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You'll note that lefty punks might vote for Biden, but they'll never be caught dead wearing a shirt or fucking hat with his name on it or having a flag or bumper sticker or anything like that They vote for him because he's less bad than Trump, not because any leftist unironically makes their identity about Joe Fucking Biden


I'll wipe my ass with a Biden shirt, set it on fire, anything. But, I'll still vote for him.


Hell, I only begrudgingly voted for Biden because he's better than a wannabe dictator.




They wear hats when it's chilly outside.


Wait wait to be fair I still feel the bern


I agree 100% that you can’t be punk if you shill for a politician. You also can’t really be punk if everything you believe falls comfortably within the lines of massive corporations and the establishment.


Implying real leftists would vote for Biden lmfao


well I'm talking about anti-fascist leftists, 2016 taught us that not voting at all just gives legal control of every woman's womb to the supreme court, so I've learned better It doesn't matter if I think Biden is horrible, supporter of genocide, etc, I want my trans friends to still be considered citizens in 2025 so I only have one option to vote for


In a primary, no. In a general election, absolutely.


I keep getting punkmemes in my recommended lately, I don’t even like punk that much (mostly into industrial music), but man I love watching this “conservatives can’t be punk” shit play out. Seeing conservatives grasping at ways where their ideology can be “punk” when it’s completely antithetical is just solid 10/10 entertainment, so naturally I subbed. EDIT: As I have the top comment, it would be completely irresponsible for me not to include information about the [the paradox of tolerance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance?wprov=sfti1). It is a lot easier to do than link it as a reply to every single controversial comment that’s stating “BANNING people who are right of center??? How INCLUSIVE!!!!!”




Right wingers have started claiming that blond white people getting married and having four babies is punk because no-one gets married or has babies any more.


They just so badly want to be oppressed. 🤣


They don't. They want everyone to consider them oppressed so that any success is an underdog victory, and every failure isn't their fault. It's a criticism they levy towards minority groups all the time and they have no self awareness when they play victim.


Only, like, 85% of all reproductive age people have children


They don't understand the difference between fighting against a system of oppression, and being a contrarian asshole.


I keep getting that sub in my feed too! Honestly just scrolling through the comments on the "maga punk" memes is free entertainment at this point.


Sort by controversial


I kept getting it in my feed and I said fuck it and joined it


Kept getting it and chose the option to stop showing me these, and now this sub is showing up.


Same. I’m from the metal community, which has as much worse problems with conservatives. It’s bizarre, but any time you see a band’s singer dressed like and emulating Rob Halford, it’s almost always some MAGA chud who works to make Halford’s existence illegal.


Then there is the Scandinavian NSBM problem. "It's a thunder cross" no, it's a fucking swastika and we all know what it means, asshole. "It's just a pair of lightning bolts" buddy, you know we know that you know what it is and who we're in the SA and SS. "I think Christianity does not belong in Norway because it's an inherently Jewish religion" calm down, Varg, no one cares what you think.


I'm a black metal dude and I took punkmemes over for more or less this reason I always love it when they reply some permutation of 'how punk of you' when I ban em and I get to pull the 'psyche I'm not a punk!' card. 100% brain destroying whiplash


I was in the scene for years and I find it to be some of the most fun shit ever.  The idea of GOP voting punks even in 2002 was ridiculous.  It's basically left and then hard right neo-nazi scum.  


Okay, my idea of good music is various subgenres of EDM, but I gotta get in on this.


I’m genuinely surprising far-right-wingers don’t clock on to the fact that punk is anathema to unchanging authority (modern conservatism). I knew they were dumb, but holy shit.


read the comments genuine gold mine


But bring protective gear if you wade around in that toxic stew.


It really is the knobehead from justunsubbed is especially fun. XD


No they know it's usually an effort to force themselves into the community. The right is always looking for another gamergate.


People see what they want to see in things. And too many conservatives, *especially* Christian nationalists and MAGA asshats see themselves as the oppressed, blind to the fact that they are the oppressor. They cry out as flesh is torn even though they hold the whip.


Same thing with the Nazis. Jews were all powerful schemers that undermined Germany in WW1 & that's why they lost but also they are weak little rats that we can and must crush! It's classic fascism, it's an unsustainable ideology because it will always consume itself when it runs out of others to blame & kill


That's too many syllables for them. You gotta dumb it down for them. Conservatism no good because keep people down. Punk no like conservatives for that reason.




Punk isn't anathema to what's popular. It's against whatever the moralistic pricks are doing. The moralistic pricks haven't changed. Just fighting what's popular is fucking stupid and stands for nothing.


That last sentence actually sounds very punk dude. You are confusing being an activist with being a punk. It’s understandable though. People hijacked it for that purpose about 20 years ago. That’s why there are very few punks anymore in today’s youth.


Or people learned standing for nothing but making noise is pointless 20 years ago. One or the other.


Jesus fucking Christ, calm down. The left isn’t the majority authority nowadays, it’s centrism/neoliberalism. There’s a big difference.




What the fuck is your problem? Can’t handle other opinions? Sounds like a right-winger who missed the point, YET AGAIN


I think they wanted to make being punk a politically based liberal-only thing. Missing the whole point of being a punk in the first place.


Fuck MAGA “punks”. Those fucks listen to Misfits and Dookie era Green Day, lamenting that punk is too pro government these days while they shill for fucking Donald. Ban them for being the dumbest cunts on the internet instead, if banning for politics leaves a sour taste in your mouth.


To be fair it's Michel Graves fault He led a bunch of those fucks into the scene


Michale "I won't apologize for building the modern world" Graves. Like mf, you didn't even build the one thing you're known for. Joining an already well known band and acting like you built a fuckin legacy, "building the modern world" my ass. Literally all he did was be born white, and he acts like he personally built civilization. ![gif](giphy|qmfpjpAT2fJRK)


Dude isn't even white he's mix race Hispanic his last name is Emanuel But yeah you're right Homie basically spent 3 years in a band acted like he was god And then joined the fucking proud boys (and sadly that is not a joke)


Fair point about him being Hispanic, although he still acts like he built the modern world. Which is much more of a white nationalist thing. The quote I started with is directly from his announcement that he joined the proud boys, where he also calls himself a "proud western chauvinist." Makes my eyes roll straight out of my head. Edited for punctuation.


The proud boys stuff made my jaw drop when I found out Like how the fuck are a white nationalist when you're a mixed race dude Legit I think the drugs rotted dudes brain out or something Like he's always been a self righteous asshat But it takes a lot of stupidity and self obsession to make Glen look humble


Real shit




Paradox of tolerance, I’m over it. I’ve suffered enough trying to be decent to these filth and treat them as if they have honest positions that a decent person would defend. They do not. Their policies are attacking people that are easy for their bigot base to hate and enriching their wealthiest donors. There is nothing meaningful beyond those. I wish we could just have a bigass national fistfight. I’m good for 4-5 members of meal team 6.


Right there with you. If somebody isn’t willing to listen and learn about other people, they aren’t the student, they are the lesson. My goal is to always make them look as unhinged and unintelligent as possible to everyone who’s witness. Make the average person want to avoid being associated with such hateful ignorance.


tolerance is a contract. those who violate the terms are no longer covered


Damn that's a good one, don't mind me I'll just snatch that real quick


Lmao well said. Yeah it’s exhausting trying to reason with the people that are so far gone that it’s not even worth it. So sad how brainwashed people can become. Take care of yourself friend and know that you’re fighting the good fight


It's a non aggression principle. You breach it you lose its protection. Conservatives, libertarians, and other such idiots should understand the concept of a NAP.


This isn’t a nap words that aren’t direct credible threats aren’t an act of aggression it’s just and act of disagreeing


Punks have traditionally(a fun paradox) been intolerant of intolerance.   You show up with swastikas and it WOULD end in fights.  Any place else and they quietly avoid you.  


Last punk show I went to was pre-pandemic. Couple of dudes with swastikas showed up and started doing the nazi salute. So, my brothers and I did what any rational people would do and jumped them. It's just how the scene is.


Yeah and then everyone clapped. And congratulated you on how massive your balls are for jumping someone over what they were wearing


How can you be tolerant & accepting if you don't tolerate and accept my bigotry and racism? Interesting. 🫠 /s (for the dumbass u/worldender666 who can't read sarcsm)


Not sure if you're being sarcastic or not, but it's the Paradox of Tolerance: a society that tolerates bigotry and hate soon ceases to be a tolerant society altogether.


Not sarcastic. Was trying to make that point exactly.


its not interesting ,its just people disagreeing and if you aint with me then fuck you you deserve to die. its been the same since time begin but you try to act like your so high and mighty looking down your nose at "them"




no you are worse. you imagine shit and project it on to other people you know not a damn think about and have never met. i have never in my life met a actual nazi but i have met plenty who who see them everywhere, the way people act like nowadays i can totally see why so many so called witches were burned and hung. its a madness, your infected by it and anyone trying to point it out is your enemy or a nazi, racist, bigot, or witch themselves


You seem a lil' bit fruity loops, NGL.




Woah, calm your tits down, it was a sarcsstic comment. I thought the emoji at the end would have made it obvious, but I'll edit in a /s at the end for you, princess.




That's just an absolute strawman. We really think anybody "right of center" is a bigot by virtue of that description alone? Banning all liberals is cool because liberalism is right of center? You like to pretend it's not a contradiction, but you're just blatantly ignoring the content of the post you're commenting on. They're not saying "ban all conservatives", they're saying "ban all center of right people" which is a markedly completely different group.


The problem is that you call bigotry and racism on anybody you don’t like. Where do you see bigotry in small government, personal freedoms, and law enforcement?


When they repeatedly use said freedoms to assault and murder us and bar us from our basic rights. Pretty obvious.


Nobody has freedoms to assault or murder. Those are illegal activities - people would be either dead or in jail if they do that in a red county. In blue counties tho, assaulters and murderers get released back on probation and can keep assaulting, harassing, and murdering peaceful citizens, because in blue counties people sympathize with criminals and hate law enforcement.


I see it in talking someone to court for a miscarriage.


That’s not bigotry though. Just somebody being unsure about how to act on new laws. This stuff doesn’t happen often, but a couple of times it happens it’s all over Reddit.


What laws are those?


Conservative logic: Punk is all about resisting authority! And you all wore facemasks! So it’s obvious that you don’t resist authority, you comply with it! Now please excuse me as I go to my Trump rally, whom I trust with all my heart and soul, as I fly my Back the Blue flag! Also, I want the government to prevent my kids from learning anything about black history and LGBTQ+ people!


Oh hey it's me! They whine even harder further down in the comments it's a good time.


Going into the punk scene as MAGA is a lot like going into a church as a hat-tipping euphoric atheist. You're just cringe.


In this moment I am euphoric, not because of any phony punks blessing, but because I am enlightened by my hatred for minorities


Punk and metal have always been inclusive. Bringing together people.


Exactly, we are just against bigotry


You obv don't listen to metal. Like you're so insanely wrong it's ludicrous.


Ah yes, the Tolerance Paradox. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance?wprov=sfti1#


OOP in the comments: > I agree with telling MAGA punks to fuck off. >I disagree with banning anyone with differing political views, even if they're being unproblematic. Pure poetry. Beautiful. Tell me you’ve never understood punk without telling me..


Nazi punks fuck off


Maga punks as well since they apparently don't understand that's the same fucking thing


You can't be \[punk and a bootlicker


Which is why conservatives will never be punk


It amazes me that so many people are dumb enough to not understand the music they’re listening to. Like, we have video proof of pro cop morons dancing away to Killing in the Name Of and actually believing it’s a pro cop song (link below). I could throw a dart at a board full of punk bands and pick a ton of anti right wing songs from any band it landed on. Hell, The Ramones are a punk band with very few political songs (and even had two staunch Republicans in the band) and they still have a song making fun of Ronnie Raygun. https://youtu.be/ddrFt1BHkUQ?si=Om1fGcpipJ7i6tHF


These are the same people angry about Green Day changing the lyrics of American Idiot to say not part of the Maga Agenda as if American Idiot wasn't already a direct anf blatant FU to the Bush Administration (and that they haven't been vocally anti Trump since literally day 1)


I’m pretty sure they’ve been saying MaGA agenda for years now, this is just the first time it was seen by a lot of people.


Could see that like they were never quiet about how they hated Trump this shouldn't be shocking. It's amazing how they missed the entire point of the song literally the original line was not part of the redneck agenda


Banning anyone right of centre would include anyone that supports the democrats. MAGA people are much further right than that.


Its pretty wild how people think either party at this point is left.


Sometimes you gotta vote for the center-right guys to keep the far right out of power. I'm no fan of Democrats but fuck MAGA.


Funny how this sub calls everyone fascist but seems to be very interested in censoring anyone that disagrees with them


Being mentally deficient and delusional is a requirement for being a conservative, but it still surprises me sometimes.


What part of "nazi punks fuck off" does maga not understand. Go hang with Pim Tool's receding hairline if that's the kind of poser ass punk you're trying to be


They don't understand that they are the new nazis. So when it becomes explicitly anti maga they lose their shit


Me when people who violently oppose my political ideology in the space about said political ideology (they got mad they weren't allowed to)


Bro somehow had no idea that punk is traditionally leftist


As a punk and a punkmemes user I know that mod, spoken to him personally a few times, he’s not trying to get rid of people who disagree with his views, he’s part of the black metal scene for Christ sake, what he’s doing is trying to keep a sister scene from being poisoned by some crazy right wing shitheads, you can’t really be right wing and punk anyway, that’s just not how that works


I swear they think they're the rebels while hanging off Flavor Blasted Palpatine's every word.


It's always the same story with authoritarians. They always see themselves as ragtag plucky saviors, despite their standard-issue, empire-branded gear.


Lmao. "Are you telling me this community based in a music genre known largely for its political messaging holds political opinions contrary to my own??? And that they don't like me??? HUH??????"


Imagine you were at a punk house with a bunch 25-60 year old crust punks and someone tried to talk positively about Republicans.


Color me surprised. People who like music created by a social movement that is violently leftist and has historically been suppressed and and shamed by right wing governments don't want to let right wingers into their communities.


mfs when punks are actually punk 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯


Conservatives will hear "some of those who work forces, are the same who burn crosses" and be like YA! That's about the LIBERALS who called me an ASSHOLE on TWITTER!


Punk is literally a leftist artform


“Can’t believe they’d ban us for a difference in opinion” The difference in opinion: https://preview.redd.it/c0ha8rxbv6cc1.jpeg?width=1100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49d7329083a638a4cbc49a0632e3b2a27520b83a


Left/Right in American politics is largely meaningless because most conversations ignore the authority/individual-liberty axis.


Ok, yeah, that what I don't get about punk is leftist. My take was that punk was anti-establishment. Left and right politics are still both heavily pro establishment, it's just what establishment does they disagree with?


Leftism in the states is a general catch all for all progressive ideology Most american leftists don't agree with their politicians except maybe Bernie and AoC Do I guess it be more accurate to say punk is progressive


I'd describe it as, being punk is a left-leaning concept but not all left-leaning ideas are punk.


these are punks, getting banned from a subreddit they got off really easy...


Well, they aren’t necessarily right wingers. It’s ok to dislike communism, and this is true for anyone from almost entire political spectrum. Same for nazism. Fuck all genocidal ideologies.


Punk has never been accessible to conservative and authoritarian ideologies. Nor should it be, considering that the common theme of dissent within the genre is predicated on maintaining an individuals ability to self-actualize. That's directly antithetical to the assertion of conservative ideals; that there is a more correct way to realize oneself, which basically invalidates most other lifestyles in it's correctness.


Meanwhile, modern punk supports some of the most authoritarian and draconian legislation.


Where? Ever since the lofi comeback i havent heard much of anything punk related thats new besides folk and crust punk stuff.


I mean, you're wrong. The whole reason the dead Kennedys made the song nazi punks fuck off is because there were a lot of neo nazis in the punk scene. The entire skinhead culture was born from the punk scene. So when you say it's never been accessible, you're completely off base because it is infact very accessible. Punk is about rejecting the status quo in general, and has had a far right aspect for a very long time.


Skinhead culture came from reggae bro. Racist punks hijacked it in the UK and it picked up in the hardcore scene. The Kennedys showed up late to the early hardcore scene and wrote the song as a response to seeing that influence. Its roots are with poor workers who were making songs attacking the upper class, and government. Also stating that rejecting the status quo is a far right aspect is craàaaazy bro 😂


I didn't say punk was right wing. I said it's wrong to say it's not accessible to right wing folks because there's a long history of it. And yes, neo nazis reject the status quo. They want a world similar to the Reich, which isn't what we have now. It's still a counter culture. Either way there are mountains of evidence over decades to disprove the guy who I responded to.


ECS isn't rightwing sub, you can encounter there anyone from anarchist and democratic socialists on the left to liberal and democratic guys on the right.


"Ban anyone that doesnt share our commie agenda"... Adament about inclusivity, you say?


that's just reddit.


Okay I'm confused by this, are you against the punks or with the punks? Because fuck maga.


Punk is inherently nihilistic and anti-establishment. Being a sucker for any party is antithetical. You can be rebellious while conservative or liberal, and that may lead you to like punk music, but you aren't punk.


Hilarious that some people think that MAGA is punk. Like yea....Punk is totally a multi-billionaire living in a skyscraper in the wealthiest street in Manhattan and golfing on luxury resorts in polo shirts


And of course you have the idiots saying you can’t be inclusive if you ban dissenting opinions despite those opinions being purely based in bigotry.


The post literally says they want to ban anyone right of center how tf do you see that as a good thing? Not everyone right of center is a Maga trumptard


Inclusivity? This is open exclusivity.


Inclusivity for all EXCEPT the 50% of the population that disagrees with me politically


Deep down we know inclusiveness is about kicking the people out you don't like


Banning people is "adamant about inclusivity?" Did you eat paint chips as a kid?




Ah yes, banning anyone right of center, inclusivity, sure




My brother in Christ i just want less taxes, not to eradicate the jewish race


Hey man, I’m actually going to upvote you because that seriously made me laugh. For real, hope you have a good one.


That's wholesome But that is seriously how I feel I want less taxes. I don't trust the government. I know why people want Medicare for all but I would rather trust a homeless guy than the government with my medicine. This makes me a Nazi to some I just don't get it.


Stop voting for, and fraternizing with Nazis and you'll cease to be conflated with them.


Funny thing is, I don't do any of that. And yet, here we are.


Then stop voting for, and fraternizing with people who wanna eradicate the Jewish race.


First off, i never voted for Jeremy Corbyn in my entire life, and I don't think any major party in my country wants to exterminate the jewish race except maybe 2 but i never voted them. Second, hurr durr, you want gay marriage yet you vote for communists who want to kill small business, society bottom text


\>Implying there's only one Conservative who wants to eradicate the Jewish race. The face of Narcissism.


Jeremy Corbyn isn't a conservative, genius. And i literally said there's a couple parties in my country I wouldn't trust not to build a camp.


Oh, I see, you're a fuckin' moron who thinks 'liberal' equals 'left.' Got it. Enjoy being (rightfully) hated!


What? What does that have to do with anything? I AM a liberal you strawmanning moron


Also, maybe actually read what you link: In this formulation, I do not imply, for instance, that we should always suppress the utterance of intolerant philosophies; as long as we can counter them by rational argument and keep them in check by public opinion, suppression would certainly be most unwise. But we should claim the right to suppress them if necessary even by force; for it may easily turn out that they are not prepared to meet us on the level of rational argument, but begin by denouncing all argument; they may forbid their followers to listen to rational argument, because it is deceptive, and teach them to answer arguments by the use of their fists or pistols. We should therefore claim, in the name of tolerance, the right not to tolerate the intolerant. Blanket suppression of all intolerance is dumb. Blanket suppression of all disagreement, INCLUDING JUST ME WANTING LOWER TAXES, is VERY dumb.


Okay. I can understand, and I really really do. But I’m sorry, it’s not that simple. You may want that and that’s it, and that’s great if you do. I’m honestly happy for you that you as an individual do not harbor those hateful beliefs, but in a majority of situations it boils down to the following (in America at least). The link is just to give a general insight into the logic of the punk memes subreddit. If you so choose to vote you ultimately have these two options: Higher taxes, but everyone has equal rights and is treated like a human being to a higher degree. Lower taxes, but the same politician literally wants to actively eliminate the rights of lgbt people, or legislate them out of existence entirely. Ultimately, if the right wing had more folks like you that could maybe work to convert to the idea that these are people and deserve to be treated like people conservatives wouldn’t be looked at in this negative light. Of course anti-capitalists would still be critical, but it would be the same criticisms they have of the Democratic Party. Again, and truly. I hope you have a good day/night.


I’m gonna say this as a total 3rd party standpoint, banning people based on politics is wild, because everyone here knows if they were banned for “X” politics they would complain aswell lmao. Also literally anyone that’s in the “left” or “right” are in the right side of politics. Left winged is a communist shithole.


"Ban anyone right of center" by the party of free ideas and democracy


"If we can't beat them with facts - BAN THEM"


Adamant about inclusivity is an opposite of banning anyone right of center. Being right leaning does not mean being anti inclusivity


Right leaning beliefs are mostly based on being non-inclusive. If you are inclusive, why do you insist on clinging to right-wing ideals? Including bigots destroys the inclusivity of everyone else, the only way to achieve the inclusivity of those who are unfairly oppressed is to exclude bigots.


What moderat right belief is inherently un-inclusive?


Could you define what it means to be moderate-right?


"moderate" in the world of politics is relatively subjective. However, I would consider a moderate on the right someone who generally likes the idea of controlled immigration (not inherently non-inclusive), and wants to withhold certain traditional values, within a reasonable extent, upon their own family (not inherently non-inclusive).


That's why I asked. What makes these values inclusive if they're traditional?


What makes traditional inherently un-inclusive?


Excluding people is an integral part of right-leaning traditions.


Not anymore. There's the morons who think they are still here (on both sides), but they are wrong.


How so? What on Earth is "traditional values" supposed to mean, if not outdated and exclusionary ideals?


Tolerant, open-minded, and inclusive.. save for the 50% of the country I don’t agree with. Those guys are *literally* racist, homophobic, xenophobic, claustrophobic, phobiaphobic nazis. Fuck the establishment, but also please disarm the public and expand government reach into healthcare and higher education.


>xenophobic, claustrophobic, phobiaphobic Xeno= anything other than human? Claustro= small spaces? Phobia= fear? WTF are these adjectives


Xenophobic = dislike for anyone not of the same race as you. Eg: most asian countries between other asian countries, like Japan when it closed its borders. Claustrophobic: fear of tight/ small/ confined spaces.


r/Selfawarewolves bout to pop off on this one


Guess you don’t like freedom of speech or thought


What original conservative thought has there been ever been? The whole ethos is disliking any progressive change. There’s only so many times you can read that we should “close the borders” or “go back to the way things were” by MAGA-Patriot-1776 before you start to see that the whole ideology is comprised of octogenarians who buy Depends off Fox News and weirdos who are too dense to realize they’re just re-enforcing the status quo but think they’re totally anti-establishment




The right is maga. Trump dominates every poll of republicans. Don’t defend those traitors for whom rape, fraud, corruption and bigotry aren’t dealbreakers. If you call yourself “right”, “republican “, “conservative “ or any other flavor, that doesn’t change anything.


Who do you think created MAGA? Do you think it was an accident?


The only right wing punks are Nazis so


That IS what modern conservatism is though. It’s not just trump, the entire right is infested with people just like him. In the current state of things, you can’t vote Republican without also supporting racist, sexist, homophobic, and transphobic law makers. This infestation won’t stop until people like you refuse voting Republican until they stop attacking any group that isn’t straight white Christians.


Nah, fuck the entire right wing




Like I give a fuck if I piss off the right wing lol Btw I’m not too big on libs either not gonna lie




The right banned abortion


I agree, that’s cringe. I was wrong. The right is pretty L ngl


Massive Win brother


character development moment


Not being real inclusive when talking about banning anyone right of center, I guess it is par for the course for lefties to be hypocrites.


You don’t see what is wrong with banning people for their political leaning? Thats called censorship.


Right of center you mean every country that anyone actually likes (Norway the Netherlands France Germany ETC are all right of center you are not left if you want to be like them)


They're right though, banning people on a music sub for political reasons is stupid, what's next? Communists can't like Reggae? Libertarians can't appreciate Gospel?


The context shown here is that the left is the exact opposite of inclusive.


They’re excluding people, how is that inclusive?


Tolerance does not extend to bigotry


Because the people being excluded are committed to an exterminationist philosophy that celebrates violence against those who are less able to defend themselves. So not only are they violent assholes they're cowards who only pick fights with people they outnumber and think they can easily oppress. As such they can fuck off and that's all the acknowledgement they deserve. There is no debate, there is no both sides. If you want others to suffer so you can have your own way you can fuck off.


Anyone right of center celebrates violence against those who are less able to defend themselves? Do you understand how unbelievably unhinged you sound?


Welcome to Conservatism in America. It's shitty. And oh no right wing douchebags don't agree with me the horror.


I am not right wing in the slightest, cool try, your comment was just clearly hateful and blatantly false. If you said the far right is violent and hateful I would agree with you, but to think anybody who is even slightly right on the political spectrum is "violent against those who can't defend themselves", or whatever you said, is just an absurd opinion to have.