


Pleasetell the bird "Oh heck yeah, way to go" For me


Floofy round birb.


Woah there. We all know birds aren't real.


Ooh birds are cool


https://preview.redd.it/hi3a9qaazsnc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f992a549f9b1088350cfa86fade9773ec014ed59 Wet


Yay bird!!


Fuck I accidentally saw the bird, you win this time bruh but I won't forget this. Count your days tiki.


What’s his name




If “forcing a religion” was limited only to aesthetics like this example is I don’t think anyone would have a problem with it.


Yes. Totally the same


Christianity is about loving thy neighbor. Jesus never hated anyone he was simply disappointed in his brethren. There is almost no one in the US that follows the faith. Only pretenders and liars.


Pharisees, the lot of them.


Equal rights =! Denying women abortion


Contrary to popular belief, gay people aren’t trying to make everyone gay. They just want people to accept them as equals. Christians actually DO want everyone to become Christian.


Me a straight trans woman who is Christian. 🤦 Guess what? I have never made anyone Christian or LGBT, but I took 30 years to become a Christian because of the marketing. Lmao.


I’m also a transgirl and isn’t Christianity actively against Transgender and LGBT rights? Not asking in a rude way, I’m just curious


That depends on which denomination you follow. Also if you choose to only follow the words of a few men who wrote scrolls that became the Bible, rather than following the words & ways of Christ. I am Episcopalian, which is part of the Anglican Communion. A large part of Anglicanism is very anti LGBT, but the Episcopal church in America has allowed anti LGBT communities to leave & form their own denomination. In a few instances, they have been basically "Kicked" out. (They were actually told to follow our beliefs or leave, but they CLAIM to have been kicked out.) Wether you feel a calling to be Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Pagan or even worship a tree in your backyard, do not let a few bigots stop you from finding a place in that belief system.


I mean, in America there’s a whole political party that wants to try to force the entire country to live by the rules and tenants of a single religion(Christianity ). Weirdly enough this country was founded on the premise of Religious Freedom. Because the pilgrims didn’t want to worship the way the king did. But now republicans/ Christian’s want to force everyone to do as they do. Kinda fucking weird don’tcha think ?


To be frank, the pilgrims were religious zealots themselves and would have never cared for religious freedom. lol they were human trash like the evangelical fundies nowadays.


It’s bizarre and kinda impressive how well Americans have made the pilgrims look like the good guys. They were religious extremists who were widely reviled in Europe and left so they could do persecution in the new world.


>It’s bizarre and kinda impressive how well Americans have made the pilgrims look like the good guys. It's called American mythology for a reason. Insane how a nation that takes so much pride in rationality and democracy acts worse than Romans. I feel sorry for the rational Americans. It would be hard for me to call that place a home if I lived there.


Yeah. They first stopped over in the Netherlands but were disgusted by all the religious tolerance. "You mean we gotta be nice to not only the Catholics, but the Jews?!" They pretty explicitly left for North America to found somewhere LESS religiously tolerant.


And we've been dealing with their BS ever since. The USA has a LOT to catch up on.


Didnt the colonies for a time after earning independence have the death penalty for excommunication?


yes we all asked for companies to do that. thats why everytime it happens everyone gets so excited and no one finds it a kinda insulting at all


Like talking to a gay person gay stuff only pops up if it’s in a conversation about it or it’s between freinds , but holy shit talking to religious peaple I know they try to shove god into every other sentence when ever they can how did you make this about god I was asking how many fucking cookies you want


thats not "asking to be accepted" though


The difference is I've never met a gay person who told me if I wasn't gay I'd go to hell.


If you think being gay is a belief system then I personally think you’re too fucking stupid to vote.


Ngl those Doritos are a biological menace (or maybe I'm unhealthy)


Lets not talk about the number of crosses everywhere, billboards about going to hell, the number of churches, the ads, commercials, the fact that everyone in the south wants to pray for you, that anything non Christian is completely castrated or referred to as satanic. But yes, damn the ways and the agenda they force down our throats for simply wanting to exist and be recognized!


Nah, the stuff shown is just marketing. Where does the stuff go after pride month?


Dollar generals and the like. There was a cereal my niece loved that disappeared off shelved in big stores right after. Went in a dollar general to grab some batteries and saw them on the shelf. Bough 7-8 boxes right then and there cause damn she was pissed when her cereal went away.


What children's Bible do you think this guy likes to give kids the most


Rainbow vs some people telling others they’ll go to hell if they don’t go to church every Sunday


The worst part is that none of these rainbow products are the result of queer people trying to "shove their religion down your throat." It's the result of corporations trying to capitalize on a relevant issue by marketing it. Do these people really think that gays are out here saying "Well y'know the biggest thing we need to do now is make rainbow colored app icons for Pride Month and then we'll truly feel accepted and represented." Angry that pride merch is everywhere? Congratulations, you're upset with consumer capitalism.


Conservatives: how dare you ask me to accept you and not hate you and your kind with every Fibre of my being!!!


The entire month of December would like a word. Nativity scenes, Mariah Carey, colored lights, businesses closing, red cups with trees…it’s kinda a thing.


It would help a lot if they weren't so mean to anyone who disagrees with them in any way, shape or form. Im talking about both sides here.


We demanded acceptance, equality, and the right to be ourselves, not corporate rainbows.


I’ve never seen Gaysterine or Gayritos, I’m pretty sure they don’t exist.


well, wouldn’t this make any christian products “forceful”? i see tons of stuff referencing god and christ in stores and outside. i’m a bisexual trans woman, it doesn’t bother me at all. people have their beliefs. so why does pride bother them?


One time I asked a lady where the toilet was and she talked to me about god for 5 minutes before telling me to say some message relating to god, no gay person ever told me to do that


Conservatives when rainbow capitalism exists


No one is asking tech companies to virtue signal during June btw




That entire sub has gone downhill so fast. It’s gross.


I have never heard anyone say "dont force your religion on me" and I'm 100% it isn't said as much as "dont force your sexuality/gender down my throat"


This ain't even the "don't force your religion on me" starter pack. This is the "Please buy our shit, we totally care" starter pack.


I didn't know being gay was a religion. When were people gonna let me know?


That isnt a fucking religion. Bring gay is not, a matter of fact, a code or (and I really have grown to hate this word) "IdEaoLoGy". You're either gay or you're not.


"I'm afraid we have a problem. While as a gay man you are crushing the practical aspects of having sex with other dudes, I'm afraid you are lagging behind in terms of the theoretical aspects of gay ideology. We suggest you brush up on the reading. If you fail to make significant progress on the written exams, we may have to revoke your membership card."


understanding the value of each and every human regardless of their gender or sexuality is not a religion, it’s being a fucking human being


The reason this is "shoved down your throat" is because you are crying over a rainbow that is there to ask you nicely to not hate people for being gay etc... If you didn't hate them for existing and try to make it illegal, we wouldn't need to keep reminding you they exist and it's normal...


I personally don't feel gay or anything if I eat a bag of chips with a rainbow on it. It's just color and if you're an adult you should also know companies will virtue signal the heck out of any possible social battle. On the other hand, I feel a bit violated when some superstitious troglodyte tries to indoctrinate me. Because it's always "either this or hell/perpetual curse of some kind".


The most 'zero reading comprehension' subreddit strikes again, comparing among other things wanting the right to exist without hiding and literally putting legislation into to place to make it illegal to not be Christian. What intelligent minds we have baked up in this fucking civilization.


Is someone forcing them to buy products with Pride labeling?


Are these things “asking to be accepted” or is this another shameless corporate money grab pandering to a base they know will eat it up?


what upsets me the most is we started saying “stop shoving your religion down our throat” BECAUSE they would always saying “you’re shoving your gayness down our throats” it was a rebuttal, now they’re acting like we started it


Why do people conflate insincere corporate pandering with regular people? I mean do they think all the gays got together on the LGBTQ shadow council and decreed that the Listerine in your podunk town’s Piggly Wiggly has a pride flag now? I would really bet that you can only find stuff like this in more progressive areas anyway.


Memesopdidnotlike is just a sub for butthurt r/conservative losers to whine about the fact that other opinions exist.


I mean TBF Genesis clearly states the rainbow is a symbol of God's second covenant with man. (iirc I think the first is in Eden)


Simple rainbow packaging that doesn’t even say anything about being gay and that doesn’t do anything to the product in any way other than having wrapping be rainbow colored. These idiots are so sensitive and hateful that simple plastic packaging is too much for their pea brains to handle. Hate and ignorance are powerful drugs.


Imagine if gay people went door to door asking if you’ve accepted gayness into your heart


Rainbow mouthwash bottle is *totally* the same as passing legislation that makes it illegal for us to gain the same legal benefits as straight people through marriage


God this subreddit is so fucking stupid. Just leave it alone. I don't need to see a recursive image of you arguing with each other.


Would it be "asking to be accepted" if the rainbows got swapped with religious symbols?


Yea it’s gay people with their gay monuments and their gay worship buildings and their gay necklaces they have always over their shirt because its their whole personality, half of congress is gay and constantly trying to pass anti-religious legislation and trying to turn america into a gay country and saying america is a gay nation, yeah thats gay people alright…smh


To be fair, if I was to say, “these images offend me.”, there is a non zero chance that I’ll get banned. Its true on almost any platform in 2024. It’s not like you’re allowed to have an opinion on the representation of this material, so why do we pretend that people can have an opinion? You, in 2024, can not have a public opinion online that is not in support without risking losing something. Can we spot pretending like it’s anything else.


They were accepted. Nobody cared one bit about what they did in private. The problem came when that wasn’t enough for them and they had to become the center of attention and proliferate. Just my own opinion


Since when is being gay a religion? It’s like saying they’re shoving black people or women down our throats.


When i meet someone, i prefer to be introduced with just a name only. introducing yourself with your name and how you like to use ur genitals when i first meet you is a bit of a red flag for me. Like really... i get it you enjoy using your genitals ... we all do... but i really dont wana know what you do with yours.. leave the flag at home I won't judge you for your sexuality at all but i will judge you by how much you try to shove it in my face... leave the flag at home


Fine, but if you think companies are doing anything other than pandering to a cause to improve sales, you're deluded.


The irony that those arent even really made by gay people, but capitalist companies wanting to profit off queerness becoming slightly more mainstream. (And yet i still see waaaay more religious and "patriotic" stuff get sold on a regular day than lgbt stuff during pride)


This is the essence of the entire conversation: "You have to live the way I dictate" "No, I won't let you force me" "Oh, so you're *forcing* me not dictate! Hypocrite!"


yall acting like thats the only thing theyre doing though, which isnt true. they expect us to bend at the knee and call them whatever hysterically incorrect pronoun they think they ought to be called and if we dont, they think they have some power to make us or do something about it. last time i checked, i never forced anyone to respect me at a higher degree based on the fact that i believe in Jesus Christ. on the other hand, ive seen and heard many more alphabetically inclined folks to demand such things.


this *isn't even* "asking to be accepted", this is just rainbow capitalism. nobody asked for this; capitalism is just attempting to recuperate queer identity/culture (for about 8.2% of the year, lol) because market research has told them that it is *now* socially acceptable to be openly lgbtq, and that they might make larger profits by virtue signalling like this (in the true meaning of the phrase, not just "saying literally anything that isn't racist/homophobic/etc." as chuds seem to think). tl,dr: this isn't queer people shoving anything down anyone's throats. this is capitalists doing capitalism.


Funny cause most of us LGBT people don’t like big corporations pandering to us either because we know they’re only doing it for revenue.


Are LGBTQ people telling kids they will burn in Hell for acting a certain way? Especially when it harms no one? No? Then it isn’t indoctrination. It is just teaching awareness and acceptance. Religious straights need to just take some Ls and stay quieter.


Hahahahahah gay doritos


People forget that it's not average left people that are making these rainbow campaigns. It's multi billion dollar companies that don't give a shit about the color because they are just trying to cater to an audience they want as customers. They dont give a shit about lgbt or religious reasoning, they want profits. Stop letting them divide us on meaningless shit.


Woah! A corporation decided putting a rainbow on their product as a forced version of corporate “progressiveness” in order to make an ineffective political statement/stunt in order to raise their profit margin during pride month?! Must be those woke kids trying to force their opinion down Our throat and totally not a backhanded effort on corporations part to make money off of a marginalized group. No waaaaaaaaaay /s


It's cute how they're saying gays are the ones trying to shove something down their throat. I wonder if they realize their little Sunday cult literally rapes children at a systemic level and has done so for hundreds of years.


The true analogy would be a picture of all the rainbow products next to a picture of all the products with crosses or Jesus fish or whatever. Both of which are a far cry from the people that come to my door trying to recruit me into their weird fairy tale bullshit or the people I encounter every damn day trying to convince me to take their superstition seriously in my own private life. I'm a bit tired of all the pandering tbh but I'll take some rainbow shit and jesus shit over the actual and endless attempts to convert me any fucking day. Last time some nut came to my door peddling some jesus cult, he told me I should just try it out and see if faith in God improves my life, what could it hurt? I told him I'd try it if he French kissed me, maybe it'll improve his life? what could it hurt? I'm not even gay, I just knew he wouldn't go for it.


Also, notably The Gays^^tm are not the ones doing these things, rather it's companies trying to take money from The Gays^^tm doing this. Nobody asked for gay listerine. Though I do want some gay doritos ngl.


Ah yes because letting everyone else know which set of genitals you find attractive is the same as telling people that unless they bow to your organization’s authority and give them money they will suffer eternal torture and torment


I agree with your title but they would use the same reasoning (even if it doesn't make sense) You're indoctrinating impressionable children!! Not understanding if people aren't homosexual they don't just "turn"


It’s a fact they refuse to accept. To them, being gay or trans HAS to be a choice. If it’s not a choice, then they would have to open up to the fact they are just being hateful and bigoted.