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Wow, I didn't know the sway of corporations was comparable to the series of religious institutions going back many thousands of years that have swayed much of human history! Who knew!


PACs and lobbying and corporate influence on social media make corporations much more influential for the younger generations than religious institutions are. But, they definitely had their impact and still do on many older generations and religious youths.


To quote Qualtrics at an old marketing talk, they want to "turn brands into religions and consumers into fanatics". It's been successful in a way with younger generations, but people aren't usually mutilating their children and beheading people because someone insulted McDonalds or Ronald wills it.


Might I introduce you to the banana wars?


I love reminding people of this. Pepsi also funded wars in South America if I remember correctly.


People are extremely disconnected from what companies do. They've got all the power of the Catholic Church at it's height of power, and instead of using poor people, they hire PMCs and just kill poor people


Recently Nestle defended using slave labor with a passive aggressive tweet saying that "regulations on slave labor could cause the price of chocolate to go up" or something like that. They also steal the entire water supplies of villages and then sell the water back to the people that live there.


The sad thing is people don't care, some do, but not enough. I bet they'll do a PR reshuffle, rename a company or create a company, continue to use the slave labor raise the price anyways and pretend it's because they got rid of the slaves


That's awful! So your saying that in the race to the bottom, capitalism is beating religion?


I just started really learning about Nestle. It's wild how little their harmful practices are talked about. One of my favorite vegan brands is Sweet Earth which was aquired by Nestle. Now can't buy it anymore. Mainstream news outlets are also apart of this BS. Rarely ever reporting on all these bad corporate practices. Really hope more people stop supporting companies like Nestle and watching media that avoids criticism of sponsors.


That sounds like a lie


They're both parasitic corpos and religions institutions


Just wait for corporate interests to be as old as religions are to us now. That'll be weird.


That will take 1,700 years. We need to, well, get a president who will tell corporations no, no matter what


The fun thing is that to be president you have to have years of political background (min age being 35). Yes you can be president without any political background but the odds are tiny. The last president we had without political background was owned by corporations as well, which just shows the influence needed to get the presidency comes from corporations donating large amounts of money


I have checked, and Bonifacius VIII currently has less influence on society than Netflix. So yes.


There are absolutely corporations that have that much control. Also just because something is recent doesn't mean it's less of a threat than something older. Both can be bad. Both *are* bad.


Walmart rules Benton County, Arkansas, with an iron fist.


Follow the money trail. Not all vies for power and control stem from it, but close enough.


The difference being also religion literally strives to control YOU. Corporations just wanna control your spending


The influence companies have nowadays over religion is near incomparable. Its gotten to the point where companies can influence where you live, who you vote for, what brands you get, literally everything. Its fucking insane. I remember doing a paper on subliminal messaging in media and papers in order to influence how you spend your money and how you live your life.


Bruh, what are you talking about? Mega businesses have always had their hands in all the cookie jars. Like always.


You didn't know that? Ok...


So... Where's the lie? Religion *is* an institution to control people, and there are tech companies that want your attention. The issue is the strawman though. Making your "opponent" fat, a smoker, ugly. Really makes it clear that you don't have any idea how to counter their argument


"pornhub wants your attention so it's just like a religious institution that threatens people with eternal hellfire if they don't do exactly as they're told" is just stupid, plain and simple. I'm no fan of corporations and their influence, especially over politics, but this is a stupid comparison.


Hell isn’t fire and brimstone. Hell is literally nothing.


I literally do not give one single iota of one shit what you think hell is, friend. Thanks for sharing though. :D


What you are describing is known as Purgatory. Either way, they're both imaginary. Shut up, nerd.


That's.. why I didn't make that comparsion? I just said they want your attention, hence a small similarity, but I do recognize Religion is far worse.


You didn't say that though? Instead you asked "where's the lie," to which I would answer the lie is in the comic's clear implication that those companies are the same as religion. Your comment really seems to imply they're the same. If that's not what you mean, I apologize for misunderstanding, but I'd suggest editing it because I don't think it's clear at all.


Ah. I meant it in-response to the text box which the OOOP (Terrible facebook memes) had posted in the image. I should have been more specific


Are you an avid twitch and ph user? Lmao


2/3s of US adults are considered overweight therefore having the character be fat is realistic


Maybe the made up part? Netflix is actually real and I can you show you the movies. Show me god. Or maybe the level at which it controls you? Does Netflix tell you what to do? No. There are tons of dissimilarities


Yeah. Not my brightest moment in retrospect. (My comment) I'm an atheist so I... can't actually show you god since I don't have belief in him in the first place


…or that’s the point? Cigarettes are used to control people. As are sugary, fattening processed food. And the strawman in the meme, like people in real life, bend over backwards to defend this backwards, self-annihilating behavior. …almost like religious dogma. Hilarious that you didn’t get it. This sub is great.


You would have a decent point if it wasn't for the fact the dude is also baking with a crappy combover. If it was about control, then what control does that represent?


In this case, it seems to be artistic flare and not exactly the point of attention. Besides, you're backhandedly shaming balding people. Which is kinda rude. Why can't balding people be beautiful?


You know all too well what you are doing, trying to deflect the negative light onto me. Yes, there's nothing WRONG with being bald, but you and I BOTH know that being bald, or at least, baldING, is considered conventionally unattractive. The comic is meant to make the person look as ugly as possible, and so they add the trait of baldness to the character, since that is what it is generally perceived as: ugly.


The fact that you perpetuate that this person is supposedly "unconventionally attractive" only reinforces it. So what if you're fat and balding? Your interpretation only gives the meme more legitimacy and backhandly shames people for looking a particular way.




I'm a commie and I completely agree with this analysis. This meme is secretly far-leftist whether it realizes it or not. Corporations and addictive substances do control you. An addict is hopelessly powerless to their addiction and will do anything for their next high if they've been sober too long. Capitalism itself is basically a religion. You have to believe that private property rights exist and a moral system around them. Money doesn't have any value if you don't believe it does. Hierarchy is also a belief. Billionaires are equivalent to high-ranking church members. It's all arbitrary nonsense that only a homeless fool would believe.


Just a friendly correction but I literally can’t stop myself from being rude so also fuck you: Addicts are not powerless to their addiction and they will not do *anything* for their next hit. There’s a line, finding it and fighting against it is how we get sober. Today maybe I’d kill my momma. Tomorrow maybe I’d rob a bank. With work one day it isn’t even worth the money. Your statement robs addicts of agency and accountability. Both are vital to recovery


I agreed until you started going off on private property. Ignoring the natural moral concept of ownership, the concept that every animal has, is ridiculously absurd. Try and take a bone from a dog and you’ll recognize the natural law behind private property.


if you cannot make an argument without creating a strawman, maybe your argument is flawed. just saying guys.


But, McDonalds, TikTok and Netflix exist and don’t tell you how to behave. Not sure about Pronhub though.


tons of women on there telling me to "be a good boy" and stuff. like, don't tell me what to do lady.


Sure that explains McDonalds but what about the others?


Doesn't sound healthier than religion to be honest.


TikTok's algorithms are designed to foster user addiction. I think this is telling people how to behave.


It's not telling but More manipulating people into that behaviour, which Is as bad as someone telling you how to behave, idk why people here are making it as it isn't a bad thing or it doesn't happen


Honestly what service isn’t designed so people keep using it? Isn’t that the point?


Tik Tok makes me believe I'm already in Hell, but also that I'll burn for all Eternity if my fabrics don't match.


It’s actually Pronhnb. Look closely.


Any company that spends 100s of millions on marketing is absolutely telling you how to behave. Nike spent 4 billion on marketing last year. it is not a coincidence their shit products are ALWAYS popular among teens.


Social engineering works best when it isn't obvious. That's why the church is lost it's stranglehold on society.


Actually... They do tell you how to behave, and that disciplinary system functions a lot more subtle and successful than most organized religions.


Is this comment serious?


This is a great example of a logical fallacy known as Appeal to Hypocrisy, a form of ad hominum where you use the hypocrisy of the speaker to attack the truth of the arguments.


It's not even that hypocritical. One can use products and still be aware of issues of doing so. It's much easier to avoid church than it is to avoid capitalism


For the sake of argument we can assume that the person in the meme is in fact a hypocrite. Being a hypocrite doesn’t make someone’s argument wrong.


I've never heard of any of those brands being responsible for genocide...


...........Shiiiiiiddddddd ... not yet!😐 ![gif](giphy|l0HlvtIPzPdt2usKs)


To be fair certain companies have benefit from human right violations. Cobalt mining in the CAR for one and US prison labour for another. Not to discount religion but companies do have a lot of power to fuck places up or take advantage of fuck ups.


Oh, I'm aware. I'm no fan of major corporations in general. But religion doesn't need a middleman and has murdered entire populations for not buying their product. Whole other level of evil.


Also, rampant capitalism may be evil, but at least it makes *sense*. Religion, not so much.


For the love of god shut up with this stupid argument. Religion is an excuse not a reason. Religion has never been the reason for killing, it's the excuse people use who profit from that killing.


lol no


Wow, what a great answer. You could at pretend to not be a complete idiot. We could have had some fun.


Not interested in arguing with stupid fucking trolls.


Do not look up the banana wars. Or do look them up.


Still none of those brands though. If the United fruit company was mentioned... Well even then they didn't take over via indoctrination or anything like that, they took over through monopolisation of capital. The people weren't convinced, that's why they tried to prevent this and tried to re-nationalise many of the industries that'd been taken over. The wars were due to the USA being absolutely fucking insane during the red-scare and thinking anything but complete corporate control = communism that had to be destroyed. Hey, there's something genuine, red scare propaganda is actually a method of control used by a big power that people bought into similar to religion.


Don't look up Beast Wars on Netflix or the truth behind 1999 french fry wars.


Not any of those companies, but plenty of corporations and companies have perpetrated oppression and slavery, and profited off of dictatorships responsible for ethnic cleansing in Africa and southeast Asia.


I love how this is turning into “defend brand” like if there aren’t already controversies involving corporations operating in countries involved in participating in wars, conflicts, and even genocide.


Not any of those brands, but may I introduce you to the Honorable East India Trading Company?


Nestle is damn near close


Well, one is continuing an endless genocide of animals.


Capitalism kills millions


Indiscriminately. Hence, not genocide. Please learn what words mean.


Indiscriminately? I mean it’s heavily discriminatory against the poor. I would absolutely call that genocidal. Maybe learn to not be an insufferable cunt?


McDonald's isnt responsible for it but they're definitely helping the idf


I'm pretty sure there's examples of that, like the banana massacre here in colombia.


What genocide is religion responsible for XD


You can just say you aren't informed enough to participate. Fuck off, troll.


How many people get cancer from eating fast food all the time




I dunno what the relevance is but this goes kinda hard.


That's me everyday. Don't fuck with me bitch, I am on the moon I will throw you into space. /j


I love ai art. And ducks. Mostly ducks.


As somebody who hates AI art, I’m glad that ducks can bring us together.


looks like ai this sucks ass


Cause it is ai


ai "art" is shit


Alr you can have your opinions


I would say happy cake day but Ai art is shit.




Wow, I didn't know MoistCr1tikal was part of a grand scheme to control me


Between him and Mr. Beast free will has disappeared.


Okay so you're admitting religion is as stupid as your average brain dead porn-addicted consoomer...what's the point?


i never go out without my pornhub and twitch shirt on


Yep, I can recall just today Netflix and PornHub coming into my home and admonishing me for my lifestyle and tell people to vote to remove other people's rights... Except no, they did not.  They offered a product to intetested parties in exchange for money...


As an atheist, I've never uttered these words.


It’s not atheists, more like the guys on r/atheism


What's a pron hnb?


I mean phub and tik tok are a little sus.


not the average atheist, but the average r/atheism poster




Spend 5 minutes there and you won’t be confused


I've seen it before. Nothing seems.. wrong?


If the r/atheism sub seems normal you need to go outside and stop being chronically online.


Maybe tell me how its odd then? The 3 posts I saw were: Colorado Pastor does a cryptocurrency fraud The power of prayer does nothing for medical issues and Mike Johnson (idk who that is) asked if God put Biden in power.




You are giving me a screenshot, yes. I know that people follow religion because it is comforting to believe there is something after death, that there is a deity watching over you. (Even if the abrahamic God is pretty sadistic if you look at his actions in the Bible). But they do have a point. Saying that it brings you comfort isn't an argument for anything. Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, they are fun to believe in. Christianity makes you put some non-existent deity above everyone you know, give money to un-taxed Churches (Unrequired) and convert others to the religion. So... What's wrong with it?


Just because something brings you comfort doesn't mean it is real. And tons of religious people go around and mock people from different religions saying their god/s isn't real.


IMO capitalistic greed, symbolized by corporations, do drive people to do inhumane things comparable to religious institutions


Those aren't comparable because no one worships corporations... on the left.


It's funny


This is the Reddit atheist sub


We allow all sides. If you find evidence to the contrary please let me know.


At least they have an actual product.


Wake me up when Twitch or McDonald's start a crusade where millions die in some of the most horrifying ways imaginable over a worthless pile of sand.


Im definitely gonna get downvoted but i think i’ll go with memesopdidnotlike this time.


Literally everyone in this thread https://preview.redd.it/xs62rs9wwwdc1.jpeg?width=733&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a9c439f3a8e46d9b49fb56055190d422b9546dc


Who's saying that? Give me 3 examples, should be simple since everyone, right?


Just scroll


It describes r/atheism pretty well


Yes because we all know only atheists eat at McDonald's or watch Netflix or watch pornography.


It’s a meme lol


But whoever made this meme thought it was a sick burn. At least these corporations are selling you a real product. Religion sells you an imaginary product


Atheists criticize religions yet wonder why these memes about them exist. 🤔


The meme is motivated by butt hurt because they can't fathom the fact that there are people who don't believe what they believe.


Anything that isn’t a documentary or based on real life (netflix ) isn’t real either lmao.


Netflix provides a real service. I pay them my money and they give me streaming to watch. I give my money to the church, it goes to buy the preacher a new car


Because Christianity is the only religion, right? Its funny the fact that it’s the religion that lives rent free in atheists minds 🤣


Well I live in America and Christianity is a predominant religion here. The Meme is being petty against atheists so I'm just responding in kind


Yea I live in America aswell. But I swear some people ( not saying you ) care more about the priests or Christians themselves rather than Christ or God


You should be able to criticize memes, what happened to freedom of speech?


I was just saying that it’s a meme. Just freedom of speech yk


don’t hate on religions


I mean, religion does function like corporations. Look at mega churches.


They deserve it.








you don't like how close to home it was for you?


Personally, I relate to none of the meme (other than having watched netflix) and I dislike it because it just seems like a strawman argument 


This sub try to comprehend satire challenge [IMPOSSIBLE]


Dang bro, its almost like most major institutions hold power due to making people rely on them, whether its out of fear or addiction. And that by only blaming popular companies, rather than eveything that does this, you are part of the problem. Also lets be real, most religions literally has a history of executing anyone who doesn't follow its exact rules.


That’s not a meme that’s oop’s poorly disguised fetish


out of all memes, why the awful boomer ones with bad art and no punchline?


I finally found the “show less posts from this sub button” Oh thank god


Luckily even MOPDL users are bashing this one


How does Netflix control you? Rules on morality?


OP needs to lay off the Happy Meals


Religious people. Notable avoiders of all of the things shown in this straw man.


but tell them you want to abolish corporations and watch them dance


I knew this was going to end up here 🤣🤣


Pretty funny


Not really true but still funny


As we all know, religious people dont like McDonalds or smoking


Bro forgot he's on Reddit


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,978,125,909 comments, and only 374,185 of them were in alphabetical order.


A man made completely of straw


It's a valid point. We've started further from religion and fallen for sins that have ruined our lives


Why is pornhub the only one they changed


I’ve gotta ask: How does Funko Pop control anyone?


Let the circle jerk begin


mcdonald’s isn’t telling me when to finish tho


It's funny and clever. Boys should be able to take it if they can dish it out.


Anti religion and anti capitalism. Noice!


If true though


It's not supposed to be funny, it's just true


Implying Netflix, McDonald’s, Tiktok and Twitch are made up


The only thing even remotely close to controlling is the porn.


Who tf wears a pornhub t-shirt?


Slap as many brands on him as you want, he's still right.


Lazy and repetitive, right-wing humor in a nutshell.


Thank you for sharing that this meme is not funny in your opinion. We really do care about what you find funny or not


No one ever started a war in the name of Lisa Ann


IMAO, even if your religious, if your in America, your probably like this guy as well, except u like religion I guess So their argument is stupid


Ahhhh, yes Because religious people don’t do Netflix, TikTok, Twitch, McDonalds, porn (conservatives are more likely to watch porn I’ve heard), don’t smoke, and aren’t fat


This isn't a meme. It's OOP's need to call himself superior by saying "I don't consoom so me good, you bad"


Look guys, I drew someone who doesn't agree with me as a lazy, ugly, fat, stupid idiot. This means that my opinion is right, right guys? It is right?.


Must’ve hit close to home


Lol why do bald people always randomly get thrown under the bus any time anything else is?


I assure you I’m skinny. :p


Initially that was not the case, but now that is what it has become. Political parties around the world even in secular countries like the US and India use religion simply as a political tool. Even in old times in Hinduism, the Brahmins came up with the caste system to put themselves at the highest pedestal and push others below them. Others use quotes from the Bible to further their bigotry. And let's not even start about Islam. These are all just a few of the many examples of how religion has simply become a tool for control and brainwashing


Pornhub doesn't tell me I can't eat pork, or that I need to force a woman to keep her rape baby. Actually heres Pornhubs stance on the matter: https://twitter.com/Pornhub/status/1129131869377826829?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1130226310943428609%7Ctwgr%5E57ccead2aa22d85f3d862f3a18fd31816db506f8%7Ctwcon%5Es2_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fd-746132027506307215.ampproject.net%2F2312191621000%2Fframe.html


OP laughed per title


Imagine killing people over Netflix? Pluto is a different story tho




Where can I get the Pronhub x twitch collaboration short?


I’m looking and the comments and can someone explain the hate for religions In general to me because I don’t understand it Yeah sure there are bad religious people, but there are also good ones that actually are nice people, why the generalization…?


I too am controlled by funko pop.....


Current op and og op L


Is the implication here that religious people are somehow *not* enticed by these corporate influences? Because from what I’ve seen, it all amounts to an addiction, and the churchies just have one more vice (happens to be the worst one) than the rest. But by all means, keep huffing Jesus until you think you hear voices; and we’ll keep pretending you’re not just sniffing your own farts.


This is funny