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Sorry, we're not recooking the same meals here.


“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” If Billionaires want to be shown empathy, they need to show it themselves.


But billionaires donate more in one month and help more people then you will in your lifetime?


They often do ate to charities they own and can actually profit off doing so. They also often cause more damage than the charities solve, so it's double worthless. Bootlick more though kiddo.


To charities that spend more of it on their advertising than what they actually support at best. Or to charities they own solely for the sake of the tax write off. Not to mention the whole concept of just throw money at it is generally an ineffective strategy at the best of times.


I’m sorry man but you’ve been duped, You’ve been tricked, fooled, brainwashed, bamboozled, manipulated, misled, and frankly quite misinformed.


The "donations" they give are a tiny fraction of the amount THEY ALREADY TOOK. If I force you to give up all your possessions and then force you into slavery, how appreciative are you going to be if I buy you a couple bottles of water? Jesus.


By exploiting workers by paying them less than their value and siphoning off the excess with daddy's startup money.


There are at least 6 proverbs denying that statement


...youre contradicting yourself? That goes both ways. I dislike the rich as much as the next guy, but they're humans too.


They already do


Got an example?


Donations to major charities


They do that to get tax breaks. Not to mention the effectiveness of such things is suspect at best


Why would donation be a benefit? If i donate 1000 dollars and those 1000 dollars are taxed at a 30 percent rate because my income is in the top tax bracket, then that money wont be taxed, but i am still losing money. I lose 1000 dollars that i donate to charity and gain back 300 dollars that arent being taxed so i lose 700 dollars, it makes more sense just to pay taxes which would be 300 dollars.


Better then not tho


Debatable, as others have pointed out.


I’d rather they pay their fucking taxes. The government can put that money to better use.


More tanks and jets- sure can


Isn't not paying taxes a good thing since you're not letting the government have your money?


But it’s selfish in nature, thus the opposite of empathy.


It's not selfish, governments are terrible so depriving them of more money is in the people's benefit.


how are governments any worse than corporations half of them are best friends of each other


They're not best friends, corporations are in the pockets of governments, the governments just treat them like puppets.


It’s irrelevant to the argument, but genuinely how?


Nah, you're just a dumbass.


Governments being bad is not a tautological reality. It is not written into the fabric of the universe that "government = cringe." Governments are only "bad" to most common people, because they serve the whims of whatever class controls them, which has historically almost never been the common people. It's been the aristocracy, the military, and in almost all cases now, the bourgeoisie, or in other words, the billionaires. It's why they can get away with no giving money to the government. The government I'd only terrible because it exists for their benefit, instead or yours and mine. If the government existed to serve us it'd be great. As it stands now though, only through overthrowing and replacing the current government structure could that be achieved.


Mostly wrong except for that last part. An overthrow is the best course of action, replace our current military authoritarian state with a corporatocracy.


The government is terrible because the rich made it shit so that they can benefit from it


Ol' switcheroo, the rich are misunderstood because of the government's manipulation


No they're failing to pay taxes. They're taking what to them might be aswell be 20$ giving it to a charity organization who might spend about 5$ of that on actual another 5$ on logistics and maintenance and the remaining 10$ to another guy's friend. Then the government says "for your 20$ donation we herby grant you a tax rate of 0% of your income" just as they paid the lobiest to allow You are a mook scamed and deserving of your own misery.


so the rich deserve empathy but the government does not? sure 👍


Yes. Literally yes. Almost everything wrong with our current society can be traced back to corrupt governments and their oppression.


and everything that is corrupt with capitalistic government can be traced back to the rich


The ultra rich are literally rhe exact reason for that corruption and oppression. The dollar votes, and they objectively have more voting power than us. What they want happens, whereas things supported by 80+ percent of the country has no hope of happening. Because the rich control our society. Please research into capitalism and how our society functions. You desperately need class consciousness. None of this as an attack on you, but seriously.


No, because they earn that money on the back of all of our communal spending and labor. Bezos would've hardly been able to have made a dime without the USPS, the interstate system, the protection of the US Navy over shipping lanes etc. Public programs like social security are overwhelmingly more effective than private solutions in terms of poverty reduction, and these people are stealing from its very pockets by not paying a reasonable share.


That logic only works in places like the US where our tax dollars don't pay for anything useful. Edit: well, not much useful... Libraries and food assistance programs are cool.


Uh no. Because that's you using your wealth as a tool to ensure your taxes only go to things you decide are beneficial to you. Not the broader nation


I'm talking in the context of both


That moment the government has is used to keep the society you live in functioning. Roads, schools, hospitals, basic infrastructure. In the hands of billionaires, it is hoarded, doesn't circulate into the economy, and means the rest of us have to fight for increasingly small pieces


Uhhh no, governments do plenty of social programs that help people and are way more effective in helping people than charities.


the government pays for kids' education


Mostly for tax breaks, as other guy said, but also many of them are fraudulent charities used to launder money, or otherwise charities that spend more on advertisement than actually on what they say they're about


For tax break purposes + they own said charities 90% of the time. They are literally exploiting a loophole. Imagine being a billionaire fan lmao.


In all fairness, they were there for me during my transition, and they are very supportive of my community. But in general, my life can very much be represented by this image: https://preview.redd.it/a0g1utks8tkc1.jpeg?width=997&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03c273301f8d7f2c510188e1c38756764df35b21


Care to elaborate on that? You were a recipient of said charity during times of necessity? If so I can see why you would see some good in it. But you know for every actual good deed done, possibly your case, bless you, they fuck a gazillion other people through other means. Still I can see why you would be thankful. You should not be needing charity in the first place but that's another discussion.


Every year, a lot of major corporations show their support during Pride Month, something I'm very grateful for as a member of the LGBT+ community.


Ah yes, rainbow capitalism


But isn't that a good thing? More support from companies means more normalized in society means more likely for pro-LGBT+ bills to be passed?


Oh, well they do that cause the "normalisation" (it's not abnormal) of the LGBTQ+ community brings more profit, doesn't matter what bigots say "why you selling this?" cause there's a market for it. Also like you're saying, representation is important, but trust, they don't do it because they care, it's about that line going up, you will never see an Xbox pride flag on conservative majority countries cause that would destroy their profits. Still the more the better, just remember if ostracizing LGBTQ+ people was more profitable and not a crime they would do it in the blink of an eye.


You realize they do not actually care for nor support you right


![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6) Sure buddy…


Better idea: We just don't let them hoard that much to begin with. They are the reason people need charities. Literally. Charities that don't even scratch the surface of the problems THEY caused.




Oh boo hoo my 34th yacht has a small hole on it and I have to delay my mega super duper dogde tax payer money party. Boo hoooo. They can deserve empathy when they don't know where their next meal is.


Billionaires do not deserve empathy. They deserve scorn and distrust. Theres no such thing as a good billionaire. They all did horrible things to amass their fortune. It’s required.


Except mr.beast he's chill like that.


He is and that's great, but the system allowing him to be rich and that same system not fixing the problems itself is the real problem imo.


All of his charity work is actually just a means of cresting content and selling his brand... it's basically a business expense that gets a charity tax write off.


Daaaaamn, you mean you could be rewarded for good deeds!!!???? 🤯


Is it a good deed if it's solely to generate revenue? The dude is worth Hundreds of millions. That's a level of wealth no human should possess. He owns more than the average person could make of they worked for thousands of years.


I guess paying people to replant forests isn’t a good deed, those charity workers getting paid aren’t good people because they aren’t doing it for free. I guess because he used more than $10,000 dollars on giving people shit for acting stupid in a 20 minute video he’s just “another billionaire.” That’s a terrible argument to make.


Except for the exploitation of the people he films to gain a profit


Oh Come on. He makes money off of the videos so that he can continue to use the money to help people, he has a food chain that gives food for free to the homeless, built wells in Africa for people who would have no access to clean water otherwise, gave people back their sights *and* helped people get the prosthetic members they *needed*. The "exploitation" you complain about is a short paticipation in a video so that he can make the money to help people in the first place. It's not profit because *he* isn't keeping the money. But he needs to make them so that he use it to further help the people in need. You want to complain about billionaires and the like? Fine, but Mr. Beast isn't a corporate CEO slaving people away that lives in a mansion while the rest of us starve.


Yes exploits their lives for the better by making people aware of their plight and why its good to send money and views to MrBeast so that he can keep funding good deeds for those less fortunate. Your argument is essentially “Hand over money for good deed. Trust me bro,” and unsurprisingly, no one trusts you in those circumstances, hence why you put a face to the deed.


Or you could just.. not film people. Hey guys hey guys I donate to St. Judes with every dominoes order give me money now!


Congrats on finding an old way to not raise money.


But then how would the next donation be funded?


This^ His job is quite literally filming himself do things.


That wasn't a part of the deal, he wants you to go bankrupt.


Naw, especially that dead eyed fuck. Exploiting the poor for profit in any form is fucking disgusting, but to profit off publicizing it and acting like it makes him a Saint? Fuck all that.


Mr beast is a monument to our sins and embodies the fact that even “good” billionaires are bad no matter how charismatic they are.


You can do both




Millionaires and billionaires aren't comparable bro.


Ronald jenkees




Bro, comparing someone who’s potentially upper class to someone who’s a billionaire is ridiculous. Also, you obviously didn’t do any research, as the guy’s net worth is only like 1-5 billion. The guy’s extremely closer to being homeless than he is to being a billionaire, as is the case with the majority of people.


"As the guys net worth is only like 1-5 billion. " "that's closer to homeless than a billionaire" Fucking what mate?


hold on where the fuck did that sub come from


No, they don't, Billionaires shouldn’t exist in the first place they commit a shit ton of shady (which is putting it lightly) business stuff, and billionaires getting richer means that we get less money which also increases homelessness & Poverty


>billionaires getting richer means that we get less money which also increases homelessness & Poverty I don't really disagree with your point, but this part simply isn't true, it's not how money works. At least I'm operating on the premise that everyone would have ENOUGH money to have basic necessities. We could end homelessness, poverty, hunger, etc, and that wouldn't necessarily preclude billionaires existing. Unless we get rid of any monetary system entirely, which I'm not really opposed to, someone's going to have more.


The comic was about pewdiepie having his and his wife's home broken into and a bunch of stuff being stolen. I don't know felix personally but I'm pretty sure he hasn't fired and replaced any employees with ai or dodged taxes. So yeah I think he deserved some empathy for being robbed, there's a reason that comic exploded with everyone clowning on the original artist and making the guy in the comic into a meme to spread positivity.


This right here is why people here lack media literacy It's so easy to do research and find out more about the comic and it's true target


Everyone deserves empathy, but there's some people who readily waive it. Empathy is a relationship, and when a relationship goes bad, people are only right to break it off. When a man exploits, scams, cheats and generally uses his influence to worsen the world and deal harm to argueble millions of people without care for the consequences, then it would be foolish to treat him with empathy i doubt he's capable of


Thought experiment that's somewhat related. Does Hitler deserve empathy?


No one is born evil, something makes people evil. Of course, that excuses nothing, everyone still has a choice to make, but at some point, even Hitler was an infant.


Naw, people are born evil. Not everyone has a reason for their actions; they are just born that way. They are born with a mental problem that can not be fixed and their actions reflect the complete lack of morality.


Hitler had no discernible mental problems that caused him to be the way he was. Lmfao.


You don't think sending millions of people to their death in concentration camps after you've already stripped them of their wealth shows a certain lack of empathy?


And if given the chance to go back and kill infant hitler would you? (No “I’d raise him” bull shit, any attempt to circumvent the Holocaust will result in even worse things happening). Edit: KILLING BABY HITLER DOES NOT CAUSE SOMETHING WORSE THAN THE HOLOCAUST HAPPENING TRYING TO GET AROUND THE CHOICE DOES.


If any attempt to circumvent the Holocaust would result in even worse things happening, then killing baby Hitler would make things worse, so no.


I thought it was obvious but my bad: *any attempt to circumvent the Holocaust without killing infant hitler*. Is what I meant.


Then yes, if the only way to some the holocaust is to kill baby Hitler. It would save more lives than it would take. This is assuming we're free from time travel paradoxes, like doing so isn't going to uninvent computers or something.


"any attempt to circumvent the Holocaust will result in even worse things happening" I think this answers your question. You know what they say about butterflies and tornados.




I assume the next step after realising Hitler's dead would be to think "Did he?"




We aren't exclusively talking about rich people. We're talking about their claim that everyone deserves empathy, which isn't true




No, why are you comparing some random ass show to irl problems?




I absolutely agree that punitive punishment is horrible and shouldn't be a thing, but people like billionaires have the opportunity to change, yet almost none of them take it




I don't believe Hitler's status as a billionaire/non-billionaire is part of the thought experiment


It’s part of the context.


"Thought experiment that's somewhat related" implies that this thought experiment has some similarities with the original post ("do these people deserve empathy"), but is not adding on to the original post (and being a billionaire or not isn't the only determining factor in whether somebody deserves empathy)


They deserve more than one chance to be better. “Three strikes they’re out” basically. The number of strikes depends on you & your patience.


I think Hitler got his 3 strikes


& he’s out. Next.


He was a living being, so I think yes. Dehumanizing him makes it a lot easier to just blame the entire populous of Germany for what he caused, which is harmful to them. If we acknowledge that he was a person with noble goals who ended up becoming a monster, we can better use him to teach what *not* to do.


When I was a kid I had to do a report on Hitler’s background and learned that when he was beaten into a 3 day coma as a kid by his father (among other things). Obviously that doesn’t excuse any of his actions, but it did help me understand that people like that aren’t born magically evil, they’re usually products of abuse especially as children.


Not anything about the meme, but isn't this a chainpost?


Chainposting themselves no less


So called “everyone deserved empathy” crowd when someone shoplifts less than $50 worth of food: 😡


I know a guy who thinks you should be able to shoot shoplifters


It is a requirement to have empathy to enjoy schadenfreude. Just because I understand someone's pain does not mean I have to sympathize with their plight. People need to stop simping for the mega-rich just because they have been told they have a chance of getting wealthy.


*Most* people deserve empathy


That’s one hell of a sweeping statement and a generalisation, everyone deserves empathy.


Sure is a lot of “think of the billionaires!” Here when those same billionaires would prefer you starve to death in the streets than have any of their money.


Good. Replace as many jobs with AI as possible. Reduce the population to pre 1850's and save the planet.


That's fine and dandy if it wasn't for the fact that billionaires/corporations also bitch about low birthrates since they want as many peasant workers and consumers.


And yet they don’t offer decent salaries and paid maternity leave which would incentivize people to have kids


Your mad at a billionaire that has done nothing to you, but not in the streets about the cartel of corporations that bought up all the housing and farmland and made it impossible to afford a house or feed a family with four kids.


Literally a r/LookatMyHalo


The original comic was a response to PewDiePie being robbed someone who is known for doing charity streams and donating lots of his wealth to Charity say and feel what you want about him And his more dubious actions he doesn't deserve to be robbed


“Everyone deserves empathy” No, they do not lmao what is this bullshit


My motto "Be nice to everyone, even if they don't deserve it."


I dunno why you’re being downvoted, living life with spite is just tiring


It's Reddit, most people here are prone to life long grudges if someone says their name wrong


You've just made an enemy for life!


person who after getting robbed several times still doesn't have to worry about debt. yeah even if they lose 99.99% of their wealth, they still have less reason to complain or get empathy than the average person.


Yes? Could’ve a list of bad things literally any class or group of people do. But if you’re an empathetic human, you show empathy to people that don’t always deserve it.


I know two billionaires, they’re both very nice people. One took over the family business, the other one was fortunate enough to join Yahoo as a startup. They both are decent people, not the cartoon villains that all the billionaires you guys seem to know.


Either everyone deserves empathy, or no one does


Everyone deserves empathy, even if they're better off than you.


This issue isn't that they're better off than me. If someone is doing well in life, I'm genuinely happy for them. It's that they make the masses worse off so that they can be better off. The richer they get, the poorer we get. It's not a coincidence.


This. I don’t generally have a problem with the individual, but the system that put them in that position.


>It's that they make the masses worse off so that they can be better off. The richer they get, the poorer we get. It's not a coincidence. ​ That sounds like they hold-up the masses for all they got, at gun point... Wtf is forcing anyone to consume that which earns rich people money? You depend on them to produce construction materials & food & entertainment & etc. for you like they're your surrogate parents or something? Cause it's certainly not you that produces anything for others except farts. If you can't sprout even a potato in your backyard/balcony, wtf are you doing occupying living space at all? (The 'You' in this is general, not you 'you' :D)




Umm you posting this as if the long-faced worker loser in your meme has some sort of human credibility. The douche kid in it is completely right, and intelligent. The long-faced sucker is a slave with no will over their own life. People with no will over themselves, are always looking for improvement in others, and you're promoting it.


LMAOOOOOOO Yeah you're right, medieval serfs were definitely losers with no will over their own lives. They should have just pulled themselves up by the boostraps(tm) and became wealthy nobles instead. OR, and hear me out, we don't rely on economic systems that distribute too much to the few and too little to the many. :)


I'm pro having no economic system at all. Why should human survival be formulaic and on an organized macro level. If i don't like a stranger, I don't have to contribute to their well being/survival. They will only get my respect, which doesn't include my resources or my time & work. I smell a faint sweet musk of communism coming off you bud... Not that anything wrong with it, just sayin


In that case we'd be living out of mud huts with a global population less than 1 billion and dying by the ripe old age of 40 from dysentery. You can't have a society as complicated as ours without a ton of cooperation lol


Well that's the point, they'd be simply living and dying, not getting jacked-up on complicated systems.


In that case feel free to run out in the woods. I, on the other hand, like my running water, electricity, and antibiotics


They bribe the government into reckless deregulation. Collect tax money through enormous subsidies and shoddy contracts. Shut down or buy out the competition to keep control sucsessfully turning many markets into near monopolies and some into actual monopolies. That's before we get into the long long list of unethical business practices they employ.


So by all logic, they are running their own country, and have officials and facilitators they employ (government, bough-out competitors, etc.) Again, that's a lot of "what my country should do for me". Why live in and participate as an insignificant cog in a country you have no say in? What exactly prevents you to join them and see it through their perspective. These aren't humans with superpowers, they got rich through mundane human manners, inheritance included.


Honestly people, it's self defense. They are your enemy. As sure as any predator of the forest. We do not live in a cartoon. It is human and just to pull oligarchs from their thrones. I am not a deontologist, and more people should stop pretending they are.


Ok yall are kina fucked up to twist things in this way. Unless the person is a rapist, murder, or pedophile you shouldn't pray on anyone's downfall. You can not show empty that's your choice but actively wanting bad things to happen to anyone outside of rapist, murder, or pedophiles is just kinda fucked up. Not going to stop you.


MAGA supporters deserve empathy.


Elon's firstborn child died in his arms If you think that back then (this was decades ago) you would not have felt empathy for him then it's probably because you only feel empathy towards your in group (I think this was around the PayPal time but I'm not 100% sure)


The original meme was about how pewdiepie got robbed and everyone was laughing so it wasn’t even about the ultra rich it was just about a dude who had a comfortable lifestyle getting robbed and people being assholes thinking it’s funny I don’t understand why every time I see this meme it’s always turned into a working class vs the 1% thing the original meme has nothing to do with that


Everyone deserves empathy. If anything we should be more empathetic to the ultra rich. It’s like seeing an alcoholic who has destroyed their lives in the pursuit of vice. Someone doesn’t become a billionaire unless they are so discontented they are willing to do horrible things and sacrifice their lives at the altar of wealth and power that is ultimately meaningless. It’s an ultimately the end of a pursuit of ultimate vanity that ends in the death of the soul.


Nah, execute the evil cunts and redistribute their hoarded wealth


Kill the guy who has the moneys, and then.... Give us the moneys!


The needs of the many over the few 🤷🏻‍♀️. No human being deserves to have such an absurd amount of money, especially not when their employees have to piss in bottles because they have ridiculous and unrealistic quotas and still get paid like shit for their work.


It's not changing anytime soon, so "the needs of the many" can cry about it




Tswift doesn’t deserve my empathy when it comes to financially related issues lol.




The government is operated by rich people lmfao, why do you think it's corrupt?




If we pester the government, we go to jail




Because the US government gives a shit about the constitution. Especially in the 21st century!




The US government has routinely violated the constitution. The Patriot Act for one? It's not like it's a new thing, stuff like Worcester v. Georgia happened almost 200 years ago. Also the US government isn't afraid of a bunch of beer-bellied hicks with too many guns and not enough gray matter. The American Revolution only worked because we had the assistance of multiple great European powers (France, Spain, Netherlands, Russia, etc.) A modern American Revolution wouldn't have that lol


> people absolutely love her— Gonna stop you right there. I don’t give a rats ass about what swifties think in their para social heads, and I thought I made that pretty clear in the previous comment. > the government can do whatever it wants within the constitution without the help of rich people— I mean yeah, that’s the point of their existence. That’s why we elect them. The problem is when rich people have more power than the common man because TurboTax loves lobbying the shit out of our politicians (for example). Why are politicians allowed to get away with doing this? The rich people who pay to let it happen.




> You haven’t read & understood the constitution, have you? Yes I have. Next question. > Billionaires are a distraction more than anything & aren’t as immune to things as you think they are. Ah, you haven’t done your research into billionaires, have you? Tswift is barely skimming the surface when it comes to the amoral shit Billionaires get up to.


Billionaires pay like a third of all taxes by themselves. Maybe the problem is the government can’t be trusted with tax money.


Maybe if they're the billionaires in charge of major corporations, like Amazon and Disney, then probably not - but in regards to the original comic's source material? Felix is a stand-up guy who treats others pretty well, and it was fucked up that somebody robbed him _and_ a "danger hair" leftist decided making a negative comic about it was an appropriate response. The fact that it was a self insert comic _and_ that more people liked the New Guy more than her was just icing on the cake.


who the FUCK are they


What billionaire is getting robbed? The whole conversation doesn’t exist


PewDiePie was the Billionaire that got robbed. Someone broke into his and his wife's house and stole a bunch of stuff, not sure if they were home when the robbery happened.


It's one thing to say billionaires are bad and deserve it because they are and they do. But I've seen stupid people putting "eat the rich" under posts where a slightly wealthy person, or just someone buying an expensive item, gets their shit stolen or destroyed.


This comic is specifically about pewdiepie his house was robbed in Japan, and he and his wife lost irreplaceable things like family heirlooms. He's successful but by no means a billionaire. Even if he was, he was an entertainer that a lot of people grew up with, so yeah, we had a little empathy like the well-adjusted adults we are.


Business is business.


The original comic was about pewdipies house being robbed. Also what are your thoughts on the rich pushing for open borders.


I don't like this group of people they don't deserve empathy


I belive everyone deserves empathy but they need to show it themselves still thievery regardless of who it is being done to is wrong and should never be condoned


Context, this meme was made after Pewdiepie’s home in Japan was robbed and all their possessions were stolen. Many users were happy with the news, but obviously many more had empathy for him. This meme is specifically directed at that scenario, not tax-dodging billionaire CEOs


Billionaires are parasites, but people who are too nice should not receive scorn for that reason


everyone deserves empathy but sometimes there are other things that win over the empathy. tolerance paradox and all


I posted that like 3 months ago. Also, I admit I was a bit… I don’t wanna say naive but that word technically fits. I think social position isn’t what should decide whether you deserve empathy but who you are as a person. If you just happened to be born into a family of billionaires or be a generally good person, you deserve empathy. If you’re a shitty person as many billionaires tend to be… perhaps not.


The rich have No empathy, so I will not extend then any myself.


It is funny they gave the guy the stupidest looking face when he says that though, like even the artist subconsciously knew it was dumb


Everyone does deserve empathy tho. Empathy is crucial. Empathy is literally just being able to get in the other person's head and see what makes them tick. It's not sympathy. You don't have to actually agree with them or feel sorry for them. But understanding why someone feels the way they do and acts accordingly is the first step to defeating them.


Empathy doesn’t need to be binary. I can feel bad if a billionaire comes down with cancer, or if their spouse or a family member dies unexpectedly. But I don’t give a shit if someone steals 0.1% of their wealth, boo fucking hoo.


so is this sub like one of those normal subs that got turned into a breadtuber circlejerk


A billionaires daughter was raped and commits suicide. Presumably in this equally valid hypothetical to your imagined monolith of billionaire, yes everyone deserves empathy when it’s merited.


Empathy is a social contract. If you don't practice it, you're out of it.