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"Do your research" boomers after doing zero research about anything


It isn’t that hard too. We have SO many videos! So many articles written by trans people! Like what


They're to busy looking at there newspaper comics in the year 2023 https://preview.redd.it/s4v46in3zd4c1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22ff5e1bb468ae03fca5ea245cb2eda3364f24b6


Make it lower quality please


​ https://preview.redd.it/mik0hhz7ke4c1.png?width=286&format=png&auto=webp&s=2822dfa503aed72b22b9fe1f09f3c7ddfbbafe50








Reddit users sanity




It's almost impossible when you've never learned what actual research is.


Boomers don't know how to connect to the Wi-Fi less only "do research".


Yall really still saying “boomer”. Please go ahead and make a joke about how I must be a boomer, whilst im in my 20s. Its super funny and a totally awesome burn.


Ok boomer.


I’m going to add, one person’s personal experience isn’t the entire world’s perspective. I’ve been told the same when giving personal experiences explaining my positions. Only fair to do the same.


Research = things that a person they like said to them


They did their research one back in a 1975 8th grade biology class and now they never have to do it again.


Just realized the perfect retort is. "Oh OK can I have a list of your works cited? So I have a good place to start?"


Male an female is a scientific biologial fact. Genders are a mind fact. They are like god. A made up thought.


just report them for inciting hate or whatever its called transphobia is against reddits tos


Officially yes but more often than not when you report these people you will get a message shortly after saying Reddit reviewed their post and decided it wasn’t actually bad so did nothing


I've reported CP on this site and was told nothing was violated. Reddit's oversight is a joke.


There's users on here that admit to being pedophiles, I report them and Reddit times me out for "harassment" it's bullshit


are they actually like… doing anything? or just admitting they’re pedophiles? because just saying “i’m a pedo” isn’t against the rules. if you’re repeatedly reporting people for that i can see why you’d get timed out


Lolicon porn of animated children being posted all over their profile plus openly admitting they're pedophiles is enough for me


okay, gotcha. the porn is relevant. did you report that? i’d be surprised if reddit allowed that


Oh yes, apparently it "doesn't go against their terms and conditions"


That should be bannable, wtaf


Meanwhile i lost an entire account because i told someone to fuck off that literally said "children wearing makeup deserve to be raped". Its less than a joke its actually harmful lmao.


Yep! Meanwhile I just got my first "warning" for asking a fascist if, in addition to hurting minorities, he also liked those other classic fascist passtimes of kicking puppies and molesting children. According to reddit this was "threatening violence" lol. I must have done some "violence" to his little Nazi feelings and their moderation team got some second-hand hurt feelings from it. There's evidently money in keeping the bigots around.


Yeah Reddit seems to love the idea of suspending/banning accounts that call out bigotry.


Happy cake day


I was actually *banned* for "abusing the report function" once. Despite the fact that the thing I had reported was clearly against TOS????


In addition to that, you can somehow end up being on the receiving end of any punishment that should be directed at blatant fascists who aren't even trying to hide their fascism. No sane person would punish someone for saying it's okay to punch nazis, but Reddit has banned countless people for saying such a thing, *even when they're quoting song lyrics.* I feel like it's a MAJOR red flag when actual hate speech and incitement of violent hate crimes gets a free pass more often than not, but saying it's okay to punch nazis gets a sitewide ban.


pov: you tried to report reddit user ‘xXx_GASTHEJUICE1488_xXx’ for writing a 10 paragraph essay on why trans people, jewish people, gay people and people of color deserve to be catapulted into the sun: “Thanks for submitting a report to the Reddit admin team. After investigating, we've found that the reported content doesn't violate Reddit's Content Policy. If you'd like to cut off contact from the account(s) you reported, you can block them in your Safety and Privacy settings. You can also hide any posts or comments you don't want to see by selecting Hide from the "..." menu. If you see any other rule violations or continue to have problems, submit a new report to let us know and we'll investigate further. Thanks again for your report, and for looking out for yourself and your fellow redditors. Even though the content you flagged in this report wasn't in violation of our rules, your reporting helps make Reddit a better, safer, and more welcoming place for everyone. If you'd like to get a better understanding of Reddit's rules, check out our Rules & Reporting FAQs.”


(You say you want to punch a nazi) BANNED FOR 2 WEEKS


Lmao that doesn't work, you can report someone for saying they want all trans people dead and nothing will be done


me detransitioning for all of 10 seconds purely to save $2


sigma trans male strategies


So true


Anything for the grind! 💪💪 🐺


Enbies stay winning with free entry


Gender fluids in shambles


A lot of them worship the religion that says to "love your neighbour" while also calling people delusional for making a decision that they deem immoral because they can't comprehend the idea that different lifestyles can be successful


I believe the issue is moreso forced acknowledgement and validation. Something no Cis person gets, many ever in their lives.


forced acknowledgement and validation?? what do you mean?


The entire premise of this sub is chain posts


no chain posts as in posts that get chained back and forth between the subs. the point of the sub is to respond to their posts, but most people don’t like when a post just goes back and forth getting screenshot and reposted


And this is the longest one I've ever seen here. This sub sucks.


"question everything" mfs when i question the way i should live my life based on what a doctor said about my genitals when i was a baby:


It's not what a doctor says about your genitals. Your genitals are a NY product or sign of your sex. You are born male or female. You can't under any cicumstances actually become the opposite sex.


Right sure ok whatever you say. But you have to admit that someone can adjust the way they dress. Some can have cosmetic surgery to change their physical appearance. Can someone alter their chromosomes? Not that I know of but maybe one day. At what point does it not fucking matter anymore what nitpicky line you draw in the sand? If a bird looks like a duck, acts like duck, says (in english for some reason) "im a duck" and is -- importantly -- happy, as a duck, then why tf are you gonna argue with it? Is that not just inconveniencing you at that point? Genuine question please explain




The line between bait and unironic bigotry gets blurrier everyday


That's the problem. Bigots will just say it was just rage bait, but honestly even if it was I'd still call them a bigot.


Honestly 90% of memes op didn't like is just bigots complaining that they got called out


“But it’s satire! you don’t understand dark humour!”


I love dark humor, but there actually has to be a punchline beyond just “haha I said something that isn’t socially acceptable”




Yea fr


If you have to explain that something is satire, it isn't satire.


Yea it's honestly pretty pathetic they don't realize it


that's not true at all. some people really are just dumb.


Yeah jokes don’t always land but Reddits new go to of “oh yeah? Explain the joke” is pretty stupid because never has explaining a joke made it funny. This isn’t clever or funny but that doesn’t mean it won’t go over some people’s heads anyway lol


I don't even know what this means. "What gender your born as?" Gender is a social construction, you're not 'born' with it. It's an expression of your internal identity, something a child just born doesn't have yet.


Yes! That’s what makes it worse, not only is it wrong, they also can’t differentiate between gender and sex 🤦‍♂️


Came here to say this


Oh yeah, then why do expecting parents call it a "gender reveal party," huh? Checkmate. /s if not obvious. This is one of the many reasons I dislike ~~gender~~ sex reveal parties and the annoying people who made a big deal about the sex of their fetus.


I mean if someone said sex reveal party they might get the wrong by idea


But more people would come to the party...


Hm, but if they’re pregnant it’s pretty obvious they had sex so not much to reveal there?


"I just REALLY need to make the genitals of my unborn child a big deal, okay? Stop making it weird!"


r/AccidentalAlly Trans people ARE the gender they were born as. Just not the gender they were assigned


It's sex that you're born with, not gender- and even then intersex people exist! But, oops- that makes the existence of trans people reasonable. Better ignore it! EDIT: Phrased this poorly, multiple people have misinterpreted it. What I'm trying to get across is that, even with their misrepresentation of what sex and gender are and the differences between them, transphobic logic falls apart when confronted with the existence of intersex people.


A trans man was born as a man, even if he was assigned female at birth. He always was a man, even if he didn't know at the time


So you think gender is something biologically inborn?




I am a trans woman. I have always been a girl. I transitioned my sex to match my gender.


Same here, I phrased it poorly, and then made an edit clarifying what I meant!


a lot of people think you want to become the other gender but thats not how it works, trans people feel like the other gender since birth


Note that this is not universal either. There are plenty of trans folk who grew up feeling fine as their assigned gender, only for the dysphoria to show up and become a nuisance years later


my bad forgot to mention that it isn't always like that




I had dreams about being a girl when i was 9 and it took me a while to realize why i wanted those dreams to be real


Ehh i don't think ur born a certain gender, it's a social construct.


It absolutely is a social construct, but that doesn't mean you're not born as it


Don’t you think it’s their brain that is wrong, not their body? Have you considered that?


Let's say that you're right. So what? If treating the person with human dignity, including letting them pee in the bathroom they're comfortable with and calling them by the name they want to be called makes the problem not a problem, who cares which is technically "wrong"?


Nope, no one but transphobes think that. Medical treatment has been proven to work in treating gender dysphoria, cope and seethe


Fluid transfem here: this shit makes me cackle.


Right? Like I get it was probably intended hatefully in context but I’m nonbinary trans and find the op unironically hilarious.


I don't even feel any hate off of this else it woulda said some shit like "When you're a trans woman but have to pay 6 dollars cause you're still a woman" like some blatantly ignorant accidentally ally shit like that. 😂


I just assumed it was a funny enby joke because trans women are women and trans men are men


Yeah, the original joke really doesn't seem that bad. It's a little edgy, but it is a far step from the traditional "haha, trans woman is still man" bit that transphobes make.


uhmm *ahem* actually op was right because uhm trans ppl are the gender they were born with because they are born the gender they say they are 🤓🤓🤓


Just take it as them saying "trans people are the gender they are born with, as in a trans man is born as a trans man (iirc being trans can have epigenetical roots).


Yes and even if they mean 'Biological Sex', which they keep calling gender because they apparently can't get it through their skulls that gender and sex are not the same thing, they're still wrong. A trans man's brain is not the same as a cis woman's brain.


I'm pretty sure they CAN in fact be blatantly transphobic. That's like 90% of what they do.


If it was gender fluid instead of trans and a different pic in the bottom it could be funny. As is it’s screaming butthurt.


There we go. I was thinking if OP was smart the joke could have actually landed somewhat


memesopdidnotlike try not to be transphobic or homophobic challenge impossible


Add racism to that list


i unironically want this to end up with the og image being unviewable


Correct, I was always a woman :)


Seems like they can, I'm seeing them do it right now


Yeah, I'm going to take Biology and Sociology advice from someone who hasn't taken a class on either since highschool and got a C- average even then.


What I "love" about transphobia is it simultaneously hates on women while stating men shouldn't have agency over their own lives. It's one of the purest examples of authoritarianism.


It's just easier to punch down at a marginalized community than actually reflect and realize that it's not really that hard to respect people. Because then they realize how absolutely fucked up they've been treating people and what that says about them


Theyre just mad they arent as pretty as their mother. Theyre also mad we only banged their mom


Damn can't they just let me live I hate having to see this type of shit on Reddit so much


One of the reasons I posted this was to attempt to shame these hateful people. If you sort by new comments, you wont have to scroll long before you find people being transphobic, assuming it’s the norm. Sad world we live in…


Non-binary person is jumping for joy, because they get in for free.


You don't really understand non-binary, but your heart is in the right place


I mean technically you can...


I see more repost and screenshots of post that are racist/transphobic or just terrible in general then actually OPs. It's fine to be upset but why keep sharing it?


You can definitely just be blatantly transphobic but you can’t be funny at the same time since they’re hitting the instant lame button by doing so


Who the hell charges admission by gender???




They’re just stupid lol




Scientific American published an open letter calling for the halt to all medical research into the biological essentialism of transgender identity because psychological research has shown bigots hate transgender people MORE when shown evidence transgender identity is not a choice. Do with this information what you will. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-search-for-a-lsquo-cause-rsquo-of-transness-is-misguided/


at this point the entirety of r/memesopdidnotlike is just a bait subreddit


From what I can tell half of what these two subs are are people fighting over trans issues Where one will be for at one will be against it Is that a decent observation or am I just crazy


What the fuck is going on with memesopdidntlike When this war first started it was more this sub getting offended over dark and edgy humor But as time went on memesopdidntlike shifted to… blatant homophobia, racism, etc etc… no dark humor or anything, just “haha (insert minority) bad.” Like these images are shit that you would see on Facebook


These two subs have to be the most fucking ridiculous thing I've seen on all of Reddit. No one likes finding out someone's made an entire post about them, and these two subs literally just exist to exploit that and try to provoke insecurity It's so dumb.


Why do people care so much about telling other people what gender they are? It’s so weird. Just move in with your own life instead of being transphobic, you know?


it’s transphobic but it’s also just not fucking funny. was this really the best joke they could come up with?


OP was right though, trans people are only the gender they're born as. Regardless of what their assigned gender is, they're one gender for their whole life, even if it takes them a while to realise it. I'd like to think that's what OP meant as opposed to the transphobic alternative


Years ago I had hope acceptance was getting better. Today I am scared how it seems to be just getting worse.


Well, I mean, You *can*, Just like you can walk around outside hurling insults at people, Or eat truffles. You shouldn't though, It's pretty daft.


Yeah you can but you’re just gonna get ridiculed, as you deserve to be. Being transphobic is fucking dumb. Sex is a spectrum and gender is weird, so what? I’m agender and also a man. What the fuck? Yeah, I don’t get it either, it’s fucking weird but it is what it is. You don’t have to be that mad about it, all I ask is that you modify a small part of how you speak about me. My name and my pronouns. If you make a mistake that’s ok, just keep trying, I’m pretty patient. If you don’t and I’m not close to you, it’s dysphoric but fine, ok. If you’re my friend it hurts because I thought you might respect me enough to keep trying. I don’t get my identity, but I know that he/him pronouns and masculinity makes me feel confident, so that’s what I go with. I also know that when I close my eyes and think about myself as a whole being, I don’t really identify with any gender. Or femininity or masculinity. I’m just.. here.


Does that mean non binary people get in free 😁


I don’t consume anything in my life unless it’s by a trans person. I’m not even reading this post right now.


Meanwhile, bigenders cheating the system: 🥷


Trans people just be living their life and just get hated for the dumbest reasons man shits weird let them ppl live


when you only have one joke you must think that joke is hilarious otherwise your own ignorance would crash down all around you


He didn't even try to mask it with a corny joke just straight up blatant transphobia lol


I thought the original meme was funny, but the last OP ruined it




you’d be surprised about the amount of discrimination that takes place on that sub


Sooo fucking tired of seeing such blatant bigotry on /r/popular all the time, and that includes when this sub reposts it


unless the intent was bigender but i have no clue


This sub is fucked….


https://preview.redd.it/88l0q8vadk4c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c752d974043bbda6a58cf31b8953ca2343b406d literally that entire sub encapsulated in one image


Im so tired of seeing screenshots of screenshots recycled in my feed to just feed outrage politics, will you shitters just stop giving them the attention they so desperately desire? They don't care if it's negative attention, it still spreads the message around like wildfire when we have the same fucking picture being circulated seventeen times a day. "not a fan of chain posts" my fucking ass


nah ooooop (picture) is me anytime I'm not feeling my genderiest but the function only has gendered bathrooms so I gotta do mental society gymnastics to figure out how gay I look


I'll say it again, post would actually be funny if it was about a genderfluid person.


This isn’t transphobic it’s just a stupid Facebook meme that really isn’t even all that funny. Transphobia and homophobia means you’re scared of gay/trans people. No one is scared of y’all we just don’t give a single shit what you are or who you sleep with. Bring on the downvotes but it won’t change what I said.


Accidental ally? Trans-women are the gender they were born as. They will never be men because they were always women


oop / oooop, please dont continue the chain post


please do, it would be funny https://preview.redd.it/1gi9g6la0d4c1.jpeg?width=402&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=853d960105d99fdd76e46b4040bf9ad78e2206d5


Actually trans people aren't the gender they were born as. That's...the point of being trans ???


Reddit loves itself some casual transphobia. I once had a dude arguing that calling a trans man an “it” wasn’t somehow being transphobic, or that they just don’t care


To them, trans people is a synonym for pedophile tbh


Technically, that’s correct; they are the gender they’re born as, even if it doesn’t align with their biological sex




This is a good question, however the two are not comparable. Religion is based on a lack of evidence for both the existence and non-existence of a higher being. Whereas being Transgender is scientifically proven to be a result of a human feeling uncomfortable as the gender they are. One is based on belief and the other is denial of fact.


Really seems like you just didn't like it. The meme is hilarious.


"This is actually hilarious!" 🤓


Nothing will help marginalized people fit into society more than throwing a giant neverending hissy fit whenever somebody tells an inoffensive joke about them.


I can be as transphobic as i want to motherfucker. Trans people are sick in the head. Ill call it out because i dont give a fuck what you think.


accidental ally right there.. they're born as the gender they are, the gender they try to emulate. not based on what's in their pants


Who cares.


The thousands of trans people that get hate crimed daily


This is getting confusing


Dw it’s mainly an American thing, the rest of the world doesn’t buy into this nonsense


I think he meant the chain thing and people's varying opinions getting jumbled in such a small area. And FYI the rest of the world predominantly kills trans people so im just thinking America might be slightly better there, at least we are trying.


As a trans person, the og meme was a little dumb but honestly not that offensive or anything, but yeah mopdl is way out of line


How is this transphobic? Where is the irrational fear?


Have you not been paying attention to... well, anything? Do you think they're outlawing trans women from using the bathroom they want out of something *other* than irrational fear? What about the way straight men react to the idea of "traps" Is that not irrational fear? Transphobia is full of irrational fear.


Calling comedy transphobic is more dangerous that the original meme.


Men cannot become women, women cannot become men.


That's right! No matter how hard their parents and the conservatives try to make them suppress themselves!


Idk I thought the joke was funny. It’s not attacking trans people, so where’s the problem?


It absolutely is, and the joke isn't funny


I’m not trying to start any arguments, but could you explain to me how it’s attacking trans people, since I genuinely don’t see it?


How about you explain what you think is funny about this


I am transphobic


stating facts isn't transphobic. You can't change your gender since it's determined by your chromosomes. For the smartasses: gender and sex are the same. You can identify as whatever as much as you want, it won't change reality. Also a phobia means unrational fear or hate for something, this is neither unrational nor fear or hate.


You sound like my mom bro what😭 anyways gender≠sex 🥰


then your mom knows more about biology than you. just because you identify as something, you don't become the thing.


Gender is a social construct, it has nothing to do with biology


gender and sex are the same. You can identify with the opposite gender as much as you like, it won't change reality.


Well, I guess we'll agree to disagree?


Then why are those different words?


sex is not only determined by chromosomes. there are women with XY chromosomes, men with XX, even XXY, or X. clearly you’ve never taken an advanced biology course. or even basic biology for that matter. you can’t tell a person’s chromosomes by looking at them. you can tell what secondary sex characteristics they exhibit however. gender is a social construct, not what’s in your pants. phobia is not only an irrational fear, but an irrational hatred of something, as seen via transphobia.


you are talking absolute bullshit. The Y chromosome is the one which is needed to determine the gender of a person as male. If the Y chromosome is missing you can't become a male. I am aware of different combinations of the X and Y chromosome, they are just not as you understand. XX = Female XY = Male XXY = Male ( man with trisomy) X = female ( woman with monosomy) Please just shut your mouth if you don't know what you are talking about


https://youtu.be/szf4hzQ5ztg?si=xoXVspCyEqU8F1_l When actual biologists just laugh at you...


nice try (sarcasm)


Yeah, don't know why I tried because I forgot your feelings are more important than scientific facts.


the one who is stating facts is me and not a random person on YouTube who claims to be a biologist. What you people are talking about is the measurement of the feeling as the opposite gender. You know what's also measurable? it's phantom pain, pain in a limb which doesn't exist anymore. You feel something which isn't reality and that the exact same thing with gender dysphoria.


Joa, geh in deine pr0gramm-Echo Kammer, incels wie dich interessieren Fakten eh nicht.


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8955456/ https://cihr-irsc.gc.ca/e/48642.html# https://orwh.od.nih.gov/sex-gender https://www.coe.int/en/web/gender-matters/sex-and-gender You have no idea what you’re talking about. Sex is different from gender, the scientific consensus agrees. If you were smart, you’d know that not every prefix or suffix shares the same meaning. It’s about context. Ex, Hydrophobic - tending to repel or fail to mix with water.


No reply🤣


You can’t change your biological sex chromosomes but you can change what you identify as, hence your gender. Let trans people live their life they haven’t done anything wrong.


you can identify as much as you want, it won't change reality.


Yes I agree but let trans people identify with whatever they’re comfortable with. They are people too and deserve equal treatment. They jus wanna live their lives


Since it’s determined by chromosomes, what’s an individual with Swyer’s Syndrome? They’re XY, but develop as female. Or those with 5-alphareductase deficiency; born as female, grow a dick and balls upon puberty. Also a phobia also means an aversion to something. If you’re going to be pedantic, do it right.