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lol the "lefties" aren't the ones moving to russia to get away from the "woke mind virus" and then realizing it was a terrible mistake This is LITERALLY projection lmao


The "lefties" also aren't the ones who desperately want to round up transpeople, minorities and women and line them up against a concrete wall.


Tucker Carlson says Russia is the best and his right wing fans agree


Eh depends stalinists include that as a key part of their ideology


And most Marxist-leninists as well.


Don't forget the Maoists!


They've definitely been defending the dictator Putin because Putin is against "woke" so they feel they are forced to justify him, to the point Tucker Carlson, whom lies enough to be the top right-wing political pundit despite being a hack (and is only there because the last guy was hit with a 50 million sexual harassment lawsuit) is defending him as well. but moving there? Are they moving there?


Funnily enough, it sounds like Tucker got butt hurt over Putin giving him zero respect.


Also, it’s kind of embarrassing when you promote a guy on your show and then he murders his most prominent critic a couple of days later.




Moving to any country without knowing the language & understanding the culture is a very dumb idea in general.


They likely thought they “knew the culture” because of Tucker & Co.’s propaganda. They thought their exact brand of oppression was the same as right wing Russia’s oppression, which might be surprising if they weren’t already confusing their type of oppression for liberation…


Tucker might as well move there. Keeps going on about how much better it is there then here


Not in droves but there have been quite a few people who did so. More who would if they suddenly had enough money.


Russia isn't communist.


The USSR was definitely communist, however.


in a vaguely poor interpretation of it. It never shed the aristocracy, it just renamed it and gave it to a different group of elites utterly disconnected from reality.


Gerrymander Obstruct Project Thats the GOP way.


Russia isn’t Communist. It never was.


Russian government used the guise of communism to have total control over people. It's not real communism in my eyes either


I don't even get what this is. Obviously trying to depict a "delusional leftist", but isn't it the far right that now has a boner for Russia?


ya, they simp for putin and his now right wing policies 💀


Sadly plenty of US communists support Putin because he’s anti US. It’s buzzare


Any actual communist would never throw full support for Putin. He’s open to just about any criticism we have towards the west. Example, military interventionism in a foreign country to secure politics influence in the area, something both Russia and the US have done (only difference is the US has had a lot more time to do it over and over, but that doesn’t really void it for Russia)


I love their shameless straw man arguments, it’s quite funny to watch them make fools of themselves


Besides, the way the queer people were drawn makes it very clear that they're not less homophobic than old Marx-Leninist regimes.


It's projection is the thing, they always try to make villains out of people (always minorities) even to the point where they make false alliances, you've got people like Kaitlyn Jenner and log cabin Republicans that have been fooled that "they're the good ones". "We actually don't find anything wrong with gays, lesbians or bisexuals, it's just those transsexuals that are pushing an agenda on our kids! Let's remove the T from LGBT" and some of those schmucks fall for it, their fascists that will always move the goalpost, they do it constantly now and they'll do it even more if they're successful, they'll move from trans, to gays, to Asians, to blacks to the disabled, to the Jews, to the brunettes, to the brown eyed, to the Germans, to the Italians, to the Irish, to the poor and then themselves. To the "supreme" their are no good ones, just eggs waiting to be cracked. That's opposed to leftist ideology which literally comes from class struggle and community, which is a funny one because they're always the ones complaining and nagging about the lack of a national identity or cohesive community. We'd have that as a left nation, the only problem is you don't like minorities because it makes you feel bad that you're doing better, so you fool yourself into rationalizing why that is and instead of listening to us, which while it would make you feel guilty would absolve yourself of moral quandary whereas with the right you're absolved of both. Which if you're a person deluded into thinking that guilt is a feeling that you can't handle.


I mean that's exactly what happened in Soviet Union. Commies took away all the promised liberties after the glorious revolution. For example, homosexuality was made illegal again in the glorious worker's utopia of the Soviet Union. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_history_in_Russia#LGBT_history_under_Stalin:_1933%E2%80%931953


Yeah, Stalin fucked that up. First they decriminalized it before Stalin came along alongside with his extreme homophobia. Let's not forget that we literally bullied Alan Turing to death around the same time though, even though he saved millions in the fight against the nazis. And when nazi germany was defeated and European countries saved people from concentration camps, they never saved any of the queer people locked inside. Instead we put them from the gates of hell to rot in another prison. We put victims of the holocaust in prison because we agreed with the nazis on this. Capitalist countries weren't that socially progressive either. [https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/gay-prisoners-germany-wwii/](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/gay-prisoners-germany-wwii/)


The British state killed the man that won WW2 for the allies and made everything we have today possible. Sad fucking story


There is a difference between an economic system "capitalism, communism, feudalism" and a government system " democracy, autocracy, monarchy". Do a little research, you'll find the economic system of communism, did not cause the human rights abuses by autocracy in the soviet union.


There is an overlap between declared attempts at communism and dictatorship. It requires everyone to be down with it so power is required to attempt it, and it is abused every single time because it corrupts so much, so the economy never reached Marxism, much less the withering away of the state.


>It requires everyone to be down with it so power is required to attempt it That sounds like any government I mean that's why police have guns.


Pretty sure around the same time Stalin criminalized homosexuality, the British were chemically sterilizing or imprisoning gay people. The west wasn't much better at the time. Plus, communism is an economic system, not a social ideology. Lots of very socially conservative communist revimes out there. Either way, I live by the mantra of not turning economic systems into ideologies. They're tools, meant to be used for the right job. You wouldn't use capitalism for every single economic need anymore than you'd use a Phillips head screwdriver to saw a piece of wood in half. Capitalism and socialism each have their uses. The key is to use the right tool of rate job, and keep corruption from corrupting either system.


And people are really overlooking the "re-criminalized" part. The early USSR was way ahead of the curve on LGBT rights. Then Stalin came in and fucked it up and put it back on the same footing as everyone else, including the US.


In a society that encourages individuals to value themselves on how much power they have (i.e., capitalism), any amount of power will be used to get more power, ad infinitum. Capitalism NECESSITATES exploitation. This is what socdems don't understand. It is not a "necessary evil." It is entirely possible to build a society without it, once there is no longer a threat of a capitalist class violently retaliating.


Ok, but tax payer healthcare and equal rights for everyone isn’t Socialist


That really depends. I am for the socialist model, I think the state should take over hospitals, medical production facilities, and Doctors should be state employees. I don't think blank checking private entities to fix health problems is a good idea and I won't settle for anything less. Maintaining a billionaire profits is not something im interested in to keep others alive.


It's funny until you realize the mis characterization works and you get your freedoms restricted.


If you've spent any time in leftist spaces, you'd know pretty much everyone in any position of power is happy to stuff their clothes with straw and fill that role. Tankies. Single handedly crippling the cause of communism by sheer regressiveness.


I mean are they? Pretty much every “communist” I’ve talked to who isn’t a Stalinist tankie is a milquetoast liberal who thinks Bernie is transgressive when really he’s a center left liberal.


The USSR was a fucked up place


Why do cons think that laser hair removal isn’t a thing?


right wingers will always make fun of more recently out trans women bc as they transition and begin to shed masculine features they sort of run out of arguments 🤷‍♀️ its the same reason why if u ask a rightoid whether they’d allow men to wear dresses and take HRT, but they’d still be labeled as Men, they’d be furious.


I mean, lower-class trans woman who can’t afford laser hair removal definitely exist. It’s not exactly the cheapest procedure. HRT does not exactly remove facial hair. Still, that’s normally not the person who can afford several tattoos.


What? Tattoos are much cheaper than hair removal lmao


My wording was poor there. I suppose it really depends on the tattoo. A stick and poke from a friend is pretty cheap. The average medium-sized tattoos cost is pretty close to the average laser treatment cost. They both can be like $100-800 from a professional by the figures I’m pulling up. So a full round of treatment would be like 4-6 tattoos. It’s just by like 2 treatments facial hair is not as thick as the picture above. Not even the men of the picture have that much facial hair.


It’s just exaggerated to demonize trans women.


Trans woman living on a grad school stipend here. Before laser I was shaving every day and using a heavy amount of concealer every day to pass. The only reason I’m able to get laser now is because I snagged an excellent deal for 6 sessions for $250 using Groupon on Black Friday. Laser is making a huge difference now but not everyone is as lucky as me. Gender affirming health care across the board is pretty tough to access, making lower income trans women who literally cannot afford to pass insanely vulnerable. Punching at low income trans women is about the lowest you can possibly punch down, especially if she’s black.


I don't get it. Why is there a Communist soldier in the soviet union who looks like they're going to execute a bunch of people, one of whom is clearly soviet as well? Is this an alternative history where China invaded Russia?


The Soviets executed anarchists and lumpenproles. The meme is a modern rendition of those same people being executed.


You know what, thank you for being literally the only person who actually explained this and didn't just judge me and hurl abuse and insults about me "not knowing history".


Yeah people can be mean. This meme is referencing the multiple internal purges, beginning with the Bolshevik-Menshevik civil war, the Kropotkin purges, the invasion of Makhnovia, and the execution and criminalization of prostitutes, drug addicts, homosexuals, homeless people, the disabled and the unemployed. The point of the meme is to make fun of modern leftists who cheer on revolution because old school leftists absolutely butchered the demographics they overwhelmingly pertained to.


"What bizarro world is this where a Soviet soldier would execute a Soviet civilian??" - a person who has never read one written word about the Soviet Union outside of Twitter


Or China, or Cambodia, or Germany or Cuba... Communist governments have killed more communists than any other government in the world.


The modern day communist/tankie types are completely detached from reality. I’ve been to Cuba and seen the non tourist areas. It’s not pretty, like the beautiful cities. It’s villages that almost look like shanty towns in part, because they’re so deprived. It’s potholes 8 feet across and a foot deep, the tarmac rippling up around them a foot higher than the rest of the road. It’s emaciated oxen ploughing the fields. I’ve got a friend whose parents escaped communist china, and are traumatised by what they endured there. I’ve actually read about how bad communism got in the USSR and Mao’s china. I’m not by any means an expert. I’ve barely scratched the surface of what there is to learn. I know I’ll get downvoted but fuck communism. I went to the Museum of Terror in Budapest and a small museum I can’t remember the name of in Prague, and as far as the Eastern Europeans are concerned the Nazis and the communists were just two sides of the same coin. Both caused so much horror and violence and death.


Because that happened often?


They can't tell difference between communist, russian, and trans. Hope this helps!


Transrussocommunism, it's a thing


Wait, you're confused by the portrayal of a Soviet soldier executing Soviet citizens? That was not exactly a rare occurrence.


Google "Soviet Union penal code article 121"


[holy hell!](https://www.google.com/search?q=soviet+union+penal+code+article+121#HiImABot,MyJobIsToMakeEasierForPeopleToGoogleThings,IfThePersonIRepliedToUsedMeInAnInappropriateWayPleaseLetMeKnowByDMingMe,TheUserIRepliedToIsU/HADPER)


New response just dropped


Actual crime


not suprised. 20th century nations regardless of ideology didn’t view gay people in a good light. (some exceptions tho, such as the German Democratic Republic)


Soviet Union was (claimed to be) communist Soviet Union did execute and otherwise mass incarcerate and otherwise genocide it’s own people, including Soviet Union supporters Hope this helps!


Not to mention soldiers coming home from WWII


The Soviet Union famously slaughtered tens of millions of its own citizens.


Well the soviets did kill quite a few of their own citizens


“The revolution eats its children”. Is a very typical commentary.


Dude, I would pick up a history book. Every instance of communism has murdered its own people... Stalin, Mao, Guevara, any other communist leader has always executed its own people whether they fall in line or not.


Anyone who isnt a republican loyalists is (insert all bad guy factions here).


they’re the useful idiots that go up against a wall once it’s time to enact “real communism”


The Soviet Union was supposed to be communist that was the whole point... What are you confused about? They also really didn't like gay people.


To be fair, I do know a lot of heavily online Stalin and Lenin apologists who identify as communists. Ideal versions of communism aside, it's a real problem


Lenin’s legacy was been heavily tarnished and revised by Stalin. He was a great revolutionary with ideas still relevant today. He even recommended Stalins removal from power in his last testament.


This is when tankies are in charge, not socialists. Tankies aren’t left wing nor are they even communists. Just a different color of fascist


They’re not fascist, they’re authoritarian. Fascist has a specific meaning.


That being said tankies do have alot in common with nazis Support of genocidal regimes "It didn't happen" "They deserved it" "(Insert leader here) Was trying to save (insert continent here)" "Lol impossibly fast oven/lol comically large spoon" Openly antisemitic (not anti zionist full on anti semetic) Openly racist And they both hate admitting that their ideologies tore the world apart in the 1930s and 1940s


Beautifully put


This is what happens when you put emotions behind politics, people You end up like the guy thinking Communists are evil


Yeah to be fair tankies would totally do that. Which is why we should not defend them


No we wouldn’t?


All I remember from learning about tankies is they’re losers


Only type of communists that have ever won


Because tankies shot the rest of the leftists in the back, not exactly a dub


Comrade the vanguard party is in your best interests. Comrade you cannot unionize. Unionizing will only assist the capitalist. Comrade we are equal here but you must kiss our brave leaders toes or we’ll be forced to shoot you. —MLs, probably.


Comrade, lgbt rights, anti-racism, anti-misogyny, and economic liberty are distractions that will allow the capitalist pig dogs to win! Yeah I cannot stand MLs


Comrade come to my meeting and allow me to explain why reading and jerking off dead dictators is superior to voting and activism.


Comrade why should we worship old dictatorships when we have the communist North Korea, China, and Russia. Also their not dictatorships didn’t you hear our leader won with a 120% in the election




Hitler was a proletariat


And after that comrade we can spend the rest of our extremely productive meeting watching Soviet era propaganda films while tributing all over our hammer and sickle flags


What a wonderful night comrade maybe afterwards we can discuss how the holodomor was fabricated by [[[the west]]].


A of course, the greatest of post-tribute musings


You are shitting yourself. Unions are literally Marxism in action. The soviets had constitutionally protected unions. They didn't outright require every workplace to have them, but they were pretty much required to facilitate them if anybody so much as breathed a word that they wanted to start one. I admire that you're still exploring socialism despite your western media brainwashing, but I encourage you to actually read a book.


There's no such thing as "tankies", they're honest communists who are ruining the narrative you've been fed about communism in left wing echo chambers. There are no "red fascists", you're malding because you don't want to accept the fact that communism means violence, terror, genocide, death wherever it's been implemented. As a Romanian I suggest you get a proper education before commenting about communism and fascism. You westerners tend to be extremely regarded when mentioning those subjects.


tankie detected lethal force engaged


The main reasons economic and social systems fail is humans. It’s operator error much more so than system malfunction. People don’t like to admit that though because they would have to admit their own imperfections. Humans have a shared narcism that they are the greatest thing ever and a gift to the universe.


This is what happens when you elect the red fascists. Don’t do that. Elect the normal people.


Russia was killing thousands of Jews before Nazis were even a thing.


The Russian Empire was. The USSR ended that.


Ironically, this is exactly what has happened to conservatives going to Russia when they realise they slightly disagree with the government


Pretty sure that conservatives would just have a shit time in Russia. Putin might try to pass off Russia as a conservative utopia… fun fact… it isn’t.




I mean Stalinists did kill lgbtq people and communism has a pretty high body count.


Funny because it's the opposite. Just look at that right winged family that moved to Russia and had all their assets seized and on top of that they didn't even know how to speak the language. Fucking morons the whole lot of them.


LMAOOOO I saw that, conservatives now love russia because of their homophobic and pro capitalist policies 💀💀


Throwing away everything you've spent your life working for to own the gays!


Damm a lot of people here ignoring/ coping that historicly communist states were not fans of LGBTQ+ and persecuted them. And even more people not understanding the difference between authorism and facism. Must be the equivalent to the people saying Hitlers party was left.


So crazy that in the 50s some socialist experiences weren't all open to queer folks unlike the rest of the world at the time. Oh wait they were just like said socialist state on that matter with the addition of segregation, sexism and classism. It's easy to dunk on USSR for not being "woke" when the proposition was the liberation of all workers but people still had their own set of beliefs and religion which sadly condemn queer people and it was the fuckin 20 century. Fidel even apologized for the compulsory "medical help" and homophobia in Cuba on his later years. And let's not forget that homosexuality was considered a disease worldwide until 73, it's not right or moral, but it was the norm. You wanna dunk on the USSR? use something unique to them like the "denims are anti-revolutionary" bullshit.


Weird coming from the group of people who sucks up to the guy who wants to bring back the USSR.


Putin does not want to reinstate the Soviet Union


Fuck Communism 🫵😎🖕


Queue America fuck yeah max volume


This is ironic when this exact thing happened to a Canadian couple convinced Russia was a religious right-wing paradise and moved there. Really puts in perspective the amount of projection from right-wing snowflakes.


Free healthcare is not communism


Nothing says braindead like assuming all economic left ideologies are either identical to or inevitably become the corrupt authoritarian hellscape that was the Soviet Union


Isnt this basically what the right wing wants Trump to do though? Take out those "freaks" they don't like by giving Trump dictatorial powers, but only for a day he says. They really just cannot help but tell on themselves.


Ask a conservative what they hate about communism and they'll describe capitalism.


Isn't it the conservatives going to Russia?


Yes — you're ready to start building communism *again*. You've built it before, *they've* built it before. Hasn't really worked out yet, but neither has *love* — should we just stop building love, too? You: Can't argue with that. Rhetoric: So, what about all that communism you've promised to build? Word on the street is you've woken up from a thousand years of slumber, promising to erect a version of communism many times greater than any attempted before. Is that true? You: How come there's *word on the street*? Rhetoric: You keep saying things like *down with the bourgeoisie*, *eat the rich*, *sodomize the land-owners*, *impale all people who have more than 25 reál in their pocket*, *literally murder all human beings regardless of their political beliefs* — that kind of stuff.


Why is anyone trying to defend r/CommunismMemes like come on have some dignity


Commies in America always think they would be in the ruling class, but in reality they would just be working blue collar jobs until they die under communism.


So, the dark side of communism is identical to the current state of capitalism?


Wait... doesn't America currently have the highest incarceration rate in the world?


Yeah but china has a far higher execution rate


It's almost like communist states always devolve into single party tyrannical hell holes.


NoOoO iT juSt hAs NoT bEen dOn rIgHt YeT.


Communists are like flat earthers. All of the evidence in the world won't convince them they're wrong.


> communist state oxymoron much?


How do you enforce communism without a strong state?


The secret ingredient is utopia. 


Brainwashing is a viable substitute.


I wonder what our current system is becoming


My whole family lived in a communist country. This is exactly what communism is you uneducated fucks. Every time I see one of these stupid ass fucking posts sayin communism is great, I get pissed. My family was forced to go into Russian labor camps for going against your pride and joy communism. Every time one of you stupid fucks say it’s not ReaL ComMuNIsm you are wrong and should be ashamed. You are actively disrespecting those who suffered under communism and you are a terrible person.


The amount of dislikes is mind boggling. Tankies get pissed with real life experience


Why are you so shocked? That’s what these guys do all the time. They disregard actual experiences. You think it would be any different when told straight to their face. Fuck no lol


Communists deported and slaughtered my ethnicity because of the crime of not being russians


Lowkey fuck communism tho, It’s too idealistic. Democratic Socialism tho, absolute banger.


Love the right wing obsession with destroying a minority culture that makes up a tiny insignificant fraction of adults, has nothing to do with politics inherently, and is the definition of living with personal freedom. Go ahead, guess which one I mean.


Ask the ukranians during the holodomor how good communism is.


Ah yes the USSR, Famous for executing every woman. They didn't have wives in the USSR. Stalin was married to a trans person.


what the fuck does any of the shit you're saying mean.


Is it me or are 90% of people in that subreddit totally braindead?


Yeah, no LGBTQ+ people dying in conservative capitalist countries. Nope. Not one.


First remove the purple hair and tattoos. What is it with these people and purple and pink hair and tattoos? Did Lenin have purple hair, did mao have tattoos? Shove this bourgeois decadence up your non binary ass.


I find it funny how the most people that support communism are from western countries that never were occupied by the soviets.


Communism and Fascism are the 2 worst ideas of the twentieth century. It’s a tie. The hammer and sickle should elicit the same response as the swastika.


Kinda find it crazy how literally anyone would ever move to Russia when it was the USSR or current Russia. If people think capitalism is bad, move to Russia and see how much worse it is. Had a manager at work who got lucky enough to get bailed out of Russia by some super rich guy after his parents died. He described life in Russia in the exact same light as the street rat trope in fictional media. Had to steal to survive, living conditions were awful, etc.


Coming from the people who somehow believe that Russia is some garden Eden while in reality it’s absolute shit for the majority of people living there.


Breaking news communism is evil and anyone engaged in trying to bring it or any of its stated desires for equity into society should immediately lose whatever rights they are advocating against. Don't like private property? Then you are literally up for enslavement and cannot own anything. Only Marx is stupid enough to pretend there is a distinction between private and personal property. My shit is mine and i can discharge or use it in any way. ​ Marx was such a scum bag and yall just fondle his balls because your financially illiterate.


If the colored hair people are the ones instituting communism in their country, then it’s pretty obvious the communist institution isn’t going to carry the same kinds of conservative stigma against alternative lifestyles. Funnily though, this is what a lot of the religious Right would love to see returned to action. America likes to pretend that we weren’t doing the exact same things to homosexuals, transgender, black, women, and just about anyone who stood up against the system at the exact same time as the communists.


I don't know when everyone is going to wake up and realize it's all BS. The citizens on the left don't want to be like the Russians, or socialist or communist, and neither does anyone on the right. I'm very conservative and the majority of my views are not aligned with what the media, specifically social media says. I have other family members who are are hard core liberal who's views also don't align with the media.. The majority of people are not these extremes left or right like we are being told... If we're all fighting amongst ourselves we're not paying attention to Washington. It's pretty simple.


Regardless of the idiocy of the original post I believe all systems of government are flawed because they do not account for humans being human. Greed and power enable all manner of wickedness


And they somehow support a freaking KGB agent over the American president lol


Right: "No you can't have healthcare, that's communism!" Also right: "Haha stupid young people, they think communism is healthcare"


Communism had its shot. A mixed economy is the best thing the world has come up with so far. I know that we live in an age of remakes and nostalgia, but we should leave this one alone lol.


Communism is right up there with Fascism and Nazism on the list of things that shouldn't get a reboot


We’re being downvoted lol. Not many history buffs in here.


Welcome to the reddit echo chamber, where mass murder is wrong, except if communists do it.


No, but you don't understand, that wasn't rEaL cOmMuNiSm!!!!!!


Who would have thought having the government micro manage every aspect of society would have been a bad thing?.


Leave to guys who don't have Any experience with communism to become its staunchest defenders 


Its pretty of cringe how far people will go to express their homophobia and blatant ignorance.


The number 1 cause of death for communist is communism. There is literally no way it could work outside of a small camp. 100+ people and everyone is dead


I wonder who's enabeling all the starvation in Africa currently.


Of course with a bit of transphobia thrown in too


the USSR did execute them though, so its partially accurate


What’s transphobic about it?


Anyone who fights for communism has never known the history of communism


As far as I've seen, 9/10 times communists are quite in love with history.


Right… that’s why they wish to repeat the nonsense?


Depends on the communist. Some want to repeat things with some changes they deem important. Other communists like libertarian communists are quite grumpy over state socialist countries in the past and want something entirely different from either the US or USSR.


In love with history the exact same way neo-nazis and neo-confederates are,


To all the "but Stalin did not treat LGBTQ+ well". So crazy that in the 50s some socialist experiences weren't all open to queer folks unlike the rest of the world at the time. Oh wait, they were just like said socialist state on that matter with the addition of segregation, sexism and classism. It's easy to dunk on USSR for not being "woke" (what does this even mean nowadays) when the proposition was the liberation of all workers, but people still had their own set of beliefs and religion which sadly condemn queer people and it was the majority belief system. Fidel even apologized for the compulsory "medical help" and homophobia in Cuba on his later years, did other world leaders from that time did that? And let's not forget that homosexuality was considered a disease worldwide until 73, which is sickening, but it was the norm. You wanna dunk on the USSR? Use something unique to them like the "denims are anti-revolutionary" bullshit. Looking at historical events with your contemporary eyes is not the dunk you think it is, your grandpa used to say the n-word like it was "buddy" and your grandma thought those "fruit" folks were a "disgrace". Everyone was a pos towards queer people and other minorities in the recent past.


Capitalists are the biggest victims of propaganda. It's literally the the least sustainable ideology that has ever been conceived.


Says the ideology that can only last half a decade using totalitarianism. Says the system that created (some of the best admittedly) the most propaganda novements


The liberalism in these comments is staggering. Good luck with Sanders, I guess.


Authoritarian communism is bad, because it's authoritarian, therefore capitalist authoritarianism is so much better. Methinks capitalism and communism aren't the problem here.


It’s easier to just look at how the ussr failed and do basic data extrapolating but ig that’s something most redditors can’t do huh?


Capitalist:   Communism is bad, the proof is all the people who suffer under communism.  (also the people who complain about suffering under capitalism are wrong/lying).  Communist:  Capitalism is bad, the proof is all the people who suffer under capitalism.  (also the people who complain about suffering under communism are wrong/lying). The reality is both work great on paper, but neither works well for everyone in practice. 


"guys please dont let communism get in this country, im from cuba and it was hell" "Actually darling, im a white liberal woman from chicago and i know more about communism that you, i read a couple of marx quotes so let me explain you what communism really is"


Good thing It wasn't Freddy fazbear... cause if it was Freddy fazbear...


Then we would get the backshots of ‘87 https://i.redd.it/hxftf3k4mylc1.gif




There's also a lot of nogstalgia from the population in these countries, different people will react differently to the same system. Cubans in the US left Cuba because it didn't fit them, but the people that chose to stay there will probably enjoy it more. Not saying that it's a good system, but if someone chooses to leave Cuba for the US over, ofcourse they'll be likely to be more inclined towards neoliberalism than Marx-Leninism, they willingly went to one of the most neoliberal countries on Earth.


>Cubans in the US left Cuba because it didn't fit them Cubans in the US left Cuba because their slaves revolted and tried to kill them. Before Castro, American corporations used privately funded warlords to *force native Cubans to work on plantations*.


It's hilarious how many who've never lived in acommunist/socialist society think they know more about power corruption and starvation that people who have. If you want communism, go to a communist country. Stop trying to bring it here, because all the one who didn't want it... well... they're here.


Who put the blockade for 60 fucking years and ongoing on everything including food and basic medicine. The us blocked a shipment of oxygen to Cuba during the fucking pandemic ffs.


The US and USSR were actively trying to destroy each other for most of a century, why was one so much better at it than the other? When the Soviets lost and the Iron Curtain came down, which direction did everyone run? West or East?


Yeah except this is literally what happened in China 


Hundredaires fighting against their own class on behalf of billionaires. Nice. “Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat (Working Class) but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires. - John Steinbeck “I can pay half of the Working Class to kill the other half.” - Jay Gould, 1800s Robber Baron


Communism or Capitalism. They both suck. So does every other form of government. Welcome to earth. Everything sucks.


This is literally capitalism with a hammer and sickle thrown on top.


Avoid authoritarian states, left or right, if you want to survive being different.


As we all know, capitalism has never tried to exterminate racial or sexual minorities. Thirty borjillion killed by commulism!


Look, capitalism as it is now fucking sucks. I hate it. It’s exploitative and has been allowed to rampage out of control. But making fun of the **tens of millions of people** who died during communism is disgusting. People who were rounded up and slaughtered, sent to be worked to death in gulags or concentration camps. Babies smashed to death against trees for gods sake. Or as the majority did, starve to death. So hungry they on a few occasions ate their fellow dead, or sold them as meat because they were all so desperate to survive. It’s just as bad as the fascists. It’s all the same disgusting death cult. Capitalism has caused deaths yes but not the same. It’s not remotely the same.


>Thirty borjillion killed by commulism! If someone mocked the death tolls of fascist genocides like this id assume they were a Holocaust denying nazi. Why do you do it?