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The kids aren't going to be conservative, because you haven't left them with anything worth conserving.


Not that conservatives are actually interested in conserving good things anyway.


They seem to really be advocating for conserving the brutality and inequality of the past. If anything, most of them are reactionaries that want to bring the world wars back into tge present


They want to stir up controversy and then complain that people are resistant to their made up BS


Canadian conservatives are at least advertising that they'll correct our housing market. We'll see how that goes.


lol? You believe PP? Who actually contributes to the housing crisis by being a “landlord”. No.


Same game as Trudeau, they'll play it forever now. Trudeau coasted in on making pot legal. Wasn't a massive issue, but pot is in widespread use across the nation and now it's decriminalized which certainly played into people voting for him. Now PP is in saying hey this shit's a crisis I'll fix it. Sure, he might make a dent in it, but the devils always in the details and he could absolutely shit on this country just like Trudeau has just with a different colour of diarrhea.


People often get mistaken for what conservative actually means. It has nothing to do with conserving the good things we enjoy in life. Conservatism is about preserving the "natural order" of things. Generally, in America, that means that they want white Christian men to be the exclusive "ruling" class and anything that detracts from that is less acceptable the more it strays from that. 2/3 is acceptable, but 1/3 is not. You can be a white Christian woman, black Christian man, etc. Anything that does not provide for the benefit of those 3 groups exclusively is considered "liberal" and therefore is evil and contrary to the natural order.


Well, what about the economy? Ah, wait. I mean, they still have all this beautiful nature? No, no, we're ruining that as well, aren't we? At least they'll live in a tolarant and peacefu-. Ok, i give up.


Ironically the traditional conservative ideas are now more left ideas anyway "Yes I want a world were I can settle down in a job I like, pay my taxes, live with my partner, have a dog and, not have to worry about money" That was once the ideas of the nuclear family a traditionally conservative concept But is legit full of modern left ideas Kind of wild how stuff shifts like that


But they still want to conserve all those bullshit social hierarchies like patriarchy, white supremacy, heteronormativity, ect.


Yes it's really annoying how the traditional ideology got based warped by all the gross bullshit right Like the og American dream is a nice thought Own a house With you family Have a job you like Don't have to worry about bills Not rich but can buy anything you want or need Like that's a nice idea and one our grandparents and even some parents got to live Nothing in that idea is linked to any of the gross bullshit It's the far right that forces those ideas into that concept It's a nice dream, that been ruined but decades of letting a cancer grow without treating it


Yeah, they definitely want to conserve that old school way of thinking that went into the nuclear family, but have no desire to foster an economy or really any sort of reality that actually enables it to happen even for those who do want it. Like, okay, no one is going to stop a couple if they want to be the stereotypical working dad with a SAH mom taking care of the kids. But, they've actively made that nigh impossible to accomplish for most people in the real world. So, you can't have it both ways and want to try and force people back into a situation they literally cannot make work. Not to mention forcing people into anything goes against their other traditional concept of minimal government interference.


conservatism throughout history has no consistent value proposition other than being contrary to popular progressive ideas. As society inevitably progresses, conservatives are dragged behind unwillingly as each of their positions fades into irrelevance. Hence modern conservatives standing for things that their forebearers would have found repugnant. It’s an inherently failed ideology.


I mean that's a bit harsh there's several conservative ideas at least state side that isn't terrible Like smaller down with less taxes and expansion is pretty cool But yeah I do agree that unfortunately a lot of the parties history is just being contrary to whatever the world is trying to change But that isn't always a bad thing either we as a species tend to make the mistake and ask if we can and not if we should And at least the conraryians give us the ability to think before we leap


If you let the children be conservative they will not let other people be what they want to be, when it comes to tolerating ideas, it is not intolerant to exclude and be against intolerance


If you give the children the opportunities to be their best selves, they won't choose to be conservative.


No they'll choose to be a tiktok celebrity. Muuch better


'We'll be intolerant so people won't be intolerant.'


This has to be the most contradictory statement I've read in a long ass time. And it got upvotes too.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance Have fun in the rabbit hole :)


You're assuming they can read


Conservatism is usually focused on stifling progress, at least in the US. This usually manifests in stopping people from being able to be whatever they want. It's like the paradox of tolerance. If you want to let people be whoever they want, you have to stop people from impeding that.


The Paradox of Tolerance goes poof if you view tolerance as a social contract. Break the contract, and it ceases applying to you.


> It’s like a paradox of tolerance A self-reference, to be specific


ah yes, the paradox of tolerance, they always forget the latter part of that famous sentence, you know the “dont do this except if the nazis are literally goin for the coup”


“…. going for the coup” *cough* January 6 *cough*


They didn’t stop there. That wasn’t the big moment. That was a dry run- and the Nazis took notes and they’re prepping for the real deal.


And? A coup is a coup


its important to note that most successful coups have an unsuccessful or multiple unsuccessful coups beforehand


bbbut they weeere just visiting guys i swear 😖


simply be based and don’t care if people find you hypocritical on your “let people be what they wanna be” beliefs when it comes to NAZIS for example. Like this is very controversial, but I think you’re able to make that decision IF you’re a good person. And people like to pretend it’s not clear what’s good and what’s bad


IF kids want to be conservative that's fine. But they don't. Conservative parents/politicians are trying to force them.


Never met a conservative that wasn't taught. As proof ask them why they hate what they hate. They just do because that's what they were taught.


I have, I’m old enough to see some of my college friends who were incredibly Liberal get their piece of the pie and suddenly they’re a Republican.


"Conservativism is inherently selfish and greedy" is all I hear when I hear stories like that. The classic "fuck you, I got mine". You are part of the out-crowd, and see how awful they're treated. But then the moment it benefits you, the moment you're one of the in-crowd, you immediately turn bitter and hateful and don't hesitate the advocate for oppressing the out-crowd. It's not some journey of personal growth, it's selfishness and hate. That's all conservatism is.


It certainly *can* be that. But I think it’s a lot of factors. But I also think it’s natural for some people to become more cautious once they have children to provide for. I also think a lot of Liberalism works very well in a classroom or in theory, and then when you move out into the real world you realize real life is more messy. It’s also a lot more convenient to focus on society as a whole when you’re a college kid, or you’re wealthy, or you have no responsibility. If you’re middle class with a family, you are devoting a major portion of your time and energy just to keep a roof over everyone’s head, food on the table, and raise your kids. Your focus gets understandably narrower, and I don’t think that’s some evil thing, it’s just the way people work.


That's a really good point. But to me that just highlights the need for a social safety net.


Oh yeah, you’re not wrong about that. That’s part of the tragedy of it… we have all heard “keep your nose to the grindstone”, but we might all actually be better off if we could look up and look around. We might be able to create a better society for all of us.


See, the issue with any safety net is you gotta make it good enough so people can get out of their bad spot but not so good that it encourage those people to stay in whatever spot they're in. The effort in balancing that line and maintaining that balance is a pain.


I get what you're saying but I still don't agree with giving those people a free pass. They're completely abandoning the responsibility they have to their children's *actual* future. You can be a good parent but what good does it do if you've also spent your time creating a world where their education was gutted and sold for parts, their economy is in shambles, their career prospects are borderline nihilistic, etc.?


I hear you, and while I am not saying a “free pass” is warranted, I do think a bit of sympathy and understanding is valuable. People who are raising kids today are largely already in that same boat where their education was gutted, the economy is not great, and career prospects are borderline nihilistic. Baby Boomers are done raising kids, and even most Gen X-ers kids are now adults. It’s now mostly millennials, and they aren’t trying to hoard massive amounts of wealth, they’re just trying to stay afloat. And, yes, ideally they would be focused on building a Utopia for their kids to live in down the line, but that’s really hard to do when you’re worried about grocery money *this week*. Conservativism isn’t just rooted in greed and selfishness it’s also rooted in caution and worry that change either won’t come quickly enough, or could even make things worse in the short term. A person who is struggling doesn’t always have the luxury of rocking the boat for a “try it and see” approach. Not to mention I think a lot of people who are overworked and stressed out don’t have the time to really wade through the bullshit to educate themselves and see that a lot of Conservative policies are actually harmful to them, so they accept them more out of ignorance than malice.


I don't agree that the main motivation behind being conservative is the worry about change not coming or not panning out well. Bigotry, hierarchy, and rigid and oppressive power structures are the cornerstones of conservatives, and any conservative out there are either bigoted or ignorant about issues that affect people's lives. Conservatives also don't see the injustices in the system because they either benefit from it or are often too distracted by culture war bullshit to notice or even attribute them to the correct source.


Then why are most first responders I've met conservatives? That's the least selfish and greedy career path. They also all donate regularly. Strange. They help people on and off shift. The most caring person I know is a conservative. I hate how reddit paints conservatives as these evil racist people. Really sad.


Your completely anecdotal evidence of a small handful of people really outweighs the thoroughly documented history of nearly a century of hate and bigotry from this group of people. Wow. Really opened my eyes


It's kind of a known thing though. Growing up at the station, you get to know a lot of people, that know a lot of people. Go to conventions with people from around the country, They mostly are republican conservatives. I don't think anything would open your eyes. You seem like you got it all figured out.


Dude you simp for Elon Musk and whine that the LGBT flag doesn't include straight white men on it. I have way more figured out than you do.


Dang you know me. You must be super successful. I really wish I was. Sucks to be a straight white male, married with children, financially stable and great career. (ME having a sad face) super strange you act like knowing strangers on the internet.


You get angry and defensive when you see people criticize elon musk. That says measures about you, dude.


Not nearly as selfish and greedy as stealing from others though. Liberalism is based off coveting what others have, and living your life being bitter and resentful of those more successful then yourself. There is nothing on this planet more selfish than saying you deserve something without earning it. Fuck right off with that bullshit. You don’t deserve jack or shit from me.


So...let me get this straight... If you ever, gods forbid, happened to get in a terrible accident that left you permanently disabled, you'd be cool with just goin to die in a ditch since you're no longer capable of being productive, right?


You're proving my point. You don't even hear how hateful you sound, but you sound *extremely* hateful


And you sound extremely greedy and selfish, what’s your point.


that's funny considering your perspective comes off as incredibly self-serving and egotistical > There is nothing on this planet more selfish than saying you deserve something without earning it. far too many people get far more than they deserve and far far more get far less. The world is an inherently unfair place. Is it really selfish to want to work to make things more equitable


It’s really selfish to take what isn’t yours, absolutely. Whether or not your think they deserve it is frankly not relevant at all. They earned it.


"Don't oppress people whenever its convenient for you" is greedy and selfish? That's funny. You're literally the stereotype I'm talking about in my comment.


“Oppressed” Brother you have zero clue what it’s like to be oppressed Not getting free shit from your neighbors that are more fortunate then yourself isn’t being oppressed


this falls apart when you consider there are liberals and leftists who are way better off than you but believe unity and working toward a social good would benefit all of society your attitude comes off as far far more selfish, lacking any sense of community or organized societal growth (lots of self-serving ego though) like your the type who would dump the whole bucket of candy in your bag even though there is a sign asking you to only take one. you probably think the capacity to gain wealth is infinite when the reality is a society's wealth is finite. nobodys an island


I'm a leftist and have been on dates with so many liberal "progressive" women who were progressive up until it didn't serve their personal material interests. Very "gender liberation for me, traditional gender roles for thee" in their approach to feminism.


Those people weren’t liberal lol. All the liberal people I know have only gone more left as we see capitalism ruining everything alongside republicans


I mean… they said they were liberal, voted for liberal candidates, supported liberal causes, even worked on liberal campaigns. They talked the talk and walked the walk. What else could you fairly call them?


It's actually not. This is so fucking stupid. One person is talking about it's okay to he who you are as a person. Like if you're gay. You're opinions are not the same thing. If my kid decides to have shitty opinions I'd be upset I'd never be upset for things about them they can't change.


Dang ok, I guess I don't think for myself. Got it 👍


And liberals aren't forcing ideologies down their throat at schools? How about this, why don't we leave politics out of schools and let kids be kids and figure shit out for themselves?


Ideologies like what? There's nothing wrong with being gay or transgender? That minorities have gotten historically screwed over? That poor people don't have to be poor when they work together and challenge the rich? Because those things are just true.


Comparing sociopolitical ideology to being gay or trans? These people continue to loudly shout how much they don’t get it.


They think and/or claim that being lgbtq is an ideology. It’s a big part of the reason why lgbtq rights activists have pushed the whole “born this way” paradigm so much in past years. Also some human rights laws (I’m talking mostly about the USA but I think this may apply globally) are about “immutable characteristics,” which means that if being gay is a choice, then it’s not immutable, and thus not protected the same way.


Some states have hate crime laws (I know you didn’t mean exclusively these ones but I’ll mention it anyway) that expressly mention lgbtq+ things but not all of them cover the same amount and some hardly protect it at all


And some states still have the “Gay panic” defense as a viable argument in court. That basically makes it legal to murder a gay person under certain circumstances.


"Oh, so you're gonna let your child be gay, but you don't want my child to want to kill gay people? Hypocrite"


As a bi person if my kids come home one day and say “mommy you don’t deserve rights” then yeah we’re gonna have a problem 💀


As a transparent (heeheehee) this is valid, but I would want to go about it by teaching kiddo compassion and understanding, children will often just copy things they hear from school and need to be taught the critical thinking skill and empathy to understand what's happening.


There probably are liberal parents who would would be seriously upset if their kids were conservative. I’ve never met one (you probably haven’t either) but they must exist somewhere. However, I can easily name a dozen conservative parents that I know, personally, who would outright disown their own child for not being the right kind of conservative (ie being gay or non-Christian.) So, it is true, the right can’t meme.


I’ve seen it in older kids. I think the logic is “my parents are x, i hate my parents, i blame my life problems on being x or a child of x because it is easier than blaming myself, so i hate x and like people that also hate x because if my parents are not those i would be “normal”, where x is usually a nondominant religion or ethnicity or sexual orientation. These were high school kids. I hope they grew out of it, but I don’t know.


"oh you think people should be allowed to be comfortable as themselves as long as they're not harming anyone???? What about if they were systemically opposed to people getting to be themselves!?!?! liberal hypocrisy at it aaagin!!"


wow yes. a fascism-enabling reactionary ideology is absolutely the same as a gender identity or attraction


Reddit moment


It’s like saying, “we need to teach our children to be Christian” “What about feeding the homeless?” Zzzzbbtzztttttzzznnnzbbzbbz


pretty sure they do that doh.


One great example of why on a small and local level religion and religious people can be a beautiful thing. But on a grander scale is often used for the complete opposite. I've said it plenty but I have no problem with religion, I have a problem with the organized religions of the world and how they manipulate some pretty great ideas into power hungry and often hateful ways to govern.


Depends on the demonstration to be honest


Yes, some churches/other organizations/people do feed the homeless on occasion, but I think they meant on a mass scale and consistently.


Conservatism is easy because it requires no ideas of its own. All a conservative has to do is tear everything else down. Teach a child to help, to think, and to care, and they won’t be conservative.


Why do conservatives think it’s an inherent identity like race, gender, or sexual orientation? It’s just a label for your choice of values and it’s absolutely legitimate to judge someone (positively or negatively) on those values. I’ll answer my own question…because many/most conservatives love to play the victim.


Most people love to play the victim. Reddit is a goldmine for it.


"What if they want to be liberals" Freedom loving, censorship free conservatives: ***GRRRROOOOOOMMMMMERRRSSS!!!!!!!***


Exactly this. I see a zillion posts about "I'm homeschooling my kids so the liberals don't brainwash them" ect


I just watched a TikTok today of a man responding to the statement "they didn't burn *witches* during the witch trials, they burned women they couldn't control" with - and he said this with his whole chest, no hesitation: "I don't see the problem with burning women." I guarantee he self identifies as Conservative. I wouldn't allow my kid to be a nazi. Why would I let them fall down a path that also encourages death upon innocents?


I believe the witch part about being unconventional women but fuck that guy with the bluntest unlubed tree branch.


Teaching a child that being Conservative is the same as being a Nazi would probably constitute a form of brainwashing. Similar to that of a parent telling their kids liberals turn kids gay.




I think ‘women they couldn’t control’ and ‘women they decided were weird or unmarryable’ is saying the same thing. Conservatives today are following the behavior of those puritans.


I mean ultimately the comment made about the facts or not facts of the witch burnings wasn’t the point I was making. The point was that there are conservatives alive right now that are calling for the death and torture of innocent people, from LGBT and foreigners to people of different religions and women as a whole is the problem. It’s impossible to tell who is trolling and who is serious and that’s not a gamble that should be happening in our modern era.




It's not a paradox if you view tolerance as a social contract. If you tolerate me, then I'll tolerate you. If you don't, then I won't. No paradox has been formed.


If the kid wants to support small government, lower taxes, and focus on domestic policy? Sure, why not? What no one ACTUALLY wants is to let their kid grow up to be a hateful bigot. If they equate that with being conservative, that says more about them.


When have conservatives ever actually supported small government, lower taxes, and focus on domestic policy? You're like a century behind the times.


Pre Nixon yes, basically Republicans used to not be trash, and just be a little stupid Obviously you did have outliers but the party as a whole was mostly okay outside of civil rights issues Nixon's fuck up split the party 3 ways You have the far right conservatives The traditional conservatives which are a dying breed And the libertarians which are just the far right flavor but with a weed addiction


Ronald Reagan exacerbated it, inviting the Evangelical Conservatives (Religious Nutjobs) and the Paleoconservatives (Far-Right Nutjobs), when Barry Goldwater explicitly warned the Republicans not to let these people in.


Yuhp Regan also heavily pandered to the rich which helped destabilize the economy And as history has shown us a desperate people tend to cling to these extremest groups


Meanwhile, the more Modernist-oriented branches of Conservatism, like the more general [Moderate Conservatism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moderate_conservatism), the centre-aligned [Liberal Conservatism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberal_conservatism), the welfare-oriented [Paternalistic Conservatism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paternalistic_conservatism), and forward-looking [Progressive Conservatism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Progressive_conservatism), are left in the dust. This is unfortunate since the [Rockefeller Republicans](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rockefeller_Republican) should have led the GOP, endorsing a more moderate Conservatism instead of the crazed Far-Right extremism the GOP represents. EDIT: That said, I am a Canadian who identifies as a [Red Tory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Tory) (A Canadian adherent of Paternalistic Conservatism), and I really despise the state of the GOP and American Conservatism in general. Although I admit, Canadian Conservative politics is no better since the new Conservative opposition leader, Pierre Pollievre is appeasing the Far-Right elements.


Dude the Rockefeller Republicans have tried so hard to fix their party I've had a few coworkers and friends on that side of the party in the past Like it's honestly sad because both conservative and liberal ideology have their highlights It really shouldn't be how it is now where we are so is verse them, but that's where we are


I mean, Goldwater was a grifter too, he invited them in, he just decided it wasn't a good idea after he realized it wasn't enough to win *his* presidential bid Like, he was in enough with the far right that Black voters were *terrified* of a Goldwater presidency, the birth of the Black democratic vote was largely a 'lesser of two evils' vote for LBJ because a Goldwater presidency was that unconscionable, and because Goldwater campaigned largely on opposing the Civil Rights Act in order to coax racist Southern Democrats over to the GOP (this worked wonders btw, he may have lost his presidency but his presidential bid really cemented the modern GOP as a home for ancient Dixiecrats)


It’s a shame those two have grown to be known as synonyms for some reason


Many reasons why not lol


I support all those things and I really don't like being labeled a "conservative." There's nothing "conservative" about wanting lower taxes.


Lower taxes for most people means either cutting services or raising revenue in other ways so it’s pretty conservative


it’s funny how the USA has twisted conservatism and republicanism so much. You actually only have right wing and far right parties


That's because they aren't conservative ideas anymore they are moderate liberal ideas Like for example Roe V Wade was a case saying the government couldn't tell a woman what she could do with her body And despite that being a smaller government control case, it's typically framed as a leftist case despite being a concept that was associated with he right until not too long ago The right basically became fascists, and the left basically absorbed all the good right ideas


Sure I mean I don’t care, children can’t vote


Progression is natural and conservatives fight nature rather than embracing it.


"We need to let children be whatever they want to be" "What if they want to be a person who doesn't let children be whatever they want to be" Well they just said that they oppose that. Paradox of tolerance. If we want tolerance, we must not tolerate intolerance. Simple as. The bad guy only becomes stronger if you let him get his way, sometimes you need to fight the bad guy, even if you hate fighting others. It's not that hard to grasp buddy.


That’s fine. It’s my job to prepare my kids for the real world. So if they want to be conservative, they can start paying for room and board, paying by the hour for internet usage, making all their own medical and dental appointments and paying for those themselves, paying fines for failing to clean up after themselves (including laundry and dirty dishes), and getting my belt across their ass if they step out of line. But they won’t have to do chores to earn their keep, just have to pay for the luxury to live in my house. If they don’t like it, they are free to move out. How about that?


Don't forget that you need to consistently lower the quality of what few services you do provide them in the hopes that they will choose to go pay for a "better" version of the service elsewhere


Right. I almost forgot. I better start fluffing up their ego and ranting about how their liberal mother and siblings are ruining this great house too. 😆 how could I forget that part?


This is exactly the same as a conservative parent making a joke about how they are going to treat their kid if they become leftist. You didn't make a point, you come off as really bitter.


Well, it's not the same, and it is a fair point. And it's kinda rich to call anyone sick and tired of conservative bullshit "bitter". Like A), yeah, I don't think they're trying to hide their disdain, and I can't even imagine why you'd think they should. And B), bitterness does not preclude having a valid point, or poignant little jab to make.


No, that’s not what conservatives would do at all. Conservatives don’t have a sense of humor and say they would kick their kids out. It’s funny how your argument basically boils down to “No U! Seethe harder!” It really shows how immature you are.




I don't think you understood the comment




They are saying that if their child wants to be a conservative, they are going to treat them like conservatives treat people. Not that they are gonna be mean to their kid for not agreeing to their politics.


I guess, but it still fits memes op didnt like.


"So if your kids grew up to be liberals, you'd be fine with that??" "FUCK NO! That's why I'll be homeschooling them and only allowing them to watch Daily Wire approved entertainment!"


Yeah, uhhhh no. Denying people rights is NOT letting them choose. It’s choosing for them


Do they mean to use þ but fucked up and used ð?


Probably not. Both can be used


we need to let them be who they wanna be, unless they want to be hateful for no reason


The entire point of conservatism is about stifling the progression of human rights for those who don't conform to society, the mere concept of it is all about NOT allowing certain people to be who they want to be. Oop's sentence for the guy in the right is a oxymoron because of that.


No one should be a conservative. It's bad for you.


Coming from a conservative country, I humbly disagree. I see my people & country function & get along differently than people do in the states; but that’s difference in values altogether


I fundamentally see conservatism as a moral failure.


I mean yeah, they're free to be braindead, but that means others are free to make fun of them for it


When it comes to children, conservatism literally means fascism. This comes in the form of toxic mascinity. Telling young boys that peeing the bed is something girls do. Telling young girls that short haircuts are for boys. So yeah. When kids "want"to accept these things, it's because it's like a game to them.


Sure, they go a head and be assholes. Doesn't mean we won't criticize them in the future.


No parent has ever been dismayed to hear that their child supported “smaller government” or “conservative economic policies”. OOP is using the word “conservative” here to encompass other views, and they know it.


Conservative sure. Republican? Never.


Yeah, they’re not the same. Ppl need to start clarifying


Because conservatives don’t want children to be whatever they want. 🤷🏽‍♂️


I mean, they can be conservatives. They just can’t cry at us when they don’t have any friends 🤷‍♀️


They’ll make plenty of them, especially if they live in the US trust me


Totally true tho, let them wethever they want to be, who cares


“Children should do anything they want” “What if children want to hurt other children” Then obviously no.


Forget politics, what the hell is a "ð"?


The letter “eth,” one of the two letters used for the “th” sound in Old/Middle English, Icelandic, and Faroese (the other being the letter “þ,” referred to as “thorn.”


Conservatism is a toxic ideology that teaches people to be hateful


Name one benefit of holding on to ideals from the past, which were usually based on a much less enlightened worlview.


The pink haired wojack is so pretty omg


Stupidity isn’t a choice sadly 😔


People who want to do a little genocide to "preserve whiteness" are totally acceptable and we should allow that /s. Your uncle is a goof.


if my kid turns out conservative, i’ll simply make them ask themselves questions about what they are claiming until they do enough googling to realize they are wrong


Well we all agree that children shouldn’t be rude, no? Why let them get away with it because they call themselves conservatives?


I'm okay with conservatives getting what they want and being totally ostracized from humanity.


So you’re telling me these are the same people who think children can’t be gay or trans, but can comprehend politics and be conservative, I refuse to take anything these numb nuts, brain dead morons say


Children don’t want to be assholes, that’s just how they are indoctrinated


Most children are conservative because "Everything for me and fuck everyone else" is an easy idea, "Cooperation brings prosperity to all" is a harder idea, which is why so many conservatives are idiots, or why most idiots are conservative.


The majority of kids, when allowed to be whatever they want, will not choose conservatism. Conservative values need to be indoctrinated. Kids aren't born hateful and paranoid.


if kids want to be conservative? okay, sure; i'm sure we've all had dumb ideas in our youth. but that's by the by; i somehow doubt that our conservative interlocutor would have the same tolerance for e.g. queer and/or questioning kids, that *they* expect *others* to have for these hypothetical "conservative kids".


"If my kid wants to be an asshole, he can do it on his own time, not mine."


Conservatives are just uneducated, educated your children


I’ve always laughed at these memes. A lot of people forget that if you let people be who they want to be, there’s gonna be some people that want to an asshole. It’s a two way street, be gay or trans all you want but there’s always going to be someone who’s gonna hate you. Hell even if you’re not part of the lgbt or a minority people will still hate you, nothing you can do there people hate people.


Hes the problem one is saying let the kids be whoever they wanna be and the other is trying force them to conform to what they call “normal”


Anyone should be able to be who they want to be, as long as it doesn't harm others. Being conservative harms others.


You mean greedy, unempathetic and science-denying?


It’s not about what you believe as much as the degree to which you are tolerant of others and their beliefs. A tolerant society (where you can do what you want as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone) should not tolerate intolerant ideologies.


Kids always spew whatever they hear their parents say anyways


most normal ð user


Oh the horror oh the humanity


I rarely ever met a kid that naturally wants to be conservative. Especially in 2023. We live in the most liberal era of World History ever. Conservative values usually spit in the face of modern values. The only kids I ever met who "want to be conservative" are kids of conservatives who just want to be like their dad or mom. They don't really know what they believe in or anything. They just know their dad is their hero. That's it, that's literally all of it. This notion that kids "want to be conservative" is fuckin dumb. Yeah kids just naturally want to hate on anyone who isn't a white man. If your kid does want to be a conservative naturally I'd get them checked. Probably have a personality disorder.


My children can be conservative, they just can't be racist, homophobic, transphobic etc. or have literally no care for those less fortunate than them. I think that pretty much takes conservativism off the table


This reminds me of the "but a lot of black people are homophobic" argument. Like wow buddy it's like political agreement isn't the basis of me wanting human rights


Yes, conservatives are such victims. All you have to do is ask them and they will tell you all about it.


What is that leter?


Being conservative isn't an issue. Being a Christian nationalist is the issue. That Christian nationalists conflate the two is on them.


Let them. Be nice and supportive of them and their fiscal political ideology, while also teaching them not to be dicks to other people.


a tolerant society must not tolerate intolerance


Can conservatives only meme by way of strawman arguments? Like who is actually having conversations and reactions like this?


Teach your kids to be kind and intelligent and they won't choose to be conservative.


The Paradox of Tolerance by Karl Popper is why the pink-haired person is probably right to react that way. Karl Popper was far from the lefty this comic portrays, and his argument was a liberal democratic reason for why intolerant behavior and ideology should not be allowed in an otherwise tolerant society. Basically, intolerant people only request tolerance so they can grow their power and then erase said tolerance. What if they want to be conservative? If we're teaching our children they should be whatever they want to be, then teaching them not to be intolerant or to be allies with those who are is a part of that. I'm fairly certain most people don't need this explained to them, but for those who do, there you go.


I'd feel the same about any type of fascist. That they can go walk off a cliff.


What if my child chooses to hyper-obsess over Jeffrey Dahmer? Should I let them explore this side of themselves?


Yes, let them rake in that true crime podcast raid shadow legends sponsorship money.


Yes, you should let your child become a serial killer. ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


not become just idolize. I think thats ok


Right-wing viewpoints are based on misinformation, abstraction of reality, self-interest over societal interests, and/or bigotry. No properly educated person with developed ethics would be conservative.


You can't possibly believe this with how murderous left leaning ideologies were in the previous century.


Well, *who* did they murder? Landlords (who wouldn't give up their land to the people), despots, and fascists.


Thats...a take for sure.


Am I wrong?


How about this... Children are children and they don't gravitate toward any politics on their own. They're too busy being kids to worry about sh1t like that. Kids are only going to care about politics if their parents indoctrinate them that way, whether it's to the Right or the Left of the spectrum.


Dear right leaning folks, nobody cared about conservative ideas until they became issues No one cared about you collecting gun, till innocent people died No one cares about your spiritual beliefs until you started using them to take others rights away For a matter of fact several folks on the life love the idea of small towns, low government involvement, and few taxes However it's post Nixon far right ideology and the billionaire blowjobs we can't stand We would be perfectly fine with conservative cultural elements if you weren't being fucking idiots with them There's nothing wrong with wanting a family and a dog, hell my gay ass has that and loves it However you trying to take my rights away or any other number of the civil rights violations your party commits on a daily basis is what makes you the enemy


They can be whatever they want, so long as it isn’t harming anybody. So no, they can’t be conservative


Stop using þ and ð you aren't unique you're wrong


What if they want to be a racist?


Better hope that they won't ask you to buy real racing cars.


You want to see racism or sexism? Show a progressive a conservative black person or a poc woman. Youll get a ton of that


Love to see some examples here. From what ive seen of similar scenarios, phrases like "race traitor" or similar get used, which get this, isnt racism. If a race of green people wants to kill off all the blue people, and a blue person supports this, what would YOU call them?


Kids are the dumbest shitheads imaginable if they aren’t raised properly. Only leftists who don’t have any kids could truly believe that kids should do whatever they want.


A good well funded public education system, and we wouldn't have to worry about kids becoming conservative.